MultiVariate (Dynamic) Generalized Additive Models
The goal of the mvgam
📦 is to fit Bayesian Dynamic Generalized
Additive Models (DGAMs) that can include highly flexible nonlinear
predictor effects for both process and observation components. The
package does this by relying on functionalities from the impressive
packages. Parameters are estimated
using the probabilistic programming language
, giving users access to the most advanced
Bayesian inference algorithms available. This allows mvgam
to fit a
very wide range of models, including:
- Multivariate State-Space Time Series Models
- Hierarchical N-mixture Models
- Hierarchical Generalized Additive Models
- Joint Species Distribution Models
Install the stable version from CRAN
, or install the development version from
using: devtools::install_github("nicholasjclark/mvgam")
. You
will also need a working version of Stan
installed (along with either
and/or cmdstanr
). Please refer to installation links for
with rstan
here, or for Stan
with cmdstandr
was originally designed to analyse and forecast non-negative
integer-valued data (counts). These data are traditionally challenging
to analyse with existing time-series analysis packages. But further
development of mvgam
has resulted in support for a growing number of
observation families that extend to other types of data. Currently, the
package can handle data for the following families:
for real-valued datastudent_t()
for heavy-tailed real-valued datalognormal()
for non-negative real-valued dataGamma()
for non-negative real-valued databetar()
for proportional data on(0,1)
for binary datapoisson()
for count datanb()
for overdispersed count databinomial()
for count data with known number of trialsbeta_binomial()
for overdispersed count data with known number of trialsnmix()
for count data with imperfect detection (unknown number of trials)
See ?mvgam_families
for more information. Below is a simple example
for simulating and modelling proportional data with Beta
over a set of seasonal series with independent Gaussian Process dynamic
data <- sim_mvgam(
family = betar(),
T = 80,
trend_model = GP(),
prop_trend = 0.5,
seasonality = 'shared'
Plot the series to see how they evolve over time
data = data$data_train,
series = 'all'
Fit a State-Space GAM to these series that uses a hierarchical cyclic seasonal smooth term to capture variation in seasonality among series. The model also includes series-specific latent Gaussian Processes with squared exponential covariance functions to capture temporal dynamics
mod <- mvgam(
y ~ s(season, bs = 'cc', k = 7) +
s(season, by = series, m = 1, k = 5),
trend_model = GP(),
data = data$data_train,
newdata = data$data_test,
family = betar()
Plot the estimated posterior hindcast and forecast distributions for each series
fc <- forecast(mod)
plot(fc, series = 1),
plot(fc, series = 2),
plot(fc, series = 3),
ncol = 2
Various S3
functions can be used to inspect parameter estimates, plot
smooth functions and residuals, and evaluate models through posterior
predictive checks or forecast comparisons. Please see the package
for more detailed examples.
You can set build_vignettes = TRUE
when installing but be aware this
will slow down the installation drastically. Instead, you can always
access the vignette htmls online at
When using any software please make sure to appropriately acknowledge the hard work that developers and maintainers put into making these packages available. Citations are currently the best way to formally acknowledge this work (but feel free to ⭐ the repo as well), so we highly encourage you to cite any packages that you rely on for your research.
When using mvgam
, please cite the following:
Clark, N.J. and Wells, K. (2023). Dynamic Generalized Additive Models (DGAMs) for forecasting discrete ecological time series. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI:
As mvgam
acts as an interface to Stan
, please additionally cite:
Carpenter B., Gelman A., Hoffman M. D., Lee D., Goodrich B., Betancourt M., Brubaker M., Guo J., Li P., and Riddell A. (2017). Stan: A probabilistic programming language. Journal of Statistical Software. 76(1). DOI:
relies on several other R
packages and, of course, on R
itself. To find out how to cite R
and its packages, use citation()
There are some features of mvgam
which specifically rely on certain
packages. The most important of these is the generation of data
necessary to estimate smoothing splines and Gaussian Processes, which
rely on the mgcv
, brms
and splines2
packages. The rstan
packages together with Rcpp
makes Stan
accessible in R
. If you use some of these features, please also
consider citing the related packages.
A number of case studies and step-by-step webinars have been compiled to highlight how GAMs and DGAMs can be useful for analysing multivariate data:
- Time series in R and Stan using the
package - Ecological Forecasting with Dynamic Generalized Additive Models
- State-Space Vector Autoregressions in
- How to interpret and report nonlinear effects from Generalized Additive Models
- Phylogenetic smoothing using mgcv
- Distributed lags (and hierarchical distributed lags) using mgcv and mvgam
- Incorporating time-varying seasonality in forecast models
If you encounter a clear bug, please file an issue with a minimal
reproducible example on
GitHub. Please also
feel free to use the mvgam
Board to hunt for
or post other discussion topics related to the package, and do check out
the mvgam
changelog for
any updates about recent upgrades that the package has incorporated.
I’m actively seeking PhD students and other researchers to work in the
areas of ecological forecasting, multivariate model evaluation and
development of mvgam
. Please reach out if you are interested
(n.clark’at’ Other contributions are also very welcome, but
please see The Contributor
for general guidelines. Note that by participating in this project you
agree to abide by the terms of its Contributor Code of