A twitch chatbot that automatically converts what people say in chat into gifs that appear in your stream using giphy
Twitch oauth key for your bot's account
Clone this repo to your computer
Create a .env file with the following variables in this directory:
# .env
TWITCH_USERNAME=<your bot's username>
TWITCH_OAUTH=oauth:<your bot's oauth key>
TWITCH_CHANNEL=<your twitch channel>
STREAM_WIDTH=<width in pixels>
STREAM_HEIGHT=<height in pixels>
GIPHY_API_KEY=<your giphy api key>
GIF_RATING=<a giphy rating setting> #options: "y", "g", "pg", "pg-13", "r", "unrated", "nsfw", ""
and then run npm install
and node bot.js
and everything will start running
Add a new Browser Source overlay on your stream and point it to http://localhost:3000 and the gifs will show up on stream
Commands are sent to the bot through twitch chat.
The bot turns any line of text in chat into a gif by passing the line as a search to giphy and grabbing a random result
Commands (only useable by channel owner):
: when active the bot will only read lines starting with !gif and use the text following that to search!edgeMode
: forces all gifs to the edge of the screen!gifRating <rating>
: sets the rating for gifs!numGifs <number>
: sets the number of gifs that can be displayed at once before old ones are removed!gifTimeout <number>
: sets the time in seconds it takes to remove old gifs -- note that due to the 5 second refresh delay this won't be perfect
Command (useable by anyone):
: puts a link to the source code in chat
- Sub only mode?
- Add options to specify the gif page's port
- Allow users to specify gif urls they want to appear (dangerous!)
- Allow users to give coordinates of where they want gif to appear (dangerous?)
- Start the bot in !commandMode
- Eliminate refresh blink
- Have it live update (unsure how besides maybe encoding all gifs into video stream or maybe canvas element, need to investigate)
- reduce overlap of gifs by excluding occupied regions
- give channel owner ability to remove gif
- ban people from using bot