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Releases: nf-cmgg/germline

v1.5.0 - Amazing Antwerp

04 Mar 08:15
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  1. Updated to the nf-core template v2.13.0
  2. Updated all GATK modules to
  3. Moved the pipeline from to


  1. VCF files created with haplotypecaller now have the haplotypecaller tag in the filename instead of gatk4-joint to keep naming consistent

v1.4.2 - Vibrant Veurne

25 Jan 15:56
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  1. Set the default ensembl VEP version to 105.0 instead of using dynamic container fetching

v1.4.1 - Lively Leuven

15 Jan 08:40
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New Features

  1. Added the --output_suffix parameter to add a custom suffix to the basename of the output files.
  2. Implemented files for the alphamissense plugin of VEP.
  3. Added the --only_pass parameter to only output variants that have the PASS flag in the FILTER column. (This is only applied when --filter is also given)
  4. Added the --keep_alt_contigs parameter. This will tell the pipeline to not filter out the alternate contigs, which will now be done by default.
  5. Add dbsnp Ids to VCFs coming from vardict. This will be done automatically if a dbsnp VCF is given to the pipeline through the --dbsnp parameter.


  1. Updated the seqplorer profile so that the output filenames are correct for easy import
  2. Changed the separator in --vcfanno_resources to ;
    instead of , to allow commas in glob patterns.
  3. Removed the reheader step from the vardict subworkflow and added a simple sed substitution to the vardictjava module
  4. vcf2db now uses a python 2 environment to increase it's stability

v1.4.0 - Kingly Kortrijk

06 Dec 15:22
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New Features

  1. Added the --callers parameter to specify the variant caller to use. Currently only haplotypecaller and vardict are supported.
  2. Added the vardict variant caller.
  3. Added the --vardict_min_af parameter to specify the minimum allele frequency for vardict. This option is also available in the samplesheet as vardict_min_af to set it dynamically per sample.
  4. Added the --output_genomicsdb option to specify whether a GenomicsDB should be outputted or not. This will be true when using only_merge.
  5. Added --normalize options for decomposing and normalizing of variants after calling and genotyping.
  6. Added WGS, WES, SeqCap, HyperCap and seqplorer profiles that can be used to set the default parameters for these types of runs.


  1. Refactored the pipeline to accomodate future additions of variant callers and genotypers
  2. Removed a lot of unnecessary bloat
  3. Improved GenomicsDBImport (can now be multithreaded and runs a lot faster). This will make very big runs more possible.
  4. Changed coverage_fast to mosdepth_slow, reversing the effect of the parameter. By default mosdepth will now be run with --fast-mode. This can be disabled using the new mosdepth_slow parameter.
  5. Automatically merge the regions that are within 150 bps of eachother for the variant calling. This way it's ensured that indel calling happens correctly.


  1. Fixed an issue with the outputting of the validation PNG files, now all three types of PNGs are outputted.
  2. Fixed a small issue where VCFs without a sample created by the callers could not be used by bcftools concat, these files will now be filtered from the input of the command.
  3. Removed the --maxentscan parameter because this file is automatically present in the container

v1.3.0 - Happy Hasselt

10 Jul 11:54
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New Features

  1. Added the --only_call parameter. Specifying this parameter tells the pipeline to only do variant calling and skip all post-processing. This will only output the GVCFs and files created to help variant calling.
  2. The samplesheet is now also in the output folder.
  3. Added an option --only_merge to tell the pipeline to create genomicsdbs and stop running there
  4. Get regions from the GVCF instead of CRAM for joint genotyping. This removes the need to supply a CRAM file when a GVCF file has been used as input.


  1. Updated nf-validation to v0.2.1.
  2. Updated the samtools/merge tool to the nf-core version. This increases the efficiency and disk space usage of the tool.


  1. Fixed an error where the truth VCFs caused a join error when the same sample was given multiple times
  2. Updated some outdated error messages

v1.2.2 - Benign Brussels

12 Jun 11:00
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Changed the output directory structure to be more bcbio like

v1.2.1 - Balanced Brussels

05 Jun 08:12
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New Features

  1. Added support for the nf-validation plugin.
  2. Haplotypecaller dragen mode will be automatically disabled when not using a dragstr model.

Bug fixes

  1. Removed bedtools/jaccard
  2. Fixed some patterns in the parameter JSON schema (since they are actually used now)
  3. Fixed a breaking bug where mosdepth didn't output the callable regions (this makes v1.2.0 deprecated, please use v1.2.1 instead)


  1. Genomicsdbs aren't scattered now, this increases the precision of the analyis by almost 3% at the cost of a bit longer runtimes
  2. Actually do the validation on the output VCFs now instead the freshly called GVCFs
  3. Improved the efficiency of the VEP run by scattering more efficiently on the amount of variants instead of the chromosomes

v1.2.0 - Brave Brussels

05 May 14:51
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WARNING: This version contains a fatal bug with Mosdepth which causes the pipeline to only call on low coverage regions. Please use the dev branch in the meantime.

New Features

  1. Added a --coverage_fast <true/false> flag which can be used to run mosdepth in fast mode. This flag will also make sure that only the quantized bed from mosdepth is present in the output directory for each WGS individual, otherwise it will output everything
  2. Added the possibility to give GVCF files as inputs and immediately go to the joint-genotyping. This is especially useful for the cases where several samples should be combined. This way the variant calling doesn't need to be re-run. Beware though that a CRAM file should still be given to generate the BED files used for the scatter/gathering. The new header names are gvcf and tbi where gvcf is used to give the GVCF and tbi is used to give its index.
  3. Added bedtools jaccard to the validation.
  4. Added a Dockerfile which creates an image that is able to run a full pipeline run inside of it.
  5. Added better documentation


  1. Updated the scattering again: it now follows this workflow:
    • Sort and merge overlapping intervals of given ROI BED files (WES only)
    • Create a BED file with callable regions using mosdepth
    • Intersect the callable regions BED with the ROI BED (WES only)
    • Split the resulting BED file (or the callable regions BED for WGS) into evenly sized BED files (amount is specified with --scatter_count)
    • Run HaplotypeCaller in parallel using these regions
    • Merge and sort the BED files of all individuals in a family
    • Split the merged BED file into evenly sized BED files (amount is specified with --scatter_count times the family size)
    • Run GenomicsDBImport and GenotypeGVCFs in parallel using these regions
  2. Updated the resource requirements of GenomicsDBImport and GenotypeGVCFs to be more efficient (and more cluster friendly)
  3. Removed ReblockGVCFs (this wasn't worth it and we save the raw GVCFs)
  4. Added --merge_distance <integer> to decrease the amount of intervals passed to genomicsdbimport. Increase this value if GenomicsDBImport is running slow.
  5. Renamed --use_dragstr_model to --dragstr.

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed a warning showing up when running with --dragstr false
  2. Add --infer flag to somalier relate when no PED file is given

v1.1.2 - Groovy Ghent

21 Mar 10:21
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New features

  1. Added a parameter for setting the splitting depth threshold --split_threshold FLOAT


  1. Change the default splitting threshold to 0.2 instead of 0.3

v1.1.1 - Golden Ghent

20 Mar 15:10
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  1. Set the default of --validate to false

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed a bug with ensembl VEP. Filenames of the alt contigs should now have a _alt suffix instead of all alt contigs.
  2. Added file-exist check to the sdf file
  3. Fixed the scattering when using alt contigs