All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
7.0.0 (2025-01-09)
- remove app-content-details from global styling (12707c4)
- routing add proper routing for circles(a0a80c9)
- share address books with user groups (6e87aca)
- circles misaligned member modal headings (a5ec367)
- adjust spacing and alignment in the contact details view (75ee842)
- Adjust styling of team resource images (8b65d58)
- Allow dynamic autoloading for classes added during upgrade (08e5f9e)
- bundle moment.js locale data (9fb1d09)
- check if photo property is set before downloading (f33c353)
- CircleDetails: Improve calculation of member list (05be5e3)
- CircleNavigationItem: Rename 'add member' to 'manage team' (eda53a5)
- circles: sort fallback if not member of circle (05f04df)
- contacts: split up detailed-name again to fix vCard (501b990)
- convert pre-commit to common js (afd5a5a)
- convert pre-commit.js to ES module (6f06719)
- copy: Hide not copyable addressbooks in copy select (b588aac)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/auth from 2.3.0 to ^2.4.0 (ef072de)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/axios from 2.5.0 to ^2.5.1 (85f127a)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/cdav-library from 1.3.0 to ^1.4.0 (a02a4b5)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/cdav-library from 1.4.0 to ^1.5.1 (ff451d0)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/cdav-library from 1.5.1 to ^1.5.2 (0277f19)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.1 to ^5.3.2 (c89c5e1)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.2 to ^5.3.3 (f2941f8)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.3 to ^5.3.4 (63bdf07)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.4 to ^5.3.5 (fd6bb23)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.5 to ^5.3.7 (2e6b7cf)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.7 to ^5.3.8 (a7abab3)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/event-bus from 3.3.1 to ^3.3.1 (b1af001)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/files from 3.4.1 to ^3.4.1 (cb81009)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/files from 3.4.1 to ^3.5.0 (718a090)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/files from 3.5.0 to ^3.5.1 (ef312d3)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/files from 3.5.1 to ^3.6.0 (770b27c)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/files from 3.8.0 to ^3.8.0 (769a947)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/files from 3.8.0 to ^3.9.0 (3a016b2)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/files from 3.9.1 to ^3.10.0 (498fb12)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/files from 3.9.1 to ^3.9.1 (1e086f9)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/l10n from 2.2.0 to v3 (df25646)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/logger from 2.7.0 to v3 (73eecbc)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/paths from 2.2.1 to ^2.2.1 (9b6c6d3)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/router from 2.2.0 to v3 (96af3c5)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/sharing from 0.1.0 to ^0.2.2 (29c3f76)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/sharing from 0.2.3 to ^0.2.3 (03d3efc)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.11.3 to ^8.12.0 (21dbcf5)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.12.0 to ^8.13.0 (56fc63c)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.13.0 to ^8.14.0 (5d85e20)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.14.0 to ^8.15.0 (5dc3c14)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.15.0 to ^8.15.1 (0919189)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.15.1 to ^8.18.0 (096dd07)
- deps: bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.18.0 to ^8.19.0 (f59b0f2)
- deps: bump @vueuse/core from 10.11.1 to ^10.11.1 (17b1ac7)
- deps: bump @vueuse/core from 10.11.1 to v11 (5545596)
- deps: bump @vueuse/core from 10.9.0 to ^10.11.0 (09b06c9)
- deps: bump @vueuse/core from 11.0.3 to ^11.1.0 (e66804d)
- deps: bump @vueuse/core from 11.1.0 to ^11.2.0 (8d5dad1)
- deps: bump @vueuse/core from 11.2.0 to ^11.3.0 (38470f6)
- deps: bump debounce from 2.0.0 to ^2.1.0 (1834ff5)
- deps: bump debounce from 2.1.0 to ^2.1.1 (81ddf6e)
- deps: bump debounce from 2.1.1 to ^2.2.0 (5d2d79c)
- deps: bump ical.js from 1.5.0 to v2 (ef70705)
- deps: bump ical.js from 2.0.1 to ^2.1.0 (5ae2289)
- deps: bump p-limit from 5.0.0 to v6 (f8996aa)
- deps: bump pinia from 2.1.7 to ^2.2.2 (5e0ec67)
- deps: bump pinia from 2.2.2 to ^2.2.4 (92bcb60)
- deps: bump pinia from 2.2.4 to ^2.2.6 (81d78eb)
- deps: bump pinia from 2.2.6 to ^2.2.8 (1fe78fe)
- deps: bump pinia from 2.2.8 to ^2.3.0 (04a1d6f)
- deps: bump uuid from 10.0.0 to v11 (35dbc90)
- deps: bump uuid from 11.0.2 to ^11.0.3 (a854c30)
- deps: bump uuid from 9.0.1 to v10 (b350b27)
- deps: bump vue monorepo from 2.7.16 to ~2.7.16 (bda5244)
- deps: bump vue-material-design-icons from 5.3.0 to ^5.3.1 (b94efd8)
- deps: fix npm audit (7d53f6c)
- deps: fix npm audit (85197a0)
- deps: Fix npm audit (f3087bc)
- deps: Fix npm audit (c46b418)
- GroupNavigationItem: encode exported contact groups as UTF-8 (7e54582)
- improve matching for tel type parameter (503ae11)
- long contact name overlapping with other content (1db37fb)
- MemberList: Don't use VirtualList for listing members (3bf8e6c), closes #3996
- MembersListItem: Adjustments to ListItemIcon properties (5bb226f)
- Members: Rename 'Contact groups' to 'groups' (2d98c29), closes #3607
- redesign seetings toggle to Nextcloud 30 style (3e2e7e3)
- release: Fix wget output option (75c3b5b)
- remove loading contacts-index style (eca822f)
- remove prop mutation (cec394e)
- remove unused style (2f0282a)
- respect advanced group sharing settings in frontend (5450606)
- responsivness for contacts details (71d3bc9)
- scrobbale button in navigation (195a58e)
- settings: clarify settings option for open circle (0aba545)
- socialavatar: Match base class argument name (b0abe36)
- socialavatars: Fix HTTP client usage (687ab6b)
- support for RFC 6474 (b4e205d)
- update icon work (b224e5e)
- validate group name (eb4ea50)
- add support for webp contact avatars (e41a2e1)
- circles: sort by initiator level and change icons (143edd6)
- contacts: Show address book description if provided (69d14aa)
- create a readonly contactdetails (b5458b1)
- deps: Add Nextcloud 29 support (cd6b367)
- deps: Add nextcloud 30 support (425a906)
- deps: Add Nextcloud 31 support (166c6ff)
- Implement team overview page updates (e947bcc)
- improve group adding (ed0e80e)
- PropertyGroups: sort groups alphabetically (0ab7fea)
- Rebrand circles to teams in the frontend (45b7dca)
- rename and delete groups (88d9e72)
- show loading icon when deleting or renaming groups (0f43086)
- migrate to vite (5a2d57d)
- Revert "style(ContactsListItem): fix subtitle" (1c1b865)
- simplify constructor property declarations (0c0bf64)
5.3.0-beta2 (2023-05-12)
- contacts: display the new avatar on change (de726e1)
5.3.0-beta1 (2023-05-05)
- contacts: defer birthday exclusion until contact was loaded (2e1e139)
- contacts: display name not uri for recent-contacted address book (6421bd4)
- contacts: remove obsolete warning and fix header alignment (8ef7e85)
- defer rendering contact import button (8435aa7)
- disable select component if single option (836bb9a)
- double scrollbar in details pane (1f2f0fe)
- ellipsized "other social media" dropdown (85fde3a)
- improve design add new Property and change behaviour (16b93f8)
- mime case matching (fdbd984)
- 2464: exclude contact from birthday calendar (e9730d6)
- contacts: add add-prop button direct in prop (9fa3e81)
- contacts: adjust header to single column layout (f348b2e)
- contacts: implement final design enhancements from mockups (923d14b)
- contacts: implement read-only and edit modes (0972b74)
- contacts: implement single column layout (7a7a95e)
- deps: Add Nextcloud 27 support (dc5ae56)
- deps: Revive PHP7.4 support (508c5a1)
- autoloader: Use Composer's authoritative classmap (3ed7e01)
- bundles: migrate nc-vue imports (69a29d9)
- Revert "Bump vue and vue-template-compiler" (75518ea)
- Revert "Add manually-triggered branch-off workflow" (d1f2ea1)