is a driver for the database/sql
of Go (golang) to provide access to SAP ASE instances.
It is delivered as Go module.
SAP ASE is the shorthand for SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise, a relational model database server originally known as Sybase SQL Server.
A cgo implementation can be found here.
The go driver has no special requirements other than Go standard
library and the third part modules listed in go.mod
, e.g.
The packages in this repo can be go get
and imported as usual, e.g.:
go get github.com/SAP/go-ase
For specifics on how to use database/sql
please see the
The command-line application goase
can be go install
$ go install github.com/SAP/go-ase/cmd/goase@latest
go: downloading github.com/SAP/go-ase v0.0.0-20210506093950-9af676a6bab4
$ goase -h
Usage of goase:
--appname string Application Name to transmit to ASE (default "github.com/SAP/go-ase")
--channel-package-queue-size int How many TDS packages can be queued in a TDS channel (default 100)
--client-hostname string Hostname to send to server (default "dev-ase-sles15sp1-ntnn-1")
--cursor-cache-rows int How many rows to cache at once when reading the result set of a cursor (default 1000)
--database string Database
--debug-log-packages Log packages as they are transmitted/received
-f, --f string Read SQL commands from file
--host string Hostname to connect to
--maxColLength int Maximum number of characters to print for column (default 50)
--network string Network to use, either 'tcp' or 'udp' (default "tcp")
--no-query-cursor Prevents the use of cursors for database/sql query methods. See README for details.
--packet-read-timeout int Time in seconds to wait before aborting a connection when no response is received from the server (default 50)
--password string Password
--port string Port (Example: '443' or 'tls') to connect to
--tls-ca-file string Path to CA file to validate server certificate against
--tls-enable Enforce TLS use
--tls-hostname string Remote hostname to validate against SANs
--tls-skip-validation Skip TLS validation - accepts any TLS certificate
--username string Username
2021/05/06 11:31:44 goase failed: pflag: help requested
Example code:
package main
import (
_ "github.com/SAP/go-ase"
func main() {
db, err := sql.Open("ase", "ase://user:pass@host:port/")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to open database: %v", err)
defer db.Close()
if err := db.Ping(); err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to ping database: %v", err)
go build -o goase ./cmd/goase/
More examples can be found in the folder examples
Integration tests are available and can be run using go test --tags=integration
go test ./examples/... --tags=integration
These require the following environment variables to be set:
The integration tests will create new databases for each connection type to run tests against. After the tests are finished the created databases will be removed.
The configuration is handled through either a data source name (DSN) in one of two forms or through a configuration struct passed to a connector.
All of these support additional properties which can tweak the connection or the drivers themselves.
The URI DSN is a common URI like ase://user:pass@host:port/?prop1=val1&prop2=val2
DSNs in this form are parsed using url.Parse
The simple DSN is a key/value string: username=user password=pass host=hostname port=4901
Each member of Info
is recognized by its json
metadata tag or any of
its multiref
metadata tags.
Values with spaces must be quoted using single or double quotes.
As an alternative to the string DSNs ase.NewConnector
accept a Info
directly and return a driver.Connector
, which can be passed to
package main
import (
func main() {
info := ase.NewInfo()
info.Host = "hostname"
info.Port = "4901"
info.Username = "user"
info.Password = "pass"
connector, err := ase.NewConnector(d)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to create connector: %v", err)
db, err := sql.OpenDB(connector)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to open database: %v", err)
defer db.Close()
if err := db.Ping(); err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to ping ASE: %v", err)
Recognized values: string
Sets the application name to the value. This can be used in ASE to determine which application opened a connection.
Defaults to database/sql driver github.com/SAP/go-ase/purego
Recognized values: string
The network must be a network type recognized by net.Dial
- at the
time of writing this is either udp
or tcp
This should only be required to be set if the database is only reachable through a UDP proxy.
Defaults to tcp
Recognized values: integer
Defines how many packages a TDS channel can buffer at most. When working with very large datasets where heavy computation only occurs every hundred packages or so it may be feasible to improve performance by increasing the queue size.
Defaults to 100.
Recognized values: string
The client-hostname to report to the TDS server. Due to protocol limitations this will be cut off after 30 characters.
Defaults to the hostname of the machine, acquired using os.Hostname
Recognized values: integer
The timeout in seconds when a packet is read. The timeout is reset every time a packet successfully reads data from the connection.
That means the timeout only triggers if no data was read for longer than
Default to 50.
Recognized values: bool
Activates TLS for the connection. Any other TLS option is ignored unless tls is set to true.
Defaults to true if the target port is 443, false otherwise.
Recognized values: string
Allows to pass SAN for TLS validation.
For compatibility with the cgo implementation you may also use ssl
instead of tls-hostname
and pass CN=<SAN>
instead of <SAN>
Defaults to empty string.
Please note that as of go1.15 the CommonName in x509 certificates is no
longer recognized as the hostname if no SANs are present in the
If the certificate for your TDS server only utilizes the CN you can
reenable this behaviour by setting GODEBUG
to x509ignoreCN=0
in your
GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 <path/to/your/app>
GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 go run ./cmd/goase
For details see https://golang.google.cn/doc/go1.15#commonname
Recognized values: string
If the value is recognized by strconv.ParseBool
to represent true
the TLS certificate of the TDS server will not be validated.
Defaults to empty string / false.
Recognized values: string
Path to a CA file, which may contain multiple CAs, to validate the TDS servers certificate against. If empty the servers trust store is used.
Defaults to empty string.
Recognized values: bool
Prevents the use of cursors for database/sql query methods.
By default go-ase creates cursors when a .Query*
method is used.
Depending on the query, expected result set, memory consumption and used hardware this may perform worse than a simple query.
It is strongly suggested to profile this option with your queries before enabling it.
Altneratively you can pass this option on a per-query basis in the context. See the documentation of Conn.QueryContext for details.
Nullable data types are implemented in go-dblib. However,
the implementation differs partially from drivers like isql
in regard
of "zero-length non-Null" string-types, e.g. ""
. Instead of inserting
such values as " "
, the methods stmt.Exec(...)
or db.Exec(...)
will insert these values as actual NULL
values. A legacy
-option to
insert such "zero-length non-Null" string-type values as " "
planned but not implemented yet. In the meantime, it is possible to
reproduce this behaviour by using language tokens as provided by the
executable goase
The go implementation is currently in beta and under active development. As such most features of the TDS protocol and ASE are not supported.
Regarding the limitations of prepared statements/dynamic SQL please see the Client-Library documentation.
The Client-Library documentation applies to the go implementation as these restrictions are imposed by the implementation of dynamic SQL on the server side.
Currently the following data types are not supported:
- Timestamp
- Univarchar
- Nullable Text
- Nullable Unitext
- Nullable Unichar
- Nullable Image
The list of known issues is available here.
Feel free to open issues for feature requests, bugs or general feedback here.
Any help to improve this package is highly appreciated.
For details on how to contribute please see the contributing file.
Copyright (c) 2019-2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.