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Release Workflow

Table of Content


Specify the release version.


Add your signing key to your Git configuration file, if not already there.

vim $HOME/.gitconfig

        email = [email protected]
        name = Michael Friedrich
        signingkey = D14A1F16


Check issues at

Backport Commits

For minor versions you need to manually backports any and all commits from the master branch which should be part of this release.


Update the .mailmap and AUTHORS files:

git checkout master
git log --use-mailmap | grep '^Author:' | cut -f2- -d' ' | sort -f | uniq > AUTHORS


Update the version:

sed -i "s/Version: .*/Version: $VERSION/g" VERSION


Choose the most important issues and summarize them in multiple groups/paragraphs. Provide links to the mentioned issues/PRs. At the start include a link to the milestone's closed issues.

Git Tag

git commit -v -a -m "Release version $VERSION"

Create a signed tag (tags/v) on the master branch (for major releases) or the support branch (for minor releases).

git tag -s -m "Version $VERSION" v$VERSION

Push the tag:

git push --tags

For major releases: Create a new support branch:

git checkout master
git push

git checkout -b support/2.12
git push -u origin support/2.12

Package Builds

mkdir $HOME/dev/icinga/packaging
cd $HOME/dev/icinga/packaging

RPM Packages

git clone [email protected]:icinga/rpm-icinga2.git && cd rpm-icinga2

DEB Packages

git clone [email protected]:packaging/deb-icinga2.git && cd deb-icinga2

Raspbian Packages

git clone [email protected]:icinga/raspbian-icinga2.git && cd raspbian-icinga2

Windows Packages

git clone [email protected]:icinga/windows-icinga2.git && cd windows-icinga2

Branch Workflow

Checkout master and create a new branch.

  • For releases use x.x[.x] as branch name (e.g. 2.11 or 2.11.1)
  • For releases with revision use x.x.x-n (e.g. 2.11.0-2)

Switch Build Type

Edit file .gitlab-ci.yml and comment variable ICINGA_BUILD_TYPE out.

  #ICINGA_BUILD_TYPE: snapshot

Commit the change.

git commit -av -m "Switch build type for $VERSION-1"

RPM Release Preparations

Set the Version, revision and %changelog inside the spec file:

sed -i "s/Version:.*/Version:        $VERSION/g" icinga2.spec

vim icinga2.spec

* Thu Sep 19 2019 Michael Friedrich <[email protected]> 2.11.0-1
- Update to 2.11.0

DEB and Raspbian Release Preparations

Update file debian/changelog and add at the beginning:

icinga2 (2.11.0-1) icinga; urgency=medium

  * Release 2.11.0

 -- Michael Friedrich <[email protected]>  Thu, 19 Sep 2019 10:50:31 +0200

Release Commit

Commit the changes and push the branch.

git commit -av -m "Release $VERSION-1"
git push origin 2.11

GitLab will now build snapshot packages based on the tag v2.11.0 of Icinga 2.

Package Tests

In order to test the created packages you can download a job's artifacts:

Visit and navigate to the respective pipeline under CI / CD -> Pipelines.

There click on the job you want to download packages from.

The job's output appears. On the right-hand sidebar you can browse its artifacts.

Once there, navigate to build/RPMS/noarch where you'll find the packages.

Release Packages

To build release packages and upload them to tag the release commit and push it.


git tag -s $VERSION-1 -m "Release v$VERSION-1"
git push origin $VERSION-1


git tag -s $VERSION -m "Release v$VERSION"
git push origin $VERSION

Now cherry pick the release commit to master so that the changes are transferred back to it.

Attention: Only the release commit. NOT the one switching the build type!

Build Infrastructure

  • Verify package build changes for this version.
  • Test the snapshot packages for all distributions beforehand.

Once the release repository tags are pushed, release builds are triggered and automatically published to

Release Tests

  • Test DB IDO with MySQL and PostgreSQL.
  • Provision the vagrant boxes and test the release packages.
  • Test the setup wizard inside a Windows VM.
  • Start a new docker container and install/run icinga2.


docker run -ti centos:7 bash

yum -y install
yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install icinga2
icinga2 daemon -C


docker run -ti ubuntu:bionic bash

apt-get update
apt-get -y install apt-transport-https wget gnupg

wget -O - | apt-key add -

. /etc/os-release; if [ ! -z ${UBUNTU_CODENAME+x} ]; then DIST="${UBUNTU_CODENAME}"; else DIST="$(lsb_release -c| awk '{print $2}')"; fi; \
 echo "deb icinga-${DIST} main" > \
 echo "deb-src icinga-${DIST} main" >> \

apt-get update

apt-get -y install icinga2
icinga2 daemon -C

GitHub Release

Create a new release for the newly created Git tag:

Hint: Choose tags, pick one to edit and make this a release. You can also create a draft release.

The release body should contain a short changelog, with links into the roadmap, changelog and blogpost.


Navigate to the git repository on your Windows box which already has chocolatey installed. Pull/checkout the release.

Create the nupkg package (or use the one generated on


Fetch the API key from and use the choco push command line.

choco apikey --key xxx --source

choco push Icinga2-v2.11.0.nupkg --source

Post Release

Online Documentation

Only required for major releases.

Navigate to puppet-customer/icinga.git and do the following steps:


git checkout testing && git pull
vim files/var/www/docs/config/icinga2-latest.yml

git commit -av -m "icinga-web: Update docs for Icinga 2"

git push

SSH into the webserver and do a manual Puppet dry run with the testing environment.

puppet agent -t --environment testing --noop

Once succeeded, continue with production deployment.


git checkout master && git pull
git merge testing
git push

SSH into the webserver and do a manual Puppet run from the production environment (default).

puppet agent -t

Manual Generation

SSH into the webserver or ask @bobapple.

cd /usr/local/icinga-docs-tools && ./build-docs.rb -c /var/www/docs/config/icinga2-latest.yml


Project Management

  • Add new minor version on GitHub.