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6aefe03 · May 24, 2019


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Home thermostat with touch display

ESP8266 programmable WiFi home thermostat

This is a smart WiFi IoT home thermostat made from a WeMos D1 Mini Pro, double solid state relays and a 240x320 touch display that is also logging to a webserver showing a nice gauge and a chart. The hysteresis on my old home thermostat is kaputt and the noises it makes by randomly switching on/off are very annoying, especially at night. The scope was to do these projects on my own, more or less from scratch, and not just buying and installing an already built one (see Links).

I used tzapu's WiFiManager so I don't have to hard-code the WiFi credentials, reflashing it every time I change my WiFi configuration.

A silent solid state relay avoids making those clicking noises when it turns the heating on or off. It's a double one for safety reasons, so it cuts both power lines to the heating system at once.

I suppose it could be integrated into Home Assistant (or anonther home automation system), but I didn't want that. I plan to make a nice, resposive web interface for the settings, hosted on my own webserver. For now, the crude php version which also controls my other thermostats is doing the job just fine (www branch on Arduino thermostat).


  • WiFiManager
  • touch LCD Display (resistive)
    • shows the measured and target temperatures and the heating system status.

Libraries needed

  • WiFiManager
  • ESP8266HTTPClient
  • ESP8266WebServer
  • ESP8266mDNS
  • OneWire
  • DallasTemperature
  • SSD1306Wire
  • ArduinoJson
  • Free_Fonts
  • time


  • display dimming after one minute
  • add info page for connection and other miscellaneous settings
  • add display page for scheduled timers
  • rearrange standard display, showing other useful stuff - like current time, day of week, outside temperature/weather, etc.
  • documentation, perhaps 'fritzing'


16MB WeMos D1 Mini Pro # NodeMcu # ESP8266 ESP-8266EX CP2104 for Arduino NodeMCU

2.8 Inch TFT SPI Serial Port LCD Touch Panel ILI9341 240x320 5V/3.3V BAF

1/2/4 Channel 5v OMRON SSR G3MB-202P Solid State Relay Module For Arduino

ESP8266 Display 2.8 inch Touch LCD with WeMos D1 mini board


Details zu Schwarz WiFi Funk Thermostat Raumthermostat Fußbodenheizung Programmierbar APP

Home Assistant


pic-01 pic-02 pic-03



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