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This is a tutorial on using mysql+nginx+uwsgi to quickly build a django server, using docker for one-click deployment, and say goodbye to the difficulty of environment construction


Description of parameters related to the .env file in the root directory:

  • COMPOSE_PROFILES has two values, release and debug, release will run uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini, and debug will run python runserver
  • DJANGO_PORT is the external port for debug, and NGINX_PORT is the external port for release
  • NGINX_SERVER_NAME is the server name, such as domain name or ip address

Get Started

Just run the command: [docker-compose up] in the root directory

$ git clone
$ cd django-mysql-uwsgi-mysql-docker-compose
$ docker-compose up #If you need to run in the background, add the -d parameter

After waiting for the startup to complete, you can visit Django's initialization webpage, the address is NGINX_SERVER_NAME in the .env file, similar to

Set the admin administrator to log in to the web background interface

$ docker ps
$ docker exec -ti django python createsuperuser

You can now log in to Django's admin page at NGINX_SERVER_NAME/admin, similar to

How to use your own project?

For related knowledge of docker-compose, please refer to: Django tutorial reference:

$ cd django-mysql-uwsgi-mysql-docker-compose
$ mv project project.bak
$ cp -r your-existing-project .
$ cp -r your-existing-app .

Note: If your project name is not project, you need to modify the DJANGO_PROJECT_NAME in the .env file in the root directory to be your project name

In your project directory, edit the your-existing-project/ file. Replace the DATABASES = ... with the following:

import os
DEBUG = True



    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': os.environ.get('MYSQL_NAME'),
        'USER': os.environ.get('MYSQL_USER'),
        'PASSWORD': os.environ.get('MYSQL_PASSWORD'),
        'HOST': os.environ.get('MYSQL_HOST'),
        'PORT': os.environ.get('MYSQL_PORT'),
        'OPTIONS': {
            "init_command": "SET foreign_key_checks = 0;",
            'charset': 'utf8mb4' #utf8mb4

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static').replace('\\', '/')
DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'

Then start to start. If you find that there are no dependent files, you need to update the requirements.txt file and rebuild until the dependencies are resolved and start normally.

$ docker-compose up
$ vi requirements.txt // Install dependencies if needed
$ docker-compose build


How to ensure that django starts working after mysql starts normally?

Refer to the wait-for scheme given by this website:, The github address is, It will wait for mysql to start normally before starting django

How to modify or increase the nginx configuration file?

You can modify or add the template file in the conf/templates directory. The shell environment variable can be used in this file.

What should I do if the startup fails?

Try restarting to see if it works, otherwise you can help to raise issues


The data of mysql is generated in data. If you need to clear the data, just delete the folder, but you need to be careful.