This guide contains information about how to implement payments in your Telegram Mini App
- Open BotFather and call
- From the menu select your bot
- From the Inline Keyboard press Settings -> Payments
- Select "Stripe test" system
- Open Stripe bot and follow instructions
- When you will be asking to create a Stripe test account, follow the Testing Stripe Connect guide
- After you create the Stirpe account, you will receive the "payment_token" from BotFather
When receiving the Payment Token, put at the server/.env
Then you'll be able to make test payments
When you're testing payments using Stripe Test Account, you can enter a 4242 4242 4242 4242
card number, any future expiration date and random CVC.
Stripe also have other test card numbers allowing to test different cases (success, failure, etc). Read more at Stripe docs:
- Stripe Test Mode — how get test account, keys, cards numbers etc
- Stripe Testing — detailed guide how to simulate transactions