diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d12de63..8b7af3a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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# Dashmips
-Dashmips is a Mips Interpreter CLI Program.
-## Requirements
+`dashmips` is a Mips Interpreter CLI program.
-Dashmips has no dependencies beyond requiring `python 3.7`.
-There is a dataclasses module for python 3.6 that may make this module work but it is untested.
+## [Documentation](https://github.com/nbbeeken/dashmips/wiki)
-## Install
+You can reference [this repository's wiki page](https://github.com/nbbeeken/dashmips/wiki) for CLI usage, debugging, and more!
-The recommended way to install dashmips is with pip:
-pip install dashmips
-## Usage
-If you installed via pip you should now have a binary in your path that you can launch by typing:
-or equivalently
-python -m dashmips
-## Running
-dashmips run FILE.mips
-> Note: FILE is a positional argument in the run subcommand
-## Debugging
-In order to leave a flexible environment for debugging dashmips doesn't provide an interface for human debugging of a mips program. Instead the debugger included is a server that accepts the json format of a mips program over the network and will do the requested operations returning an updated MipsProgram json object.
-There is a vscode extension that can speak dashmips specific json language [here](https://github.com/nbbeeken/dashmips-debugger).
-### Debugger Protocol
-The dashmips process loads the program from a file and opens a websocket. The supported commands can be found in dashmips/debug.py as functions prepended with `debug_`.
-The protocol loosely follows JSONRPC for the sake of quick development iteration it is not compliant however this could be easily remedied in a future release.
-## Contributing
-### Getting Setup
-If you want to contribute to the dashmips project you will need the following:
-- [Poetry](https://poetry.eustace.io/docs/) is used for dependencies, it will help get you up and running
-- After installing Poetry, and cloning this repository:
-- `poetry install` - will install the dashmips dependencies in a virtual environment that won't harm your global set up.
-- `poetry run X` - can run X command in the correct python environment
-- Try `poetry run pytest --tap-stream --tap-outdir=testout --mypy --docstyle --codestyle` to ensure all tests are passing correctly
-### Adding Syscalls / Adding Instructions
-You can add to the existing files in the `dashmips/instructions` and `dashmips/syscalls` directories using the relevant decorator (`@`).
-If you add instructions or syscalls to a new file in these subdirectories ensure that the new file is named with the pattern: `*_instructions.py` or `*_syscalls.py` where `*` is whatever identifier you choose.
-### Testing environment install
-To make sure dashmips installs correctly in a clean environment I've created a dockerfile that sets up the minimal required env for dashmips. The command below can be used to create the image.
-docker build --rm -f "tests\test_env\Dockerfile" -t dashmips_test_env:latest .
-Happy coding!
+Happy coding!