diff --git a/.cproject b/.cproject
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24035bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.cproject
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
diff --git a/.project b/.project
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..233c5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.project
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ Simulator
+ org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.genmakebuilder
+ clean,full,incremental,
+ ?name?
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.append_environment
+ true
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.autoBuildTarget
+ all
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.buildArguments
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.buildCommand
+ make
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.buildLocation
+ ${workspace_loc:/Simulator/Debug}
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.cleanBuildTarget
+ clean
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.contents
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.activeConfigSettings
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.enableAutoBuild
+ false
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.enableCleanBuild
+ true
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.enableFullBuild
+ true
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.fullBuildTarget
+ all
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.stopOnError
+ true
+ org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.useDefaultBuildCmd
+ true
+ org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ScannerConfigBuilder
+ full,incremental,
+ org.eclipse.cdt.core.cnature
+ org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.managedBuildNature
+ org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ScannerConfigNature
diff --git a/add.asm b/add.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cff56a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/add.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# The following program initializes an array of 10 elements and computes
+# a running sum of all elements in the array. The program prints the sum
+# of all the entries in the array.
+ add $t0, $zero, $zero # i = 0
+ add $t4, $zero, $zero # initialize the sum to zero
+ add $t5, $zero, $zero # initialize temporary register to zero
+ la $a0, array # load address of array
+ la $a1, array_size # load address of array_size
+ lw $a1, 0($a1) # load value of array_size variable
+ sll $t1, $t0, 2 # t1 = (i * 4)
+ add $t2, $a0, $t1 # t2 contains address of array[i]
+ sw $t0, 0($t2) # array[i] = i
+ addi $t0, $t0, 1 # i = i+1
+ add $t4, $t4, $t0 # sum($t4) = ($t4 + array[i])
+ slt $t3, $t0, $a1 # $t3 = ( i < array_size)
+ bne $t3, $zero, loop # if ( i < array_size ) then loop
+ add $t5, $a0, $zero # save contents of $a0 in temporary reg $t5
+ nop # done.
+ array: .word 0:10 # array of 10 words
+ array_size: .word 10 # size of array
+ message: .asciiz "The sum of numbers in array is: "
diff --git a/mipsInstructionMap.h b/mipsInstructionMap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b00b7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mipsInstructionMap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ *
+ * mipsInstructionMap.h
+ *
+ * Defines instructions as a hex value for comparison
+ *
+ * author: Nayef Copty
+ * date: 11/11/11
+ *
+ */
+// R-Type Instructions
+#define RTYPEOP 0x0
+#define ADD 0x20
+#define SUB 0x22
+#define AND 0x24
+#define OR 0x25
+#define SLL 0x0
+#define SLT 0x2A
+#define SRL 0x2
+#define JR 0x8
+// I-Type Instructions
+#define LW 0x23
+#define SW 0x2B
+#define ANDI 0xC
+#define ORI 0xD
+#define LUI 0xF
+#define BEQ 0x4
+#define BNE 0x5
+#define SLTI 0xA
+#define ADDI 0x8
+// J-Type Instructions
+#define J 0x2
+#define JAL 0x3
diff --git a/simulator.c b/simulator.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b59122d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simulator.c
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+ *
+ * simulator.c
+ *
+ * Main simulator class
+ *
+ * author: nayefc
+ */
+#include "simulator.h"
+#include "mipsInstructionMap.h"
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ printf("Incorrect number of arguments\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Open Input file
+ FILE *fp;
+ fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
+ if (fp == NULL) {
+ printf("Error opening input file.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // Initialize registers values' to 0x0
+ for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+ registers[i] = 0x0;
+ // Malloc memory
+ memory = (int *)malloc(3072 * sizeof(int));
+ if (memory == NULL) {
+ printf("Not enough memory. Aborting..\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // Initialize 'memory' array to -1
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3072; i++) {
+ memory[i] = -1;
+ }
+ // Initialize variables for parsing
+ char line[MAX_LENGTH+2];
+ char *p;
+ int i = 0, line_num = 0;
+ //int line_num = 0, i = 0, data_line = 0;
+ // Copy .text section to memory
+ while (fgets(line, MAX_LENGTH+2, fp) != NULL) {
+ line_num++;
+ // Remove '\n' from 'line'
+ p = strchr(line, '\n');
+ if (p != NULL)
+ *p = '\0';
+ memory[i] = getDec(line);
+ // If 'nop' found, move to 0x2000 in memory and break
+ if (strcmp(line, "00000000000000000000000000000000") == 0) {
+ i = 0x800;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ i++;
+ }
+ // Seek fp to first instruction in .data
+ char data[MAX_LENGTH+2];
+ int bytes = 33 * line_num;
+ fseek(fp, bytes, SEEK_SET);
+ // Copy .data section to memory
+ while (fgets(line, MAX_LENGTH+2, fp) != NULL) {
+ // Remove '\n' from 'line'
+ p = strchr(line, '\n');
+ if (p != NULL)
+ *p = '\0';
+ memory[i] = getDec(line);
+ i++;
+ }
+ // Parse .text section
+ while (memory[pc/4] != 0)
+ parse_instruction(memory[pc/4]);
+ advance_pc(4, "nop");
+ // Output registers
+ output();
+ // Dealloc .data
+ free(memory);
+ memory = NULL;
+ // Close File
+ fclose (fp);
+ return 0;
+ }
+// Function to take in instruciton to parse
+void parse_instruction(unsigned int sum) {
+ // Extract the opcode
+ int x = sum >> 26;
+ // R-Type Instruction - op, rs, rt, rd, sa, func
+ if (x == RTYPEOP) {
+ // Bitshift to extract the 'function' part of the instruction
+ unsigned int y = sum << 26;
+ y = y >> 26;
+ // jr rs
+ if (y == JR) {
+ int reg = (sum << 6);
+ reg = (sum >> 6);
+ pc = reg;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Get rs, rt, rd
+ int rs = (sum >> 21) & 0x1F;
+ int rt = (sum >> 16) & 0x1F;
+ int rd = (sum >> 11) & 0x1F;
+ int sa = (sum >> 6) & 0x1F;
+ isZero(rd);
+ // add rd, rs, rt
+ if (y == ADD) {
+ registers[rd] = registers[rs] + registers[rt];
+ advance_pc(4, "add");
+ }
+ // sub rd, rs, rt
+ else if (y == SUB) {
+ registers[rd] = registers[rs] - registers[rt];
+ advance_pc(4, "sub");
+ }
+ // and rd, rs, rt
+ else if (y == AND) {
+ registers[rd] = registers[rs] & registers[rt];
+ advance_pc(4, "and");
+ }
+ // or rd, rs, rt
+ else if (y == OR) {
+ registers[rd] = registers[rs] | registers[rt];
+ advance_pc(4, "or");
+ }
+ // slt rd, rs, rt
+ else if (y == SLT) {
+ if (registers[rs] < registers[rt])
+ registers[rd] = 0x1;
+ else
+ registers[rd] = 0x0;
+ advance_pc(4, "slt");
+ }
+ // sll rd, rt, sa
+ else if (y == SLL) {
+ registers[rd] = registers[rt] << sa;
+ advance_pc(4, "sll");
+ }
+ // srl rd, rt, sa
+ else if (y == SRL) {
+ registers[rd] = registers[rt] >> sa;
+ advance_pc(4, "srl");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If instruction is I-Type or J-Type
+ // I-Type: op, rs, rt, imm
+ else {
+ // Get rs, rt, immediate
+ int rs = (sum >> 21) & 0x1F;
+ int rt = (sum >> 16) & 0x1F;
+ unsigned short imm = sum & 0xFFFF;
+ // lw rt, immediate(rs)
+ if (x == LW) {
+ isZero(rt);
+ int addr = registers[rs] + imm;
+ registers[rt] = memory[addr/4];
+ advance_pc(4, "lw");
+ }
+ // sw rt, immediate(rs)
+ else if (x == SW) {
+ int addr = registers[rs] + imm;
+ memory[addr/4] = registers[rt];
+ advance_pc(4, "sw");
+ }
+ // andi rt, rs, immediate
+ else if (x == ANDI) {
+ isZero(rt);
+ int addr = rs + imm;
+ registers[rt] = registers[rs] & imm;
+ advance_pc(4, "andi");
+ }
+ // ori rt, rs, immediate
+ else if (x == ORI) {
+ isZero(rt);
+ registers[rt] = registers[rs] | imm;
+ advance_pc(4, "ori");
+ }
+ // slti rt, rs, immediate
+ else if (x == SLTI) {
+ isZero(rt);
+ if (registers[rs] < imm)
+ registers[rt] = 0x1;
+ else
+ registers[rt] = 0x0;
+ advance_pc(4, "slti");
+ }
+ // addi rt, rs, immediate
+ else if (x == ADDI) {
+ isZero(rt);
+ registers[rt] = registers[rs] + imm;
+ advance_pc(4, "addi");
+ }
+ // beq rs, rt, label
+ else if (x == BEQ) {
+ if (registers[rs] == registers[rt]) {
+ short shortImm = (short)imm;
+ advance_pc((shortImm << 2) + 4, "beq");
+ }
+ else
+ advance_pc(4, "beq");
+ }
+ else if (x == BNE) {
+ if (registers[rs] != registers[rt]) {
+ short shortImm = (short)imm;
+ advance_pc((shortImm << 2) + 4, "bne");
+ }
+ else
+ advance_pc(4, "bne");
+ }
+ // lui rt, immediate
+ else if (x == LUI) {
+ registers[rt] = imm << 16;
+ advance_pc(4, "lui");
+ }
+ // J-Type instructions
+ else {
+ rs = sum & 0x3FFFFFF;
+ // j immediate
+ if (x == J)
+ pc = (pc & 0xF0000000) | (rs << 2);
+ // jal immediate
+ else if (x== JAL) {
+ pc = (pc & 0xF0000000) | (rs << 2);
+ registers[31] = pc + 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Convert a binary string to a decimal value
+int getDec(char *bin) {
+ int b, k, m, n;
+ int len, sum = 0;
+ // Length - 1 to accomodate for null terminator
+ len = strlen(bin) - 1;
+ // Iterate the string
+ for(k = 0; k <= len; k++) {
+ // Convert char to numeric value
+ n = (bin[k] - '0');
+ // Check the character is binary
+ if ((n > 1) || (n < 0)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for(b = 1, m = len; m > k; m--)
+ b *= 2;
+ // sum it up
+ sum = sum + n * b;
+ }
+ return sum;
+// Check register is not zero
+void isZero(int reg) {
+ /*if (reg == 0x0) {
+ printf("Error. Cannot overwrite $zero register\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }*/
+// Advance PC
+void advance_pc(int step, char *instruction) {
+ pc += step;
+// Output reigsters
+void output() {
+ printf("1 $zero 0x%08x\n", registers[0]);
+ printf("2 $at 0x%08x\n", registers[1]);
+ printf("3 $v0 0x%08x\n", registers[2]);
+ printf("4 $v1 0x%08x\n", registers[3]);
+ printf("5 $a0 0x%08x\n", registers[4]);
+ printf("6 $a1 0x%08x\n", registers[5]);
+ printf("7 $a2 0x%08x\n", registers[6]);
+ printf("8 $a3 0x%08x\n", registers[7]);
+ printf("9 $t0 0x%08x\n", registers[8]);
+ printf("10 $t1 0x%08x\n", registers[9]);
+ printf("11 $t2 0x%08x\n", registers[10]);
+ printf("12 $t3 0x%08x\n", registers[11]);
+ printf("13 $t4 0x%08x\n", registers[12]);
+ printf("14 $t5 0x%08x\n", registers[13]);
+ printf("15 $t6 0x%08x\n", registers[14]);
+ printf("16 $t7 0x%08x\n", registers[15]);
+ printf("17 $s0 0x%08x\n", registers[16]);
+ printf("18 $s1 0x%08x\n", registers[17]);
+ printf("19 $s2 0x%08x\n", registers[18]);
+ printf("20 $s3 0x%08x\n", registers[19]);
+ printf("21 $s4 0x%08x\n", registers[20]);
+ printf("22 $s5 0x%08x\n", registers[21]);
+ printf("23 $s6 0x%08x\n", registers[22]);
+ printf("24 $s7 0x%08x\n", registers[23]);
+ printf("25 $t8 0x%08x\n", registers[24]);
+ printf("26 $t9 0x%08x\n", registers[25]);
+ printf("27 $k0 0x%08x\n", registers[26]);
+ printf("28 $k1 0x%08x\n", registers[27]);
+ printf("29 pc 0x%08x\n", pc);
diff --git a/simulator.h b/simulator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9981153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simulator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ * simulator.h
+ *
+ * Simulator header file declaring variables and methods
+ *
+ * author: Nayef Copty
+ * 11/11/11
+ */
+#ifndef SIMULATOR_H_
+#define SIMULATOR_H_
+// Define MAX_LENGTH for number of registers & instruction length
+#define MAX_LENGTH 32
+// Array of size MAX_LENGTH to hold registers
+int registers[MAX_LENGTH];
+// PC Register
+unsigned int pc = 0;
+// Memory Allocated
+unsigned int *memory;
+void parse_instruction(unsigned int sum);
+int getDec(char *bin);
+void isZero(int reg);
+void advance_pc(int step, char *instruction);
+void output();
+#endif /* SIMULATOR_H_ */
diff --git a/sum.asm b/sum.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b90b610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sum.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ la $a0, array
+ la $a1, array_size
+ lw $a1, 0($a1)
+ sll $t1, $t0, 2
+ add $t2, $a0, $t1
+ sw $t0, 0($t2)
+ addi $t0, $t0, 1
+ add $t4, $t4, $t0
+ slt $t3, $t0, $a1
+ bne $t3, $zero, loop
+ la $a0, message
+ add $a0, $t4, $zero
+ nop
+ array: .word 0:10
+ array_size: .word 10
+ message: .asciiz "The sum of numbers in array is: "
\ No newline at end of file