Editor: Rance Nault && Shuangyu Zhao
For more instruction see this and this or the Gen3 helm website.
The following are notes from our own deployment on an Ubuntu system.
- Gen3-helm needs at least 30GB of hard drive space or pods will fail and Kubernetes will crash.
- The first deployment can take some time to download all the images. For us it took ~40 minutes to start seeing everything run. If the images are already downloaded it can take ~15 mins.
- Our original deployment was not working with localhost. It either didn't load when using https protocol or would only show the page name using http (after forwarding port from rancher-desktop). We had to run the following.
sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start
sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=80
- Elastic search threw the following error
max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
. The following commands changes the vm.max_map_count value for all of rancher-desktops images.
rdctl shell # enters the rancher-desktop vm
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 # changes the value
sysctl vm.max_map_count # verifies that it has changed
To make this change permanent use
sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
and addvm.max_map_count=262144
following line at the end of the document.
kubectl get pods # list running pods
kubectl logs {pod_name} # get logs for a pod
kubectl describe pods {pod_name} # Explains why it might be stuck in pending
helm uninstall {chart_name}
kubectl edit ingress revproxy
kubectl edit deployment -n kube-system traefik
kubectl rollout restart deployment traefik -n kube-system
To be able to create a certificate it is necessary that the deployment be public facing. This can be done by adding to the /etc/hosts
file as below:
<machine ip-address> fairtox.com
fairtox.com was purchased through route53
A certificate can be created using certbot. It will ask you to create a DNS TXT record
sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns -d fairtox.com
- Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the Route 53 service.
- Select your hosted zone for the fairtox.com domain.
- Click on "Create Record Set" to add a new DNS record.
- In the "Name" field, enter _acme-challenge
- Set the "Type" to "TXT".
- In the "Value" field, enter the verification value provided by Certbot.
- Click on "Create" or "Save" to add the DNS TXT record.
kubectl create secret tls <secret-name> --cert=<path-to-certificate.pem> --key=<path-to-key.pem>
kubectl edit ingress <ingress-name>
- hosts:
- fairtox.com
secretName: <secret-name>
So you don't need to update ingress every time you reinstall the gen3
enabled: true
- host: <hostname>
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
- secretName: <secret-name>
- <hostname>
You can store this part in your values.yaml, and push it to gen3.
This part can customize the website.
- read the default values.yaml file link for the all pods.
- edit your own values.yaml.
For example,
- You want to customize the fence link for the fence's values.yaml. And what you want to change is the USER_YAML part. In the values.yaml which will be pushed to gen3/gen3, you should add:
fence: # port name you want to override
# the following is what you want to change
....things you want to customize...
- If you want to customize the portal to read the image we prebuild(instruction to prebuild the portal). And image is the part we want to change.
portal: # port name you want to override
# the following is what you want to change
repository: <repository name in rancher destop>
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
tag: <self defined tag which can be checked on rancher desktop>
The official instructions of prebuilding portal are shown in this website. In this part, Some tips will be provided.
- To render the portal image, you should git pull the repository of gen3-helm first. And then locate to /gen3-helm/docs/portal/.
is used to generate the portal image, and this location is where the commanddocker build -t image_name:image_tag .
runs. In the configuration folder, a new sub-folder should be created to store the customized gitops.json, gitops.css and logo, whose name is always the portal's host name. Once you settle the name of folder, you should update theDockerfile
under the following instruction.
FROM node:16 as builder
ARG PORTAL_HOSTNAME=<the real host name which is consistent with the folder name settled.>
For the folder storing gitops.json, gitops.css and logo, the additional unmentioned folders or files should not be added, which means this folder only can store
. -
To customize the color of website, you should edit
. I personally recommend you to open the developer view to make sure the objects' names. To customize the content of website, you could editgitops.json
. By the way, you can find a wealth of examples here. -
If you want to change the color of icons, you could use the filter to convert color.
.login-page__side-box {
filter: hue-rotate(292deg);
.index-button-bar__icon {
filter: hue-rotate(292deg);
The rotation degree depends on target color and the original color. I highly recommend this website to calculate the rotation degree.
- Because it is impossible to settle the website in one trail, so the disk possibly is filled with sleeping containers, unused images and volumes.
docker system prune --all --volumes // remove all unused images, containers and volumes
docker container prune // remove all stopped containers
docker image prune // delete all unused images
- Every time you update the portal, the search engine possibly remember the older version, therefore, the website's appearance seems to be the same as before. You could open a private window to check it, or simply clean the history.
SQS S3 Job Dispatcher (ssjdispatcher) monitors SQS jobs to compute hashes and size to register with indexd see here
- Create an admin user for indexd
Use k9s
or an alternative method to enter the index-deployment pod. Run the following command:
python ./indexd/bin/index_admin.py create --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD
- enable ssjdispatcher in the configuration yaml file and upgrade the helm chart
enabled: true
repository: quay.io/cdis/ssjdispatcher
# -- (string) Docker pull policy.
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- (string) Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: "2023.08"
- Revise the credentials
This is a method that worked for us but there are likely better alternatives.
3.a. Get the metadata pods username and password:
kubectl edit secrets metadata-g3auto
copy the username and decode the password portion
echo '<password>' | base64 -d
3.b. Create a credentials.json file that should look like this:
"SQS": {
"url": "<url to SQS queue>"
"JOBS": [
"name": "indexing",
"pattern": "s3://<upload bucket>/*",
"imageConfig": {
"url": "http://indexd-service/index",
"username": "<indexd username>",
"password": "<indexd password>",
"metadataService": {
"url": "http://revproxy-service/mds",
"username": "<metadata username>",
"password": "<metadata password>"
"RequestCPU": "500m",
"RequestMem": "0.5Gi"
"AWS": {
"region": "us-east-1",
"user_name": "<credentials user name>",
"aws_access_key_id": "<aws access key id>",
"aws_secret_access_key": "<aws secret access key>"
3.c. Encode the credentials
cat credentials.json | base64
3.d. replace the credentials.json portion of ssjdispatcher-creds with the new encoded credentials
kubectl edit secrets ssjdispatcher-creds
.yaml file normal node
$schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#"
id: "node_name"
title: node_name
type: object
category: category of node
program: '*'
project: '*'
description: >
additionalProperties: false
submittable: true
validators: null
- id
- project_id
- state
- created_datetime
- updated_datetime
- type
- submitter_id #
- targets #external key pointing to the previous node
- [id]
- [project_id, submitter_id]
- name: targets
backref: node_names
label: member_of
target_type: target
multiplicity: many_to_one/one_to_one....
required: true
enum: ["node_name"]
$ref: "_definitions.yaml#/UUID"
type: string
$ref: "_definitions.yaml#/to_one" / "_definitions.yaml#/to_many" # depending on links' multiplicities
$ref: "_definitions.yaml#/state"
$ref: "_definitions.yaml#/project_id"
$ref: "_definitions.yaml#/datetime"
$ref: "_definitions.yaml#/datetime"
node of data file which link to core_metadata_collection
$schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#"
id: "node_file"
title: node_file
type: object
category: data_file
program: '*'
project: '*'
description: >
additionalProperties: false
submittable: true
validators: null
- id
- project_id
- state
- created_datetime
- updated_datetime
- file_state
- error_type
- type
- submitter_id
- targets
- [id]
- [project_id, submitter_id]
- exclusive: false
required: true
- name: targets
backref: node_files
label: member_of
target_type: target
multiplicity: one_to_one/one_to_many
required: true
- name: core_metadata_collections
backref: node_files
label: data_from
target_type: core_metadata_collection
multiplicity: many_to_many
required: false
$ref: "_definitions.yaml#/data_file_properties"
enum: ["node_file"]
$ref: "_definitions.yaml#/to_one"/"_definitions.yaml#/to_many"
$ref: "_definitions.yaml#/state"
type: string
$ref: "_definitions.yaml#/datetime"
$ref: "_definitions.yaml#/datetime"
$ref: "_definitions.yaml#/to_many"
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import subprocess
import sys
import gen3
import json
from gen3.submission import Gen3Submission
from gen3.auth import Gen3Auth
from gen3.index import Gen3Index
from gen3.query import Gen3Query
from gen3.metadata import Gen3Metadata
from gen3.file import Gen3File
import os
# download and import some custom Python scripts from https://github.com/cgmeyer/gen3sdk-python
# os.system("wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cgmeyer/gen3sdk-python/master/expansion/expansion.py")
from expansion import Gen3Expansion
api = 'https://fairtox.com/'
cred = '/path/to/credential.json' # can be created under profile tab
auth = Gen3Auth(api, refresh_file=cred)
sub = Gen3Submission(api, auth)
query = Gen3Query(auth)
index = Gen3Index(auth)
file = Gen3File(auth)
metadata = Gen3Metadata(auth)
exp = Gen3Expansion(api,auth,sub)
Create program
prog = 'program_name'
prog_txt = """{
"dbgap_accession_number": "%s",
"type": "program",
"name": "%s"
}""" % (prog,prog)
prog_json = json.loads(prog_txt)
data = sub.create_program(json=prog_json)
Create project
proj_txt = """{
"availability_type": "Open",
"code": "project_name",
"dbgap_accession_number": "project_name",
"type": "project",
"contact_name": "test",
"institution": "MSU",
"description": "test",
"email_address": "[email protected]",
"telephone_number": "ssd-asdf-asdf"
proj_json = json.loads(proj_txt)
data = sub.create_project(program="program_name",json=proj_json)
Upload a file
data = sub.submit_file(filename="path/to/file", project_id="program_name-project_name")
Upload a single record
import requests
COMMONS = "https://fairtox.com/"
API_KEY_FILEPATH = '/path/to/credential.json'
projectname = 'project_name'
programname = 'program_name'
api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/{}/{}".format(COMMONS,programname,projectname)
jsondata = [
"type": "type",
"feature1": "value1",
"feature2": "value2",
"feature3": "value3",
"external_link": [
"submitter_id": "xxxxxxssss"
authn = Gen3Auth(COMMONS, refresh_file=API_KEY_FILEPATH)
output = requests.put(api_url, auth=authn, json=jsondata)
When you try to upload a file, the feedback shows: 'latin-1' codec can't encode character '\uxxx' in position xxx. You could use this code:
import requests
COMMONS = "https://fairtox.com/"
API_KEY_FILEPATH = '/path/to/credential.json'
projectname = 'project_name'
programname = 'program_name'
api_url = "{}/api/v0/submission/{}/{}".format(COMMONS,programname,projectname)
df = pd.read_table('/path/to/file')
col_name = df.columns.tolist()
# this is external link
for _, row in df.iterrows():
jsondata = []
# this is for the external link
dic = {
"links": [
"submitter_id": row["links.submitter_id"]
for i in col_name:
value = row[i]
if isinstance(value, float) and (value == float('inf') or value == float('-inf') or pd.isna(value)):
dic[i] = str(value)
dic[i] = value
authn = Gen3Auth(COMMONS, refresh_file=API_KEY_FILEPATH)
output = requests.put(api_url, auth=authn, json=jsondata)
When uploading file to node whose type is data file, we need to insert the md5sum and file size in the file sheet. You can use the following code to automatically insert them.
import pandas as pd
import hashlib
import os
def calculate_md5(file_path):
"""Calculate the MD5 checksum for a file."""
md5_hash = hashlib.md5()
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
for chunk in iter(lambda: file.read(4096), b''):
return md5_hash.hexdigest()
# Provide the file name list and DataFrame
df = pd.read_table("/path/to/file.tsv")
file_names = df["file_name"].to_list()
folder_path = '/path/to/folder/containing/the/files'
# Update the MD5 checksum for each file name in the DataFrame
for file_name in file_names:
file_path = folder_path + file_name
md5_sum = calculate_md5(file_path)
file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path)
df.loc[df['file_name'] == file_name, 'md5sum'] = md5_sum
df.loc[df['file_name'] == file_name, 'file_size'] = file_size
df['file_size'] = df['file_size'].astype(int)
df.to_csv("/path/to/new/file.tsv", sep='\t', index=False)
You can find the official instruction here.
import os
import sys
import csv
import gen3
import json
import mwtab
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from io import StringIO
from datetime import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict
from expansion import Gen3Expansion # os.system("wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cgmeyer/gen3sdk-python/master/expansion/expansion.py")
from gen3.auth import Gen3Auth
from gen3.index import Gen3Index
from gen3.query import Gen3Query
from gen3.submission import Gen3Submission
current_date = datetime.now().date()
formatted_date = current_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning)
def process_node_data(node_name, data, key):
node_df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data), sep='\t', header=0)
node_df[key] = node_df[key].str.split(',')
node_df = node_df.explode(key)
pattern = r'(^|\.)id($|\.)'
drop_columns = [col for col in node_df.columns if pd.Series(col).str.contains(pattern).any()]
node_df = node_df.drop(drop_columns, axis=1)
node_df = node_df.reset_index(drop=True)
return node_df
def get_unique_values(dataframe, column_name):
unique_values = dataframe[column_name].unique()
unique_string = ','.join(map(str, unique_values))
return unique_string
def remove_newlines(obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return {key: remove_newlines(value) for key, value in obj.items()}
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [remove_newlines(element) for element in obj]
elif isinstance(obj, str):
return obj.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
return obj
# Initiate instances of the Gen3 SDK Classes using credentials file for authentication.
# Change the directory path in "cred" to reflect the location of your credentials file.
api = "https://fairtox.com"
cred = "path/to/credentials.json"
auth = Gen3Auth(api, refresh_file=cred) # authentication class
sub = Gen3Submission(api, auth) # submission class
query = Gen3Query(auth) # query class
exp = Gen3Expansion(api,auth,sub) # class with some custom scripts
get all the projects' names you have access to: