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TypeFacet Autokern

Charles M. Chen's Autokern is a command-line Python tool released as part of Chen's TypeFacet software collection. It reads in UFO font files and takes a set of user-supplied arguments, then outputs a modified UFO file with kerning values and, optionally, adjusted side-bearings.


Autokern is run from the command line and the advised usage is to execute multiple runs. First, one should do a set of test runs on small glyph sets to determine the values of font-wide parameters. Then one can run Autokern on the entire font.

###Determining parameters

First, one runs Autokern with (essentially) all zeros; this sets the min-distance-ems, max-distance-ems, max-x-extrema-overlap-ems and intrusion-tolerance-ems parameters of the font to 0. After this step, one can inspect the output UFO file to note which glyph pairs may be problematic.

Second, one runs Autokern again (on the same input UFO) to set the min-distance-ems parameter to some non-zero value. Selecting the appropriate value is up to the user based on trial runs and inspecting the results. The parameter is meant to reflect the minimum spacing between two glyphs that come as close as possible to touching. For example, the pairs "TT", "vv", or "rf". During this run, max-distance-ems is also set to the same value, although it will change later.

Third, one runs Autokern again, this time to set the max-distance-ems parameter. Again the correct value is up to the user to determine by inspection; it is meant to be the maximum space allowed between two glyphs. For Latin, the example pairs recommended are "NN" and "||". For serif faces, max-distance-ems is meant to reflect the distance between stems.

Fourth, one runs Autokern to set the intrusion-tolerance-ems parameter, which defines the maximum amount that glyphs can "intrude" into the space between them. The examples indicate that such intrusion amounts to the distance that an extrema point can be kerned into unkerned space of the sidebearings between a kerning pair. Furthermore, regardless of what the intrusion-tolerance-ems setting is, no pair of glyphs will be kerned closer than min-distance-ems, preventing collisions. The example pairs recommended are "AA" and "OO".

Fifth, one runs Autokern to set the max-x-extrema-overlap-ems parameter. This parameter sets the amount of (non-colliding) overlap allowed between the extrema of a kerning pair. For example, the inner extrema of the classic "AV" and "VA" pairs are likely to overlap each other horizontally, even though the contours do not touch.

###Kerning an entire font

After the parameter-setting tests described above, Autokern can be run on an entire font. The precision-ems parameter sets the smallest step size that Autokern will use when making adjustments. Selecting too small of a value will result in long run times.

There are several other arguments that one can make use of at this stage for better control of the output. In particular, arguments can be used to limit kerning adjustments to a specific class of glyphs, so that different rules can be applied to different scripts, cases, and glyph types. Autokern can also produce helpful log files, including HTML output that may be easier to work with than flat numeric data.


The Autokern algorithm depends heavily on the parameters detemined in the preceding steps.

For each kerning pair, two "facade profiles" are constructed for each glyph: one pair by "inflating" each glyph a distance of min-distance-ems and one pair by inflating each glyph a distance of max-distance-ems.

The min-distance profiles are moved together until they touch, as are the max-distance profiles. This determines the "minimum advance" and "maximum advance" values for the kerning pair.

Next, the max-distance profiles are adjusted to determine the "intruding advance", which is the distance adjustment that results in the most equally balanced "intrusion" amount for the two glyphs—that is, each glyph intrudes by a close-to-equal amount, without exceeding the intrusion tolerance parameter.

The intruding advance is found via binary search on the interval [0, int(ceiling(2.0 * max(pair_intrusion_tolerance, pair_max_distance)))]. At each step, the algorithm takes the horizontal distance between the facade profiles at several y-axis values, looking for collisions between the profiles. If a collision is detected, the next iteration moves to the "far" side of the remaining search interval.

The final kern is determined by summing the intruding advance (or the "minimum advance" value, if that is greater than the intruding advance), any tracking-ems value provided as a parameter, the x-extrema-overlap-scaling parameter, and the greater of the x-extrema-overlap and max-x-extrema-overlap parameters.

The facade profiles used in the collision-detection and intrusion steps are of reduced precision (in comparion to the font's internal point system); the precision used is derived from the precision-ems parameter.

The algorithm can also be tweaked with the ignore-x-extrema-overlap-outside-ascender parameter, which limits the spacing-adjustment process to measurements within the x-height.


Bluntly speaking, Autokern makes "common sense" kerning calculations based on what it assumes to be a properly letterspaced input font. Which is to say that it attempts to make unobtrusive changes.

As far as the critical "intruding advance" step is concerned, the algorithm measures the horizontal distance between the two glyphs at a number of y-axis sample heights, but the samples also take three specific conditions into account:

  • Large contiguous gaps at the top of bottom are discarded; this removes the effect (for example) of the left ascender in the pair "hh".

  • Large gaps in the middle of the height samples are de-emphasized by replacing them with the maximum protrusion value. This removes undue impact from the open bowl in "c".

  • Sample rows that exist solely because of the glyph-inflation process are discarded. This essentially chops the profiles off at the original glyph's vertical extrema.

Together with the pair-intrusion-tolerance parameter, these conditions restrict the intrusion-advance search to commonly accepted rules about Latin typefaces. That said, more specific rules might produce more pleasing results. As implemented, the rules are somewhat ad-hoc. The amount of "large contiguous gap" that triggers the "hh condition is hard-coded to pair_max_distance * 0.5. Depending on the typeface, that might trigger false positives for (say) "L" or"T".

Several of the other conditions in the intruding-advance step are similarly hard-coded. It is an open question whether these metrics produce the best results.

At a higher level, the glyph-inflation process used to create the facade profiles might bear closer examination as well. It "inflates" glyphs by a fixed amount, both horizontally and vertically, in an attempt to define a "bubble" into which adjacent glyphs should not intrude. But the fixed-radius inflation may not correspond well to how glyphs (particularly those with dense or complex contours) behave.

Finally, the usage of the Autokern tool itself requires the user to employ multiple, manual steps. Much of the functionality could be broken out into a reusable library to automate some of the parameter-determining stages or to work interactively.

The manual determination of the parameters (particularly max-x-extrema-overlap-ems and intrusion-tolerance-ems) is a crucial input to the final results. In a sense, since these parameters are not automatically determined for a given input typeface, the final output can only be considered partially automated.