In the 1950s, Kindersley began researching methods to find the "optical center" of glyphs—in other words, the point at which the left and right sides of the glyph "appear" balanced to the eye.
This work was a rare foray into trying to experimentally determine what underlying factors might be at work when designers visually adjust spacing for perceptual balance.
The Kindersley Workshop has an overview of the process documented at its web site; a far more thorough discussion is found in Kindersley's book, Optical letter spacing for new printing systems, 1966, 1976 (reprinted 2001).
Kindersley's initial approach was to project light through cut outs of glyphs, and measure the actual amount of light that fell on each side of a dividing line. Adjusting the divider could easily find the midpoint at which an equal amount of light fell on the left and right, meaning that there was an equal "grayness" (or black-to-white ratio, perhaps) between the two sides.
It was immediately clear that this equal-energy dividing line was not the optical center, however; the question was to determine what adjustments to the measurements produced optically balanced spacing.
Kindersley determined that this method produced acceptable results only if the grayness measurements were taken with the center of the glyph masked off; the opacity and degree to which the center of a glyph should be masked off for optimal results was the focus of the research. He experimentally tested this method with a variety of typefaces, including uprights and Italics.
Kindersley began by describing the underlying goal of optical spacing:
"Quite simply I mean that each letter should appear to be exactly in the centre between its two neighbours. To me this is the only criterion, and I do not believe that it requires any further justification. Put another way, any letter should occupy a passive position between its neighbours."
He knew from practical experience that the midpoint between a glyph's two extrema was not the location of the optical axis. He looked at four other axes, which he listed as:
- area
- first moment (gravity)
- second moment (inertia)
- third moment (optical?)
Kindersley's terminology is, at times, problematic, due to the fact that several different geometrical and statistical properties are sometimes referred to, informally, in similar-sounding terms. It is not always obvious which property Kindersley is describing. However, by examining the test design, it is clear what was being testing.
The "area" axis seems to correspond to the x-axis location of the geometric median—the line that divides the glyph into two parts of equal area.
The "first moment" seems to correspond to the geometric mean or centroid, which (for solids of uniform density) corresponds to the center of mass or center of gravity—hence the "gravity" designation.
The "second moment" seems to correspond to the planar second moment of area with respect to the y axis. By analogy, this is akin to the second moment of inertia in physics (which is also the integral of the x-distance squared multiplied by the "area").
Following this progression, the "third moment" would be the integral of the differential area multiplied by the cube of the distance to the y-axis.
Kindersley initially suspected that the optical center of a glyph would be not on the axis through its center of mass, but through its third moment center. To test this theory, he constructed the experimental apparatus described above. Two photocells measured the amount of light that fell on each side of a line dividing a glyph; the division point could be adjusted until the two halves produced equal measurements.
It is not clear from the book what the light source(s) were nor how they were arranged; physical factors such as light falloff could, in theory, have affected the measurements; computing the same quantities mathematically is simpler in this respect.
Following the initial test runs, he adapted the mechanism to mask off a portion of each glyphs' center. The masks (or "wedges") were made of an opaque material perforated with holes in a gradient pattern, beginning with 100% opacity at the center and transitioning to 100% translucent at the extrema.
This has the effect of applying a weight function in x to the area on each side of the dividing line.
Several gradient functions were tested, it seems: at least linear, quadratic, and cubic. The gradients were uniform in the y direction; the light they transmit is thus a function of x on the interval [0,1].
The rationale for the gradients described in the book is that the outer portions of the glyph "contributed" more than the interior. Kindersley did speculate about using two-dimensional gradient shapes (parabolas, specifically), but it does not seem that he tested such gradients in practice.
Importantly, multiplying the linear, quadratic, and cubic weight functions by the differential area inside the region measured gives the equivalent of the geometric mean, planar second moment, and the third moment. So measuring the grayness of the sides of a glyph via photocell through the gradient masks is the equivalent of computing the "first," "second," and "third" moments directly.
Kindersley reported that using the quadratic gradient masks produced results "close" to what was expected. He also made several other observations along the way.
First, he noted that ascenders and descenders do not seem to contribute to the location of the optical center (i.e., h and n have the same center, as do v and y). Instead, the optical centering happens within the x-height rectangle.
Second, he tested italic and slanted typefaces using the same method as uprights, and determined that the gradient mask needed to be tilted at the same angle as the italic in order to produce satisfactory results.
The "equal area" axis is difficult to find for a generic shape, since the geometric median, unlike the geometric mean, has no simple formula.
For simple, closed Bezier curves, however, Green's theorem provides a practical solution. One can compute the line integral of the Beziers that make up a glyph (or, for the purposes of the experiment, for each half of a glyph that is split vertically) and find the area.
Moreover, Green's theorem allows one to compute the geometric mean, planar second moment, and even third moment in the same manner, so the effects of applying the weight functions or gradient masks is easily computable as well.
The generic form of the relation:
holds for any choice of the functions P and Q that have continuous
partial derivatives. For the area calculation, one chooses P = -y/2
and Q = x/2
. For the first moment, one could choose P = -y^2/2
and Q = 0
or, for the second moment, P = -y^3/3
and Q = 0
A software implementation of Kindersley's experiments could easily truncate glyphs at the baseline and x-height to emulate the findings about extenders having no discernible impact on optical centering. In addition, a simple rotation of italic or oblique glyphs would suffice to reproduce the slanted gradients.
It would be interesting to apply Kindersley's speculation about two-dimensional gradients using this method, which Kindersley and his colleagues never put to the test with practical experiments.
It would also be interesting to try and reproduce Kindersley's original results symbolically or computationally. As noted earlier, it is unclear if the physical test apparatus used took light falloff into account; if it did not, then perhaps that contributed some portion to the divergent results found testing the quadratic gradient masks.
Kindersley's foray into optical spacing by these means seems to have come to a halt in the 1970s, at the dawn of the personal computing era. More could surely be done with the computing resources available today.
A fundamental limitation of the optical-centering work is that it produces only the "balance point" for each glyph. Converting those points into a set of sidebearings requires adding space to both sides of the balance points.
Kindersley asserted that each letter should be spaced by adding an equal amount to each side of the balance point, and that the correct amount for any given letter could be determined by placing it between a pair of already-spaced test strings: "O I" on the left, and "I O" on the right.
Thus, spacing a typeface would involve first finding the optical centers for each glyph, then spacing "I" between a pair of "O"s and "O" between a pair of "I"s; then spacing the remaining letters individually. For some glyphs, the minimum possible space is required on one side (namely, "L"), but Kindersley argued that, whatever initial set of sidebearings one finds, the sidebearings of the entire typeface can be incremented by the same amount, as desired.
A number of sources report that Kindersley's approach produces its best results for text set in all capitals. This is, perhaps, expected, since most of his research was conducted on all-capital Latin text (with an eye toward improving public signage). It is possible that his results lean toward success with glyphs all of one height as a result.
That observation does hold with Kindersley's note that his method did not respond to extenders, since only "Q" among the usual Roman capitals features an extender. Whether or not two-dimensional masks would have impacted that finding remains an open question.