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Tia Java Selective Testing Library

Tia is a free library used for selective testing with common test runners such as JUnit and Spock. Tia is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. Tia (pronounced Tee-ä, or Tina without the 'n') stands for test impact analysis.

Starting Points

Getting Started

Maven, JUnit5 and Git

  1. Registering the Tia LaunchSessionListener.

Tia uses a LauncherSessionListener to plugin to the Junit5 framework for updating test coverage mappings and stats. To register the Tia LaunchSessionListener use Java’s ServiceLoader mechanism. Create a file called org.junit.platform.launcher.LauncherSessionListener in the /test/resources/META-INF/services folder of your test project. This file should contain the list of of Junit5 session listeners. Add the following line to this file (if you already have this file, add the following as a separate line).


  1. Congifuring your test project POM for Tia. Include the following configuration in the project where you execute your tests. The following configuration is for Surefire, but Tia can be configured with Failsafe as well. For the latest versions, see tia-junit5-git-maven-plugin and tia-junit5-git.

Note: If your tests live in the same project as your source code, you need to include and configure Jacoco to run in TCP server mode (see below). If your source code lives in a different project to your tests, you need to ensure your project that contains your source code is configured to run with Jacoco in TCP server mode. You can then omit the Jacoco configuration below from your test project pom.xml.



    <!-- tia-junit5-git is needed for the Tia test listener used by Surefire/Failsafe. -->

            <!-- Include the Maven plugin, used to select which tests to run and ignore the rest. -->
            <!-- Configure Surefire to use Tia. Used to update the Tia test to source code mapping and/or stats when running the tests. -->
            <!-- Configure Jacoco as a TCP server, needed by Tia (which has a Jacoco client) for collecting the coverage data for each test suite. -->

Maven, JUnit5 and Perforce

Use the configuration documented above for Maven, Junit5 and Git, but replace tia-junit5-git with tia-junit5-perforce and tia-junit5-git-maven-plugin with tia-junit5-perforce-maven-plugin.

For the latest versions, see tia-junit5-perforce-maven-plugin and tia-junit5-perforce.

Maven, JUnit4 and Git

Include the following configuration in the project where you execute your tests. The following configuration is for Surefire, but Tia can be configured with Failsafe as well. For the latest versions, see tia-junit4-git-maven-plugin and tia-junit4-git.

Note: If your tests live in the same project as your source code, you need to include and configure Jacoco to run in TCP server mode (see below). If your source code lives in a different project to your tests, you need to ensure your project that contains your source code is configured to run with Jacoco in TCP server mode. You can then omit the Jacoco configuration below from your test project pom.xml.



    <!-- tia-junit4-git is needed for the Tia test listener used by Surefire/Failsafe. -->

            <!-- Include the Maven plugin, used to select which tests to run and ignore the rest. -->
            <!-- Configure Surefire to use Tia. Used to update the Tia test to source code mapping and/or stats when running the tests. -->
            <!-- Configure Jacoco as a TCP server, needed by Tia (which has a Jacoco client) for collecting the coverage data for each test suite. -->

Maven, JUnit4 and Perforce

Use the configuration documented above for Maven, Junit4 and Git, but replace tia-junit4-git with tia-junit4-perforce and tia-junit4-git-maven-plugin with tia-junit4-perforce-maven-plugin.

For the latest versions, see tia-junit4-perforce-maven-plugin and tia-junit4-perforce.

Gradle, Spock and Git

Include the following configuration in your project where you execute your tests. For the latest version, see tia-spock-git-gradle.


buildscript {
    repositories {      
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.tiatesting:tia-spock-git-gradle:0.1.7'


plugins {
    id 'org.tiatesting.spock.gradle.git'

repositories {

// global Tia config applied to all tasks of type test
tia {
    enabled = true    
    updateDBMapping = true
    updateDBStats = true
    checkLocalChanges = true
    projectDir = "."
    classFilesDirs ="/build/classes/java/main"
    sourceFilesDirs ="/src/main/java"
    testFilesDirs ="/src/test/groovy"
    dbFilePath = "/some/path"        

// you can optionally override the Tia config per test task type
test {
    tia {
        enabled = true
        checkLocalChanges = true
        updateDBMapping = true
        updateDBStats = true


Running Tia

Nothing special is needed to execute Tia. Configure Tia for your build automation tool (Maven, Gradle) and then run your tests as you normally would. Tia will select the tests to run and then hook into the test runner to capture details of the results. i.e. mvn test/verify, gradle test.

For Maven, it's recommended to add the following to your ~/.settings.xml file to allow you to run truncated commands without needing to specify the org.tiatesting plugin group:


General Information about the state of Tia

Example output:

Tia Info:
DB last updated: 03/05/2024 23:05:04 PDT
Test mapping valid for commit: 70d0624e4c2c6fab629d618f0ac406d5cbf009e3

Number of tests classes with mappings: 4
Number of source methods tracked for tests: 35
Number of runs: 1
Average run time: 459ms
Number of successful runs: 1 (100%)
Number of failed runs: 0 (0%)

Pending failed tests: 

Maven, Junit5 and Git

mvn tia-junit5-git:info

Maven, Junit5 and Perforce

mvn tia-junit5-perforce:info

Maven, Junit4 and Git

mvn tia-junit4-git:info

Maven, Junit4 and Perforce

mvn tia-junit4-perforce:info

Gradle, Spock and Git

gradle tia-info

Display the selected tests based on the current state of the workspace

This will show what tests Tia will select to run based on the current state of the workspace and how Tia is configured. Example output:

Selected tests to run from VCS source changes: [com.example.DoorServiceTest, com.example.ParameterizedTest]
Selected tests to run from VCS test file changes: []
Selected tests to run from new test files: []
Running previously failed tests: [com.example.DoorServiceTest]
Selected tests to run: 

Maven, Junit5 and Git


Note: to see extra debugging including what test suites are being selected broken down by source methods:


Maven, Junit5 and Perforce


Maven, Junit4 and Git


Maven, Junit4 and Perforce


Gradle, Spock and Git

gradle tia-select-tests

Note: To see extra informtation about what type of changes trigger the selected tests, run the command with more information:

gradle tia-select-tests --info

To see extra debugging including what test suites are being selected broken down by source methods:

gradle tia-select-tests --debug

Html Report

Generate a HTML report showing the current information about the Tia DB, the test suites and the source code.

Example of the report summary page:

Screen Shot 2024-05-14 at 9 42 50 PM

Example of the test suites index page:

Screen Shot 2024-05-14 at 10 12 56 PM

Example of the source methods index page:

Screen Shot 2024-05-14 at 10 04 34 PM

Maven, Junit5 and Git

mvn tia-junit5-git:html-report

Maven, Junit5 and Perforce

mvn tia-junit5-perforce:html-report

Maven, Junit4 and Git

mvn tia-junit4-git:html-report

Maven, Junit4 and Perforce

mvn tia-junit4-perforce:html-report

Gradle, Spock and Git

gradle tia-html-report

Text Report

Generate a basic text report showing the current information about the Tia DB, the test suites and the source code.

Maven, Junit5 and Git

mvn tia-junit5-git:html-report

Maven, Junit5 and Perforce

mvn tia-junit5-perforce:html-report

Maven, Junit4 and Git

mvn tia-junit4-git:text-report

Maven, Junit4 and Perforce

mvn tia-junit4-perforce:text-report

Gradle, Spock and Git

gradle tia-text-report

Configuration Options

Maven Gradle Possible Values Description Default Value Mandatory
tiaEnabled enabled true, false When true Tia will be used in the test runner and only the selected tests will be run. When disabled, tests are run as normal and no mapping or stats will be updated in the Tia DB. false true
tiaUpdateDBMapping updateDBMapping true, false When true, Tia will analyse all changes from the VCS since the last stored commit number in the DB, up to the head commit of the workspace. Only tests impacted by the detected changes will be run. The stored mapping in the Tia DB will be updated at the end of the test run (regardless if the test run was successful or failed). false false
tiaCheckLocalChanges checkLocalChanges true, false When true, Tia will analyse all the changes in the local workspace and only run the tests impacted by the local changes. Note: when updateDBMapping is true, checkLocalChanges will be disabled regardless of it's value. This is done to ensure the Tia DB is only updated based on analysed changes from VCS and not local changes. false false
tiaUpdateDBStats updateDBStats true, false When true, Tia will update the statistics for the test run and individual test suites that were executed in the run. false false
tiaProjectDir projectDir The file path to the root folder of the project being analysed. true
tiaClassFilesDirs classFilesDirs Comma seperated list of paths to the folders containing the classes of the source code (not the test source code). Required for Jacoco to analyse the test coverage. true
tiaSourceFilesDirs sourceFilesDirs Comma seperated list of paths to the folders containing the source code of the project being analysed. true
tiaTestFilesDirs testFilesDirs Comma seperated list of paths to the folders containing the source code of the test files for the project being analysed. true
tiaDBFilePath dbFilePath The file path for the saved DB containing the previous analysis of the project. true
tiaBuildDir N/A The build path for the project. Used for saving files used internally by Tia. Currently only used for Maven. ${}/tia true
tiaVcsServerUri N/A Specifies the server URI of the VCS system. Only currently used for Perforce. For Perforce it will default to use the value in the 'p4 set' command. false
tiaVcsUserName N/A Specifies the username for connecting to the VCS system. Only currently used for Perforce. For Perforce it will default to use the value in the 'p4 set' command. false
tiaVcsPassword N/A Specifies the password for connecting to the VCS system. Only currently used for Perforce. For Perforce it will default to use the locally cached p4 ticket in the users home directory. false
tiaVcsClientName N/A Specifies the client name used when connecting to the VCS system. Only currently used for Perforce. For Perforce it will default to use the value in the 'p4 set' command. false

What is Tia

Tia ia a free test impact analysis library. It analyses changes made to source code and automatically selects the tests to run for your test runner. It's designed as a developer productivity tool to increase the efficiency of developers by cutting down the time required to get feedback on changes.

Tia has been designed to be unintrusive in your day-to-day work flow. Once it's setup and configured, it will automatically hook into your build automation tool test system to select the tests, and then update the mapping and record the statsics at the completion of the test run.

Through the tracking of statistics, Tia can generate reports that show how successful each test suite is, and how long it takes to run. This information can be useful in tracking poorly written or problematic tests that need attention to improve the overall health of the test suites and your builds.

How Does Tia Work

Tia collects and stores a mapping of methods that are executed for each of your test suites.

Tia uses Jacoco to collect the source code coverage for each test suite and store it in the DB for mapping. Tia uses an embedded H2 DB for the data store.

The first time Tia runs it needs to 'seed' the mapping DB by running all test suites and collecting the source code mapping for each test suite. It will also store the VCS commit value for that version of the test suite and source code mapping. Each subsequent test run then analyses the changes made and selects only the tests to run that are impacted by the source code changes. All other tests are ignored.

Typically you will want a 'primary' automated build that is configured to run Tia on each commit/submit/check-in. Only this build should be configured to update the test suite to source code mapping in the DB (tiaUpdateDBMapping=true). Developers using Tia on their local workspace should configure Tia to analyse local changes only (tiaUpdateDBMapping=false and tiaCheckLocalChanges=true).

Note: The build machine(s) that are designated to be the 'primary' (which update the test suite to source code mapping) need to run the tests suites sequentially. This is important to allow Tia to correctly associate the source code coverage with each test suite.

Supported Build Automation Tools, VCS and Test Runners

Maven 3

Git Perforce
Junit 4
Junit 5
Spock 2 x x


Git Perforce
Junit 4 x x
Junit 5 x x
Spock 2 x


A shout out to the following libraries that Tia uses:

  • Jacoco
  • H2
  • J2HTML
  • ByteBuddy
  • JGit
  • P4Java
  • Java Diff Utils
  • Simple-Datatables

Additional resources and solutions