- fix utf-8 support
- importing tools (from-xml, from-json)
- handle NUL bytes
- more data collection tools (see "Possible data sources" section)
- more processing tools (tr, other?)
- more rpn operators/functions (split, rev, timestamp conversion, now, tr)
- i18n
- export as much as possible as a library(ies)
- fuzz testing
- tree: add more tests
- lstree: add tests
- pstree: add tests
- printf: add more tests
- sum,count,min,max,avg: --group-by=col1,col2
- uniq: --count
- show: fix column width calc when input is in utf
- source-tools: add option to add and remove columns
- show: ability to lock columns (make them always visible)
- show: implement "search" and "help" in the ncurses backend
- sql/rpn: data(colname, relativerownum)
- sql: implement case, cast
- csv-from-txt --format "year,-,month,-,day,hour,:,min,:,sec,,,ms, ,level, ,file, ,message"
- netstat: support more protocols
- netstat: translate interface number to interface name
- netstat: figure out how to print inet_diag_info
- sql: add support for tables
- sql: implement "group by", "having"
- cut: multiple input files
- ps: threads?
- ps: figure out what to do with these columns: wchan, tty, tpgid, exit_signal, *signals*, alarm, kstk*, flags
- grep: search on all columns
- grep: -e by default
- arbitrary precision arithmetic (with libgmp?)
- rewrite csv-lstree and csv-pstree in C so that command line switches work correctly (e.g. -s/-S anywhere)
- importing from other tools?
- loops and temporary variables in rpn?
- one multicommand binary? (csv ls, csv grep, ...)
- binary data?
- journalctl?
- netstat: add pid
- (auto?) input decompression/output compression
- expand array support? deal with hierarchical data somehow
- ps: supgid_names, cmdline, environ, cgroup, what about fds/fdinfo?
- group-members: merge it with groups/users?
- tool for generating dot scripts? (or other graphviz tools)
- tool for transposing data?
- tool for splitting files?
- csv-add-printf?
- sqlite: loading files into tables without csv-merge
- df/mountinfo
- free
- id
- date
- uname
- w/who
- fuser/lsof
- top?
- ifconfig/ip
- ipcs
- lsattr
- lsusb
- tcpdump?
- route
- lscpu
- lshw
- lsblk
- lsgpu
- lsmod/modinfo?
- lsns
- last
- lspci -mm?
- strace?
- ltrace?
- lsof -F
- ss
- sysctl?
- dpkg -l
- rpm -qa