A starter for React with Typescript with the fast Vite and all static code testing with Eslint and formatting with Prettier.
I found out about Vite and I wanted to have a boilerplate for the technologies that I use. You can find more about these in the following links: Vite, React, Typescript, Eslint, Prettier, Storybook.
Clone the repo and run yarn
or Run command
npx degit mosamirkhatri/react-vite-template project-name
After the successfull installation of the packages: yarn dev
- Install Eslint and prettier extension for vs code.
- Make Sure Both are enabled
- Make sure all packages are Installed. (Mostly Eslint and prettier in node_modules)
- Enable formatOnSave of vs code
- Open a .tsx file and check if the bottom right corners of vs code have Eslint and Prettier with a double tick
If Everything is Good Then It Should Work, but let me new if something else happens
Made with ❤️ by mosamirkhatri