Releases: mongodb/mongo-php-driver
0.1.4: Namespaces & ODS
namespace changes
All classes have been moved into MongoDB\Driver\xxx namespace now.
The intentions with this extension is to be wrapped by external libraries to create abstraction layers and improved interface, the decision was to move the classes to MongoDB\Driver\ and leave the MongoDB\ for libraries to use.
The BSON classes are still in BSON\ though.
ODS (Object Document Serializer)
This release includes a new way to serialize (and unserialize!) objects. Classes that implement the BSON\Persistable interface will get their classname recorded during serialization - and upon unserializing the document back, it will be converted to the same object back.
var_dump() debugging
Most/all classes now expose lots of internal gory details about themself to help debugging
MongoDB 3.0 support
phongo now supports MongoDB 3.0, thanks to mongoc-1.1 and libbson-1.1 bumps.
phongo does not actively test against MongoDB to 2.4 or earlier, but will likely work fine with 2.4 and 2.2.
Full release notes
Auth, exceptions, virtualized test suite
This release adds support for all-but-kerberos authentication mechanisms.
It also contains improved exception handling, by throwing more usefully named exceptions (eg MongoDB\DuplicateKeyException, MongoDB\ConnectionException, ....).
A lot of work has gone into the test suite too.
It is now fully virtualized, so you don't have to risk your localhost/production environment.
In the future this environment will also be the base for most examples provided.
To spin up the test environment type
$ vagrant up ldap mo
$ make test-bootstrap
Which will result in server mongod servers being created:
Standalone server running on: mongodb://
Standalone SSL server running on: mongodb://
Standalone Auth server running on: mongodb://
Standalone X509 Auth server running on: mongodb://
Standalone PLAIN Auth server running on: mongodb://
And lastly; We now have our own project in JIRA:
As always, I welcome feedback, comments, praises and suggestions!
0.1.2 and new user-friendly API!
Command cursors are here! \o/
Renamed all the getters of WriteResult to make more sense, and fixed a failure in libmongoc when replacing entire documents. For more details, see the RELEASE-0.1.2
file included in the project.
We've also started working on a PHP userland API, which aims to provide more useful bindings for applications (over the raw driver methods). The new package, which will have its own repository, is developed to be compatible to the new MongoDB CRUD Specification for drivers.
Now supports SSL Connections and SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication (for MongoDB 2.8).
Tickets closed:
- PHP-1195: Integers are now represented as int32, as long as they fit
- PHP-1195: Error out on 32bit platforms if we cannot represent the int
- PHP-1195: Remove Int32 and Int64 classess
- PHP-1175: Add Support for SSL=true and SSL=prefer
- PHP-1175: Compile against OpenSSL
- PHP-1296: Implement WriteConcerns
- PHP-1295: Memory leak when generating ID for inserts
- PHP-1294: Empty Query Result should still return QueryResult
- PHP-1293: Writing all debug info is not a good default
- PHP-1292: BSON Arrays should be... PHP Arrays
- PHP-1291: memleak when serializing nested objects/array
Initial development release!
This is the first release of the highly experimental MongoDB Driver for PHP: phongo.
It is in no way recommended for production use at this time.
The idea of this driver is to be sleek MongoDB binding, offering minimal functionality, and leave it up to frameworks, libraries, toolkits and applications to provide pretty and intuitive wrappers. It is built on top of libmongoc and libbson, so the driver can focus on just what it needs: providing a familiar experience to the user.
The hope is this will result in even better performance than the current PHP driver, while still providing an intuitive interface to work with. The net effect will be reduced maintenance and faster turnaround.
In the near future we hope to provide "ODM" style bindings for converting a model class into a document and vice versa, seamlessly.
See PHP-1066 for the current TODO list.
Let us know what you think!
To install the driver:
$ wget
$ pecl install phongo-0.1.0.tgz
$ echo "" >> `php --ini | grep "Loaded Configuration" | sed -e "s|.*:\s*||"`
$ php --re phongo | less