- why we need docker:
- Compatibility/Dependency between programs and os
- Long setup time
- Diffrent Dev/Test/Prod enviroment
- what can it do:
- Containerize applications
- Run each services whit its own dependencies in seprate containers
- container: completely isolated envirement, have own Proccess, services, network and mounts
docker run nginx
-> Run container from image, if not have get (pull) from server -
docker ps
-> list of running containers -
docker ps -a
-> list of all containers -
docker stop 6003
-> stop container with name or id -
docker start 6003
-> start container -
docker rm -v 6003
-> remove container [from ps list] -
docker images
-> image list on your system -
docker rmi nginx
-> remove image from system, before on remove all container of that -
docker pull node
-> only get node image frim server
docker exec [container] [command]
-> run command on container
for default docker run in atach mode
docker run -d [container]
-> run container in detach mode (run in background) -
docker attach [container id]
-> attach to detach container
docker run [container]:[tag]
-> run the special version of image, for default run latest
docker run -i [container]
-> run in interactive mode, for standard input -
docker run -it [container]
-> run in interactive mode and terminal
docker run -p 80:5000 [container1]
-> connect port 80 of docker hub to port 5000 of container -
docker run -p 3306:3306 mysql
-> connect port 3306 of docker hub to same port of container -
docker run -p 8306:3306 mysql
-> run another copy of mysql container in port 8306
to save data outside of container
docker run -v /opt/datadir:/var/lib/mysql mysql
-> map '/opt/datadir' of system to '/var/lib/mysql' of container
docker inspect [container]
-> more information about container -
docker history [container]
-> build history
docker logs [container]
-> see the logs
docker run -e APP_COLOR=blue [container]
-> set the env variable -
you can see the env variable in inspect container, config->env
make docker file ->
every line of docker file have to side instruction and arguments
FROM Ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install python
RUN pip install flask
RUN pip install flask-mysql
COPY . /opt/source-code
ENTRYPOINT FLASK_APP=/opt/source-code/app.py flask run
start from a base OS or another image
install all dependency
copy source code
especify entrypoint
docker build Dockerfile -t mohsen1299/my-custom-app
docker push mohsen1299/my-custom-app
docker save the build step and when it failed or run again, docker only build the changed layer
for run command,CMD command param1
orCMD ["command","param1"]
FROM Ubuntu
CMD sleep 5
can use
docker run ubuntu-sleeper
for sleep for 5 sec -
can use
docker run ubuntu-sleeper sleep 10
for sleep for 10 sec -
for invoke command automatically
FROM Ubuntu
ENTRYPOINT ["sleep"]
- onlu use
docker run ubuntu-sleeper 10
for 10 sec sleep, but we have error if not send argument
FROM Ubuntu
ENTRYPOINT ["sleep"]
CMD ["5"]
default value is 5 and we can send argument to change it
to change ENTRYPOINT in run time
docker run --entrypoint sleep2.0 ubuntu-sleeper 10
-> run sleep2.0 10
- Bridge
docker run ubuntu
- private, internal every container in docker host connect to it, ip is 172.17.x.x
- none
docker run ubuntu --network=none
- isolate and none atach to any network
- host
docker run ubuntu --network=host
- assosiate to host network directly and use host network
- Bridge
can make own internal network in docker host with
docker network create --driver bridge --subnet custome-isolate-network
docker network ls
-> list all network -
find network information of container in inspect, NetworkSetting->Networks->bridge
container can connect with their names
Image layer is Read only
Container Layer can read/write, change happen here, and remove after
Copy-on-write change fie only in container layer and happen after build
docker volume create [volum_name]
to make volume folder in docker lib -
docker volume ls
,docker volume inspect [volum_name]
docker run -v [volum_name]:/var/lib/mysql mysql
mount the docker volume folder -> '/var/lib/docker/volumes/' -
bind: for other path for volume ->
docker run -v /data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql mysql
can use
instead ofv
and data as json ->docker run --mount type=bind,source=/data/mysql,target=/var/lib/mysql mysql
storage driver to enable layered architecture, choose base on OS
- Devise Mapper
- Overlay
- Overlay2
- need to set up complex application, running multiple services, better to use docer compose, in
image: "mmumshad/simple-webapp"
images: "mongodb"
image: "redis:alphine"
image: "ansible"
- use
docker-compose up
- connect container:
docker run -d --name=vote -p 5000:80 --link redis:redis voting-app
, in docker compose file:
image: "voting-app"
- 5000:80
- redis
in docker compose file:
can write build location instead of image name
image: voting-app
->build: ./vote
- default version is 1 and save versions.
image: "voting-app"
- 5000:80
- redis
save links for other version and you can remove that for next versions
container run before the this container
version: 2
image: "voting-app"
- 5000:80
- redis
- can seprate the network for containers
image: redis
- back-end
image: postgres:9.4
- back-end
images: voting-app
- front-app
- back-end
images: result
- front-app
- back-end
image name: [User Account]/[Image Repository]
->image: nginx/nginx
location -> assume in docker hub ->
->image: docker.io/nginx/nginx
google registry, a lote of kubernetes:
cloud private registry like aws, azure, gcp
need login
docker login private-registry.io
after that
docker run private-registry.io/apps/internal-app
its application and make docker in docker
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry2
tag image:
docker image tag my-image localhost:500/my-image
push image from localhost:
docker push localhost:500/my-image
push image from network:
docker push
in linux need:
Docker CLI
,Docker Deamon
Docker CLI
can work with remote enginedocker -H=remote-docker-engine:2375
like asdocker -H= run nginx
- docker use namespase to isolate workspace like: Proccess ID, Unix Timesharing, Mount, Network, InterProccess
docker cgroup to control using of cpu by containers
docker run --cpus=.5 ubuntu
docker run --memory=100m ubuntu
two option for using docker in windows:
Docker Toolbox
orDocker Desktop
can install virtual software like 'virtual machin' or 'virtual box', deploy linux vm on it like ubuntu or debian, install docker on it -
Docker Desktop
: Oracle Virtualbox, Docker Engine, Docker Machine, Docker Compose, Kitematic GUI -
Docker Desktop
: use Microsoft Hyper-v in windows10 - default use linux container but you can choose window container
2 kind of container for window: windows server or Hyper-V isolation
windows server: share one kernel
Hyper-V isolation: seprate kernel for each
2 kind of image: windows server core or Nano server
windows server core: bigger image than nano server
Nano server: headless deployment, little size image like alphin in linux
support windows server 2016, Nano server, Windows10 Professional and Enterprise (only on Hyper-V isolation container)
can use Virtualbox and Hyper-V at sametime in windows
check install
docker info
switch betwin windows and linux containers -> right click on docker in system try -> switch to Linux containers
windows -> run ->
: see MobiLinuxVm
docker run hello-world
-> run hello-world image
docker run -p 80:80 nginx
-> run nginx on porr input:80 output:80
- for search 'docs' in images->
docker search docs
docker run -it alpine sh
- -it -> run in foreground and stop when not see
- alpine -> very light linux distro
- sh -> run sh shell
right click -> setting -> shared drives
docker run --rm -v c:/Users:/data alpine ls /data
- --rm: remove container after work
- -v: volume mount
- c:/Users:/data -> mapped c:\user to /data in image
- in end see data files with ls
docker run --rm -it -v c:/Users/vahid/iis.tar:/data alpine sh
- iis.tar info in /data and use sh
- if we change something in shell, its only on image and do'nt change in windows
- use ffmpeg image for conver
docker run --rm --volume ${pwd}:/output jrottenberg/ffmpeg -i http://site.com/file.mp4 /output/file.gif
- ${pwd} current path
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:80 -v c:\users\mohsen\mysite:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx
see site in local host port 8080
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name nginx nginx
- -d: run in background
docker cp c:\users\vahid\mysite nginx:/usr/share/nginx/html
- copy site to container
docker exec -it nginx bash
- for change with bash
docker exec nginx ls /usr/share/nginx/html
- see list of file
see site in local host port 8080
docker commit nginx mysite:nginx
- make snapshot from running container
docker run -d -p 8090:80 --name mysite mysite:nginx
see in local host port 8090
docker exec mysite ls /usr/share/nginx/html
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name nginx nginx
docker cp c:\users\vahid\mysite nginx:/usr/share/nginx/html
docker commit nginx mysite:nginx
in Dockerfile next to mysite folder
FROM nginx
COPY mysite /usr/share/nginx/html
for run
docker build -f Dockerfile -t mysite:nginx-df .
- add tag to image
docker tag mysite:nginx-df my_user_name/some_name:new_tag_name
- login with
docker login
and push to server
docker push my_user_name/some_name:new_tag_name
docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express
-> 7GB
- for run
docker run -d -p 1433:1433 -e sa_password=<SA_PASSWORD> -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express
- -d: in background
- 1433: standard port for sql server
- -e: local setting
docker logs id
-> see status of container if see password validation failed
its for not enough good password
- see container port with
and can connect to it
docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql
for run
docker ps
-> find id
docker exec -it id mysql --user=root --password=my-secret-pw
container orchestration support multiple docker hub
docker service create --replicas=100 nodejs
make 100 instance of docker application -
multiple sulution: Docker Swarm, Kubernetes (google), MESOS(apache)
combine multiple docker machin in single cluster
distribute services or application services into seprate docker host for high avaibility and load balancing across diffrense system and hardware
for install you need multiple host with docker install on them, and choose one host to manage other ->
docker swarm init --advertise-addr
-> copy the command and run in other docker nodedocker swarm join --token <token>
to run 3 instance of one container ->
docker service create --replicas=3 my-web-server
, must run on manager node
kubecli run --replicas=1000 my-web-server
can scale up and down easily
kubecli scale --replicas=2000 my-web-server
upgrade all image
kubecli rolling-update my-web-server --image=web-server:2
roll back all image
kubecli rolling-update my-web-server --rollback
Kubernete component: API Server, etcd, kubelet, Container Runtime, Controller, Scheduler
API Server: use as front-end software for Kubernete: user, management devices, command line
etcd: distributed reliable key value store, use to store data for manage cluster
Scheduler: responsible distributed work for container across multiple node
Controller: brain behind orchestration, responsible for noticing and responding when node, container or endpoint goes down, decition for bring up new container in this time
Container Runtime: underlying software use to run container like docker
kubelet: the agent run in each node in the cluster, responsible for making sure the containers are running on the node as excpected
the cli for deploying, managing application on Kubernetes cluster, to get cluster infornmation, status of ther node and other things
kubecli run hello-minikube
deploy an application on cluster -
kubecli cluster-info
to view the information about cluster -
kubecli get nodes
list all the node part of cluster
Free Code Camp: Docker Tutorial for Beginners - Run applications in containers
for test the docker lab