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Filter - Ruleset of Surge and QuantumultX



powered by CLOUDFLARE Workers

  1. Features
    1. Generate Surge Ruleset from QuantumultX filter link and vice versa.
    2. Change Ruleset automatically if source file changed.
  2. Instructions
    1. Create new worker in Cloudflare
    2. Copy all contents in Editor
    3. Fill in required content (url and replace regex)
    4. Save and Deploy
    5. Enjoy ur life


By Neurogram feat NavePnow

  1. Features
    1. Show Used data, Rest data and Due date
    2. Use Cron to run scripts periodically
  2. Instructions
    2. Check the data format and modify the regex if something goes wrong


By NavePnow feat wangfei021325

Auto check-in for



By NavePnow Modified according to the Jsbox script from author coo11

  1. Features

    1. Show Rest time, Rest fee and Rest flow
    2. Use Cron to run scripts periodically
  2. Instructions

    1. Set your China Unicom number in Mini Program of Alipay (provided api)
    2. Create 10010+.js under Surge/QuantumultX folder and copy all the content of link
    3. Add your phone number into required place
    4. Open Surge in Edit mode and write cron "00 12 * * *" debug=1,script-path=10010+.js below the config QuantumultX(below the [[task_local]): 00 12 * * * 10010+_qx.js
    5. Save it and enjoy your life
  3. ⚠️ Something you know know

    1. If you want to put the file online, make sure keep it private because the response data of Alipay provide your REAL NAME.
    2. Feel free to contact me if you have any problem.


By NavePnow powered by Dark Sky

  1. Features

    1. Show weather icon, range of temperature, precipProbability and hourly summary
    2. Use Cron to run scripts periodically (8am-8pm Run every 3 hours)
  2. Instructions

    1. Register at Dark Sky website and get free api
    2. Download and run Shortcuts
    3. Add the Secret Key generated from step one to the shortcuts
    4. Open Surge in Edit mode and write cron "00 8 * * *" debug=1,script-path=weather_dark.js QuantumultX(below the [[task_local]): 0 8-20/3 * * * weather_dark.js
    5. Save it and enjoy your life
  3. ⚠️ Something you know know

    1. If you want to put the file online, make sure keep it private because the API Usage of Dark Sky api if not countless.
    2. Refer to Dark Sky API if you want to customize your own weather notification.
    3. The purpose of this script is to make a daily weather reminder every morning. The script will be modified accordingly to meet my needs because Dark Sky Api has US extreme weather warning
    4. Feel free to contact me if you have any problem.


By NavePnow inspired by Nobyda

Auto check-in for Weibo Super_Talk



By NavePnow powered by Google Script

  1. Features
    1. Show Rest time, fee, flow, SMS and Calls.
    2. Run the script remotely
  2. Instructions
    1. Create a bot from BotFather and replace BOT_TOKEN with token received from bot father
    2. Get your personal chat id from get_id_bot and replace CHAT_ID with it
    3. Install http capture app like HTTP Catcher on your phone
    4. Install hi!App app from app store and log in by your phone number
    5. Open the http capture app and refresh the hi!App (reopen)
    6. Find request
    7. Write down Authorization and Cookie and replace them in the script
    8. Copy all content to the Google Script Editor
    9. Set a proper time to trigger it
  3. ⚠️ Something you know know
    1. Feel free to contact me if you have any problem.


By NavePnow powered by Google Script and Google Developers Console

  1. Features
    1. Set muliply calendars according to Google Calendar Api
    2. Run the script remotely
  2. Instructions
    1. Create a bot from BotFather and replace BOT_TOKEN with token received from bot father
    2. Get your personal chat id from get_id_bot and replace CHAT_ID with it
    3. Register your application with the Google Developers Console
    4. Activate the Google Calendar API in the Google Developers Console
    5. Under Credentials, create a new Public API access key and replace the API_KEY with it
    6. Find personal Calendar ID under [Google Calendar] -> [Setting and Sharing] -> [Calendar Setting] and add it into calendar_id
    7. Copy all content to the Google Script Editor
    8. Set a proper time to trigger it
  3. ⚠️ Something you know know
    1. Feel free to contact me if you have any problem.

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