: Change Directory
cd ..
: Change to parent directory
cd ~
or cd
: return to root directory
cd ../example/example
: navigating multiple levels of a file tree
: List segments; List files in a directory
ls -l
: long detailed listing includes detailed read/write permissions, date file was created, date file was created, and name of the file
ls -a
: list all (including hidden)
: Present Working Directory; List current absolute directory
: creates a file
: read a text file
rm *file name*
: remove a file
rm -r *directory name*
: remove a directory
rmdir *directory name*
: remove a directory
rm -rf *directory name*
: force removes everything (files/directories, etc do not use unless you know what you’re doing)
: copy a file (within the same directory, if the second file does not exist, one will be created)
cp *file1* *file2*
: copy file1 to file2
cp *file 1* ../*directory name*
: Copy a file to a different directory
: change the permissions of file to octal
mv *file1* *directory*
: move a file to another directory
mv *file1* *newFileName*
: rename a file
git init
: this initializes a repository
git status
: Checks the status of the repository tracks any changes of the repository
git add
: add files to git repository (use ‘.’ for all)
git clone
: clone a repository
git push
: this pushes the code to github
git push origin master
: Send changes to the master branch of your remote repository.
git remote add
: this adds the files to the repository
git pull
: this pulls the files from a repository
git commit -m *details about your process*
: this command commits the code to github and adds a message
git clone */path/to/repository*
: Create a working copy of a local repository
git remote add origin <server>
: If you haven't connected your local repository to a remote server, add the server to be able to push to it.
git checkout -b <branchname>
: Create a new branch and switch to it.
git checkout <branchname>
: Switch from one branch to another.
git branch
: List all the branches in your repo, and also tell you what branch you're currently in.
git branch -d <branchname>
: Delete the current branch.
git push origin <branchname>
: Push the branch to your remote repository, so others can use it.
git push --all origin
: Push all branches to your remote repository.
{command} --help
: shows description and usage of a command.
: search the manual for a command
: gives more detailed information about a command then it's respective man pages
: displays the calendar in the terminal
: displays the current date and time in the terminal