diff --git a/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/Field25519.v b/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/Field25519.v
index d60f0bb6e4..5ff884eb16 100644
--- a/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/Field25519.v
+++ b/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/Field25519.v
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+Require Import Crypto.Spec.Curve25519.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Local Open Scope string_scope.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
@@ -38,17 +39,8 @@ Section Field.
Instance translation_parameters_ok : Types.ok.
Proof using ext_spec_ok. constructor; try exact _; apply prefix_name_gen_unique. Qed.
- (* Define Curve25519 field *)
- Instance field_parameters : FieldParameters.
- Proof using Type.
- let M := (eval vm_compute in (Z.to_pos (UnsaturatedSolinas.m s c))) in
- (* curve 'A' parameter *)
- let a := constr:(F.of_Z M 486662) in
- let prefix := constr:("fe25519_"%string) in
- eapply
- (field_parameters_prefixed
- M ((a - F.of_Z _ 2) / F.of_Z _ 4)%F prefix).
- Defined.
+ Instance field_parameters : FieldParameters :=
+ field_parameters_prefixed Curve25519.p Curve25519.M.a24 "fe25519_"%string.
(* Call fiat-crypto pipeline on all field operations *)
Instance fe25519_ops : unsaturated_solinas_ops (ext_spec:=ext_spec) n s c.
diff --git a/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoor.v b/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoor.v
index 1b5d202965..a77054bdef 100644
--- a/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoor.v
+++ b/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoor.v
@@ -40,10 +40,25 @@ Local Open Scope string_scope.
Import Syntax Syntax.Coercions NotationsCustomEntry.
Import ListNotations.
Import Coq.Init.Byte.
+Import Tuple LittleEndianList.
+Local Coercion F.to_Z : F >-> Z.
Definition garageowner : list byte :=
[x7b; x06; x18; x0c; x54; x0c; xca; x9f; xa3; x16; x0b; x2f; x2b; x69; x89; x63; x77; x4c; xc1; xef; xdc; x04; x91; x46; x76; x8b; xb2; xbf; x43; x0e; x34; x34].
+Definition garageowner_P : Curve25519.M.point.
+refine (
+ let x := F.of_Z _ (le_combine garageowner) in
+ let y2 := (x*x*x + Curve25519.M.a*x*x +x)%F in
+ let sqrtm1 := (F.pow (F.of_Z _ 2) ((N.pos p-1)/4)) in
+ let y := F.sqrt_5mod8 sqrtm1 y2 in
+ exist _ (inl (x, y)) _).
+Lemma garageowner_P_correct : le_split 32 (Curve25519.M.X0 garageowner_P) = garageowner.
+Proof. vm_compute. reflexivity. Qed.
Local Notation ST := 0x80000000.
Local Notation PK := 0x80000040.
Local Notation BUF:= 0x80000060.
@@ -164,7 +179,6 @@ Qed.
Local Open Scope list_scope.
Require Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.RupicolaCrypto.Spec.
-Import Tuple LittleEndianList.
Local Definition be2 z := rev (le_split 2 z).
Local Coercion to_list : tuple >-> list.
Local Coercion Z.b2z : bool >-> Z.
@@ -200,7 +214,7 @@ Definition garagedoor_iteration : state -> list (lightbulb_spec.OP _) -> state -
(TracePredicate.one ("st", lightbulb_spec.GPIO_DATA_ADDR _, action))) ioh
/\ (
let m := firstn 16 garagedoor_payload in
- let v := le_split 32 (F.to_Z (x25519_gallina (le_combine sk) (Field.feval_bytes(FieldRepresentation:=frep25519) garageowner))) in
+ let v := le_split 32 (M.X0 (Curve25519.M.scalarmult (le_combine sk mod 2^255) garageowner_P)) in
exists set0 set1 : Naive.word32,
(word.unsigned set0 = 1 <-> firstn 16 v = m) /\
(word.unsigned set1 = 1 <-> skipn 16 v = m) /\
@@ -220,7 +234,7 @@ Definition garagedoor_iteration : state -> list (lightbulb_spec.OP _) -> state -
udp_local ++ udp_remote ++
be2 udp_length ++ be2 0 ++
garagedoor_header ++
- le_split 32 (F.to_Z (x25519_gallina (le_combine sk) (F.of_Z _ 9)))))
+ le_split 32 (M.X0 (Curve25519.M.scalarmult (le_combine sk mod 2^255) Curve25519.M.B))))
ioh /\ SEED=seed /\ SK=sk.
Local Instance spec_of_recvEthernet : spec_of "recvEthernet" := spec_of_recvEthernet.
@@ -363,6 +377,7 @@ Proof.
repeat straightline.
straightline_call; ssplit; try ecancel_assumption; try trivial; try ZnWords.
{ cbv. inversion 1. }
+ { instantiate (1:=garageowner_P). Decidable.vm_decide. }
rename Lppp into Lihl; assert (List.length ppp = 40)%nat as Lppp by ZnWords.
@@ -387,7 +402,7 @@ Proof.
subst pPPP.
seprewrite_in_by (Array.bytearray_append cmp1) H33 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
- set (k := (Field.feval_bytes _)); remember (le_split 32 (F.to_Z (x25519_gallina (le_combine sk) k))) as vv; subst k.
+ remember (le_split 32 (M.X0 (Curve25519.M.scalarmult (le_combine sk mod 2^255) garageowner_P))) as vv.
repeat straightline.
pose proof (List.firstn_skipn 16 vv) as Hvv.
pose proof (@firstn_length_le _ vv 16 ltac:(subst vv; rewrite ?length_le_split; ZnWords)).
@@ -852,7 +867,7 @@ Optimize Proof. Optimize Heap.
{ rewrite ?app_length, ?length_le_split. SepAutoArray.listZnWords. }
{ ZnWords. }
- pose proof length_le_split 32 (F.to_Z (x25519_gallina (le_combine sk) (F.of_Z _ 9))) as Hpkl.
+ pose proof length_le_split 32 (F.to_Z (M.X0 (Curve25519.M.scalarmult (le_combine sk mod 2^255) Curve25519.M.B))) as Hpkl.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
seprewrite_in_by (fun xs ys=>@bytearray_address_merge _ _ _ _ _ xs ys buf) H37 SepAutoArray.listZnWords.
diff --git a/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoorTop.v b/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoorTop.v
index 030a84604a..5d27632c9b 100644
--- a/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoorTop.v
+++ b/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/GarageDoorTop.v
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ Require Import bedrock2Examples.memswap.
Require Import bedrock2Examples.memconst.
Require Import Rupicola.Examples.Net.IPChecksum.IPChecksum.
Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.X25519.GarageDoor.
-Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.X25519.MontgomeryLadderProperties.
Import Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.RupicolaCrypto.ChaCha20.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Import Syntax Syntax.Coercions NotationsCustomEntry.
diff --git a/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/MontgomeryLadder.v b/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/MontgomeryLadder.v
index bd86664336..fcf467ee29 100644
--- a/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/MontgomeryLadder.v
+++ b/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/MontgomeryLadder.v
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
+Require Import Crypto.Spec.MontgomeryCurve.
Require Import Crypto.Spec.Curve25519.
Require Import bedrock2.Map.Separation.
Require Import bedrock2.Syntax.
@@ -53,25 +55,29 @@ Require Import coqutil.Map.OfListWord Coq.Init.Byte coqutil.Byte.
Import ProgramLogic.Coercions.
Local Notation "m =* P" := ((P%sep) m) (at level 70, only parsing) (* experiment*).
Local Notation "xs $@ a" := (Array.array ptsto (word.of_Z 1) a xs) (at level 10, format "xs $@ a").
-Definition x25519_gallina K U : F (2^255-19) :=
- @XZ.M.montladder _ F.zero F.one F.add F.sub F.mul F.inv (F.div (F.of_Z _ 486662 - F.of_Z _ 2) (F.of_Z _ 4))
- (Z.to_nat (Z.log2 (Z.pos order))) (Z.testbit K) U.
Global Instance spec_of_x25519 : spec_of "x25519" :=
- fnspec! "x25519" out sk pk / (o s p : list Byte.byte) (R : _ -> Prop),
+ fnspec! "x25519" out sk pk / (o s p : list Byte.byte) P (R : _ -> Prop),
{ requires t m := m =* s$@sk * p$@pk * o$@out * R /\
- length s = 32%nat /\ length p = 32%nat /\ length o = 32%nat /\ byte.unsigned (nth 31 p x00) <= 0x7f;
+ length s = 32%nat /\ length p = 32%nat /\ length o = 32%nat /\
+ byte.unsigned (nth 31 p x00) <= 0x7f /\ Field.feval_bytes(field_parameters:=field_parameters) p = Curve25519.M.X0 P;
ensures t' m := t=t' /\ m=* s$@sk ⋆ p$@pk ⋆ R ⋆
- (le_split 32 (x25519_gallina (le_combine s) (Field.feval_bytes p)))$@out }.
+ (le_split 32 (M.X0 (Curve25519.M.scalarmult (le_combine s mod 2^255) P))$@out) }.
Local Instance spec_of_fe25519_from_word : spec_of "fe25519_from_word" := Field.spec_of_from_word.
Local Instance spec_of_fe25519_from_bytes : spec_of "fe25519_from_bytes" := Field.spec_of_from_bytes.
Local Instance spec_of_fe25519_to_bytes : spec_of "fe25519_to_bytes" := Field.spec_of_to_bytes.
-Local Instance spec_of_montladder : spec_of "montladder" := spec_of_montladder(Z.to_nat (Z.log2 Curve25519.order)).
+Local Instance spec_of_montladder : spec_of "montladder" :=
+ spec_of_montladder
+ (Z.to_nat (Z.log2 Curve25519.order))
+ Crypto.Spec.Curve25519.field
+ Curve25519.M.a Curve25519.M.b Curve25519.M.b_nonzero (char_ge_3:=Curve25519.char_ge_3).
Local Arguments word.rep : simpl never.
Local Arguments word.wrap : simpl never.
Local Arguments word.unsigned : simpl never.
Local Arguments word.of_Z : simpl never.
Lemma x25519_ok : program_logic_goal_for_function! x25519.
repeat straightline.
@@ -94,10 +100,10 @@ Proof.
eapply byte.unsigned_range. }
repeat straightline.
- seprewrite_in (@Bignum.Bignum_of_bytes _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 a2) H15. { transitivity 40%nat; trivial. }
+ seprewrite_in (@Bignum.Bignum_of_bytes _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 a2) H16. { transitivity 40%nat; trivial. }
straightline_call; ssplit.
- 3: { unfold FElem, Field.FElem in *; extract_ex1_and_emp_in_goal; ssplit.
+ { unfold FElem, Field.FElem in *; extract_ex1_and_emp_in_goal; ssplit.
{ use_sep_assumption. cancel; repeat ecancel_step.
cancel_seps_at_indices 0%nat 0%nat; trivial. cbn; reflexivity. }
all : eauto.
@@ -106,7 +112,7 @@ Proof.
{ rewrite H3. vm_compute. inversion 1. }
repeat straightline.
- cbv [FElem] in H22. extract_ex1_and_emp_in H22.
+ specialize (H23 P ltac:(assumption)). cbv [FElem] in H23. extract_ex1_and_emp_in H23.
straightline_call; ssplit.
{ ecancel_assumption. }
{ transitivity 32%nat; auto. }
@@ -116,21 +122,20 @@ Proof.
repeat straightline.
cbv [Field.FElem] in *.
- seprewrite_in @Bignum.Bignum_to_bytes H25.
- seprewrite_in @Bignum.Bignum_to_bytes H25.
- extract_ex1_and_emp_in H25.
+ seprewrite_in @Bignum.Bignum_to_bytes H26.
+ seprewrite_in @Bignum.Bignum_to_bytes H26.
+ extract_ex1_and_emp_in H26.
repeat straightline; intuition eauto.
- rewrite H29 in *. cbv [x25519_gallina].
- use_sep_assumption; cancel. eapply RelationClasses.reflexivity.
+ rewrite H30 in *.
+ use_sep_assumption; cancel. reflexivity.
Global Instance spec_of_x25519_base : spec_of "x25519_base" :=
fnspec! "x25519_base" out sk / (o s : list Byte.byte) (R : _ -> Prop),
- { requires t m := m =* s$@sk * o$@out * R /\
- length s = 32%nat /\ length o = 32%nat;
+ { requires t m := m =* s$@sk * o$@out * R /\ length s = 32%nat /\ length o = 32%nat;
ensures t' m := t=t' /\ m=* s$@sk ⋆ R ⋆
- (le_split 32 (x25519_gallina (le_combine s) (F.of_Z _ 9)))$@out }.
+ le_split 32 (M.X0 (Curve25519.M.scalarmult (le_combine s mod 2^255) Curve25519.M.B))$@out }.
Lemma x25519_base_ok : program_logic_goal_for_function! x25519_base.
@@ -143,7 +148,7 @@ Proof.
seprewrite_in (@Bignum.Bignum_of_bytes _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 a2) H13. { transitivity 40%nat; trivial. }
straightline_call; ssplit.
- 3: { unfold FElem, Field.FElem in *; extract_ex1_and_emp_in_goal; ssplit.
+ { unfold FElem, Field.FElem in *; extract_ex1_and_emp_in_goal; ssplit.
{ use_sep_assumption. cancel; repeat ecancel_step.
cancel_seps_at_indices 0%nat 0%nat; trivial. cbn; reflexivity. }
all : eauto.
@@ -152,6 +157,7 @@ Proof.
{ rewrite H3. vm_compute. inversion 1. }
repeat straightline.
+ specialize (H20 Curve25519.M.B eq_refl).
unfold FElem in H20. extract_ex1_and_emp_in H20.
straightline_call; ssplit.
{ ecancel_assumption. }
@@ -167,8 +173,8 @@ Proof.
extract_ex1_and_emp_in H23.
repeat straightline; intuition eauto.
- rewrite H27 in *. cbv [x25519_gallina].
- use_sep_assumption; cancel. eapply RelationClasses.reflexivity.
+ rewrite H27 in *.
+ use_sep_assumption; cancel. reflexivity.
Require Import coqutil.Word.Naive.
@@ -196,36 +202,38 @@ Definition funcs :=
Require Import bedrock2.ToCString.
Definition montladder_c_module := list_byte_of_string (ToCString.c_module funcs).
-Instance BWM_RV32IM : FlatToRiscvCommon.bitwidth_iset 32 Decode.RV32IM := eq_refl.
-Derive montladder_compiler_result SuchThat
- (compile
- (compile_ext_call (funname_env:=SortedListString.map))
- funcs = Success montladder_compiler_result)
- As montladder_compiler_result_ok.
+Lemma link_montladder : spec_of_montladder (map.of_list funcs).
- match goal with x := _ |- _ => cbv delta [x]; clear x end.
- match goal with |- ?a = _ => set a end.
- vm_compute.
- match goal with |- @Success ?A ?x = Success ?e => is_evar e;
- exact (@eq_refl (result A) (@Success A x)) end.
+ unfold spec_of_montladder, ScalarMult.MontgomeryLadder.spec_of_montladder.
+ unfold funcs.
+ (* use montladder correctness proof *)
+ rewrite montladder_defn.
+ eapply @montladder_correct; try (typeclasses eauto).
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { Decidable.vm_decide. }
+ { Decidable.vm_decide. }
+ { Decidable.vm_decide. }
+ { eapply M.a2m4_nonsq. }
+ { exact I. }
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { eapply CSwap.cswap_body_correct; [|exact I|reflexivity].
+ unfold field_representation, Signature.field_representation, Representation.frep; cbn; unfold n; cbv; trivial. }
+ { eapply fe25519_copy_correct. reflexivity. }
+ { eapply fe25519_from_word_correct. reflexivity. }
+ {
+ cbv [LadderStep.spec_of_ladderstep]; intros.
+ rewrite ladderstep_defn.
+ eapply @LadderStep.ladderstep_correct; try (typeclasses eauto).
+ { cbv [Core.__rupicola_program_marker]; tauto. }
+ { reflexivity. }
+ { apply fe25519_mul_correct. reflexivity. }
+ { apply fe25519_add_correct. reflexivity. }
+ { apply fe25519_sub_correct. reflexivity. }
+ { apply fe25519_square_correct. reflexivity. }
+ { apply fe25519_scmula24_correct. reflexivity. }
+ { ecancel_assumption. } }
+ { unshelve eapply AdditionChains.fe25519_inv_correct_exp; [exact I|reflexivity| | ].
+ { apply fe25519_square_correct. reflexivity. }
+ { apply fe25519_mul_correct. reflexivity. } }
+ { apply fe25519_mul_correct. reflexivity. }
-Definition montladder_stack_size := snd montladder_compiler_result.
-Definition montladder_finfo := snd (fst montladder_compiler_result).
-Definition montladder_insns := fst (fst montladder_compiler_result).
-Definition montladder_bytes := Pipeline.instrencode montladder_insns.
-Definition montladder_symbols : list byte := Symbols.symbols montladder_finfo.
-Require riscv.Utility.InstructionNotations.
-Require riscv.Utility.InstructionCoercions.
-Module PrintAssembly.
- Import riscv.Utility.InstructionNotations.
- Import riscv.Utility.InstructionCoercions.
- Unset Printing Coercions.
- (* Compute garagedoor_finfo. (* fe25519_mul is more than 10KB in just one function *) *)
- Goal True. let r := eval cbv in montladder_insns in idtac (* r *). Abort.
-End PrintAssembly.
diff --git a/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/MontgomeryLadderProperties.v b/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/MontgomeryLadderProperties.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e44c09f16..0000000000
--- a/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/MontgomeryLadderProperties.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import bedrock2.Map.Separation.
-Require Import bedrock2.Map.SeparationLogic.
-Require Import bedrock2.Syntax.
-Require Import compiler.Pipeline.
-Require Import compiler.MMIO.
-Require Import compiler.NaiveRiscvWordProperties.
-Require Import coqutil.Map.SortedListWord.
-Require Import coqutil.Map.Z_keyed_SortedListMap.
-Require Import coqutil.Word.Bitwidth32.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.X25519.Field25519.
-Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Field.Synthesis.New.UnsaturatedSolinas.
-Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Specs.Field.
-Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Field.Interface.Compilation2.
-Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Group.ScalarMult.MontgomeryLadder.
-Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.X25519.MontgomeryLadder.
-Local Arguments map.rep: clear implicits.
-Definition f_rel_pos : Z := ltac:(
- let y := eval vm_compute in (List.find (fun '(name, pos) => String.eqb name "montladder") montladder_finfo) in
- match y with Some (_, ?pos) => exact pos end).
-Local Instance mem : map.map (word.rep (width:=32)) Init.Byte.byte := SortedListWord.map _ _.
-Local Existing Instance BW32.
-(* Postcondition extracted from spec_of_montladder *)
-Definition montladder_post (pOUT pK pU : word.rep (word:=Naive.word32))
- (Kbytes : list Byte.byte) (K : Z)
- (U : F (Field.M_pos (FieldParameters:=field_parameters)))
- (OUT : F (Field.M_pos (FieldParameters:=field_parameters)))
- (R : map.rep word.rep Init.Byte.byte mem -> Prop)
- (tr : Semantics.trace) :
- Semantics.trace -> map.rep _ _ mem -> list (word.rep (word:=Naive.word32)) -> Prop :=
- (fun (tr' : Semantics.trace)
- (mem' : map.rep word.rep Init.Byte.byte mem)
- (rets : list word.rep) =>
- rets = [] /\
- tr' = tr /\
- (FElem
- (BW:=BW32)
- (field_representaton:=field_representation n s c)
- (Some Field.tight_bounds) pOUT
- (@XZ.M.montladder _ F.zero F.one F.add F.sub F.mul F.inv a24 (Z.log2 Curve25519.order) (Z.testbit K) U)
- ⋆ Array.array ptsto (word.of_Z 1) pK Kbytes
- ⋆ FElem (BW:=BW32)
- (field_representaton:=field_representation n s c)
- (Some Field.tight_bounds) pU U ⋆ R)%sep
- mem').
-Local Instance Registers : map.map Z (@word.rep 32 Naive.word32)
- := Zkeyed_map _.
-Require Import riscv.Spec.Decode.
-Local Instance naive_word_riscv_ok :
- RiscvWordProperties.word.riscv_ok Naive.word32 := naive_word_riscv_ok 5.
-Lemma link_montladder : spec_of_montladder (map.of_list funcs).
- unfold spec_of_montladder, ScalarMult.MontgomeryLadder.spec_of_montladder.
- unfold funcs.
- (* use montladder correctness proof *)
- rewrite montladder_defn.
- eapply @montladder_correct; try (typeclasses eauto).
- { reflexivity. }
- { cbv [Core.__rupicola_program_marker]. tauto. }
- { exact I. }
- { reflexivity. }
- { eapply CSwap.cswap_body_correct; [|exact I|reflexivity].
- unfold field_representation, Signature.field_representation, Representation.frep; cbn; unfold n; cbv; trivial. }
- { eapply fe25519_copy_correct. reflexivity. }
- { eapply fe25519_from_word_correct. reflexivity. }
- {
- cbv [LadderStep.spec_of_ladderstep]; intros.
- rewrite ladderstep_defn.
- eapply @LadderStep.ladderstep_correct; try (typeclasses eauto).
- { cbv [Core.__rupicola_program_marker]; tauto. }
- { reflexivity. }
- { apply fe25519_mul_correct. reflexivity. }
- { apply fe25519_add_correct. reflexivity. }
- { apply fe25519_sub_correct. reflexivity. }
- { apply fe25519_square_correct. reflexivity. }
- { apply fe25519_scmula24_correct. reflexivity. }
- { ecancel_assumption. } }
- { unshelve eapply AdditionChains.fe25519_inv_correct_exp; [exact I|reflexivity| | ].
- { apply fe25519_square_correct. reflexivity. }
- { apply fe25519_mul_correct. reflexivity. } }
- { apply fe25519_mul_correct. reflexivity. }
-Lemma montladder_compiles_correctly :
- forall (t : Semantics.trace)
- (mH : map.rep word.rep Init.Byte.byte mem)
- (pOUT pK pU : word.rep) (out_bound : option Field.bounds)
- (OUT U: F Field.M_pos) (Kbytes : list Byte.byte) (K : Z)
- (initial : MetricRiscvMachine)
- (stack_lo stack_hi ret_addr p_funcs : word.rep)
- (R Rdata Rexec : map.rep word.rep Init.Byte.byte mem -> Prop),
- LittleEndianList.le_combine Kbytes = K ->
- length Kbytes = 32%nat ->
- (FElem (BW:=BW32)
- (field_representaton:=field_representation n s c)
- out_bound pOUT OUT
- ⋆ Array.array ptsto (word.of_Z 1) pK Kbytes
- ⋆ FElem (BW:=BW32)
- (field_representaton:=field_representation n s c)
- (Some Field.tight_bounds) pU U
- ⋆ R)%sep mH ->
- montladder_stack_size <=
- word.unsigned (word.sub stack_hi stack_lo) /
- SeparationLogic.bytes_per_word ->
- word.unsigned (word.sub stack_hi stack_lo)
- mod SeparationLogic.bytes_per_word = 0 ->
- getPc (getMachine initial) = word.add p_funcs (word.of_Z f_rel_pos) ->
- map.get (getRegs (getMachine initial)) RegisterNames.ra =
- Some ret_addr ->
- word.unsigned ret_addr mod 4 = 0 ->
- LowerPipeline.arg_regs_contain (getRegs (getMachine initial)) [pOUT; pK; pU] ->
- getLog (getMachine initial) = t ->
- LowerPipeline.machine_ok p_funcs stack_lo stack_hi montladder_insns
- mH Rdata Rexec initial ->
- FlatToRiscvCommon.runsTo initial
- (fun final : MetricRiscvMachine =>
- exists
- (mH' : map.rep word.rep Init.Byte.byte mem)
- (retvals : list word.rep),
- LowerPipeline.arg_regs_contain (getRegs (getMachine final)) retvals /\
- montladder_post pOUT pK pU Kbytes K U OUT R t
- (getLog (getMachine final)) mH' retvals /\
- map.only_differ (getRegs (getMachine initial))
- reg_class.caller_saved
- (getRegs (getMachine final)) /\
- getPc (getMachine final) = ret_addr /\
- LowerPipeline.machine_ok p_funcs stack_lo stack_hi
- montladder_insns mH' Rdata Rexec final).
- intros.
- eapply (compiler_correct_wp
- (ext_spec:=FE310CSemantics.ext_spec)
- (string_keyed_map := SortedListString.map)
- (string_keyed_map_ok := SortedListString.ok))
- with (fname:="montladder"%string).
- all:cbn [montladder fst snd].
- (* fill in easy subgoals that instantiate evars *)
- all:lazymatch goal with
- | |- compile _ _ = Success _ =>
- rewrite montladder_compiler_result_ok;
- transitivity (Success (montladder_insns,
- montladder_finfo,
- montladder_stack_size));
- [ | reflexivity ]; reflexivity
- | _ => idtac
- end.
- all:lazymatch goal with
- | |- getPc (getMachine _) = _ => eassumption
- | |- getLog (getMachine _) = _ => eassumption
- | |- map.get (getRegs (getMachine _)) _ = Some _ => eassumption
- | |- LowerPipeline.arg_regs_contain _ _ => eassumption
- | |- context [LowerPipeline.machine_ok] => eassumption
- | |- map.get _ "montladder"%string = Some _ => reflexivity
- | _ => idtac
- end.
- (* solve remaining goals one by one *)
- { eapply (compile_ext_call_correct (funname_env_ok:=SortedListString.ok)). }
- { intros. cbv [compile_ext_call compile_interact].
- repeat (destruct_one_match; try reflexivity). }
- { vm_compute. reflexivity. }
- { lazy. repeat constructor; cbn [In]; intuition idtac; congruence. }
- { eapply link_montladder.
- ssplit; try eassumption; [ ].
- lazymatch goal with H : length Kbytes = _ |- _ => rewrite H end.
- lazy; congruence. }
- { assumption. }
- { assumption. }
- { assumption. }
-(* Print Assumptions montladder_compiles_correctly. *)
diff --git a/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/MontgomeryLadderRISCV.v b/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/MontgomeryLadderRISCV.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..642472ac88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bedrock/End2End/X25519/MontgomeryLadderRISCV.v
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import bedrock2.Map.Separation.
+Require Import bedrock2.Map.SeparationLogic.
+Require Import bedrock2.Syntax.
+Require Import compiler.Pipeline.
+Require Import compiler.MMIO.
+Require Import compiler.NaiveRiscvWordProperties.
+Require Import coqutil.Map.SortedListWord.
+Require Import coqutil.Map.Z_keyed_SortedListMap.
+Require Import coqutil.Word.Bitwidth32.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
+Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.X25519.Field25519.
+Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Field.Synthesis.New.UnsaturatedSolinas.
+Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Specs.Field.
+Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Field.Interface.Compilation2.
+Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Group.ScalarMult.MontgomeryLadder.
+Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.End2End.X25519.MontgomeryLadder.
+Local Arguments map.rep: clear implicits.
+Instance BWM_RV32IM : FlatToRiscvCommon.bitwidth_iset 32 Decode.RV32IM := eq_refl.
+Derive montladder_compiler_result SuchThat
+ (compile
+ (compile_ext_call (funname_env:=SortedListString.map))
+ funcs = Success montladder_compiler_result)
+ As montladder_compiler_result_ok.
+ match goal with x := _ |- _ => cbv delta [x]; clear x end.
+ match goal with |- ?a = _ => set a end.
+ vm_compute.
+ match goal with |- @Success ?A ?x = Success ?e => is_evar e;
+ exact (@eq_refl (result A) (@Success A x)) end.
+Definition montladder_stack_size := snd montladder_compiler_result.
+Definition montladder_finfo := snd (fst montladder_compiler_result).
+Definition montladder_insns := fst (fst montladder_compiler_result).
+Definition montladder_bytes := Pipeline.instrencode montladder_insns.
+Definition montladder_symbols : list _ := Symbols.symbols montladder_finfo.
+Require riscv.Utility.InstructionNotations.
+Require riscv.Utility.InstructionCoercions.
+Module PrintAssembly.
+ Import riscv.Utility.InstructionNotations.
+ Import riscv.Utility.InstructionCoercions.
+ Unset Printing Coercions.
+ (* Compute garagedoor_finfo. (* fe25519_mul is more than 10KB in just one function *) *)
+ Goal True. let r := eval cbv in montladder_insns in idtac (* r *). Abort.
+End PrintAssembly.
+Definition f_rel_pos : Z := ltac:(
+ let y := eval vm_compute in (List.find (fun '(name, pos) => String.eqb name "montladder") montladder_finfo) in
+ match y with Some (_, ?pos) => exact pos end).
+Local Instance mem : map.map (word.rep (width:=32)) Init.Byte.byte := SortedListWord.map _ _.
+Local Existing Instance BW32.
diff --git a/src/Bedrock/Group/AdditionChains.v b/src/Bedrock/Group/AdditionChains.v
index a96432a515..1393770f55 100644
--- a/src/Bedrock/Group/AdditionChains.v
+++ b/src/Bedrock/Group/AdditionChains.v
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+Require Crypto.Spec.Curve25519.
Require Import Rupicola.Lib.Api.
Require Import Rupicola.Lib.Loops.
Require Import Rupicola.Lib.ControlFlow.DownTo.
@@ -457,9 +458,6 @@ Section FElems.
- Print Assumptions exp_6_body. (* does not depend on [width] or [word] *)
- Print Assumptions exp_97_body. (* depends on [width] and [word] :/ *)
Derive fe25519_inv SuchThat
(defn! "fe25519_inv" ("res", "x") { fe25519_inv },
implements (exp (2^255-21)) using [square; mul])
@@ -469,7 +467,6 @@ Section FElems.
Context { F_M_pos : Z.pos M_pos = 2^255-19 }.
- Require Import Crypto.Spec.Curve25519.
Lemma compile_inv : forall m l tr functions x,
let v := F.inv x in
diff --git a/src/Bedrock/Group/ScalarMult/MontgomeryLadder.v b/src/Bedrock/Group/ScalarMult/MontgomeryLadder.v
index 7f389934e6..70f9847cf5 100644
--- a/src/Bedrock/Group/ScalarMult/MontgomeryLadder.v
+++ b/src/Bedrock/Group/ScalarMult/MontgomeryLadder.v
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Require Crypto.Bedrock.Group.Loops.
Require Import Crypto.Curves.Montgomery.XZ.
+Require Import Crypto.Curves.Montgomery.XZProofs.
Require Import Rupicola.Lib.Api.
Require Import Rupicola.Lib.Alloc.
Require Import Rupicola.Lib.SepLocals.
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ Notation "'let/n' ( v , w , x , y , z ) := val 'in' body" :=
Section Gallina.
Local Open Scope F_scope.
- Context (m : positive) (a24 : F m) (count : nat).
+ Context {m : positive} (a24 : F m) (count : nat).
Definition montladder_gallina (k : Z) (u : F m)
: F m :=
let/n X1 := stack 1 in
@@ -128,6 +129,32 @@ Section Gallina.
cbn [fst snd to_pair] in Heqp0; inversion_clear Heqp0; trivial. }
{ reflexivity. }
+ Context
+ (field : @Hierarchy.field (F m) eq F.zero F.one F.opp F.add F.sub F.mul F.inv F.div)
+ (Hm' : (28 <= m)%positive)
+ a (a24_correct : (1 + 1 + 1 + 1) * a24 = a - (1 + 1))
+ (a2m4_nonsq : ~(exists r, F.mul r r = F.sub (F.mul a a) (F.of_Z _ 4)))
+ (b : F m) (b_nonzero : b <> 0).
+ Local Instance char_ge_28 : @Ring.char_ge (F m) eq 0 1 F.opp F.add F.sub F.mul 28.
+ Proof. eapply Algebra.Hierarchy.char_ge_weaken; try eapply F.char_gt; trivial. Qed.
+ Context {char_ge_3 : @Ring.char_ge (F m) eq 0 1 F.opp F.add F.sub F.mul 3}. (* appears in statement *)
+ Import MontgomeryCurve Montgomery.Affine.
+ Local Notation X0 := (@M.X0 _ eq F.zero F.add F.mul a b).
+ Local Notation add := (M.add(field:=field)(char_ge_3:=char_ge_3)(a:=a)(b_nonzero:=b_nonzero)).
+ Local Notation opp := (M.opp(field:=field)(a:=a)(b_nonzero:=b_nonzero)).
+ Local Notation scalarmult := (@ScalarMult.scalarmult_ref _ add M.zero opp).
+ Add Ring Private_ring : (F.ring_theory m) (morphism (F.ring_morph m), constants [F.is_constant]).
+ Lemma montladder_gallina_equiv_affine n P :
+ montladder_gallina n (X0 P) = X0 (scalarmult (n mod 2^Z.of_nat count) P).
+ Proof.
+ unshelve erewrite montladder_gallina_equiv, M.montladder_correct;
+ try lia; try exact _; trivial using F.inv_0.
+ { intros r Hr. apply a2m4_nonsq; exists r. rewrite Hr. f_equal. ring. }
+ Qed.
End Gallina.
Section __.
@@ -146,7 +173,19 @@ Section __.
Section MontLadder.
Context scalarbits (scalarbits_small : word.wrap (Z.of_nat scalarbits) = Z.of_nat scalarbits).
Local Notation "bs $@ a" := (array ptsto (word.of_Z 1) a bs) (at level 20).
+ Let m : positive := M_pos.
+ Context
+ (field : @Hierarchy.field (F m) eq F.zero F.one F.opp F.add F.sub F.mul F.inv F.div) (Hm' : (28 <= m)%positive)
+ (a : F m) (b : F m) (b_nonzero : b <> F.zero).
+ Context {char_ge_3 : @Ring.char_ge (F m) eq F.zero F.one F.opp F.add F.sub F.mul 3}. (* appears in statement *)
+ Import MontgomeryCurve Montgomery.Affine.
+ Local Notation X0 := (@M.X0 _ eq F.zero F.add F.mul a b).
+ Local Notation add := (M.add(field:=field)(char_ge_3:=char_ge_3)(a:=a)(b_nonzero:=b_nonzero)).
+ Local Notation opp := (M.opp(field:=field)(a:=a)(b_nonzero:=b_nonzero)).
+ Local Notation scalarmult := (@ScalarMult.scalarmult_ref _ add M.zero opp).
+ Import MontgomeryCurve.
Instance spec_of_montladder : spec_of "montladder" :=
fnspec! "montladder"
(pOUT pK pU : word)
@@ -154,13 +193,13 @@ Section __.
out_bound OUT
{ requires tr mem :=
+ mem =* FElem out_bound pOUT OUT * Kbytes$@pK * FElem (Some tight_bounds) pU U * R /\
LittleEndianList.le_combine Kbytes = K /\
- Z.of_nat scalarbits <= 8*Z.of_nat (length Kbytes) /\
- (FElem out_bound pOUT OUT * Kbytes$@pK * FElem (Some tight_bounds) pU U
- * R)%sep mem;
+ Z.of_nat scalarbits <= 8*Z.of_nat (length Kbytes);
ensures tr' mem' :=
- tr' = tr
- /\ (let OUT := @M.montladder _ F.zero F.one F.add F.sub F.mul F.inv a24 (Z.of_nat scalarbits) (Z.testbit K) U in
+ tr' = tr /\ (
+ forall P, U = MontgomeryCurve.M.X0 (Fzero:=F.zero) P ->
+ let OUT := MontgomeryCurve.M.X0 (Fzero:=F.zero) (scalarmult (K mod 2^Z.of_nat scalarbits) P) in
(FElem (Some tight_bounds) pOUT OUT * Kbytes$@pK
* FElem (Some tight_bounds) pU U
* R)%sep mem') }.
@@ -204,6 +243,7 @@ Section __.
bedrock_cmd:($out_var = (load1($x_var+$i_var>>coq:(3))>>($i_var&coq:(7)))&coq:(1); coq:(k_impl))
<{ pred (nlet_eq [out_var] v k) }>.
Proof using mem_ok scalarbits word_ok.
+ clear dependent m.
repeat straightline.
repeat (eexists; split; repeat straightline'; eauto); cbn [Semantics.interp_binop].
@@ -255,15 +295,16 @@ Section __.
Existing Instance felem_alloc.
- Lemma cswap_same {A} b (a : A): cswap b a a = \.
+ Lemma cswap_same {A} : forall b (a : A), cswap b a a = \.
Proof using Type.
- destruct b; reflexivity.
+ intros b0; destruct b0; reflexivity.
Local Ltac ecancel_assumption ::= ecancel_assumption_impl.
Lemma scalarbits_bound : Z.of_nat scalarbits < 2 ^ width.
Proof using scalarbits_small.
+ clear dependent m.
rewrite <- scalarbits_small.
unfold word.wrap.
apply Z_mod_lt.
@@ -309,23 +350,23 @@ Section __.
simple eapply word_unsigned_of_Z_eq; [ ZnWords |] : compiler.
(*TODO: should this go in core rupicola?*)
- Lemma compile_copy_bool {tr m l functions} (x: bool) :
+ Lemma compile_copy_bool {tr _m l functions} (x: bool) :
let v := x in
forall P (pred: P v -> predicate)
(k: nlet_eq_k P v) k_impl
x_expr var,
- WeakestPrecondition.dexpr m l x_expr (word.of_Z (Z.b2z v)) ->
+ WeakestPrecondition.dexpr _m l x_expr (word.of_Z (Z.b2z v)) ->
(let v := v in
<{ Trace := tr;
- Memory := m;
+ Memory := _m;
Locals := map.put l var (word.of_Z (Z.b2z v));
Functions := functions }>
<{ pred (k v eq_refl) }>) ->
<{ Trace := tr;
- Memory := m;
+ Memory := _m;
Locals := l;
Functions := functions }>
cmd.seq (cmd.set var x_expr) k_impl
@@ -356,7 +397,9 @@ Section __.
| cons _ ?xs => let i := find_implication xs y in constr:(S i)
- Context { F_M_pos : Z.pos M_pos = 2^255-19 }.
+ Context { F_M_pos : M_pos = (2^255-19)%positive }.
+ Context (a24_correct : F.mul (1 + 1 + 1 + 1) Field.a24 = F.sub a (1 + 1))
+ (Ha : ~(exists r, F.mul r r = F.sub (F.mul a a) (F.of_Z _ 4))).
Hint Extern 1 (spec_of "fe25519_inv") => (simple refine (spec_of_exp_large)) : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 1 (spec_of "felem_cswap") => (simple refine (spec_of_cswap)) : typeclass_instances.
@@ -364,23 +407,29 @@ Section __.
Derive montladder_body SuchThat
(defn! "montladder" ("OUT", "K", "U")
{ montladder_body },
- implements montladder_gallina
+ implements (montladder_gallina(m:=M_pos))
using ["felem_cswap"; felem_copy; from_word;
"ladderstep"; "fe25519_inv"; mul])
As montladder_correct.
pose proof scalarbits_bound.
- cbv [spec_of_montladder]; intros; eapply Semantics.weaken_call; cycle 1; intros.
- { rewrite <-montladder_gallina_equiv. match goal with H : ?e t' m' rets |- _ => exact H end. }
+ cbv [spec_of_montladder]; intros; eapply Semantics.weaken_call with
+ (post1:=fun t' m' rets => rets = [] /\ t' = tr /\
+ ((FElem (Some tight_bounds) pOUT (montladder_gallina a24 scalarbits K U)
+ ⋆ Kbytes $@ pK ⋆ FElem (Some tight_bounds) pU U ⋆ R) m')); cycle 1; intros.
+ { DestructHead.destruct_head and; Tactics.ssplit; trivial; intros.
+ pose proof LittleEndianList.le_combine_bound Kbytes. subst U.
+ erewrite montladder_gallina_equiv_affine in *; eauto; try lia. }
- repeat compile_step.
+ repeat compile_step; shelve_unifiable.
eapply compile_nlet_as_nlet_eq.
eapply compile_felem_cswap; repeat compile_step.
eapply compile_nlet_as_nlet_eq.
eapply compile_felem_cswap; repeat compile_step.
+ lia. (* m = 2^255-19 *)
diff --git a/src/Bedrock/Group/ScalarMult/ScalarMult.v b/src/Bedrock/Group/ScalarMult/ScalarMult.v
deleted file mode 100644
index ab26c0b28b..0000000000
--- a/src/Bedrock/Group/ScalarMult/ScalarMult.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-(* NOTE: broken, fix after Crypto.Bedrock.Group.ScalarMult.MontgomeryLadder. *)
-Require Import Rupicola.Lib.Api. (* for helpful tactics + notations *)
-Require Import coqutil.Byte.
-Require Import Crypto.Algebra.Hierarchy.
-Require Import Crypto.Algebra.ScalarMult.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Group.ScalarMult.MontgomeryLadder.
-Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Specs.Field.
-Require Import Crypto.Bedrock.Specs.Group.
-Require Import Crypto.Curves.Montgomery.AffineInstances.
-Require Import Crypto.Curves.Montgomery.XZ.
-Require Import Crypto.Curves.Montgomery.XZProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.MontgomeryCurve.
-Module M.
- Section __.
- Context {width: Z} {BW: Bitwidth width} {word: word.word width} {mem: map.map word Byte.byte}.
- Context {locals: map.map String.string word}.
- Context {ext_spec: bedrock2.Semantics.ExtSpec}.
- Context {word_ok : word.ok word} {mem_ok : map.ok mem}.
- Context {locals_ok : map.ok locals}.
- Context {ext_spec_ok : Semantics.ext_spec.ok ext_spec}.
- Context {field_parameters : FieldParameters}
- {field_parameters_ok : FieldParameters_ok}
- {field_representation : FieldRepresentation}
- {field_representation_ok : FieldRepresentation_ok}
- {scalarbits : nat}.
- Context (char_ge_3 :
- @Ring.char_ge (F M_pos) Logic.eq F.zero F.one F.opp F.add
- F.sub F.mul 3)
- (char_ge_5 :
- @Ring.char_ge (F M_pos) Logic.eq F.zero F.one F.opp F.add
- F.sub F.mul 5)
- (char_ge_12 :
- @Ring.char_ge (F M_pos) Logic.eq F.zero F.one F.opp F.add
- F.sub F.mul 12)
- (char_ge_28 :
- @Ring.char_ge (F M_pos) Logic.eq F.zero F.one F.opp F.add
- F.sub F.mul 28)
- (a b : F M_pos) (scmul : string).
- Context
- (b_nonzero : b <> F.zero)
- (discriminant_nonzero : (a * a - (1 + 1 + 1 + 1) <> 0)%F)
- (a24_correct : ((1 + 1 + 1 + 1) * a24)%F = (a - (1 + 1))%F)
- (a2m4_nonsquare :
- forall r : F M_pos,
- (r * r)%F <> (a * a - (1 + 1 + 1 + 1))%F).
- Local Notation to_xz := (M.to_xz (F:=F M_pos) (Feq:=Logic.eq)
- (Fzero:=F.zero) (Fone:=F.one)
- (Fadd:=F.add) (Fmul:=F.mul)
- (a:=a) (b:=b)).
- Local Notation to_x := (M.to_x (F:=F M_pos) (Feq:=Logic.eq)
- (Fzero:=F.zero) (Fdiv:=F.div)
- (Feq_dec:=F.eq_dec)).
- Global Instance group_parameters
- : GroupParameters :=
- { G := @M.point (F M_pos) Logic.eq F.add F.mul a b;
- eq := @M.eq (F M_pos) Logic.eq F.add F.mul a b;
- add := @M.add (F M_pos) Logic.eq F.zero F.one F.opp F.add F.sub
- F.mul F.inv F.div (@F.field_modulo M_pos M_prime)
- F.eq_dec char_ge_3 a b b_nonzero;
- zero := @M.zero (F M_pos) Logic.eq F.add F.mul a b;
- opp := @Affine.M.opp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (@F.field_modulo M_pos M_prime) F.eq_dec a b b_nonzero;
- scalarmult :=
- @scalarmult_ref _
- (M.add
- (field := @F.field_modulo M_pos M_prime)
- (char_ge_3 := char_ge_3)
- (b_nonzero := b_nonzero))
- M.zero
- (Affine.M.opp
- (field := @F.field_modulo M_pos M_prime)
- (b_nonzero := b_nonzero));
- scmul := scmul;
- }.
- Global Instance group_parameters_ok : GroupParameters_ok.
- Proof.
- constructor.
- { apply M.MontgomeryWeierstrassIsomorphism; auto. }
- { apply @scalarmult_ref_is_scalarmult.
- apply M.MontgomeryWeierstrassIsomorphism; auto. }
- Qed.
- Definition xrepresents (x : list byte) (P : G) : Prop :=
- feval_bytes x = to_x (to_xz P) /\ bytes_in_bounds x.
- Global Instance x_representation : GroupRepresentation :=
- { gelem := list byte; (* x only, as bytes *)
- grepresents := xrepresents;
- GElem := FElemBytes;
- }.
- Section Implementation.
- Local Instance spec_of_montladder : spec_of "montladder" := spec_of_montladder scalarbits.
- (* redeclaration plugs in implicits so [enter] works *)
- Definition spec_of_scmul : spec_of scmul :=
- Eval cbv [spec_of_scmul] in
- (@spec_of_scmul _ _ _ _ _ _ group_parameters x_representation (Nat.div_up scalarbits 8)).
- Definition spec_of_from_bytes : spec_of from_bytes := spec_of_from_bytes.
- Definition spec_of_to_bytes : spec_of to_bytes := spec_of_to_bytes.
- Existing Instances spec_of_scmul spec_of_from_bytes spec_of_to_bytes.
- Fixpoint repeat_stackalloc
- (size : Z) (names : list string)
- : cmd.cmd -> cmd.cmd :=
- match names with
- | [] => fun post => post
- | n :: names' =>
- fun post =>
- cmd.stackalloc n size (repeat_stackalloc size names' post)
- end.
- Import NotationsCustomEntry.
- Definition scmul_func := func! (out, x_bytes, k) {
- (* TODO: remove stack allocation of temporaries, it is no longer needed for Rupicola *)
- $(repeat_stackalloc
- felem_size_in_bytes
- ["X1"; "Z1"; "X2"; "Z2"; "A"; "AA"; "B"; "BB"; "E"; "C"; "D"; "DA"; "CB"; "x"; "r"]
- (cmd.seq
- (cmd.call [] from_bytes [expr.var "x"; expr.var "x_bytes"])
- (cmd.seq
- (cmd.call [] "montladder"
- [expr.var "r"; expr.var "k"; expr.var "x"; expr.var "X1";
- expr.var "Z1"; expr.var "X2"; expr.var "Z2"; expr.var "A";
- expr.var "AA"; expr.var "B"; expr.var "BB"; expr.var "E";
- expr.var "C"; expr.var "D"; expr.var "DA"; expr.var "CB"])
- (cmd.call [] to_bytes [expr.var "out"; expr.var "r"]))))}.
- Lemma and_iff1_l (X : Prop) (P : mem -> Prop) :
- X ->
- Lift1Prop.iff1 (fun m => X /\ P m) P.
- Proof.
- repeat intro.
- split; intros; sepsimpl; eauto.
- Qed.
- (* TODO: generalize this tactic and upstream to bedrock2 *)
- Ltac extract_pred' pred P :=
- lazymatch P with
- | (pred ?X * ?Q)%sep => constr:(pair X Q)
- | (?Q * pred ?X)%sep => constr:(pair X Q)
- | (?P * ?Q)%sep =>
- lazymatch P with
- | context [pred] =>
- match extract_pred' pred P with
- | pair ?X ?P' => constr:(pair X (P' * Q)%sep)
- end
- | _ => lazymatch Q with
- | context [pred] =>
- match extract_pred' pred Q with
- | pair ?X ?Q' => constr:(pair X (P * Q')%sep)
- end
- | _ => fail "No emp found in" P Q
- end
- end
- | _ => fail "expected a separation-logic conjunct with at least 2 terms, got" P
- end.
- Ltac extract_pred pred :=
- match goal with
- | |- context [pred] =>
- match goal with
- | |- sep ?P ?Q ?m =>
- let r := extract_pred' pred (sep P Q) in
- match r with
- | pair ?X ?Y =>
- let H := fresh in
- assert (sep (pred X) Y m) as H;
- [ | clear - H; ecancel_assumption ]
- end
- end
- end.
- Ltac extract_emp :=
- let pred := constr:(emp (map:=mem)) in
- extract_pred pred.
- Ltac extract_ex1 :=
- lazymatch goal with
- | |- context [@Lift1Prop.ex1 ?A ?B] =>
- let pred := constr:(@Lift1Prop.ex1 A B) in
- extract_pred pred
- | _ => fail "extract_ex1 : no ex1 found in goal!"
- end.
- Ltac prove_anybytes_postcondition :=
- repeat lazymatch goal with
- | |- exists m mS,
- Memory.anybytes ?p ?n mS
- /\ map.split ?mC m mS
- /\ ?K =>
- let H := fresh in
- let mp := fresh in
- let mq := fresh in
- assert (sep (fun m => K) (Placeholder p) mC) as H;
- [ | clear - H; cbv [sep] in H; cbv [Placeholder];
- destruct H as [mp [mq [? [? ?]]]];
- exists mp, mq; ssplit; solve [eauto] ]
- | |- sep (fun mC =>
- exists m mS,
- Memory.anybytes ?p ?n mS
- /\ map.split mC m mS
- /\ ?K) ?Q ?mem =>
- let H := fresh in
- let H' := fresh in
- let mp := fresh in
- let mq := fresh in
- let mp2 := fresh in
- let mq2 := fresh in
- assert (sep (sep (fun m => K) (Placeholder p)) Q mem) as H;
- [ eapply sep_assoc
- | clear - H; cbv [sep] in H; cbv [Placeholder];
- destruct H as [mp [mq [? [H' ?] ] ] ];
- exists mp, mq; ssplit; eauto; [ ];
- destruct H' as [mp2 [mq2 [? [? ?] ] ] ];
- exists mp2, mq2; ssplit; solve [eauto] ]
- end.
- (* speedier proof if straightline doesn't try to compute the stack
- allocation sizes *)
- Local Opaque felem_size_in_bytes.
- Lemma scmul_func_correct : forall functions,
- map.get functions scmul = Some scmul_func ->
- spec_of_scmul functions.
- Proof.
- (* straightline doesn't work properly for setup, so the first step
- is inlined and changed here *)
- enter scmul_func. intros.
- eapply start_func. 1: eassumption.
- cbv beta match delta [WeakestPrecondition.func].
- cbv [GElem x_representation grepresents xrepresents] in *.
- sepsimpl.
- (* plain straightline should do this but doesn't (because locals
- representation is abstract?); using enhanced version from
- rupicola (straightline') *)
- repeat lazymatch goal with
- | |- (felem_size_in_bytes mod _ = 0)%Z /\ _ =>
- split; [ solve [apply felem_size_in_bytes_mod] | ]
- | Hb : Memory.anybytes ?p ?n ?mS,
- Hs : map.split ?mC ?m ?mS,
- Hm : ?P ?m |- _ =>
- assert (sep P (Placeholder p) mC)
- by (remember P; cbv [sep]; exists m, mS;
- ssplit; solve [eauto]);
- clear Hb Hs
- | _ => clear_old_seps; straightline'
- end.
-(* NOTE: broken, fix after Crypto.Bedrock.Group.ScalarMult.MontgomeryLadder. *)
- (* call from_bytes *)
- handle_call; [ solve [eauto] .. | ].
- sepsimpl; repeat straightline'.
- (* call montladder *)
- handle_call; [ solve [eauto] .. | ].
- sepsimpl; repeat straightline'.
- (* clean up *)
- cbv [MontLadderResult] in *.
- clear_old_seps. sepsimpl.
- (* call to_bytes *)
- handle_call; [ solve [eauto] .. | ].
- sepsimpl; subst. clear_old_seps.
- (* prove postcondition, including dealloc *)
- repeat straightline'.
- prove_anybytes_postcondition.
- cbn [WeakestPrecondition.list_map
- WeakestPrecondition.list_map_body].
- seprewrite and_iff1_l; [ reflexivity | ].
- sepsimpl; [ reflexivity .. | ].
- lift_eexists; sepsimpl.
- extract_emp.
- extract_emp.
- sepsimpl; [ | | ].
- {
- pose proof scalarbits_pos.
- match goal with
- | H : context [montladder_gallina] |- _ =>
- erewrite montladder_gallina_equiv in H
- by (reflexivity || lia)
- end.
- cbv [grepresents xrepresents] in *.
- cbn [scalarmult group_parameters].
- match goal with
- | H : M.montladder _ _ _ = feval ?x
- |- feval_bytes ?y = _ =>
- let H' := fresh in
- assert (feval x = feval_bytes y) as H' by eauto;
- rewrite <-H', <-H; clear H H'
- end.
- apply @M.montladder_correct with (Feq := Logic.eq);
- eauto using F.inv_0, sceval_range with lia; try congruence. }
- { eauto. }
- { repeat match goal with
- | H : context [FElem ?p] |- context [Placeholder ?p] =>
- seprewrite (FElem_from_bytes p)
- end.
- sepsimpl. lift_eexists.
- ecancel_assumption. }
- Qed.
- *)
- Abort.
- End Implementation.
- End __.
-End M.
diff --git a/src/Curves/Montgomery/Affine.v b/src/Curves/Montgomery/Affine.v
index dd3ae84cd2..0bcf46b6c3 100644
--- a/src/Curves/Montgomery/Affine.v
+++ b/src/Curves/Montgomery/Affine.v
@@ -27,13 +27,7 @@ Module M.
Context {a b: F} {b_nonzero:b <> 0}.
- Program Definition opp (P:@M.point F Feq Fadd Fmul a b) : @M.point F Feq Fadd Fmul a b :=
- match P return F*F+∞ with
- | (x, y) => (x, -y)
- | ∞ => ∞
- end.
- Next Obligation. Proof. destruct_head @M.point; cbv; break_match; trivial; fsatz. Qed.
+ Local Notation opp := (M.opp(a:=a)(b_nonzero:=b_nonzero)).
Local Notation add := (M.add(b_nonzero:=b_nonzero)).
Local Notation point := (@M.point F Feq Fadd Fmul a b).
diff --git a/src/Curves/Montgomery/XZProofs.v b/src/Curves/Montgomery/XZProofs.v
index 495c249a36..1b74dc98e9 100644
--- a/src/Curves/Montgomery/XZProofs.v
+++ b/src/Curves/Montgomery/XZProofs.v
@@ -24,10 +24,15 @@ Module M.
Context {F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv}
{field:@Algebra.Hierarchy.field F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv}
{Feq_dec:Decidable.DecidableRel Feq}
- {char_ge_3:@Ring.char_ge F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul 3}
- {char_ge_5:@Ring.char_ge F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul 5}
- {char_ge_12:@Ring.char_ge F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul 12}
{char_ge_28:@Ring.char_ge F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul 28}.
+ Lemma Private_char_ge_3: @Ring.char_ge F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul 3.
+ Proof. clear -char_ge_28; eapply Algebra.Hierarchy.char_ge_weaken; eauto; vm_decide. Qed.
+ Context {char_ge_3 : @Ring.char_ge F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul 3}. (* appears in statement *)
+ Local Instance char_ge_5: @Ring.char_ge F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul 5.
+ Proof. clear -char_ge_28; eapply Algebra.Hierarchy.char_ge_weaken; eauto; vm_decide. Qed.
+ Local Instance char_ge_12: @Ring.char_ge F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul 12.
+ Proof. clear -char_ge_28; eapply Algebra.Hierarchy.char_ge_weaken; eauto; vm_decide. Qed.
Local Infix "=" := Feq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope.
Local Infix "+" := Fadd. Local Infix "*" := Fmul.
Local Infix "-" := Fsub. Local Infix "/" := Fdiv.
@@ -40,6 +45,7 @@ Module M.
Local Notation Madd := (M.add(a:=a)(b_nonzero:=b_nonzero)(char_ge_3:=char_ge_3)).
Local Notation Mopp := (M.opp(a:=a)(b_nonzero:=b_nonzero)).
Local Notation Mpoint := (@M.point F Feq Fadd Fmul a b).
+ Local Notation X0 := (M.X0(Fzero:=Fzero)(Feq:=Feq)(Fadd:=Fadd)(Fmul:=Fmul)(a:=a)(b:=b)).
Local Notation to_xz := (M.to_xz(Fzero:=Fzero)(Fone:=Fone)(Feq:=Feq)(Fadd:=Fadd)(Fmul:=Fmul)(a:=a)(b:=b)).
Local Notation xzladderstep := (M.xzladderstep(a24:=a24)(Fadd:=Fadd)(Fsub:=Fsub)(Fmul:=Fmul)).
@@ -226,10 +232,7 @@ Module M.
if dec (snd xz = 0) then 0 else fst xz / snd xz.
Hint Unfold to_x : points_as_coordinates.
- Lemma to_x_to_xz Q : to_x (to_xz Q) = match M.coordinates Q with
- | ∞ => 0
- | (x,y) => x
- end.
+ Lemma to_x_to_xz Q : to_x (to_xz Q) = X0 Q.
Proof. t. Qed.
Lemma proper_to_x_projective xz x'z'
@@ -269,17 +272,11 @@ Module M.
Lemma Z_shiftr_testbit_1 n i: Logic.eq (n>>i)%Z (Z.div2 (n >> i) + Z.div2 (n >> i) + Z.b2z (Z.testbit n i))%Z.
Proof. rewrite ?Z.testbit_odd, ?Z.add_diag, <-?Z.div2_odd; reflexivity. Qed.
+ Context (HFinv : Finv 0 = 0) (scalarbits : Z) (Hscalarbits : (0 <= scalarbits)%Z).
(* We prove montladder correct by considering the zero and non-zero case
separately. *)
- Lemma montladder_correct_0
- (HFinv : Finv 0 = 0)
- (n : Z)
- (scalarbits : Z) (point : F)
- (Hz : point = 0)
- (Hn : (0 <= n < 2^scalarbits)%Z)
- (Hscalarbits : (0 <= scalarbits)%Z)
- : montladder scalarbits (Z.testbit n) point = 0.
+ Lemma montladder_correct_0 n x (Hx : Feq x 0) : montladder scalarbits (Z.testbit n) x = 0.
cbv beta delta [M.montladder].
(* [while.by_invariant] expects a goal like [?P (while _ _ _ _)], make it so: *)
@@ -292,7 +289,7 @@ Module M.
(fun s => Z.to_nat (Z.succ (snd s)))).
{ split.
(* invariant holds in the beginning *)
- { cbn; split; [lia|split;[reflexivity|t]]. }
+ { cbn; split; [lia|split;[reflexivity|try t]]. }
{ (* fuel <= measure *) cbn. rewrite Z.succ_pred. reflexivity. } }
{ intros [ [ [ [ [x2 z2] x3] z3] swap] i] [Hi [Hz2 Hx3z3]].
destruct (i >=? 0)%Z eqn:Hbranch; (* did the loop continue? *)
@@ -313,15 +310,8 @@ Module M.
cbv [M.cswap]; break_match; break_match_hyps; setoid_subst_rel Feq; fsatz. } }
- Lemma montladder_correct_nz
- (HFinv : Finv 0 = 0)
- (n : Z) (P : M.point)
- (scalarbits : Z) (point : F)
- (Hnz : point <> 0)
- (Hn : (0 <= n < 2^scalarbits)%Z)
- (Hscalarbits : (0 <= scalarbits)%Z)
- (Hpoint : point = to_x (to_xz P))
- : montladder scalarbits (Z.testbit n) point = to_x (to_xz (scalarmult n P)).
+ Lemma montladder_correct_nz n P (Hnz : X0 P <> 0)
+ : montladder scalarbits (Z.testbit n) (X0 P) = X0 (scalarmult (n mod 2^scalarbits) P).
pose proof (let (_, h, _, _) := AffineInstances.M.MontgomeryWeierstrassIsomorphism b_nonzero (a:=a) a2m4_nz in h) as commutative_group.
cbv beta delta [M.montladder].
@@ -329,28 +319,31 @@ Module M.
lazymatch goal with |- context [while ?t ?b ?l ?i] => pattern (while t b l i) end.
eapply (while.by_invariant_fuel
(fun '(x2, z2, x3, z3, swap, i) =>
- (i >= -1)%Z /\
+ (-1 <= i < scalarbits)%Z /\
projective (pair x2 z2) /\
projective (pair x3 z3) /\
let q := if (swap:bool) then (pair x3 z3) else (pair x2 z2) in
let q' := if (swap:bool) then (pair x2 z2) else (pair x3 z3) in
- let r := (n >> Z.succ i)%Z in
+ let r := ((n mod 2^scalarbits) >> Z.succ i)%Z in
eq q (to_xz (scalarmult r P)) /\
eq q' (to_xz (scalarmult (Z.succ r) P)) /\
- ladder_invariant point (scalarmult r P) (scalarmult (Z.succ r) P))
+ ladder_invariant (X0 P) (scalarmult r P) (scalarmult (Z.succ r) P))
(fun s => Z.to_nat (Z.succ (snd s))) (* decreasing measure *) ).
{ split; cbn.
{ (* invariant holds in the beginning *)
- rewrite ?Z.succ_pred, ?Z.lt_pow_2_shiftr, <-?Z.one_succ by tauto.
- repeat split; [lia|t..]. }
+ rewrite ?Z.succ_pred, ?Z.lt_pow_2_shiftr, <-?Z.one_succ by (apply Z.mod_pos_bound; lia).
+ repeat split; [lia|lia|t..]. }
{ (* sufficient fuel *) rewrite Z.succ_pred. reflexivity. } }
{ intros [ [ [ [ [x2 z2] x3] z3] swap] i] [Hi [Hx2z2 [Hx3z3 [Hq [Hq' Hladder]]]]].
destruct (i >=? 0)%Z eqn:Hbranch; (* did the loop continue? *)
rewrite Z.geb_ge_iff in Hbranch.
{ (* if loop continued, invariant is preserved *)
+ remember (Z.testbit n i) as bit eqn:Hbit; symmetry in Hbit.
+ erewrite <-(Z.mod_pow2_bits_low _ scalarbits) in Hbit by tauto.
+ set (n mod 2 ^ scalarbits)%Z as n' in *.
let group _ := ltac:(repeat rewrite ?scalarmult_add_l, ?scalarmult_0_l, ?scalarmult_1_l, ?Hierarchy.left_identity, ?Hierarchy.right_identity, ?Hierarchy.associative, ?(Hierarchy.commutative _ P); reflexivity) in
- destruct (Z.testbit n i) eqn:Hbit in *;
+ destruct bit in *;
destruct swap eqn:Hswap in *;
repeat match goal with
| _ => solve [ congruence | assumption | lia ]
@@ -367,8 +360,8 @@ Module M.
=> let pf := constr:(to_xz_add p xz x'z' _ _ H G HQ HQ' ltac:(auto using ladder_invariant_swap)) in
unique pose proof (proj1 pf); destruct (proj2 pf) as [? [? [? ?]]] (* because there is no unique destruct *)
| _ => progress rewrite ?Z.succ_pred, ?Z.shiftr_succ, <-?Z.div2_spec, <-?Z.add_1_r in *
- | |- context [scalarmult (n>>i) ] => rewrite (Z_shiftr_testbit_1 n i), Hbit; cbn [Z.b2z]
- | |- context [scalarmult (n>>i+1) ] => rewrite (Z_shiftr_testbit_1 n i), Hbit; cbn [Z.b2z]
+ | |- context [scalarmult (n'>>i) ] => rewrite (Z_shiftr_testbit_1 n' i), Hbit; cbn [Z.b2z]
+ | |- context [scalarmult (n'>>i+1) ] => rewrite (Z_shiftr_testbit_1 n' i), Hbit; cbn [Z.b2z]
| |- ?P => match type of P with Prop => split end
| H: eq (?f _) (to_xz ?LHS) |- eq (?f _) (to_xz ?RHS)
=> eapply (transitive_eq (to_xz LHS) ltac:(auto using projective_to_xz) H); f_equiv; group ()
@@ -381,11 +374,11 @@ Module M.
{ (* measure decreases *)
cbv [Let_In]; break_match; cbn; rewrite Z.succ_pred; apply Znat.Z2Nat.inj_lt; lia. }
{ (* if loop exited, invariant implies postcondition *)
- destruct_head' @and; autorewrite with cancel_pair in *.
replace i with ((-(1))%Z) in * by lia; clear Hi Hbranch.
rewrite Z.succ_m1, Z.shiftr_0_r in *.
cbv [M.cswap];
destruct swap eqn:Hswap; rewrite <-!to_x_inv00 by assumption;
+ etransitivity; try eapply to_x_to_xz; f_equal;
eauto using projective_to_xz, proper_to_x_projective. } }
@@ -393,59 +386,29 @@ Module M.
additionally showing that the right-hand-side is 0. This comes from there
being two points such that to_x gives 0: infinity and (0, 0). *)
- Lemma opp_to_x_to_xz_0
- (P : M.point)
- (H : 0 = to_x (to_xz P))
- : 0 = to_x (to_xz (Mopp P)).
+ Lemma X0_opp_0 (P : M.point) (H : X0 P = 0) : X0 (Mopp P) = 0.
Proof. t. Qed.
- Lemma add_to_x_to_xz_0
- (P Q : M.point)
- (HP : 0 = to_x (to_xz P))
- (HQ : 0 = to_x (to_xz Q))
- : 0 = to_x (to_xz (Madd P Q)).
- Proof. t. Qed.
+ Lemma X0_add_0 (P Q : M.point) (HP : X0 P = 0) (HQ : X0 Q = 0) : X0(Madd P Q) = 0.
+ Proof. cbv [X0] in *; t. Qed.
- Lemma scalarmult_to_x_to_xz_0
- (n : Z) (P : M.point)
- (H : 0 = to_x (to_xz P))
- : 0 = to_x (to_xz (scalarmult n P)).
+ Lemma X0_scalarmult_0 (n : Z) (P : M.point) (H : X0 P = 0) : X0 (scalarmult n P) = 0.
- induction n using Z.peano_rect_strong.
- { cbn. t. }
- { (* Induction case from n to Z.succ n. *)
- unfold scalarmult_ref.
- rewrite Z.peano_rect_succ by lia.
- fold (scalarmult n P).
- apply add_to_x_to_xz_0; trivial. }
- { (* Induction case from n to Z.pred n. *)
- unfold scalarmult_ref.
- rewrite Z.peano_rect_pred by lia.
- fold (scalarmult n P).
- apply add_to_x_to_xz_0.
- { apply opp_to_x_to_xz_0; trivial. }
- { trivial. } }
+ clear dependent scalarbits.
+ induction n using Z.peano_rect_strong; try t.
+ { unfold scalarmult_ref. rewrite Z.peano_rect_succ by lia. fold (scalarmult n P).
+ auto using X0_add_0. }
+ { unfold scalarmult_ref. rewrite Z.peano_rect_pred by lia. fold (scalarmult n P).
+ auto using X0_add_0, X0_opp_0. }
(* Combine the two cases together. *)
- Lemma montladder_correct
- (HFinv : Finv 0 = 0)
- (n : Z) (P : M.point)
- (scalarbits : Z) (point : F)
- (Hn : (0 <= n < 2^scalarbits)%Z)
- (Hscalarbits : (0 <= scalarbits)%Z)
- (Hpoint : point = to_x (to_xz P))
- : montladder scalarbits (Z.testbit n) point = to_x (to_xz (scalarmult n P)).
+ Lemma montladder_correct n P :
+ montladder scalarbits (Z.testbit n) (X0 P) = X0 (scalarmult (n mod 2^scalarbits) P).
- destruct (dec (point = 0)) as [Hz|Hnz].
- { rewrite (montladder_correct_0 HFinv _ _ _ Hz Hn Hscalarbits).
- setoid_subst_rel Feq.
- apply scalarmult_to_x_to_xz_0.
- trivial. }
- { apply (montladder_correct_nz HFinv _ _ _ _ Hnz Hn Hscalarbits).
- trivial. }
+ destruct (dec (X0 P = 0)) as [Hz|?]; auto using montladder_correct_nz .
+ rewrite montladder_correct_0, X0_scalarmult_0 by trivial; reflexivity.
End MontgomeryCurve.
End M.
diff --git a/src/Spec/Curve25519.v b/src/Spec/Curve25519.v
index 56b0488ccb..fa4e3e8252 100644
--- a/src/Spec/Curve25519.v
+++ b/src/Spec/Curve25519.v
@@ -68,3 +68,32 @@ Proof.
Proof_certif 2 prime_2] _).
native_cast_no_check (@eq_refl bool true).
Time Qed. (* 1s *)
+Local Notation F := (F p).
+Require PrimeFieldTheorems.
+Lemma field : @Hierarchy.field F eq F.zero F.one F.opp F.add F.sub F.mul F.inv F.div.
+Proof. apply PrimeFieldTheorems.F.field_modulo, prime_p. Qed.
+Lemma char_ge_3 : @Ring.char_ge F eq F.zero F.one F.opp F.add F.sub F.mul 3.
+Proof. eapply Hierarchy.char_ge_weaken; try apply ModularArithmeticTheorems.F.char_gt; Decidable.vm_decide. Qed.
+Require Import Spec.MontgomeryCurve.
+Module M.
+ Definition a : F := F.of_Z _ 486662.
+ Definition b : F := F.one.
+ Definition a24 : F := ((a - F.of_Z _ 2) / F.of_Z _ 4)%F.
+ Definition point := @M.point F eq F.add F.mul a F.one.
+ Definition B : point :=
+ exist _ (inl (F.of_Z _ 9, F.of_Z _ 14781619447589544791020593568409986887264606134616475288964881837755586237401)) eq_refl.
+ Lemma a2m4_nonzero : F.sub (F.mul a a) (F.of_Z _ 4) <> F.zero. Decidable.vm_decide. Qed.
+ Lemma a2m4_nonsq : ~(exists r, F.mul r r = F.sub (F.mul a a) (F.of_Z _ 4)).
+ Proof. epose (@PrimeFieldTheorems.F.Decidable_square p prime_p eq_refl); Decidable.vm_decide. Qed.
+ Lemma b_nonzero : b <> F.zero. Decidable.vm_decide. Qed.
+ Definition add := (M.add(field:=field)(char_ge_3:=char_ge_3)(a:=a)(b_nonzero:=b_nonzero)).
+ Definition opp := (M.opp(field:=field)(a:=a)(b_nonzero:=b_nonzero)).
+ Definition X0 := (M.X0(Feq:=eq)(Fzero:=F.zero)(Fadd:=F.add)(Fmul:=F.mul)(a:=a)(b:=b)).
+ Definition scalarmult := (@ScalarMult.scalarmult_ref _ add M.zero opp).
+End M.
diff --git a/src/Spec/MontgomeryCurve.v b/src/Spec/MontgomeryCurve.v
index 55c73c7fd2..3f16a312e7 100644
--- a/src/Spec/MontgomeryCurve.v
+++ b/src/Spec/MontgomeryCurve.v
@@ -61,5 +61,21 @@ Module M.
cbv [coordinates]; BreakMatch.break_match; trivial; Field.fsatz.
+ Program Definition opp (P : point) : point :=
+ match P return F*F+∞ with
+ | (x, y) => (x, -y)
+ | ∞ => ∞
+ end.
+ Next Obligation.
+ Proof.
+ DestructHead.destruct_head @point; cbv; BreakMatch.break_match; trivial; Field.fsatz.
+ Qed.
+ Definition X0 (P : point) : F :=
+ match coordinates P with
+ | (x, y) => x
+ | _ => Fzero
+ end.
End MontgomeryCurve.
End M.
diff --git a/src/Spec/Test/X25519.v b/src/Spec/Test/X25519.v
index 8390fffdc7..934b20a39c 100644
--- a/src/Spec/Test/X25519.v
+++ b/src/Spec/Test/X25519.v
@@ -5,11 +5,8 @@ Require Import Coq.NArith.BinNatDef.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinIntDef.
Require Import Coq.PArith.BinPosDef.
Require Import Spec.ModularArithmetic Spec.Curve25519 Spec.MxDH Crypto.Util.Decidable.
-Definition F := F Curve25519.p.
-Definition a : F := F.of_Z _ 486662.
-Definition a24 : F := ((a - F.of_Z _ 2) / F.of_Z _ 4)%F.
Definition cswap {T} (swap:bool) (a b:T) := if swap then (b, a) else (a, b).
-Definition monty s : F -> F := @MxDH.montladder F F.zero F.one F.add F.sub F.mul F.inv a24 cswap 255 (BinNat.N.testbit_nat s).
+Definition monty s : F p -> F p := @MxDH.montladder _ F.zero F.one F.add F.sub F.mul F.inv M.a24 cswap 255 (BinNat.N.testbit_nat s).
Example one_basepoint : F.to_Z (monty 1 (F.of_Z _ 9)) = 9%Z.
Proof. vm_decide_no_check. Qed.
@@ -28,7 +25,7 @@ Example order_basepoint : F.to_Z (monty (N.pos l) (F.of_Z _ 9)) = 0%Z.
Proof. vm_decide_no_check. Qed. (* note: ideally we'd check that z=0 *)
Definition double x := (* takes as input affine x, returns projective x/z *)
- fst (@MxDH.ladderstep F F.add F.sub F.mul a24 (F.of_Z _ 0) (x, F.of_Z _ 1) (x, F.of_Z _ 1)).
+ fst (@MxDH.ladderstep _ F.add F.sub F.mul M.a24 (F.of_Z _ 0) (x, F.of_Z _ 1) (x, F.of_Z _ 1)).
(* EllipticCurve(GF(2^255 - 19), [0,486662,0,1,0]).torsion_polynomial(8).roots(multiplicities=False) *)
(* Point of order 2: *)
Lemma double_zero : snd (double (F.of_Z _ 0)) = F.of_Z _ 0. vm_decide_no_check. Qed.
@@ -36,7 +33,7 @@ Lemma double_zero : snd (double (F.of_Z _ 0)) = F.of_Z _ 0. vm_decide_no_check.
Lemma double_one : fst (double (F.of_Z _ 1)) = F.of_Z _ 0. vm_decide_no_check. Qed.
Lemma double_minusone:fst(double(F.of_Z _(-1)))=F.of_Z _ 0. vm_decide_no_check. Qed.
(* Points of order 8: *)
-Definition order8_x1 : F := F.of_Z _ 39382357235489614581723060781553021112529911719440698176882885853963445705823.
-Definition order8_x2 : F := F.of_Z _ 325606250916557431795983626356110631294008115727848805560023387167927233504.
+Definition order8_x1 := F.of_Z p 39382357235489614581723060781553021112529911719440698176882885853963445705823.
+Definition order8_x2 := F.of_Z p 325606250916557431795983626356110631294008115727848805560023387167927233504.
Lemma double_order8_x1 : fst (double order8_x1) = snd (double order8_x1). vm_decide_no_check. Qed.
Lemma double_order8_x2 : fst (double order8_x2) = snd (double order8_x2). vm_decide_no_check. Qed.