diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yaml b/.github/workflows/build.yaml
index cb87f296..6ad1f409 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+      download_url:
+        default: false
+        type: boolean
         default: false
         type: boolean
@@ -56,6 +59,7 @@ jobs:
       run: make build-preview
     - name: Upload build
+      id: build-upload-step
       uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
         name: Lilex
@@ -74,3 +78,14 @@ jobs:
         name: Preview
         path: preview/dist
+    - name: Output download URL
+      if: inputs.download_url
+      run: echo "${{ steps.build-upload-step.outputs.artifact-url }}" > download_url.txt
+    - name: Upload URL
+      if: inputs.download_url
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+      with:
+        name: URL
+        path: download_url.txt
diff --git a/.github/workflows/italic_progress.yaml b/.github/workflows/italic_progress.yaml
index fa8c0ebe..876dc1b0 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/italic_progress.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/italic_progress.yaml
@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ on:
     uses: ./.github/workflows/build.yaml
+    with:
+      download_url: true
     permissions: write-all
+    needs: build
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
     - name: Checkout
diff --git a/IBM Plex Mono Roman.fixed.glyphs b/IBM Plex Mono Roman.fixed.glyphs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f028a8cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IBM Plex Mono Roman.fixed.glyphs	
@@ -0,0 +1,122978 @@
+.appVersion = "3306";
+.formatVersion = 3;
+axes = (
+name = weight;
+tag = wght;
+classes = (
+code = "uni0432 uni0433 uni0434 uni0436 uni0437 uni0438 uni0439 uni043A uni043B uni043F uni0442 uni0444 uni0446 uni0448 uni0449 uni044A uni044C uni044E uni044F uni0414 uni041A uni041B uni0424 uni042F uni045D";
+name = cyrl_dflt;
+code = "uni0432.loclBGR uni0433.loclBGR uni0434.loclBGR uni0436.loclBGR uni0437.loclBGR uni0438.loclBGR uni0439.loclBGR uni043A.loclBGR uni043B.loclBGR uni043F.loclBGR uni0442.loclBGR uni0444.loclBGR uni0446.loclBGR uni0448.loclBGR uni0449.loclBGR uni044A.loclBGR uni044C.loclBGR uni044E.loclBGR uni044F.loclBGR uni0414.loclBGR uni041A.loclBGR uni041B.loclBGR uni0424.loclBGR uni042F.loclBGR uni045D.loclBGR";
+name = cyrl_locl_bgr;
+code = "a aacute abreve acircumflex adieresis adotbelow agrave ahook amacron aogonek aring aringacute atilde abreveacute abrevedotbelow abrevegrave abrevehook abrevetilde acircumflexacute acircumflexdotbelow acircumflexgrave acircumflexhook acircumflextilde";
+name = lca_dflt;
+code = "a.alt01 aacute.alt01 abreve.alt01 acircumflex.alt01 adieresis.alt01 adotbelow.alt01 agrave.alt01 ahook.alt01 amacron.alt01 aogonek.alt01 aring.alt01 aringacute.alt01 atilde.alt01 abreveacute.alt01 abrevedotbelow.alt01 abrevegrave.alt01 abrevehook.alt01 abrevetilde.alt01 acircumflexacute.alt01 acircumflexdotbelow.alt01 acircumflexgrave.alt01 acircumflexhook.alt01 acircumflextilde.alt01";
+name = lca_alt1;
+code = "uni0430 uni04D3 uni04D1";
+name = lca_cyrl_dflt;
+code = "uni0430.alt01 uni04D3.alt01 uni04D1.alt01";
+name = lca_cyrl_alt1;
+code = "g gbreve gcircumflex gcommaaccent gdotaccent";
+name = lcg_dflt;
+code = "g.alt01 gbreve.alt01 gcircumflex.alt01 gcommaaccent.alt01 gdotaccent.alt01";
+name = lcg_alt1;
+code = "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine";
+name = numbers_dflt;
+code = "zerosuperior onesuperior twosuperior threesuperior foursuperior fivesuperior sixsuperior sevensuperior eightsuperior ninesuperior";
+name = numbers_sups;
+code = "zeroinferior oneinferior twoinferior threeinferior fourinferior fiveinferior sixinferior seveninferior eightinferior nineinferior";
+name = numbers_sinf;
+code = "zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr eight.numr nine.numr";
+name = numbers_numr;
+code = "zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom eight.dnom nine.dnom";
+name = numbers_dnom;
+code = "zero.tosf one.tosf two.tosf three.tosf four.tosf five.tosf six.tosf seven.tosf eight.tosf nine.tosf";
+name = numbers_onum;
+date = "2021-10-18 07:02:16 +0000";
+familyName = "IBM Plex Mono";
+featurePrefixes = (
+code = "languagesystem DFLT dflt;   # Default
+languagesystem latn dflt;   # Latin default
+languagesystem cyrl dflt;   # Cyrillic default
+languagesystem latn MOL;
+languagesystem latn ROM;
+languagesystem cyrl BGR;
+name = Languagesystems;
+code = "# ----------------
+# ----------------
+# --------------
+# --------------
+# --------
+# --------";
+name = Prefix;
+features = (
+code = "	sub a from [a.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub g from [g.alt01 g.alt02]; # 2 glyph(s)
+	sub zero from [zero.alt01 zero.alt02 zero.tosf zero.tosf.alt01 zero.tosf.alt02 zero.numr zero.dnom]; # 7 glyph(s)
+	sub one from [one.tosf one.numr one.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub two from [two.tosf two.numr two.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub three from [three.tosf three.numr three.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub four from [four.tosf four.numr four.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub five from [five.tosf five.numr five.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub six from [six.tosf six.numr six.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub seven from [seven.tosf seven.numr seven.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub eight from [eight.tosf eight.numr eight.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub nine from [nine.tosf nine.numr nine.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub numbersign from [numbersign.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub aacute from [aacute.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub abreve from [abreve.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acaron from [acaron.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acircumflex from [acircumflex.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub adieresis from [adieresis.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub adotbelow from [adotbelow.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub agrave from [agrave.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub ahook from [ahook.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub amacron from [amacron.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub aogonek from [aogonek.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub aring from [aring.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub aringacute from [aringacute.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub atilde from [atilde.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub abreveacute from [abreveacute.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub abrevedotbelow from [abrevedotbelow.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub abrevegrave from [abrevegrave.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub abrevehook from [abrevehook.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub abrevetilde from [abrevetilde.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acircumflexacute from [acircumflexacute.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acircumflexdotbelow from [acircumflexdotbelow.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acircumflexgrave from [acircumflexgrave.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acircumflexhook from [acircumflexhook.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acircumflextilde from [acircumflextilde.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub gbreve from [gbreve.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub gcircumflex from [gcircumflex.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub gcommaaccent from [gcommaaccent.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub gdotaccent from [gdotaccent.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub germandbls from [germandbls.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0430 from [uni0430.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0432 from [uni0432.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0433 from [uni0433.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0434 from [uni0434.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0436 from [uni0436.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0437 from [uni0437.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0438 from [uni0438.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0439 from [uni0439.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni043A from [uni043A.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni043B from [uni043B.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni043F from [uni043F.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0442 from [uni0442.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0444 from [uni0444.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0446 from [uni0446.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0448 from [uni0448.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0449 from [uni0449.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni044A from [uni044A.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni044C from [uni044C.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni044E from [uni044E.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni044F from [uni044F.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0414 from [uni0414.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni041A from [uni041A.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni041B from [uni041B.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0424 from [uni0424.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni042F from [uni042F.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni04D3 from [uni04D3.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni04D1 from [uni04D1.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni045D from [uni045D.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)";
+tag = aalt;
+code = "	# localized forms
+	script latn;
+	# Moldavian
+	language MOL exclude_dflt;
+	sub [Scedilla scedilla Tcedilla tcedilla] by [Scommaaccent scommaaccent Tcommaaccent tcommaaccent];
+	# Romanian
+	language ROM exclude_dflt;
+	sub [Scedilla scedilla Tcedilla tcedilla] by [Scommaaccent scommaaccent Tcommaaccent tcommaaccent];
+	script cyrl;
+	sub brevecomb by brevecomb.cyrl;
+	# Bulgarian
+	language BGR exclude_dflt;
+	sub @cyrl_dflt by @cyrl_locl_bgr;";
+tag = locl;
+code = "	# ordinals
+	sub [a o] by [ordfeminine ordmasculine];";
+tag = ordn;
+code = "	# fractions
+	sub one [slash fraction] two by onehalf;
+	sub one [slash fraction] three by uni2153;
+	sub two [slash fraction] three by uni2154;
+	sub one [slash fraction] four by onequarter;
+	sub three [slash fraction] four by threequarters;
+	sub one [slash fraction] five by uni2155;
+	sub two [slash fraction] five by uni2156;
+	sub three [slash fraction] five by uni2157;
+	sub four [slash fraction] five by uni2158;
+	sub one [slash fraction] six by uni2159;
+	sub five [slash fraction] six by uni215A;
+	sub one [slash fraction] seven by uni2150;
+	sub one [slash fraction] eight by uni215B;
+	sub three [slash fraction] eight by uni215C;
+	sub five [slash fraction] eight by uni215D;
+	sub seven [slash fraction] eight by uni215E;
+	sub one [slash fraction] nine by uni2151;";
+tag = frac;
+code = "	# numerators
+	sub @numbers_dflt by @numbers_numr;";
+tag = numr;
+code = "	# denominators
+	sub @numbers_dflt by @numbers_dnom;";
+tag = dnom;
+code = "	# superiors
+	sub @numbers_dflt by @numbers_sups;";
+tag = sups;
+code = "	# inferiors
+	sub @numbers_dflt by @numbers_sinf;";
+tag = sinf;
+code = "	# subscript
+	sub @numbers_dflt by @numbers_sinf;";
+tag = subs;
+code = "	sub @numbers_dflt by @numbers_onum;";
+tag = onum;
+code = "	sub @numbers_onum by @numbers_dflt;";
+tag = lnum;
+code = "	# slashed zero
+	sub zero by zero.alt01;
+	sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.alt01;";
+tag = zero;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"simple lowercase a\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"simple lowercase a\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# stylistic set 1 - single storey a
+	sub @lca_dflt by @lca_alt1;
+	sub @lca_cyrl_dflt by @lca_cyrl_alt1;";
+tag = ss01;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"simple lowercase g\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"simple lowercase g\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# stylistic set 2 - single storey g
+	sub @lcg_dflt by @lcg_alt1;";
+tag = ss02;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"slashed number zero\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"slashed number zero\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# slashed zero
+	sub zero by zero.alt01;
+	sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.alt01;";
+tag = ss03;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"plain number zero\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"plain number zero\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# plain zero
+	sub zero by zero.alt02;
+	sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.alt02;";
+tag = ss04;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"alternate lowercase eszett\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"alternate lowercase eszett\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# alternative german eszett
+	sub germandbls by germandbls.alt01;";
+tag = ss05;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"alternate number sign\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"alternate number sign\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# alternative number sign
+	sub numbersign by numbersign.alt01;";
+tag = ss06;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"Bulgarian Cyrillic forms\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"Bulgarian Cyrillic forms\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# Bulgarian Cyrillic forms
+	sub @cyrl_dflt by @cyrl_locl_bgr;";
+tag = ss07;
+code = "	# stylistic alternates - all stylistic sets combined
+	sub @lca_dflt by @lca_alt1;
+	sub @lcg_dflt by @lcg_alt1;
+	sub @lca_cyrl_dflt by @lca_cyrl_alt1;
+	sub zero by zero.alt02;
+	sub germandbls by germandbls.alt01;
+	sub numbersign by numbersign.alt01;
+	sub @cyrl_dflt by @cyrl_locl_bgr;";
+tag = salt;
+code = "	# glyph composition/decomposition
+	@uc_basic = [A AE Aogonek B C Ccedilla D E Eogonek F G H I Iogonek J K L M N O OE Ohorn Oslash P Q R S Schwa T U Uhorn Uogonek V W X Y Z]; # 37 glyphs
+	@acc_comb_top = [acutecomb breveacute brevecomb brevegrave brevehook brevetilde caroncomb caronslovakcomb circumflexacute circumflexbreve circumflexcomb circumflexgrave circumflexhook circumflextilde commaturnedtopcomb dieresisacute dieresiscaron dieresiscomb dieresisgrave dieresismacron dotaccentcomb gravecomb hookcomb horncomb hungarumlautcomb macroncomb ringcomb tildecomb]; # 28 glyphs
+	@acc_comb_dflt = [breveacute brevegrave brevehook brevetilde circumflexacute circumflexbreve circumflexgrave circumflexhook circumflextilde dieresisacute dieresiscaron dieresisgrave dieresismacron hookcomb]; # 14 glyphs
+	@acc_comb_case = [breveacute.case brevegrave.case brevehook.case brevetilde.case circumflexacute.case circumflexbreve.case circumflexgrave.case circumflexhook.case circumflextilde.case dieresisacute.case dieresiscaron.case dieresisgrave.case dieresismacron.case hookcomb.case]; # 14 glyphs
+	lookup nonContextSubs {
+		sub brevecomb acutecomb by breveacute;
+		sub brevecomb gravecomb by brevegrave;
+		sub brevecomb hookcomb by brevehook;
+		sub brevecomb tildecomb by brevetilde;
+		sub circumflexcomb acutecomb by circumflexacute;
+		sub circumflexcomb gravecomb by circumflexgrave;
+		sub circumflexcomb hookcomb by circumflexhook;
+		sub circumflexcomb tildecomb by circumflextilde;
+		sub circumflexcomb brevecomb by circumflexbreve;
+		sub dieresiscomb acutecomb by dieresisacute;
+		sub dieresiscomb caroncomb by dieresiscaron;
+		sub dieresiscomb gravecomb by dieresisgrave;
+		sub dieresiscomb macroncomb by dieresismacron;
+	} nonContextSubs;
+	lookup contextSubs {
+		sub [L d l t] caroncomb' by caronslovakcomb; # /Lcaron /dcaron /lcaron /tcaron
+		sub g commabelowcomb' by commaturnedtopcomb; # /gcommaaccent
+		sub i' @acc_comb_top by dotlessi;
+		sub j' @acc_comb_top by dotlessj;
+		sub @uc_basic @acc_comb_dflt' by @acc_comb_case; # case accents
+	} contextSubs;";
+tag = ccmp;
+code = "	# Created: Mon Dec 11 16:49:18 2023
+	# PS Name: IBMPlexMono-Thin
+	# MM Inst: IBM Plex Mono Thin
+	# exported from FontLab
+	@mGC_bottom_0_0 = [cedillacomb commabelowcomb dotbelowcomb];
+	@mGC_top_0_516 = [acutecomb breveacute brevecomb brevecomb.cyrl brevegrave brevehook brevetilde caroncomb circumflexacute circumflexbreve circumflexcomb circumflexgrave circumflexhook circumflextilde commaturnedtopcomb dieresisacute dieresiscaron dieresiscomb dieresisgrave dieresismacron dotaccentcomb gravecomb hookcomb hungarumlautcomb macroncomb ringcomb tildecomb];
+	@mGC_top_0_698 = [breveacute.case brevegrave.case brevehook.case brevetilde.case circumflexacute.case circumflexbreve.case circumflexgrave.case circumflexhook.case circumflextilde.case dieresisacute.case dieresiscaron.case dieresisgrave.case dieresismacron.case hookcomb.case];
+	markClass @mGC_bottom_0_0 <anchor 0 0> @MC_bottom;
+	markClass @mGC_top_0_516 <anchor 0 516> @MC_top;
+	markClass @mGC_top_0_698 <anchor 0 698> @MC_top;
+	markClass caronslovakcomb <anchor 0 740> @MC_topright;
+	markClass ogonekcomb <anchor 0 0> @MC_bottomright;
+	lookup MARK_BASE_bottom {
+		@bGC_B_bottom = [B uni0412];
+		@bGC_C_bottom = [C Cacute Ccaron Ccircumflex Cdotaccent uni0421];
+		@bGC_D_bottom = [D Dcaron];
+		@bGC_E_bottom = [E Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex Edieresis Edotaccent Egrave Ehook Emacron Eogonek Etilde Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexgrave Ecircumflexhook Ecircumflextilde uni0415 uni0400 uni0401 uni04D6];
+		@bGC_G_bottom = [G Gbreve Gcircumflex Gdotaccent];
+		@bGC_J_bottom = [J Jacute Jcircumflex uni0408];
+		@bGC_P_bottom = [P uni0420];
+		@bGC_R_bottom = [R S Racute Rcaron Sacute Scaron Scircumflex uni0405];
+		@bGC_Z_bottom = [Z Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent];
+		@bGC_a.alt01_bottom = [a.alt01 aacute.alt01 abreve.alt01 acaron.alt01 acircumflex.alt01 adieresis.alt01 agrave.alt01 ahook.alt01 amacron.alt01 aogonek.alt01 aring.alt01 aringacute.alt01 atilde.alt01 abreveacute.alt01 abrevegrave.alt01 abrevehook.alt01 abrevetilde.alt01 acircumflexacute.alt01 acircumflexgrave.alt01 acircumflexhook.alt01 acircumflextilde.alt01 uni0430.alt01 uni04D3.alt01 uni04D1.alt01];
+		@bGC_a_bottom = [a aacute abreve acaron acircumflex adieresis agrave ahook amacron aogonek aring aringacute atilde abreveacute abrevegrave abrevehook abrevetilde acircumflexacute acircumflexgrave acircumflexhook acircumflextilde uni0430 uni04D3 uni04D1];
+		@bGC_c_bottom = [c cacute ccaron ccircumflex cdotaccent uni0441];
+		@bGC_e_bottom = [e eacute ebreve ecaron ecircumflex edieresis edotaccent egrave ehook emacron eogonek etilde ecircumflexacute ecircumflexgrave ecircumflexhook ecircumflextilde uni0435 uni0450 uni0451 uni04D7];
+		@bGC_h_bottom = [h n hcircumflex nacute ncaron ntilde uni043F.loclBGR uni04BB];
+		@bGC_i_bottom = [i dotlessi iacute ibreve icaron icircumflex idieresis igrave ihook imacron iogonek itilde uni0456 uni0457];
+		@bGC_k_bottom = [k L kgreenlandic Lacute Lcaron];
+		@bGC_l_bottom = [l m o v w x z A H I M N O T U V W X Y lacute lcaron oacute obreve ocaron ocircumflex odieresis ograve ohook ohungarumlaut omacron oslash oslashacute otilde ohorn ohornacute ohorngrave ohornhook ohorntilde ocircumflexacute ocircumflexgrave ocircumflexhook ocircumflextilde wacute wcircumflex wdieresis wgrave zacute zcaron zdotaccent Aacute Abreve Acaron Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Ahook Amacron Aogonek Aring Aringacute Atilde Abreveacute Abrevegrave Abrevehook Abrevetilde Acircumflexacute Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhook Acircumflextilde Hcircumflex Iacute Ibreve Icaron Icircumflex Idieresis Idotaccent Igrave Ihook Imacron Iogonek Itilde Nacute Ncaron Ntilde Oacute Obreve Ocaron Ocircumflex Odieresis Ograve Ohook Ohungarumlaut Omacron Oslash Oslashacute Otilde Ohorn Ohornacute Ohorngrave Ohornhook Ohorntilde Ocircumflexacute Ocircumflexgrave Ocircumflexhook Ocircumflextilde Tbar Tcaron Uacute Ubreve Ucaron Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave Uhook Uhungarumlaut Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde Uhorn Uhornacute Uhorngrave Uhornhook Uhorntilde Udieresismacron Udieresisacute Udieresisgrave Udieresiscaron Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Yhook Ytilde uni043E uni0442.loclBGR uni0445 uni0410 uni041C uni041D uni041E uni0422 uni0425 uni04E7 uni04D2 uni04D0 uni04C0 uni04E6 uni04AE uni0406 uni0407];
+		@bGC_r_bottom = [r racute rcaron];
+		@bGC_s_bottom = [s sacute scaron scircumflex uni0455];
+		@bGC_t_bottom = [t tbar tcaron];
+		@bGC_u_bottom = [u uacute ubreve ucaron ucircumflex udieresis ugrave uhook uhungarumlaut umacron uogonek uring utilde uhorn uhornacute uhorngrave uhornhook uhorntilde udieresismacron udieresisacute udieresisgrave udieresiscaron uni0438.loclBGR uni0439.loclBGR uni045D.loclBGR];
+		@bGC_y_bottom = [y yacute ycircumflex ydieresis ygrave yhook ytilde uni0443 uni04EF uni04F1 uni04F3 uni045E];
+		pos base @bGC_B_bottom <anchor 294 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_C_bottom <anchor 313 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_D_bottom <anchor 277 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_E_bottom <anchor 307 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_G_bottom <anchor 304 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_J_bottom <anchor 279 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_P_bottom <anchor 115 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_R_bottom <anchor 302 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_Z_bottom <anchor 301 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_a.alt01_bottom <anchor 290 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_a_bottom <anchor 275 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_c_bottom <anchor 316 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_e_bottom <anchor 306 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_h_bottom <anchor 305 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_i_bottom <anchor 332 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_k_bottom <anchor 337 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_l_bottom <anchor 300 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_r_bottom <anchor 269 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_s_bottom <anchor 308 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_t_bottom <anchor 378 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_u_bottom <anchor 296 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_y_bottom <anchor 440 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base F <anchor 119 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base K <anchor 323 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base b <anchor 310 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base d <anchor 285 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base f <anchor 299 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+	} MARK_BASE_bottom;
+	lookup MARK_BASE_bottomright {
+		@bGC_A_bottomright = [A Aacute Abreve Acaron Acircumflex Adieresis Adotbelow Agrave Ahook Amacron Aring Aringacute Atilde Abreveacute Abrevedotbelow Abrevegrave Abrevehook Abrevetilde Acircumflexacute Acircumflexdotbelow Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhook Acircumflextilde uni0410 uni04D2 uni04D0];
+		@bGC_E_bottomright = [E Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex Edieresis Edotaccent Edotbelow Egrave Ehook Emacron Etilde Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexdotbelow Ecircumflexgrave Ecircumflexhook Ecircumflextilde uni0415 uni0400 uni0401 uni04D6];
+		@bGC_I_bottomright = [I Iacute Ibreve Icaron Icircumflex Idieresis Idotaccent Idotbelow Igrave Ihook Imacron Itilde uni04C0 uni0406 uni0407];
+		@bGC_U_bottomright = [U Uacute Ubreve Ucaron Ucircumflex Udieresis Udotbelow Ugrave Uhook Uhungarumlaut Umacron Uring Utilde Udieresismacron Udieresisacute Udieresisgrave Udieresiscaron];
+		@bGC_a.alt01_bottomright = [a.alt01 aacute.alt01 abreve.alt01 acaron.alt01 acircumflex.alt01 adieresis.alt01 adotbelow.alt01 agrave.alt01 ahook.alt01 amacron.alt01 aring.alt01 aringacute.alt01 atilde.alt01 abreveacute.alt01 abrevedotbelow.alt01 abrevegrave.alt01 abrevehook.alt01 abrevetilde.alt01 acircumflexacute.alt01 acircumflexdotbelow.alt01 acircumflexgrave.alt01 acircumflexhook.alt01 acircumflextilde.alt01 uni0430.alt01 uni04D3.alt01 uni04D1.alt01];
+		@bGC_a_bottomright = [a aacute abreve acaron acircumflex adieresis adotbelow agrave ahook amacron aring aringacute atilde abreveacute abrevedotbelow abrevegrave abrevehook abrevetilde acircumflexacute acircumflexdotbelow acircumflexgrave acircumflexhook acircumflextilde uni0430 uni04D3 uni04D1];
+		@bGC_e_bottomright = [e eacute ebreve ecaron ecircumflex edieresis edotaccent edotbelow egrave ehook emacron etilde ecircumflexacute ecircumflexdotbelow ecircumflexgrave ecircumflexhook ecircumflextilde uni0435 uni0450 uni0451 uni04D7];
+		@bGC_i_bottomright = [i dotlessi iacute ibreve icaron icircumflex idieresis idotbelow igrave ihook imacron itilde uni0456 uni0457];
+		@bGC_u_bottomright = [u uacute ubreve ucaron ucircumflex udieresis udotbelow ugrave uhook uhungarumlaut umacron uring utilde udieresismacron udieresisacute udieresisgrave udieresiscaron uni0438.loclBGR uni0439.loclBGR uni045D.loclBGR];
+		pos base @bGC_A_bottomright <anchor 548 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_E_bottomright <anchor 514 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_I_bottomright <anchor 508 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_U_bottomright <anchor 390 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_a.alt01_bottomright <anchor 475 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_a_bottomright <anchor 531 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_e_bottomright <anchor 384 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_i_bottomright <anchor 535 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_u_bottomright <anchor 473 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+	} MARK_BASE_bottomright;
+	lookup MARK_BASE_top {
+		@bGC_AE_top = [AE uni04D4];
+		@bGC_B_top = [B uni0412];
+		@bGC_C_top = [C Ccedilla uni0421 uni04AA];
+		@bGC_E_top = [E F Edotbelow Eogonek uni0415];
+		@bGC_G_top = [G K Gcommaaccent Kcommaaccent];
+		@bGC_J_top = [J uni0408];
+		@bGC_L_top = [L Lcaron Lcommaaccent];
+		@bGC_R_top = [R Rcommaaccent];
+		@bGC_S_top = [S Scedilla Scommaaccent uni0405];
+		@bGC_a.alt01_top = [a.alt01 g.alt01 q adotbelow.alt01 aogonek.alt01 uni0430.alt01 uni0434.loclBGR];
+		@bGC_a_top = [a adotbelow aogonek uni0430];
+		@bGC_ae_top = [ae uni04D5];
+		@bGC_c_top = [c ccedilla uni0441 uni04AB];
+		@bGC_e_top = [e edotbelow eogonek uni0435];
+		@bGC_g_top = [g g.alt02 n ncommaaccent eng uni043F.loclBGR];
+		@bGC_h_top = [h uni04BB];
+		@bGC_l_top = [l A H I M N O P Q T U V W X Y Z lcaron lcommaaccent Adotbelow Aogonek Idotbelow Iogonek Ncommaaccent Eng Odotbelow Oslash Ohorn Ohorndotbelow Tbar Tcommaaccent Tcedilla Udotbelow Uogonek Uhorn Uhorndotbelow Ydotbelow uni0410 uni0416 uni0417 uni0418 uni041C uni041D uni041E uni0420 uni0422 uni0423 uni0425 uni042B uni04C0 uni04AE uni0406];
+		@bGC_m_top = [m o s v w x z odotbelow oslash ohorn ohorndotbelow scedilla scommaaccent uni0436 uni0437 uni0438 uni043A uni043E uni0442.loclBGR uni0445 uni044B uni0455];
+		@bGC_p_top = [p uni0440];
+		@bGC_r_top = [r rcommaaccent];
+		@bGC_u_top = [u udotbelow uogonek uhorn uhorndotbelow uni0438.loclBGR];
+		@bGC_y_top = [y ydotbelow uni0443];
+		pos base @bGC_AE_top <anchor 393 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_B_top <anchor 274 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_C_top <anchor 325 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_E_top <anchor 309 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_G_top <anchor 313 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_J_top <anchor 306 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_L_top <anchor 156 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_R_top <anchor 299 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_S_top <anchor 292 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_a.alt01_top <anchor 290 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_a_top <anchor 275 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_ae_top <anchor 298 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_c_top <anchor 320 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_e_top <anchor 302 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_g_top <anchor 305 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_h_top <anchor 138 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_l_top <anchor 300 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_m_top <anchor 300 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_p_top <anchor 310 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_r_top <anchor 378 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_u_top <anchor 296 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_y_top <anchor 297 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base D <anchor 277 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base dotlessi <anchor 332 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base dotlessj <anchor 417 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base uni0413 <anchor 336 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base uni041A <anchor 295 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base uni0427 <anchor 279 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base uni0433 <anchor 323 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base uni0447 <anchor 281 516> mark @MC_top;
+	} MARK_BASE_top;
+	lookup MARK_BASE_topright {
+		@bGC_L_topright = [L Lacute Lcommaaccent];
+		@bGC_l_topright = [l lacute lcommaaccent];
+		@bGC_t_topright = [t tbar tcommaaccent tcedilla];
+		pos base @bGC_L_topright <anchor 273 740> mark @MC_topright;
+		pos base @bGC_l_topright <anchor 416 740> mark @MC_topright;
+		pos base @bGC_t_topright <anchor 389 760> mark @MC_topright;
+		pos base d <anchor 545 740> mark @MC_topright;
+	} MARK_BASE_topright;";
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+pos = (570,0);
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+name = bottomright;
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+ref = A;
+ref = tilde.case;
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+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = tilde.case;
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+ref = AE;
+pos = (93,0);
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = C;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = C;
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+ref = C;
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+ref = C;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
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+ref = C;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = C;
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+ref = circumflex.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = C;
+pos = (12,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (313,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = C;
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+ref = dotaccent.case;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (308,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = C;
+pos = (28,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
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+ref = C;
+pos = (12,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
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+ref = Dcroat;
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+layerId = m002;
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+ref = Dcroat;
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+ref = Dcroat;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = acute.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
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+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = acute.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = acute.case;
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+glyphname = Ebreve;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = breve.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = breve.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = breve.case;
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+glyphname = Ecaron;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = caron.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = caron.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
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+glyphname = Ecircumflex;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
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+ref = E;
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+glyphname = Ecircumflexacute;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (309,0);
+ref = circumflexacute.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
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+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (305,0);
+ref = circumflexacute.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (303,0);
+ref = circumflexacute.case;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
+pos = (307,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
+pos = (305,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
+pos = (303,0);
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ecircumflexgrave;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (309,0);
+ref = circumflexgrave.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (305,0);
+ref = circumflexgrave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (303,0);
+ref = circumflexgrave.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7872;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ecircumflexhookabove;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (309,0);
+ref = circumflexhook.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (305,0);
+ref = circumflexhook.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (303,0);
+ref = circumflexhook.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7874;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ecircumflextilde;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (309,0);
+ref = circumflextilde.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (305,0);
+ref = circumflextilde.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (303,0);
+ref = circumflextilde.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7876;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Edieresis;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 203;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Edotaccent;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 278;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Edotbelow;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (309,698);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (307,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (305,698);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (305,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (303,698);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (303,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7864;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Egrave;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 200;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ehookabove;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (309,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (305,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (303,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7866;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Emacron;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 274;
+glyphname = Eogonek;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (309,698);
+layerId = m001;
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+closed = 1;
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+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
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+pos = (305,698);
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (303,698);
+layerId = m003;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
+unicode = 280;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Etilde;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7868;
+glyphname = Schwa;
+layers = (
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
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+width = 600;
+unicode = 399;
+glyphname = F;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (119,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (309,698);
+layerId = m001;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (132,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (310,698);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (151,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (311,698);
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
+unicode = 70;
+glyphname = G;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (304,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (313,698);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (306,698);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (301,698);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
+unicode = 71;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Gbreve;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (304,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (13,0);
+ref = breve.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (6,0);
+ref = breve.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (1,0);
+ref = breve.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 286;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Gcircumflex;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (304,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (13,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (6,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (1,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 284;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Gcommaaccent;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (313,698);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (304,0);
+ref = commaaccentcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (306,698);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = commaaccentcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (301,698);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (298,0);
+ref = commaaccentcomb;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 290;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Gdotaccent;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (304,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (13,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (6,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (1,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 288;
+glyphname = H;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
+unicode = 72;
+glyphname = Hbar;
+layers = (
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
+unicode = 294;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Hcircumflex;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = H;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = H;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = H;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 292;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (277,0);
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+ref = J;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (279,0);
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+ref = J;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (277,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = J;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (275,0);
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+ref = J;
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+name = top;
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+ref = K;
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+ref = K;
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+pos = (273,740);
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+pos = (290,740);
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+pos = (320,740);
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+pos = (273,740);
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+ref = dotbelowcomb;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = O;
+ref = grave.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+shapes = (
+ref = O;
+ref = grave.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = O;
+ref = grave.case;
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+ref = O;
+pos = (300,0);
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = Ohorn;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = Ohorn;
+ref = acute.case;
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+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
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+ref = Ohorn;
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+name = top;
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+ref = Ohorn;
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+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
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+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
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+ref = Ohorn;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = Ohorn;
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+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+shapes = (
+ref = Ohorn;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = Ohorn;
+ref = grave.case;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = Ohorn;
+pos = (300,0);
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+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Ohorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Ohorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = Ohorn;
+ref = tilde.alt01.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = Ohorn;
+ref = tilde.alt01.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = Ohorn;
+ref = tilde.alt01.case;
+width = 600;
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = O;
+ref = hungarumlaut.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = O;
+ref = hungarumlaut.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = O;
+ref = hungarumlaut.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = O;
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = O;
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = O;
+ref = macron.case;
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+ref = Oslash;
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+ref = Oslash;
+ref = acute.case;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = Oslash;
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+ref = tilde.case;
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+ref = O;
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+ref = breve.case;
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+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = circumflex.case;
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+pos = (394,0);
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+ref = circumflex.case;
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+ref = circumflex.case;
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+ref = dieresis.case;
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+pos = (394,0);
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+ref = dieresis.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = U;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
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+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresiscaron.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = U;
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+ref = dieresisgrave.case;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
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+ref = U;
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+ref = dieresisgrave.case;
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+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = U;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresismacron.case;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresismacron.case;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = U;
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ugrave;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = grave.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = grave.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = grave.case;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
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+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = Uhorn;
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+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = acute.case;
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+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
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+ref = Uhorn;
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+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
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+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = Uhorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7920;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Uhorngrave;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7914;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Uhornhookabove;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7916;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Uhorntilde;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = tilde.alt01.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = tilde.alt01.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = tilde.alt01.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7918;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Uhungarumlaut;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = hungarumlaut.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = hungarumlaut.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = hungarumlaut.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 368;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Umacron;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 362;
+glyphname = Uogonek;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = U;
+ref = ring.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = U;
+ref = ring.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = ring.case;
+width = 600;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = tilde.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 360;
+glyphname = V;
+layers = (
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+name = bottom;
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+pos = (300,698);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+closed = 1;
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+userData = {
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+name = bottom;
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+pos = (300,698);
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+closed = 1;
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+userData = {
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7810;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = W;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = W;
+ref = circumflex.case;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = W;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7812;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
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+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = W;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
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+pos = (300,698);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
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+pos = (300,698);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+width = 600;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = Y;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 221;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ycircumflex;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
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+glyphname = Ydieresis;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ydotbelow;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ygrave;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7922;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Yhookabove;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7926;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ytilde;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7928;
+glyphname = Z;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (301,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
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+closed = 1;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m002;
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+closed = 1;
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+userData = {
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+pos = (300,698);
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+closed = 1;
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+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (301,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Z;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Z;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (299,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Z;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 377;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Zcaron;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (301,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Z;
+ref = caron.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+name = bottomright;
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+ref = a;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (572,0);
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+pos = (-8,0);
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+pos = (292,0);
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+ref = a;
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+pos = (550,0);
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+pos = (531,0);
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+ref = a;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (550,0);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (283,0);
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (572,0);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (292,0);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (531,0);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (275,0);
+ref = circumflextilde;
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+pos = (550,0);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (283,0);
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (572,0);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (292,0);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (531,0);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (-25,0);
+ref = dieresis;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (283,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (550,0);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (-17,0);
+ref = dieresis;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (292,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (572,0);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (-8,0);
+ref = dieresis;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (531,0);
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+pos = (275,516);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (275,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (550,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (283,516);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = a;
+pos = (283,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (572,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (292,516);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (292,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (275,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (531,0);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (-25,0);
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (283,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (550,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = a;
+pos = (-17,0);
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (292,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (572,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = a;
+pos = (-8,0);
+ref = grave;
+width = 600;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (275,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (531,0);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (275,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (550,0);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (283,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (292,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (572,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = a;
+pos = (292,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (275,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (531,0);
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+ref = a;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (550,0);
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+ref = a;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (572,0);
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+ref = a;
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+pos = (550,0);
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+name = bottom;
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+pos = (572,0);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (-8,0);
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+glyphname = aringacute;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (531,0);
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+ref = a;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (550,0);
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+ref = a;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (572,0);
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+ref = a;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (531,0);
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+ref = a;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (550,0);
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+ref = a;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (572,0);
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+ref = o;
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+ref = dotbelowcomb;
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+pos = (535,0);
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+pos = (535,0);
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+pos = (473,0);
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (502,0);
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (535,0);
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+pos = (473,0);
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+pos = (296,516);
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+ref = u;
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+pos = (296,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (473,0);
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (297,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (502,0);
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+ref = u;
+pos = (-3,0);
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (535,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = u;
+pos = (-2,0);
+ref = grave;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 249;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = uhookabove;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (296,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (473,0);
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (502,0);
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+ref = u;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (535,0);
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+ref = u;
+pos = (298,0);
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+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (296,0);
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+pos = (296,516);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
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+ref = uhorn;
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+ref = acute;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (297,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (-3,0);
+ref = acute;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (-2,0);
+ref = acute;
+width = 600;
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = uhorndotbelow;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (296,516);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (296,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (297,516);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (297,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (298,516);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (298,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7921;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = uhorngrave;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (296,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (-4,0);
+ref = grave;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (297,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (-3,0);
+ref = grave;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (-2,0);
+ref = grave;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7915;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = uhornhookabove;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (296,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (296,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (297,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (297,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (298,0);
+ref = hookabovecomb;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7917;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = uhorntilde;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (296,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (-4,0);
+ref = tilde.alt01;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (297,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (-3,0);
+ref = tilde.alt01;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (-2,0);
+ref = tilde.alt01;
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+unicode = 7919;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = uhungarumlaut;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (296,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (473,0);
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+ref = u;
+pos = (-4,0);
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (297,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (502,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = u;
+pos = (-3,0);
+ref = hungarumlaut;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (535,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = u;
+pos = (-2,0);
+ref = hungarumlaut;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 369;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = umacron;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (296,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (473,0);
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+ref = u;
+pos = (-4,0);
+ref = macron;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (297,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (502,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = u;
+pos = (-3,0);
+ref = macron;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (535,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = u;
+pos = (-2,0);
+ref = macron;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 363;
+glyphname = uogonek;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (296,0);
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+pos = (296,516);
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+pos = (298,516);
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+closed = 1;
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+pos = (473,0);
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+name = bottom;
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+pos = (502,0);
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+ref = u;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (535,0);
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+ref = u;
+pos = (-2,0);
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (296,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (473,0);
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+ref = u;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (297,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (502,0);
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+ref = u;
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+ref = tilde;
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+name = bottom;
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+code = "uni0432 uni0433 uni0434 uni0436 uni0437 uni0438 uni0439 uni043A uni043B uni043F uni0442 uni0444 uni0446 uni0448 uni0449 uni044A uni044C uni044E uni044F uni0414 uni041A uni041B uni0424 uni042F uni045D";
+name = cyrl_dflt;
+code = "uni0432.loclBGR uni0433.loclBGR uni0434.loclBGR uni0436.loclBGR uni0437.loclBGR uni0438.loclBGR uni0439.loclBGR uni043A.loclBGR uni043B.loclBGR uni043F.loclBGR uni0442.loclBGR uni0444.loclBGR uni0446.loclBGR uni0448.loclBGR uni0449.loclBGR uni044A.loclBGR uni044C.loclBGR uni044E.loclBGR uni044F.loclBGR uni0414.loclBGR uni041A.loclBGR uni041B.loclBGR uni0424.loclBGR uni042F.loclBGR uni045D.loclBGR";
+name = cyrl_locl_bgr;
+code = "a aacute abreve acircumflex adieresis adotbelow agrave ahook amacron aogonek aring aringacute atilde abreveacute abrevedotbelow abrevegrave abrevehook abrevetilde acircumflexacute acircumflexdotbelow acircumflexgrave acircumflexhook acircumflextilde";
+name = lca_dflt;
+code = "a.alt01 aacute.alt01 abreve.alt01 acircumflex.alt01 adieresis.alt01 adotbelow.alt01 agrave.alt01 ahook.alt01 amacron.alt01 aogonek.alt01 aring.alt01 aringacute.alt01 atilde.alt01 abreveacute.alt01 abrevedotbelow.alt01 abrevegrave.alt01 abrevehook.alt01 abrevetilde.alt01 acircumflexacute.alt01 acircumflexdotbelow.alt01 acircumflexgrave.alt01 acircumflexhook.alt01 acircumflextilde.alt01";
+name = lca_alt1;
+code = "uni0430 uni04D3 uni04D1";
+name = lca_cyrl_dflt;
+code = "uni0430.alt01 uni04D3.alt01 uni04D1.alt01";
+name = lca_cyrl_alt1;
+code = "g gbreve gcircumflex gcommaaccent gdotaccent";
+name = lcg_dflt;
+code = "g.alt01 gbreve.alt01 gcircumflex.alt01 gcommaaccent.alt01 gdotaccent.alt01";
+name = lcg_alt1;
+code = "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine";
+name = numbers_dflt;
+code = "zerosuperior onesuperior twosuperior threesuperior foursuperior fivesuperior sixsuperior sevensuperior eightsuperior ninesuperior";
+name = numbers_sups;
+code = "zeroinferior oneinferior twoinferior threeinferior fourinferior fiveinferior sixinferior seveninferior eightinferior nineinferior";
+name = numbers_sinf;
+code = "zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr eight.numr nine.numr";
+name = numbers_numr;
+code = "zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom eight.dnom nine.dnom";
+name = numbers_dnom;
+code = "zero.tosf one.tosf two.tosf three.tosf four.tosf five.tosf six.tosf seven.tosf eight.tosf nine.tosf";
+name = numbers_onum;
+date = "2021-10-18 07:02:16 +0000";
+familyName = "IBM Plex Mono";
+featurePrefixes = (
+code = "languagesystem DFLT dflt;   # Default
+languagesystem latn dflt;   # Latin default
+languagesystem cyrl dflt;   # Cyrillic default
+languagesystem latn MOL;
+languagesystem latn ROM;
+languagesystem cyrl BGR;
+name = Languagesystems;
+code = "# ----------------
+# ----------------
+# --------------
+# --------------
+# --------
+# --------";
+name = Prefix;
+features = (
+code = "	sub a from [a.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub g from [g.alt01 g.alt02]; # 2 glyph(s)
+	sub zero from [zero.alt01 zero.alt02 zero.tosf zero.tosf.alt01 zero.tosf.alt02 zero.numr zero.dnom]; # 7 glyph(s)
+	sub one from [one.tosf one.numr one.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub two from [two.tosf two.numr two.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub three from [three.tosf three.numr three.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub four from [four.tosf four.numr four.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub five from [five.tosf five.numr five.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub six from [six.tosf six.numr six.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub seven from [seven.tosf seven.numr seven.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub eight from [eight.tosf eight.numr eight.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub nine from [nine.tosf nine.numr nine.dnom]; # 3 glyph(s)
+	sub numbersign from [numbersign.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub aacute from [aacute.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub abreve from [abreve.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acaron from [acaron.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acircumflex from [acircumflex.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub adieresis from [adieresis.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub adotbelow from [adotbelow.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub agrave from [agrave.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub ahook from [ahook.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub amacron from [amacron.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub aogonek from [aogonek.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub aring from [aring.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub aringacute from [aringacute.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub atilde from [atilde.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub abreveacute from [abreveacute.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub abrevedotbelow from [abrevedotbelow.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub abrevegrave from [abrevegrave.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub abrevehook from [abrevehook.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub abrevetilde from [abrevetilde.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acircumflexacute from [acircumflexacute.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acircumflexdotbelow from [acircumflexdotbelow.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acircumflexgrave from [acircumflexgrave.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acircumflexhook from [acircumflexhook.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub acircumflextilde from [acircumflextilde.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub gbreve from [gbreve.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub gcircumflex from [gcircumflex.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub gcommaaccent from [gcommaaccent.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub gdotaccent from [gdotaccent.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub germandbls from [germandbls.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0430 from [uni0430.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0432 from [uni0432.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0433 from [uni0433.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0434 from [uni0434.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0436 from [uni0436.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0437 from [uni0437.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0438 from [uni0438.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0439 from [uni0439.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni043A from [uni043A.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni043B from [uni043B.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni043F from [uni043F.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0442 from [uni0442.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0444 from [uni0444.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0446 from [uni0446.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0448 from [uni0448.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0449 from [uni0449.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni044A from [uni044A.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni044C from [uni044C.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni044E from [uni044E.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni044F from [uni044F.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0414 from [uni0414.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni041A from [uni041A.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni041B from [uni041B.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni0424 from [uni0424.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni042F from [uni042F.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni04D3 from [uni04D3.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni04D1 from [uni04D1.alt01]; # 1 glyph(s)
+	sub uni045D from [uni045D.loclBGR]; # 1 glyph(s)";
+tag = aalt;
+code = "	# localized forms
+	script latn;
+	# Moldavian
+	language MOL exclude_dflt;
+	sub [Scedilla scedilla Tcedilla tcedilla] by [Scommaaccent scommaaccent Tcommaaccent tcommaaccent];
+	# Romanian
+	language ROM exclude_dflt;
+	sub [Scedilla scedilla Tcedilla tcedilla] by [Scommaaccent scommaaccent Tcommaaccent tcommaaccent];
+	script cyrl;
+	sub brevecomb by brevecomb.cyrl;
+	# Bulgarian
+	language BGR exclude_dflt;
+	sub @cyrl_dflt by @cyrl_locl_bgr;";
+tag = locl;
+code = "	# ordinals
+	sub [a o] by [ordfeminine ordmasculine];";
+tag = ordn;
+code = "	# fractions
+	sub one [slash fraction] two by onehalf;
+	sub one [slash fraction] three by uni2153;
+	sub two [slash fraction] three by uni2154;
+	sub one [slash fraction] four by onequarter;
+	sub three [slash fraction] four by threequarters;
+	sub one [slash fraction] five by uni2155;
+	sub two [slash fraction] five by uni2156;
+	sub three [slash fraction] five by uni2157;
+	sub four [slash fraction] five by uni2158;
+	sub one [slash fraction] six by uni2159;
+	sub five [slash fraction] six by uni215A;
+	sub one [slash fraction] seven by uni2150;
+	sub one [slash fraction] eight by uni215B;
+	sub three [slash fraction] eight by uni215C;
+	sub five [slash fraction] eight by uni215D;
+	sub seven [slash fraction] eight by uni215E;
+	sub one [slash fraction] nine by uni2151;";
+tag = frac;
+code = "	# numerators
+	sub @numbers_dflt by @numbers_numr;";
+tag = numr;
+code = "	# denominators
+	sub @numbers_dflt by @numbers_dnom;";
+tag = dnom;
+code = "	# superiors
+	sub @numbers_dflt by @numbers_sups;";
+tag = sups;
+code = "	# inferiors
+	sub @numbers_dflt by @numbers_sinf;";
+tag = sinf;
+code = "	# subscript
+	sub @numbers_dflt by @numbers_sinf;";
+tag = subs;
+code = "	sub @numbers_dflt by @numbers_onum;";
+tag = onum;
+code = "	sub @numbers_onum by @numbers_dflt;";
+tag = lnum;
+code = "	# slashed zero
+	sub zero by zero.alt01;
+	sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.alt01;";
+tag = zero;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"simple lowercase a\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"simple lowercase a\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# stylistic set 1 - single storey a
+	sub @lca_dflt by @lca_alt1;
+	sub @lca_cyrl_dflt by @lca_cyrl_alt1;";
+tag = ss01;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"simple lowercase g\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"simple lowercase g\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# stylistic set 2 - single storey g
+	sub @lcg_dflt by @lcg_alt1;";
+tag = ss02;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"slashed number zero\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"slashed number zero\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# slashed zero
+	sub zero by zero.alt01;
+	sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.alt01;";
+tag = ss03;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"plain number zero\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"plain number zero\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# plain zero
+	sub zero by zero.alt02;
+	sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.alt02;";
+tag = ss04;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"alternate lowercase eszett\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"alternate lowercase eszett\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# alternative german eszett
+	sub germandbls by germandbls.alt01;";
+tag = ss05;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"alternate number sign\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"alternate number sign\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# alternative number sign
+	sub numbersign by numbersign.alt01;";
+tag = ss06;
+code = "	featureNames {
+		name 3 1 0x0409 \"Bulgarian Cyrillic forms\"; # Win / Unicode / English US
+		name 1 0 0 \"Bulgarian Cyrillic forms\"; #   Mac / Roman / English
+	};
+	# Bulgarian Cyrillic forms
+	sub @cyrl_dflt by @cyrl_locl_bgr;";
+tag = ss07;
+code = "	# stylistic alternates - all stylistic sets combined
+	sub @lca_dflt by @lca_alt1;
+	sub @lcg_dflt by @lcg_alt1;
+	sub @lca_cyrl_dflt by @lca_cyrl_alt1;
+	sub zero by zero.alt02;
+	sub germandbls by germandbls.alt01;
+	sub numbersign by numbersign.alt01;
+	sub @cyrl_dflt by @cyrl_locl_bgr;";
+tag = salt;
+code = "	# glyph composition/decomposition
+	@uc_basic = [A AE Aogonek B C Ccedilla D E Eogonek F G H I Iogonek J K L M N O OE Ohorn Oslash P Q R S Schwa T U Uhorn Uogonek V W X Y Z]; # 37 glyphs
+	@acc_comb_top = [acutecomb breveacute brevecomb brevegrave brevehook brevetilde caroncomb caronslovakcomb circumflexacute circumflexbreve circumflexcomb circumflexgrave circumflexhook circumflextilde commaturnedtopcomb dieresisacute dieresiscaron dieresiscomb dieresisgrave dieresismacron dotaccentcomb gravecomb hookcomb horncomb hungarumlautcomb macroncomb ringcomb tildecomb]; # 28 glyphs
+	@acc_comb_dflt = [breveacute brevegrave brevehook brevetilde circumflexacute circumflexbreve circumflexgrave circumflexhook circumflextilde dieresisacute dieresiscaron dieresisgrave dieresismacron hookcomb]; # 14 glyphs
+	@acc_comb_case = [breveacute.case brevegrave.case brevehook.case brevetilde.case circumflexacute.case circumflexbreve.case circumflexgrave.case circumflexhook.case circumflextilde.case dieresisacute.case dieresiscaron.case dieresisgrave.case dieresismacron.case hookcomb.case]; # 14 glyphs
+	lookup nonContextSubs {
+		sub brevecomb acutecomb by breveacute;
+		sub brevecomb gravecomb by brevegrave;
+		sub brevecomb hookcomb by brevehook;
+		sub brevecomb tildecomb by brevetilde;
+		sub circumflexcomb acutecomb by circumflexacute;
+		sub circumflexcomb gravecomb by circumflexgrave;
+		sub circumflexcomb hookcomb by circumflexhook;
+		sub circumflexcomb tildecomb by circumflextilde;
+		sub circumflexcomb brevecomb by circumflexbreve;
+		sub dieresiscomb acutecomb by dieresisacute;
+		sub dieresiscomb caroncomb by dieresiscaron;
+		sub dieresiscomb gravecomb by dieresisgrave;
+		sub dieresiscomb macroncomb by dieresismacron;
+	} nonContextSubs;
+	lookup contextSubs {
+		sub [L d l t] caroncomb' by caronslovakcomb; # /Lcaron /dcaron /lcaron /tcaron
+		sub g commabelowcomb' by commaturnedtopcomb; # /gcommaaccent
+		sub i' @acc_comb_top by dotlessi;
+		sub j' @acc_comb_top by dotlessj;
+		sub @uc_basic @acc_comb_dflt' by @acc_comb_case; # case accents
+	} contextSubs;";
+tag = ccmp;
+code = "	# Created: Mon Dec 11 16:49:18 2023
+	# PS Name: IBMPlexMono-Thin
+	# MM Inst: IBM Plex Mono Thin
+	# exported from FontLab
+	@mGC_bottom_0_0 = [cedillacomb commabelowcomb dotbelowcomb];
+	@mGC_top_0_516 = [acutecomb breveacute brevecomb brevecomb.cyrl brevegrave brevehook brevetilde caroncomb circumflexacute circumflexbreve circumflexcomb circumflexgrave circumflexhook circumflextilde commaturnedtopcomb dieresisacute dieresiscaron dieresiscomb dieresisgrave dieresismacron dotaccentcomb gravecomb hookcomb hungarumlautcomb macroncomb ringcomb tildecomb];
+	@mGC_top_0_698 = [breveacute.case brevegrave.case brevehook.case brevetilde.case circumflexacute.case circumflexbreve.case circumflexgrave.case circumflexhook.case circumflextilde.case dieresisacute.case dieresiscaron.case dieresisgrave.case dieresismacron.case hookcomb.case];
+	markClass @mGC_bottom_0_0 <anchor 0 0> @MC_bottom;
+	markClass @mGC_top_0_516 <anchor 0 516> @MC_top;
+	markClass @mGC_top_0_698 <anchor 0 698> @MC_top;
+	markClass caronslovakcomb <anchor 0 740> @MC_topright;
+	markClass ogonekcomb <anchor 0 0> @MC_bottomright;
+	lookup MARK_BASE_bottom {
+		@bGC_B_bottom = [B uni0412];
+		@bGC_C_bottom = [C Cacute Ccaron Ccircumflex Cdotaccent uni0421];
+		@bGC_D_bottom = [D Dcaron];
+		@bGC_E_bottom = [E Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex Edieresis Edotaccent Egrave Ehook Emacron Eogonek Etilde Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexgrave Ecircumflexhook Ecircumflextilde uni0415 uni0400 uni0401 uni04D6];
+		@bGC_G_bottom = [G Gbreve Gcircumflex Gdotaccent];
+		@bGC_J_bottom = [J Jacute Jcircumflex uni0408];
+		@bGC_P_bottom = [P uni0420];
+		@bGC_R_bottom = [R S Racute Rcaron Sacute Scaron Scircumflex uni0405];
+		@bGC_Z_bottom = [Z Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent];
+		@bGC_a.alt01_bottom = [a.alt01 aacute.alt01 abreve.alt01 acaron.alt01 acircumflex.alt01 adieresis.alt01 agrave.alt01 ahook.alt01 amacron.alt01 aogonek.alt01 aring.alt01 aringacute.alt01 atilde.alt01 abreveacute.alt01 abrevegrave.alt01 abrevehook.alt01 abrevetilde.alt01 acircumflexacute.alt01 acircumflexgrave.alt01 acircumflexhook.alt01 acircumflextilde.alt01 uni0430.alt01 uni04D3.alt01 uni04D1.alt01];
+		@bGC_a_bottom = [a aacute abreve acaron acircumflex adieresis agrave ahook amacron aogonek aring aringacute atilde abreveacute abrevegrave abrevehook abrevetilde acircumflexacute acircumflexgrave acircumflexhook acircumflextilde uni0430 uni04D3 uni04D1];
+		@bGC_c_bottom = [c cacute ccaron ccircumflex cdotaccent uni0441];
+		@bGC_e_bottom = [e eacute ebreve ecaron ecircumflex edieresis edotaccent egrave ehook emacron eogonek etilde ecircumflexacute ecircumflexgrave ecircumflexhook ecircumflextilde uni0435 uni0450 uni0451 uni04D7];
+		@bGC_h_bottom = [h n hcircumflex nacute ncaron ntilde uni043F.loclBGR uni04BB];
+		@bGC_i_bottom = [i dotlessi iacute ibreve icaron icircumflex idieresis igrave ihook imacron iogonek itilde uni0456 uni0457];
+		@bGC_k_bottom = [k L kgreenlandic Lacute Lcaron];
+		@bGC_l_bottom = [l m o v w x z A H I M N O T U V W X Y lacute lcaron oacute obreve ocaron ocircumflex odieresis ograve ohook ohungarumlaut omacron oslash oslashacute otilde ohorn ohornacute ohorngrave ohornhook ohorntilde ocircumflexacute ocircumflexgrave ocircumflexhook ocircumflextilde wacute wcircumflex wdieresis wgrave zacute zcaron zdotaccent Aacute Abreve Acaron Acircumflex Adieresis Agrave Ahook Amacron Aogonek Aring Aringacute Atilde Abreveacute Abrevegrave Abrevehook Abrevetilde Acircumflexacute Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhook Acircumflextilde Hcircumflex Iacute Ibreve Icaron Icircumflex Idieresis Idotaccent Igrave Ihook Imacron Iogonek Itilde Nacute Ncaron Ntilde Oacute Obreve Ocaron Ocircumflex Odieresis Ograve Ohook Ohungarumlaut Omacron Oslash Oslashacute Otilde Ohorn Ohornacute Ohorngrave Ohornhook Ohorntilde Ocircumflexacute Ocircumflexgrave Ocircumflexhook Ocircumflextilde Tbar Tcaron Uacute Ubreve Ucaron Ucircumflex Udieresis Ugrave Uhook Uhungarumlaut Umacron Uogonek Uring Utilde Uhorn Uhornacute Uhorngrave Uhornhook Uhorntilde Udieresismacron Udieresisacute Udieresisgrave Udieresiscaron Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ygrave Yhook Ytilde uni043E uni0442.loclBGR uni0445 uni0410 uni041C uni041D uni041E uni0422 uni0425 uni04E7 uni04D2 uni04D0 uni04C0 uni04E6 uni04AE uni0406 uni0407];
+		@bGC_r_bottom = [r racute rcaron];
+		@bGC_s_bottom = [s sacute scaron scircumflex uni0455];
+		@bGC_t_bottom = [t tbar tcaron];
+		@bGC_u_bottom = [u uacute ubreve ucaron ucircumflex udieresis ugrave uhook uhungarumlaut umacron uogonek uring utilde uhorn uhornacute uhorngrave uhornhook uhorntilde udieresismacron udieresisacute udieresisgrave udieresiscaron uni0438.loclBGR uni0439.loclBGR uni045D.loclBGR];
+		@bGC_y_bottom = [y yacute ycircumflex ydieresis ygrave yhook ytilde uni0443 uni04EF uni04F1 uni04F3 uni045E];
+		pos base @bGC_B_bottom <anchor 294 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_C_bottom <anchor 313 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_D_bottom <anchor 277 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_E_bottom <anchor 307 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_G_bottom <anchor 304 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_J_bottom <anchor 279 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_P_bottom <anchor 115 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_R_bottom <anchor 302 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_Z_bottom <anchor 301 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_a.alt01_bottom <anchor 290 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_a_bottom <anchor 275 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_c_bottom <anchor 316 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_e_bottom <anchor 306 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_h_bottom <anchor 305 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_i_bottom <anchor 332 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_k_bottom <anchor 337 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_l_bottom <anchor 300 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_r_bottom <anchor 269 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_s_bottom <anchor 308 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_t_bottom <anchor 378 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_u_bottom <anchor 296 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base @bGC_y_bottom <anchor 440 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base F <anchor 119 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base K <anchor 323 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base b <anchor 310 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base d <anchor 285 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+		pos base f <anchor 299 0> mark @MC_bottom;
+	} MARK_BASE_bottom;
+	lookup MARK_BASE_bottomright {
+		@bGC_A_bottomright = [A Aacute Abreve Acaron Acircumflex Adieresis Adotbelow Agrave Ahook Amacron Aring Aringacute Atilde Abreveacute Abrevedotbelow Abrevegrave Abrevehook Abrevetilde Acircumflexacute Acircumflexdotbelow Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhook Acircumflextilde uni0410 uni04D2 uni04D0];
+		@bGC_E_bottomright = [E Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecircumflex Edieresis Edotaccent Edotbelow Egrave Ehook Emacron Etilde Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexdotbelow Ecircumflexgrave Ecircumflexhook Ecircumflextilde uni0415 uni0400 uni0401 uni04D6];
+		@bGC_I_bottomright = [I Iacute Ibreve Icaron Icircumflex Idieresis Idotaccent Idotbelow Igrave Ihook Imacron Itilde uni04C0 uni0406 uni0407];
+		@bGC_U_bottomright = [U Uacute Ubreve Ucaron Ucircumflex Udieresis Udotbelow Ugrave Uhook Uhungarumlaut Umacron Uring Utilde Udieresismacron Udieresisacute Udieresisgrave Udieresiscaron];
+		@bGC_a.alt01_bottomright = [a.alt01 aacute.alt01 abreve.alt01 acaron.alt01 acircumflex.alt01 adieresis.alt01 adotbelow.alt01 agrave.alt01 ahook.alt01 amacron.alt01 aring.alt01 aringacute.alt01 atilde.alt01 abreveacute.alt01 abrevedotbelow.alt01 abrevegrave.alt01 abrevehook.alt01 abrevetilde.alt01 acircumflexacute.alt01 acircumflexdotbelow.alt01 acircumflexgrave.alt01 acircumflexhook.alt01 acircumflextilde.alt01 uni0430.alt01 uni04D3.alt01 uni04D1.alt01];
+		@bGC_a_bottomright = [a aacute abreve acaron acircumflex adieresis adotbelow agrave ahook amacron aring aringacute atilde abreveacute abrevedotbelow abrevegrave abrevehook abrevetilde acircumflexacute acircumflexdotbelow acircumflexgrave acircumflexhook acircumflextilde uni0430 uni04D3 uni04D1];
+		@bGC_e_bottomright = [e eacute ebreve ecaron ecircumflex edieresis edotaccent edotbelow egrave ehook emacron etilde ecircumflexacute ecircumflexdotbelow ecircumflexgrave ecircumflexhook ecircumflextilde uni0435 uni0450 uni0451 uni04D7];
+		@bGC_i_bottomright = [i dotlessi iacute ibreve icaron icircumflex idieresis idotbelow igrave ihook imacron itilde uni0456 uni0457];
+		@bGC_u_bottomright = [u uacute ubreve ucaron ucircumflex udieresis udotbelow ugrave uhook uhungarumlaut umacron uring utilde udieresismacron udieresisacute udieresisgrave udieresiscaron uni0438.loclBGR uni0439.loclBGR uni045D.loclBGR];
+		pos base @bGC_A_bottomright <anchor 548 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_E_bottomright <anchor 514 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_I_bottomright <anchor 508 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_U_bottomright <anchor 390 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_a.alt01_bottomright <anchor 475 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_a_bottomright <anchor 531 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_e_bottomright <anchor 384 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_i_bottomright <anchor 535 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+		pos base @bGC_u_bottomright <anchor 473 0> mark @MC_bottomright;
+	} MARK_BASE_bottomright;
+	lookup MARK_BASE_top {
+		@bGC_AE_top = [AE uni04D4];
+		@bGC_B_top = [B uni0412];
+		@bGC_C_top = [C Ccedilla uni0421 uni04AA];
+		@bGC_E_top = [E F Edotbelow Eogonek uni0415];
+		@bGC_G_top = [G K Gcommaaccent Kcommaaccent];
+		@bGC_J_top = [J uni0408];
+		@bGC_L_top = [L Lcaron Lcommaaccent];
+		@bGC_R_top = [R Rcommaaccent];
+		@bGC_S_top = [S Scedilla Scommaaccent uni0405];
+		@bGC_a.alt01_top = [a.alt01 g.alt01 q adotbelow.alt01 aogonek.alt01 uni0430.alt01 uni0434.loclBGR];
+		@bGC_a_top = [a adotbelow aogonek uni0430];
+		@bGC_ae_top = [ae uni04D5];
+		@bGC_c_top = [c ccedilla uni0441 uni04AB];
+		@bGC_e_top = [e edotbelow eogonek uni0435];
+		@bGC_g_top = [g g.alt02 n ncommaaccent eng uni043F.loclBGR];
+		@bGC_h_top = [h uni04BB];
+		@bGC_l_top = [l A H I M N O P Q T U V W X Y Z lcaron lcommaaccent Adotbelow Aogonek Idotbelow Iogonek Ncommaaccent Eng Odotbelow Oslash Ohorn Ohorndotbelow Tbar Tcommaaccent Tcedilla Udotbelow Uogonek Uhorn Uhorndotbelow Ydotbelow uni0410 uni0416 uni0417 uni0418 uni041C uni041D uni041E uni0420 uni0422 uni0423 uni0425 uni042B uni04C0 uni04AE uni0406];
+		@bGC_m_top = [m o s v w x z odotbelow oslash ohorn ohorndotbelow scedilla scommaaccent uni0436 uni0437 uni0438 uni043A uni043E uni0442.loclBGR uni0445 uni044B uni0455];
+		@bGC_p_top = [p uni0440];
+		@bGC_r_top = [r rcommaaccent];
+		@bGC_u_top = [u udotbelow uogonek uhorn uhorndotbelow uni0438.loclBGR];
+		@bGC_y_top = [y ydotbelow uni0443];
+		pos base @bGC_AE_top <anchor 393 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_B_top <anchor 274 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_C_top <anchor 325 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_E_top <anchor 309 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_G_top <anchor 313 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_J_top <anchor 306 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_L_top <anchor 156 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_R_top <anchor 299 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_S_top <anchor 292 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_a.alt01_top <anchor 290 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_a_top <anchor 275 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_ae_top <anchor 298 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_c_top <anchor 320 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_e_top <anchor 302 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_g_top <anchor 305 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_h_top <anchor 138 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_l_top <anchor 300 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_m_top <anchor 300 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_p_top <anchor 310 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_r_top <anchor 378 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_u_top <anchor 296 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base @bGC_y_top <anchor 297 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base D <anchor 277 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base dotlessi <anchor 332 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base dotlessj <anchor 417 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base uni0413 <anchor 336 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base uni041A <anchor 295 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base uni0427 <anchor 279 698> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base uni0433 <anchor 323 516> mark @MC_top;
+		pos base uni0447 <anchor 281 516> mark @MC_top;
+	} MARK_BASE_top;
+	lookup MARK_BASE_topright {
+		@bGC_L_topright = [L Lacute Lcommaaccent];
+		@bGC_l_topright = [l lacute lcommaaccent];
+		@bGC_t_topright = [t tbar tcommaaccent tcedilla];
+		pos base @bGC_L_topright <anchor 273 740> mark @MC_topright;
+		pos base @bGC_l_topright <anchor 416 740> mark @MC_topright;
+		pos base @bGC_t_topright <anchor 389 760> mark @MC_topright;
+		pos base d <anchor 545 740> mark @MC_topright;
+	} MARK_BASE_topright;";
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+pos = (595,0);
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+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = AE;
+pos = (93,0);
+ref = acute.case;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (313,0);
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+ref = C;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (308,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = C;
+pos = (28,0);
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+ref = C;
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+name = bottom;
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+layerId = m002;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = C;
+pos = (12,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (313,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = C;
+pos = (25,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (308,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = C;
+pos = (28,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = C;
+pos = (12,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
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+pos = (277,0);
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+ref = Dcroat;
+width = 600;
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Dcroat;
+width = 600;
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+shapes = (
+ref = Dcroat;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
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+layerId = m002;
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+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = breve.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = breve.case;
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+glyphname = Ecaron;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = caron.case;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
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+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = caron.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = caron.case;
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+glyphname = Ecircumflex;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
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+ref = E;
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+glyphname = Ecircumflexacute;
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+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (309,0);
+ref = circumflexacute.case;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (305,0);
+ref = circumflexacute.case;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (303,0);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
+pos = (307,0);
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
+pos = (305,0);
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
+pos = (303,0);
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+name = bottom;
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+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (309,0);
+ref = circumflexgrave.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
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+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (305,0);
+ref = circumflexgrave.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (303,0);
+ref = circumflexgrave.case;
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+glyphname = Ecircumflexhook;
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+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (309,0);
+ref = circumflexhook.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (305,0);
+ref = circumflexhook.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (303,0);
+ref = circumflexhook.case;
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+glyphname = Ecircumflextilde;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = E;
+pos = (309,0);
+ref = circumflextilde.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (305,0);
+ref = circumflextilde.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (303,0);
+ref = circumflextilde.case;
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+glyphname = Edieresis;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = dieresis.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = dieresis.case;
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+glyphname = Edotaccent;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
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+unicode = 278;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Edotbelow;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (309,698);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (307,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (305,698);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (305,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (303,698);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (303,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7864;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Egrave;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 200;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ehook;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = E;
+pos = (309,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (305,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (303,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7866;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Emacron;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 274;
+glyphname = Eogonek;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
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+pos = (309,698);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (307,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (514,0);
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+ref = E;
+pos = (9,0);
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (305,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (520,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = E;
+pos = (5,0);
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (303,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (526,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = E;
+pos = (3,0);
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7868;
+glyphname = Schwa;
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+layerId = m001;
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+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
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+pos = (309,698);
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+pos = (310,698);
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+name = top;
+pos = (313,698);
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+pos = (306,698);
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+closed = 1;
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+pos = (301,698);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (304,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (13,0);
+ref = breve.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (6,0);
+ref = breve.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (1,0);
+ref = breve.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 286;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Gcircumflex;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (304,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (13,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (6,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (1,0);
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 284;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Gcommaaccent;
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+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (313,698);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = G;
+pos = (304,0);
+ref = commabelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (306,698);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = commabelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (301,698);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (298,0);
+ref = commabelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 290;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Gdotaccent;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (304,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (13,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (6,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = G;
+pos = (1,0);
+ref = dotaccent.case;
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+unicode = 288;
+glyphname = H;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+userData = {
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+closed = 1;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
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+ref = H;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
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+ref = H;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
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+ref = H;
+ref = circumflex.case;
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+pos = (525,0);
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+closed = 1;
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+pos = (277,0);
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+ref = J;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = K;
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+ref = K;
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+pos = (273,740);
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+pos = (290,740);
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+pos = (320,740);
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+alignment = -1;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = N;
+ref = acute.case;
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+ref = N;
+ref = caron.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = N;
+ref = caron.case;
+width = 600;
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+ref = N;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = N;
+ref = tilde.case;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = O;
+ref = circumflex.case;
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+ref = dotbelowcomb;
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+ref = circumflex.case;
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+ref = O;
+pos = (300,0);
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = O;
+ref = grave.case;
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+ref = grave.case;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = O;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = Ohorn;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = Ohorn;
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+ref = Ohorn;
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+name = top;
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+ref = Ohorn;
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+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
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+name = top;
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+ref = Ohorn;
+pos = (300,0);
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = Ohorn;
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+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+shapes = (
+ref = Ohorn;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = Ohorn;
+ref = grave.case;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = Ohorn;
+pos = (300,0);
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+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = Ohorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Ohorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+shapes = (
+ref = Ohorn;
+ref = tilde.alt01.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+shapes = (
+ref = Ohorn;
+ref = tilde.alt01.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = Ohorn;
+ref = tilde.alt01.case;
+width = 600;
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = O;
+ref = hungarumlaut.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = O;
+ref = hungarumlaut.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = O;
+ref = hungarumlaut.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = O;
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = O;
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = O;
+ref = macron.case;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = Oslash;
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+name = bottom;
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+layerId = m002;
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+ref = Oslash;
+ref = acute.case;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = Oslash;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = O;
+ref = tilde.case;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = O;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (302,0);
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+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = acute.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = acute.case;
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+name = bottom;
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+ref = U;
+ref = breve.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (394,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = breve.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = breve.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = caron.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (394,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = caron.case;
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+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = caron.case;
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+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = circumflex.case;
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+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (394,0);
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+ref = circumflex.case;
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+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = circumflex.case;
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+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = dieresis.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (394,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = dieresis.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresisacute.case;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresisacute.case;
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+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresiscaron.case;
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+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresiscaron.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresiscaron.case;
+width = 600;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresisgrave.case;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresisgrave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresisgrave.case;
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Udieresismacron;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresismacron.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresismacron.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dieresismacron.case;
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+glyphname = Udotbelow;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
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+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
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+glyphname = Ugrave;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 217;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Uhook;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = U;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
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+unicode = 7910;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7912;
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+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7920;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Uhorngrave;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7914;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Uhornhook;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7916;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Uhorntilde;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = tilde.alt01.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = tilde.alt01.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Uhorn;
+ref = tilde.alt01.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7918;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Uhungarumlaut;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = hungarumlaut.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = hungarumlaut.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = U;
+ref = hungarumlaut.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 368;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Umacron;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = macron.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 362;
+glyphname = Uogonek;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = U;
+ref = ring.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = U;
+ref = ring.case;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = ring.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 366;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (390,0);
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+ref = U;
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (394,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (404,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = U;
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 360;
+glyphname = V;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+closed = 1;
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+name = bottom;
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+pos = (300,698);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = W;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7810;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+ref = W;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = W;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = W;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7812;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
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+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+shapes = (
+ref = W;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
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+glyphname = X;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
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+pos = (300,698);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+closed = 1;
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+width = 600;
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+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 221;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ycircumflex;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = circumflex.case;
+width = 600;
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+glyphname = Ydieresis;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = dieresis.case;
+width = 600;
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ydotbelow;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = Y;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ygrave;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = grave.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7922;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Yhook;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+pos = (300,0);
+ref = hookcomb.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7926;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Ytilde;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Y;
+ref = tilde.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 7928;
+glyphname = Z;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (301,0);
+name = top;
+pos = (300,698);
+layerId = m001;
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+closed = 1;
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+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+closed = 1;
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+userData = {
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (299,0);
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+pos = (300,698);
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+closed = 1;
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+userData = {
+com.typemytype.robofont.pointLabels = {
+width = 600;
+unicode = 90;
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+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (301,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Z;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Z;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (299,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Z;
+ref = acute.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 377;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Zcaron;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (301,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Z;
+ref = caron.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Z;
+ref = caron.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (299,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Z;
+ref = caron.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 381;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = Zdotaccent;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (301,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = Z;
+ref = dotaccent.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (300,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = Z;
+ref = dotaccent.case;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (299,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = Z;
+ref = dotaccent.case;
+width = 600;
+unicode = 379;
+glyphname = a;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (275,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (531,0);
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+pos = (275,516);
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+closed = 1;
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+userData = {
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+pos = (550,0);
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+closed = 1;
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+pos = (572,0);
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+pos = (292,0);
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+pos = (531,0);
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+pos = (550,0);
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (572,0);
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+ref = a;
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+name = bottomright;
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+ref = a;
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+ref = a;
+pos = (283,0);
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+name = bottomright;
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+ref = a;
+pos = (292,0);
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+pos = (531,0);
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+ref = a;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (283,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (550,0);
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+ref = a;
+pos = (-17,0);
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (292,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (572,0);
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+ref = a;
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+name = bottom;
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+pos = (550,0);
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+pos = (572,0);
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+ref = acute;
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (502,0);
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+pos = (298,0);
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+pos = (535,0);
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+ref = u;
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+ref = uhorn;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (297,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = uhorn;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = uhorn;
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+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (296,516);
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+ref = uhorn;
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+width = 600;
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+name = top;
+pos = (297,516);
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+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (297,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = top;
+pos = (298,516);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (298,0);
+ref = dotbelowcomb;
+width = 600;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (296,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = uhorn;
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+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (297,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (-3,0);
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+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (-2,0);
+ref = grave;
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+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (296,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (296,0);
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+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (297,0);
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+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (297,0);
+ref = hookcomb;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+layerId = m003;
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+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (298,0);
+ref = hookcomb;
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (296,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (-4,0);
+ref = tilde.alt01;
+width = 600;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (297,0);
+layerId = m002;
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+ref = uhorn;
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+ref = tilde.alt01;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
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+ref = uhorn;
+pos = (-2,0);
+ref = tilde.alt01;
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+name = bottom;
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+pos = (473,0);
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+ref = u;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (502,0);
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (535,0);
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+ref = u;
+pos = (-2,0);
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+pos = (296,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (473,0);
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+pos = (502,0);
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+ref = u;
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+name = bottom;
+pos = (298,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (535,0);
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+ref = u;
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+anchors = (
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+name = bottom;
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+pos = (535,0);
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+pos = (473,0);
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+name = bottom;
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (502,0);
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (535,0);
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+color = (153,251,255,255);
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (290,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (475,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = a.alt01;
+pos = (290,0);
+ref = brevehook;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (287,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (505,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = a.alt01;
+pos = (287,0);
+ref = brevehook;
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+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (291,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (541,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = a.alt01;
+pos = (291,0);
+ref = brevehook;
+width = 600;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = acircumflexhook.alt01;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (290,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (475,0);
+layerId = m001;
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+ref = a.alt01;
+pos = (290,0);
+ref = circumflexhook;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (287,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (505,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
+ref = a.alt01;
+pos = (287,0);
+ref = circumflexhook;
+width = 600;
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (291,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (541,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = a.alt01;
+pos = (291,0);
+ref = circumflexhook;
+width = 600;
+color = (153,251,255,255);
+glyphname = ahook.alt01;
+layers = (
+anchors = (
+name = bottom;
+pos = (290,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (475,0);
+layerId = m001;
+shapes = (
+ref = a.alt01;
+pos = (290,0);
+ref = hookcomb;
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+pos = (287,0);
+name = bottomright;
+pos = (505,0);
+layerId = m002;
+shapes = (
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+name = bottomright;
+pos = (541,0);
+layerId = m003;
+shapes = (
+ref = a.alt01;
+pos = (291,0);
+ref = hookcomb;
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+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
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+closed = 1;
+nodes = (
+closed = 1;
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+name = Thin;
+axesValues = (
+instanceInterpolations = {
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+axesValues = (
+instanceInterpolations = {
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+axesValues = (
+instanceInterpolations = {
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+axesValues = (
+instanceInterpolations = {
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+axesValues = (
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+axesValues = (
+instanceInterpolations = {
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+axesValues = (
+instanceInterpolations = {
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+name = Bold;
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+name = "zone 6";
+name = "zone 7";
+name = "zone 8";
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+key = copyrights;
+values = (
+language = dflt;
+value = "Copyright 2017 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.";
+key = designers;
+values = (
+language = dflt;
+value = "Mike Abbink, Paul van der Laan, Pieter van Rosmalen";
+key = designerURL;
+value = "http://www.ibm.com";
+key = licenses;
+values = (
+language = dflt;
+value = "This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL";
+key = licenseURL;
+value = "http://scripts.sil.org/OFL";
+key = manufacturers;
+values = (
+language = dflt;
+value = "Bold Monday";
+key = manufacturerURL;
+value = "http://www.boldmonday.com";
+key = sampleTexts;
+values = (
+language = dflt;
+value = "How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts!";
+key = trademarks;
+values = (
+language = dflt;
+value = "IBM Plex® is a trademark of IBM Corp, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.";
+key = uniqueID;
+value = "IBM;IBMPlexMono-Regular;2.004;2023";
+key = vendorID;
+value = IBM;
+key = versionString;
+value = "Version 2.004 2023";
+settings = {
+disablesNiceNames = 1;
+stems = (
+name = vStem0;
+name = vStem0;
+name = vStem0;
+horizontal = 1;
+name = hStem0;
+horizontal = 1;
+name = hStem0;
+horizontal = 1;
+name = hStem0;
+horizontal = 1;
+name = hStem0;
+name = vStem0;
+name = vStem0;
+name = vStem0;
+horizontal = 1;
+name = hStem0;
+horizontal = 1;
+name = hStem0;
+horizontal = 1;
+name = hStem0;
+name = vStem0;
+name = vStem0;
+name = vStem0;
+horizontal = 1;
+name = hStem0;
+unitsPerEm = 1000;
+versionMajor = 2;
+versionMinor = 4;
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c2bd121d..79841150 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ SCRIPTS_DIR := scripts
 SOURCES_DIR := sources
 # Font sources
 # Internal build variables
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ define build-glyphs
 define build-font
-	$(call build-glyphs,$(LILEX_SOURCE),$(1),all)
+	$(call build-glyphs,$(LILEX_ROMAN_SOURCE),$(1),all)
 	$(call build-glyphs,$(LILEX_ITALIC_SOURCE),$(1),ignore)
diff --git a/scripts/porting.py b/scripts/porting.py
index c5237ee6..3602f77c 100755
--- a/scripts/porting.py
+++ b/scripts/porting.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 """A utility for developing pairings to fonts.
-I want Italic to have all the same features as a regular font,
+I want Italic to have all the same features as a roman font,
 this script will allow to control progress
 import json
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 from arrrgs import arg, command, global_args, run
 from glyphsLib import GSFont
-REGULAR_FONT_PATH = "sources/Lilex.glyphs"
+ROMAN_FONT_PATH = "sources/Lilex.glyphs"
 ITALIC_FONT_PATH = "sources/Lilex-Italic.glyphs"
@@ -31,23 +31,26 @@ def progress(args):
     diff = len(stored_glyphs) - len(missing_glyphs)
     progress_value = (diff / len(stored_glyphs)) * 100
     if not args.markdown:
+        # ligatures = filter(lambda glyph: glyph.endswith(".liga"), missing_glyphs)
+        for glyph in missing_glyphs:
+            print(f"- {glyph}")
         print(f"Glyphs coverage: {progress_value:.2f}%")
-    print("### Glyphs porting progress")
-    print(f"![](https://geps.dev/progress/{progress_value:.0f})")
-    print()
+    # print("### Glyphs porting progress")
+    # print(f"![](https://geps.dev/progress/{progress_value:.0f})")
+    # print()
-    print("<details>")
-    print("<summary>Glyphs status</summary>")
-    print("<ul>")
-    for glyph in stored_glyphs:
-        if glyph in missing_glyphs:
-            print(f"<li>{glyph}</li>")
-        else:
-            print(f"<li><s>{glyph}</s></li>")
-    print("</ul>")
-    print("</details>")
+    # print("<details>")
+    # print("<summary>Glyphs status</summary>")
+    # print("<ul>")
+    # for glyph in stored_glyphs:
+    #     if glyph in missing_glyphs:
+    #         print(f"<li>{glyph}</li>")
+    #     else:
+    #         print(f"<li><s>{glyph}</s></li>")
+    # print("</ul>")
+    # print("</details>")
 def snapshot(args):
@@ -60,7 +63,7 @@ def snapshot(args):
 def find_missing_glyphs() -> list[str]:
     """Finds missing glyphs"""
-    target_font = GSFont(REGULAR_FONT_PATH)
+    target_font = GSFont(ROMAN_FONT_PATH)
     source_font = GSFont(ITALIC_FONT_PATH)
     missing_glyphs = []
     for glyph in target_font.glyphs: