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2023 days 23-25
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mimmackk committed Feb 1, 2025
1 parent 517a462 commit 0eb7f5a
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Showing 91 changed files with 8,634 additions and 1,313 deletions.
188 changes: 188 additions & 0 deletions 2023/R/day23.qmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
title: "Day 23"
date: 2023-12-23

## Setup

```{r setup}
# Libraries
# Read input from file
input <- read_lines("../input/day23.txt", skip_empty_rows = FALSE)

## Part 1

Convert text input to a directed graph:

# Convert to a dataframe with IDs and coordinates per cell
df <- input |>
str_split("") |>
enframe(name = "row") |>
unnest_longer(value, indices_to = "col") |>
mutate(id = row_number()) |>
filter(value != '#') |>
relocate(id, value, row, col)
# Compute the list of directed edges between cells
edges <- df |>
row_n = row - 1,
row_s = row + 1,
col_w = col - 1,
col_e = col + 1
) |>
left_join(df, join_by(x$row_n == y$row, col), suffix = c("", "_n")) |>
left_join(df, join_by(x$row_s == y$row, col), suffix = c("", "_s")) |>
left_join(df, join_by(x$col_w == y$col, row), suffix = c("", "_w")) |>
left_join(df, join_by(x$col_e == y$col, row), suffix = c("", "_e")) |>
select(-starts_with(c("row", "col", "value_"))) |>
names_to = "dir",
values_to = "neighbor",
names_prefix = "id_"
) |>
# For slope tiles, remove any non-downhill neighbors
(value == "." & ! |
(value == "^" & dir == "n") |
(value == "v" & dir == "s") |
(value == "<" & dir == "w") |
(value == ">" & dir == "e")
) |>
pmap(\(id, neighbor, ...) c(id, neighbor)) |>
# Convert to a graph
g <- make_graph(edges)

Find the longest possible path from the start point to the end point:

source <- min(df$id)
target <- max(df$id)
max_hike <- function(g, from = source, to = target) {
all_simple_paths(g, from, to) |>
map_dbl(~ length(.x) - 1) |>
sort(decreasing = TRUE) |>

## Part 2

Convert to an undirected graph to remove the slope constraint:

g <- as_undirected(g)
V(g)$name <- V(g)

The graph is too large to simply run the hike length function again -- an overflow results.

Instead, we notice that the input maze consists of relatively few intersections. Most of the maze input is simple corridors with no path decisions. We can reduce the graph complexity/size by trimming away our non-choice verftices and converting the length of those paths to an edge weight.

v_zero_edges <- names(which(degree(g) == 0))
v_two_edges <- names(which(degree(g) == 2))
v_nontwo_edges <- names(which(degree(g) != 2))
# Extract all corridor vertices
g_corridors <- delete_vertices(g, v_nontwo_edges)
corridors <- components(g_corridors)
# Determine which edges to add to replace the corridors and their weight
new_weights <- corridors$csize + 1
new_edges <- corridors$membership |>
keep_at(names(which(degree(g_corridors) == 1))) |>
enframe(name = "vtx", value = "group") |>
mutate(vtx = map_chr(vtx, ~ setdiff(names(neighbors(g, .x)), v_two_edges))) |>
summarize(edge = list(vtx), .by = group) |>
arrange(group) |>
# Create a new graph without the corridor vertices, then add its new edges
g_new <- reduce2(
.x = new_edges,
.y = new_weights,
.f = \(g, e, w) add_edges(g, e, weight = w),
.init = delete_vertices(g, c(v_zero_edges, v_two_edges))

View a plot of the resulting simplified graph:

#| fig-height: 9
#| fig-width: 10
vtx_labels <- g_new |>
V() |>
names() |>
as.character(source) ~ "S",
as.character(target) ~ "E",
.default = ""
vertex.size = 8,
vertex.label = vtx_labels,
edge.label = E(g_new)$weight

Compute all paths from the start to the end using our smaller graph:

all_paths <- g_new |>
all_simple_paths(as.character(source), as.character(target))

Using the edge weights of our graph, compute the total length of each path and select the longest:

all_paths |>
~ .x |>
as_ids() |>
rep(each = 2) |>
head(-1) |>
tail(-1) |>
get_edge_ids(graph = g_new)
) |>
map(~ E(g_new)$weight[.x]) |>
map_dbl(sum) |>

183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions 2023/R/day24.qmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
title: "Day 24"
date: 2023-12-24

## Setup

```{r setup}
# Libraries
# Read input from file
input <- read_lines("../input/day24.txt", skip_empty_rows = FALSE)

## Part 1

Convert text input to structured data:

bound_min <- 200000000000000
bound_max <- 400000000000000
df <- input |>
unglue_data("{px}, {py}, {pz} @ {vx}, {vy}, {vz}", convert = TRUE) |>
mutate(id = row_number(), .before = everything())
vecs_2d <- df |>
p = pmap(lst(px, py), ~ matrix(c(..1, ..2), ncol = 1)),
v = pmap(lst(vx, vy), ~ matrix(c(..1, ..2), ncol = 1))
vecs_3d <- df |>
p = pmap(lst(px, py, pz), ~ matrix(c(..1, ..2, ..3), ncol = 1)),
v = pmap(lst(vx, vy, vz), ~ matrix(c(..1, ..2, ..3), ncol = 1))

The position $\vec a$ of a hailstone at any given time $t$ can be written in the format:

$$\vec vt + \vec p$$

The intersection of the paths of any two given hailstones is therefore the point $\vec a$ where:

\vec a = \vec v_1t_1 + \vec p_1 = \vec v_2t_2 = \vec p_2

This can be re-written as the system of equations:

\begin{bmatrix}\vec v_1 &-\vec v_2\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}t_1\\t_2\end{bmatrix} = \vec p_2 - \vec p_1

Solving this system of equations for each pair of hailstones will give us the values of $t_1$ and $t_2$ that can then be used to compute the coordinates of their intersection, $\vec a$.

# Combine all hailstones' paths pairwise and solve the system of equations
pairs <- inner_join(
join_by(x$id < y$id),
suffix = c("1", "2")
) |>
A = map2(v1, v2, ~ cbind(..1, -..2)),
b = map2(p1, p2, ~ ..2 - ..1),
det = map_dbl(A, det),
t = pmap(lst(A, b, det), \(A, b, det) if (det != 0) as.vector(solve(A, b)))
) |>
unnest_wider(t, names_sep = "") |>
# Check if each path cross is within the bounding box and forward in time
intersection = pmap(lst(t1, v1, p1), ~ ..1 * ..2 + ..3),
in_bounds = map_lgl(intersection, ~ all(between(.x, bound_min, bound_max))),
future_time = t1 >= 0 & t2 >= 0,
flag = replace_na(in_bounds & future_time, FALSE)
# Count the number of future-crossing paths:
pairs |>
pull(flag) |>

## Part 2

Now our equation has changed. For each hailstone $i$, and for our initial position $\vec p_*$ and velocity $\vec v_*$, we have the following relationship, where $t_i$ is the nonzero collision time of our rock and the given hailstone:

(\vec v_* - \vec v_i)t_i = \vec p_* - \vec p_i

Since $t_i$ is a scalar for each $i$, then $\vec v_i - \vec v_*$ and $\vec p_i - \vec p_*$ are scalar multiples of each other. Thanks to a hint from Reddit user [u/evouga](, as these vectors are parallel, their cross product is zero, meaning that for all $i$:

(\vec p_* - \vec p_i) \times (\vec v_* - \vec v_i) = 0

Expanding this equation by the distributive property of the vector cross product, we get:

(\vec p_* \times \vec v_*) - (\vec p_* \times \vec v_i) - (\vec p_i \times \vec v_*) + (\vec p_i \times \vec v_i) = 0

Via [properties of the cross product](, we can then represent this as:

(\vec p_* \times \vec v_*) - [\vec v_i]_\times^\intercal \vec p_* - [\vec p_i]_\times \vec v_* + (\vec p_i \times \vec v_i) = 0

where $[\vec a]_\times$ is defined as:

[\vec a]_\times = \begin{bmatrix}0 & -a_3 & a_2 \\ a_3 & 0 & -a_1 \\ -a_2 & a_1 & 0\end{bmatrix}

We can now (nearly) re-write this as a system of linear equations:

A_i\vec x = \vec b_i + (\vec p_* \times \vec v_*)


A_i = \begin{bmatrix}[\vec v_i]_\times^\intercal & [\vec p_i]_\times\end{bmatrix}, \quad \vec x = \begin{bmatrix}\vec p_* \\ \vec v_*\end{bmatrix}, \quad b_i = (\vec p_i \times \vec v_i)

Since this equation holds for all $i$, we can remove the needless term $(\vec p_* \times \vec v_*)$ and solve for $\vec x$ by subtracting two of these linear systems of equations from each other (using $i = 1,2$ as below, or any other two values of $i$ whose vectors from part 1 are not parallel):

(A_1 - A_2)\vec x = \vec b_1 - \vec b_2

Finally, since we've arrived at a system of 3 equations and 6 unknowns, we append $A$ and $\vec b$ with an additional pair of equations (using $i = 2,3$, for example) to solve for a final unique result:

\begin{bmatrix}A_1 - A_2\\A_2 - A_3\end{bmatrix}\vec x = \begin{bmatrix}\vec b_1 - \vec b_2\\ \vec b_2 - \vec b_3\end{bmatrix}

# Define a function to compute the skeq symmetric matrix [a]_x
skewsym <- function(x) {
matrix(c(0, x[[3]], -x[[2]], -x[[3]], 0, x[[1]], x[[2]], -x[[1]], 0), ncol = 3)
# For the first three vectors in our list, compute their A and b values
lineqs <- vecs_3d |>
slice_head(n = 3) |>
A = map2(p, v, \(p, v) cbind(t(skewsym(v)), skewsym(p))),
b = map2(p, v, \(p, v) pracma::cross(p, v))
# Combine the 3 linear equations into a single system & solve
A <- rbind(lineqs$A[[1]] - lineqs$A[[2]], lineqs$A[[2]] - lineqs$A[[3]])
b <- rbind(lineqs$b[[1]] - lineqs$b[[2]], lineqs$b[[2]] - lineqs$b[[3]])
x <- solve(A, b)

Finally, add together the three px, py, and pz coordinates for the initial position:

sum(x[1:3]) |>
format(scientific = FALSE)

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