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mikeprimm edited this page Dec 17, 2011 · 31 revisions


Hiding and showing players

  • /dynmap hide: Hides the player from the map.
  • /dynmap hide thedude: Hides the player thedude from the map.
  • /dynmap show: Shows the player on the map again.
  • /dynmap show thedude: Shows the player thedude on the map again.


  • /dynmap render: renders one tile of the map where you are standing.
  • /dynmap fullrender: Attempts to render all maps of the entire world from your location (or from the center of that world, if issued from the server console).
  • /dynmap fullrender world: Attempts to render all maps of the world named world from the center of that world.
  • /dynmap fullrender world:surface: Attempts to render the map named surface for the world named world from the center of that world.
  • /dynmap radiusrender radius: attempts to render at least a radius block area, centered on your current location.
  • /dynmap radiusrender radius mapname: attempts to render at least a radius block area, centered on your current location of map 'mapname'
  • /dynmap radiusrender world x z radius: attempts to render at least a radius block area, centered on 'x,64,z' on world 'world'.
  • /dynmap cancelrender world: cancels any active fullrender or radiusrender on the given world.
  • /dynmap purgequeue: clears the tile update queue


  • /dynmap stats: shows rendering statistics for all maps on all worlds.
  • /dynmap stats world : shows rendering statistics for maps on world world.
  • /dynmap triggerstats : shows triggered render statistics for all worlds.
  • /dynmap resetstats : resets rendering statistics for all maps on all worlds.
  • /dynmap resetstats world : resets rendering statistics for maps on world world.


These commands are only available if the Markers Component has been enabled (v0.22 or later required).

  • /dmarker add <label> icon:<icon> set:<set-id> : adds a new marker at the player's current location, with a given label and optional icon and optional marker set
  • /dmarker add id:<id> <label> icon:<icon> set:<set-id> : adds a new marker at the player's current location, with the given ID, the given label and optional icon and optional marker set
  • /dmarker movehere <label> : updates the location of the first marker matching the given label to match the current player's position
  • /dmarker movehere id:<id> : updates the location of the marker with the given ID to match the current player's position
  • /dmarker update <label> icon:<newicon> newlabel:<newlabel> : updates the icon and/or label of the first marker matching the given label
  • /dmarker update id:<id> icon:<newicon> newlabel:<newlabel> : updates the icon and/or label of the marker with the given ID
  • /dmarker delete <label> : deletes the first marker matching the given label
  • /dmarker delete id:<id> : deletes the marker with the given ID
  • /dmarker list : lists the attributes of all the defined markers in the default marker set
  • /dmarker list set:<set-id> : lists the attributes of all the defined markers in the given marker set
  • /dmarker icons : lists the attributes of all the icons defined for use by markers
  • /dmarker addset <label> hide:<hide-by-def> prio:<priority> : add new marker set with given label (ID = label)
  • /dmarker addset id:<id> <label> hide:<hide-by-def> prio:<priority> : add new marker set with given ID and label
  • /dmarker updateset <label> newlabel:<new-label> hide:<hide-by-def> prio:<priority> : update marker set with given label (ID = label)
  • /dmarker updateset id:<id> newlabel:<new-label> hide:<hide-by-def> prio:<priority> : update marker set with given ID
  • /dmarker deleteset <label> : delete marker set with given label
  • /dmarker deleteset id:<id> : delete marker set with given ID
  • /dmarker listsets : list all markers
  • /dmarker addicon id:<id> <label> file:"filename" : Install new icon, with given ID and label, and using given file (path is handled relative to MC server directory, and file contents are copied).
  • /dmarker updateicon id:<id> newlabel:<label> file:"filename" : Update icon, replacing existing settings with provided new values.
  • /dmarker deleteicon id:<id> : delete icon with given ID
  • /dmarker addcorner : add corner to corner list using current location
  • /dmarker addcorner <x> <z> <world> : add corner with given x and z coordinate on given world to corner list
  • /dmarker clearcorners : clear corner list
  • /dmarker addarea <label> : add new area with given label using corner list
  • /dmarker addarea id:<id> <label> : add new area with given ID using corner list
  • /dmarker deletearea <label> : delete area with given label
  • /dmarker deletearea id:<id> <label> : delete area with given ID
  • /dmarker listareas : list details of all areas
  • /dmarker updatearea <label> <arg>:<value> ... : update attributes of area with given label
  • /dmarker updatearea id:<id> <arg>:<value> ... : update attributes of area with given ID


Various other commands.

  • /dynmap sendtoweb message ... : Send a message to the web UIs only


Permissions-based access control is currently supported, and the following nodes are defined:

  • dynmap.render - allows /dynmap render command
  • - allows /dynmap show (on self)
  • - allows /dynmap show
  • dynmap.hide.self - allows /dynmap hide (on self)
  • dynmap.hide.others - allows /dynmap hide
  • dynmap.fullrender - allows /dynmap fullrender or /dynmap fullrender
  • dynmap.radiusrender - allows /dynmap radiusrender
  • dynmap.cancelrender - allows /dynmap cancelrender
  • dynmap.reload - allows /dynmap reload
  • dynmap.stats - allows /dynmap stats or /dynmap stats or /dynmap triggerstats
  • dynmap.resetstats - allows /dynmap resetstats or /dynmap resetstats
  • dynmap.sendtoweb - allows /dynmap sendtoweb
  • dynmap.purgequeue - allows /dynmap purgequeue
  • dynmap.marker.add - allows /dmarker add
  • dynmap.marker.movehere - allows /dmarker movehere
  • dynmap.marker.update - allows /dmarker update
  • dynmap.marker.delete - allows /dmarker delete
  • dynmap.marker.list - allows /dmarker list
  • dynmap.marker.icons - allows /dmarker icons
  • dynmap.marker.addset - allows /dmarker addset
  • dynmap.marker.updateset - allows /dmarker updateset
  • dynmap.marker.deleteset - allows /dmarker deleteset
  • dynmap.marker.listsets - allows /dmarker listsets
  • dynmap.marker.addicon - allows /dmarker addicon
  • dynmap.marker.updateicon - allows /dmarker updateicon
  • dynmap.marker.deleteicon - allows /dmarker deleteicon