- Having a Bleachermark with Benchmarks with semantically different pipelines doesn't make sense
- So disallow different lengths and different function labels
- So remove labels from Benchmark and put them on Bleachermark
- User message: Benchmark is mostly an internal thing. Bleachermark is the core external class.
- Current proposal: Runners
- Should a Bleachermark have iterator behaviour?
- If so, should we store the data when a Bleachermark is used as an iterator?
- Suggestions?
- Take a look at https://wiki.python.org/moin/ParallelProcessing.
- Decouple the SageMath parallel framework into a separate package
- It should be possible to make a speed plot across different no. of workers
- Works?
- How to integrate with parallelism?
- What did David do in #20684
- Remove plural 's' from statistics names?
- Rename stdvs to std?
- Getters for a specific benchmark? (useful for plotting)
- Write setup.py and so on to make this a pip installable package
- Decide on memory safety for Bleachermark.add (how do we avoid copying data on add'ing)?
- Coding theory decoding setting
- Plot decoding speeds (x: noise/no. errors, y: speed)
- Plot decoding success (x: noise/no. errors, y: #correct/#trials)
- Cost of sorting algorithms
- Plot sorting speed of two sorting algorithms (x: log of list size, y: log of time)
- Guess asymptotic complexity
- Adaptively determine size of trials
- Numerics?