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Releases: microsoft/winget-cli

Windows Package Manager 1.3.1391-preview

19 May 21:14
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This is the third development build after the Windows Package Manager 1.2 build for Windows 10 (1809+) and Windows 11.

Experimental features are enabled in this release. The experimental support for portable applications now includes support for upgrade and uninstall (for portable packages).

Note: The Windows Package Manager Community Repository does not accept portable applications. They will not be accepted until after 1.3 is Generally Available and has been rolled out to the majority of Windows systems via the automatic upgrade from the Microsoft Store. Users may test with local manifests. You may need to manually clean up Windows Apps & Features if you install on the main OS rather than a Windows Sandbox.

What's Changed

  • Treat manifest localization validation error as warning for non full validation(manifest reading) by @yao-msft in #2144
  • Fixed builds on VS 2022 version 17.2. by @jedieaston in #2156
  • Implementation for Portable Uninstall and Upgrade by @ryfu-msft in #2140
  • Load index from validated msix for unpackaged context by @yao-msft in #2139
  • Doc for ARP version mapping change by @yao-msft in #2162
  • Fix list/upgrade table for packages with multiple ARP entries. by @jedieaston in #2137

Full Changelog: v1.3.1251-preview...v1.3.1391-preview

Windows Package Manager 1.3.1251-preview

09 May 22:17
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This is the second development build after the Windows Package Manager 1.2 build for Windows 10 (1809+) and Windows 11.

Experimental features are enabled in this release. This build will be released to Windows Insider Dev builds, and Windows Package Manager Insiders. We're going to get another preview build at GitHub to include upgrade and uninstall for portable packages.


The most notable new experimental feature is support for installing portable applications.

Note: The upgrade and uninstall behaviors have not been implemented. The community repository does not accept portable applications either. Users may test with local manifests but will need to manually clean up entries in Windows Apps & Features if this is used to install a portable application.

The COM API has also been extended to support for uninstall.

Note: This is part of the work that is a prerequisite to having native PowerShell support. The cmdlets will be able to leverage the COM API to get rich objects out.

We've started working on an "In-proc" COM NuGet package that will be leveraged by Intune and other MDM solutions to support remote system context execution. This will not be considered GA and supported until it reaches version 1.0.


What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.3.431...v1.3.1251-preview

Windows Package Manager 1.3.431-preview

15 Feb 00:05
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This release is the first development build after the Windows Package Manager 1.2 release candidate build for Windows 10 (1809+) and Windows 11.

Experimental features have been enabled in this release. This build will be released to Windows Insider Dev builds, and Windows Package Manager Insiders.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0.12576...v1.3.431

Windows Package Manager 1.2.10271

02 Feb 21:47
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This release represents our Windows Package Manager 1.2 release candidate build for Windows 10 (1809+), and Windows 11.

Experimental features have been disabled in this release. We will follow this release with another Pre-release "developer" build at GitHub so users can continue with experimental features available.

What's Changed

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Windows Package Manager 1.2.3411-preview

06 Jan 23:40
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This release represents the 1.2 candidate functionality with experimental features enabled for Windows 10 (1809+), and Windows 11.

We've been busy adding functionality, fixing bugs and documentation.

Notable Features

Notable Bug Fix

What's Changed

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Windows Package Manager v1.1.12701

28 Sep 14:30
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This release is the first development build after the Windows Package Manager 1.1 release candidate build for Windows 10 (1809+).

Experimental features have been enabled in this release. This build will be released to Windows Insider Dev builds, and Windows Package Manager Insiders.

Windows Package Manager v1.1.12653

27 Sep 22:08
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This release represents our Windows Package Manager 1.1 release candidate build for Windows 10 (1809+).

Experimental features have been disabled in this release. We will follow this release with another Pre-release "developer" build at GitHub so users can continue with experimental features available.


#797 Silent install of "winget install git.git" is not working
#1497 Make rename retry more frequently for longer, then try making a hardlink


Windows Package Manager v1.0.12576

17 Sep 00:24
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This release includes several new features related to the experimental Microsoft Store source. The REST API now has support for source level agreements, and an HTTP header pass through. Packages can also have agreements a user must accept before downloading and installing a package. We have also made improvements for handling silent installation with MSI UAC issues, and deferred registration for MSIX packages. A new experimental feature will show dependencies listed in a package manifest. The COM API is now considered a stable feature, and has been removed from experimental features. We have also started the work to begin supporting the new v1.1 schema #1243. The implementation for these new keys will follow in subsequent releases.

Thanks to @ChungZH for making some UX improvements to show how many upgrades are available, and displaying the version number during install.


#200 Require EULA/TOS acceptance before download starts.
#893 Add support for an arbitrary HTTP header value in REST API
#967 Max Installer nodes 1024
#1012 Experimental Show dependencies
#1174 Added "doProgressTimeoutInSeconds" Setting
#1216 Add Microsoft Store REST Source as default option and fix telemetry gaps
#1337 Show the version number during install.
#1354 winget upgrade: Display count of available upgrades
#1396 Add support for rest api 1.1 interface
#1397 Add deferred registration for MSIX
#1398 Use MSI API to allow UAC prompts on MSI silent installs
#1400 Client verbose logging does not log sufficient information to diagnose issues interacting with rest sources.
#1419 Remove the packagedAPI experimental feature flag


#1406 InstallerSuccessCodes in manifest schema does not provide any numerical limits
#1416 winget source add doesn't warn you when adding an unsupported source.

Windows Package Manager v1.0.11692

24 Jun 20:32
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This release fixes a few bugs. The first one is related to users and installers executing [Ctrl]+[c]. The next is a fallback when Delivery Optimization encounters failures. The last one addresses permissions inherited from the directory installers are saved to, and may also help with some installers due to long path names.


#189 Discord does not install
#1060 Fails to update program, error 0x801901a0
#1076 winget install results in 0x80d03002 : unknown error


Over the coming weeks we will be making changes to version numbers for the App Installer shipped in the Microsoft Store. We will be making some space for servicing agility so we can continue to iterate quickly with our preview releases. This version will be published to all Windows Insider channels and the Windows Package Manager Insiders.

Going forward, development releases will be published to Windows Insider Dev channel and Windows Package Manager Insiders. We will leverage Windows Insider Beta channel for servicing issues, and the Windows Insider Release Preview channel for future release candidates.

If you want the latest preview releases, there will be three choices.

  1. Join the Windows Package Manager Insider program.
  2. Run a Windows Insider Dev channel build.
  3. Download the preview releases from GitHub.

Any users on released versions of Windows who have downloaded releases from this GitHub repository should ensure they download and install this release to ensure continuity of access to the Windows Package Manager. With this release we are discontinuing support for versions of Windows 10 prior to version 1809.

Windows Package Manager v1.0.11451

26 May 15:50
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Windows Package Manager v1.0

This release includes all of the features and bug fixes from the v1.0 milestone.

The following commands are available:
  install    Installs the given package
  show       Shows information about a package
  source     Manage sources of packages
  search     Find and show basic info of packages
  list       Display installed packages
  upgrade    Upgrades the given package
  uninstall  Uninstalls the given package
  hash       Helper to hash installer files
  validate   Validates a manifest file
  settings   Open settings
  features   Shows the status of experimental features
  export     Exports a list of the installed packages
  import     Installs all the packages in a file


Binaries removed. We have discontinued support for versions of Windows 10 prior to version 1809.