A React component to view hierarchical data relating to graph communities.
Asynchronous Loading:
const communities = [{communityId: "123", size: 20, neighborSize: 30 },{communityId: "457", size: 10, neighborSize: 5 }]
const loadEntitiesAsync = useCallback(async (params)=>{
const data = await handleDataRemotely(params)
return ({data, error: undefined})
const loadNeighborCommunitiesAsync = useCallback(async (params)=>{
const data = await handleDataRemotely(params)
return ({data, error: undefined})
settings={{visibleColumns: ["score"], isOpen: false}}
Synchronous Loading:
const communities = [{communityId: "123", size: 20, entityIds: ["1", "2"], neighborSize: 1 },{communityId: "457", size: 10, entityIds: ["1", "4", "9"], neighborSize: 2 }]
const entities = [{id: "1", attrs:{score: 12.1}},
{id: "2", attrs:{score: 2.3}},
{id: "3", attrs:{score: 3.6}},
{id: "4", attrs:{score: 9.8}},
{id: "6", attrs:{score: 22.4}},
{id: "9", attrs:{score: 3.8}}
] // entities from communities and neighbor communities
const neighbors = [
{communityId: "378", size: 1, entityIds: ["6"], connections: 2, edgeCommunityId: "123" },
{communityId: "026", size: 1, entityIds: ["3", "6"], connections: 4, edgeCommunityId: "457" }
settings={{visibleColumns: ["score"], isOpen: false}}
ICommunityDetail[] // only required prop for HierarchyBrowser
type EntityId = string
type CommunityId = string
interface ICommunityDetail {
communityId: CommunityId
entityIds?: EntityId[] // only needed if synchronous
size: number // total number of entities
neighborSize?: number // total number of neigbor communities
INeighborCommunityDetail[] // optional neighbor (synchronous) prop for HierarchyBrowser
interface INeighborCommunityDetail extends ICommunityDetail {
connections: number
edgeCommunityId: CommunityId // link to Community Object
ILoadNeighborCommunitiesAsync // optional neighbors (asynchronous) prop for HierarchyBrowser
// callback with more neighbors (INeighborCommunityDetail[])
interface IHierarchyNeighborResponse {
data: INeighborCommunityDetail[]
error: Error | null | undefined
interface ILoadNeighborCommunitiesAsync {
(params: ILoadParams): Promise<IHierarchyNeighborResponse>
IEntityDetail[] // optional entities (synchronous) prop for HierarchyBrowser
interface IEntityDetail {
id: EntityId
attrs?: { [key: string]: string | number }
// anything in attrs prop is displayed on table
ILoadEntitiesAsync // optional entities (asynchronous) prop for HierarchyBrowser
// callback with more entities (IEntityDetail[])
interface IHierarchyDataResponse {
data: IEntityDetail[]
error: Error | null | undefined
interface ILoadEntitiesAsync {
(params: ILoadParams): Promise<IHierarchyDataResponse>
interface ILoadParams {
communityId: CommunityId
level: number
count: number
offset: number
filtered: boolean
// if filter flag is on, expects return value to be from filtered array
Optional property that allows customization of table view.
interface ISettings {
visibleColumns?: string[]
styles?: IStyles
isOpen?: boolean
minimizeColumns?: boolean
controls?: IControls
: keys to display in tables
: fluent font sizes for card components
: default state for table visibility
: show only id
key in table
: display controls of card header
interface ICardOverviewSettings {
header?: ITextProps['variant']
subheader?: ITextProps['variant']
interface ITableSettings {
header?: ITextProps['variant']
subheader?: ITextProps['variant']
tableItems?: ITextProps['variant']
interface IStyles {
cardOverview: ICardOverviewSettings
table: ITableSettings
interface IControls {
showLevel?: boolean
showMembership?: boolean
showFilter?: boolean
showExport?: boolean
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