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List of working emulator arguments

Firefoxian edited this page Jun 19, 2021 · 9 revisions

These are examples of working arguments that will help develop your emulator files. Go to the forum for details.


Use -fullscreen "[romfilename]" command line argument to ensure escape exits the emulator instead of switching between fullscreen and windowed.


command line arguments example for higan (bsnes): -f -L P:\emulators\retroarch\cores\bsnes_balanced_libretro.dll "[romfilename]"

Future Pinball

executable C:/Future Pinball/Future Pinball.exe args /open "[romfilename]" /play /exit rompath C:/Future Pinball/tables/ romext .fpt


executable C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\zsnesw.exe args -m "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\roms romext .smc


executable H:\ARCADE\PS1\ePSXe 1925\ePSXe.exe args -nogui -slowboot -loadbin "[romfilename]" rompath H:\ARCADE\PS1\ePSXe 1925\isos romext .zip;.bin;.img;.iso;.zip

executable H:\ARCADE\PS1\ePSXe 1925\ePSXe.exe args -m "[romfilename]" rompath H:\ARCADE\PS1\ePSXe 1925\isos romext .zip;.bin;.img;.iso;.zip


executable C:\attract\EMU\amiga\System\FS-UAE\Windows\x86-64\fs-uae.exe args --floppy-drive-0="[romfilename]" --fullscreen --floppy-drive-0-sounds=0 --floppy-drive-speed=100 --floppy-drive-volume-empty=100 --base-dir="C:\attract\EMU\amiga\Configuration" rompath C:\attract\EMU\amiga\roms romext .adf


executable C:\attract\EMU\AMIGA CD32\System\FS-UAE\Windows\x86-64\fs-uae.exe args --amiga-model=CD32 --fast-memory=8192 --cdrom-drive-0="[romfilename]" --fullscreen --base-dir="C:\attract\EMU\Amiga CD32\Configuration" rompath C:\attract\EMU\AMIGA CD32\roms romext .cue


executable C:\attract\EMU\AmigaST\hatari.exe args --fullscreen "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\AmigaST\ROMS romext .st

Atari Lynx

executable C:\attract\EMU\Atari Lynx\mednafen.exe args "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\Atari Lynx\ROMS romext .lnx

C64 / Commodore c64

executable C:\attract\EMU\C64\x64.exe args -autostart "[romfilename]" -fullscreen -autostart-warp rompath C:\attract\EMU\C64\ROMS romext .d64;.t64


executable CMD args /c "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\DosBox\ROMS romext .bat

NOTE: -Install dosbox -Create a batch-file dosbox_generator.bat with this source-code (modify your paths to a 'main-link-folder' and DOSBox.exe: Code: [Select]

@echo off SET linkspath=C:\attract\EMU\DosBox\ROMS
SET dosboxpath=C:\attract\EMU\DosBox\DOSBox.exe

for %%a in ("%1") do ( set filepath=%%~dpa )

cd %filepath% for %%* in (.) do ( set currentfolder=%%~nx* echo %%~nx* )

echo "%dosboxpath%" # "%linkspath%%currentfolder%.bat" %1 -exit -fullscreen

-Rename your game-folders to correct game-names (e.g. Wolfenstein3D) -Just drag&drop wolf3d.exe on dosbox-generator.bat -it creates a Wolfenstein3D.bat (with correct DOSBox-settings)

FBA / Final Burn Alpha / FinalBurn Alpha / FinalBurnAlpha

executable C:\attract\EMU\FBA\fba64.exe args "[name]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\FBA\ROMS romext .zip


-download the portable version of flash player here -create and compile an autoit script with this code (something like flashstarter.au3) Code: [Select]

#include <Misc.au3#

run(@ScriptDir & "\flashplayer_32_sa_debug.exe" & " " & $CmdLine[1])

WinWaitActive("Adobe Flash Player 32", "") WinWait("Adobe Flash Player 32", "") Send("^f")

While 1 If _IsPressed ("1B") Then ProcessClose("flashplayer_32_sa_debug.exe") Exit EndIf WEnd

-copy compiled exe to same folder of flashplayer_32_sa_debug.exe

executable C:\attract\EMU\flash\flashstarter..exe args "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\flash\ROMS romext .swf

Future Pinball

Note : to enable fullscreen : start Future Pinball # Preferences # Video/Rendering Options # choose Fullscreen # OK

executable C:\attract\EMU\Future Pinball\Future Pinball.exe args /open "[romfilename]" /play /exit rompath C:\attract\EMU\Future Pinball\Tables romext .fpt

GB / Gameboy / Nintendo Game Boy

executable C:\attract\EMU\Gameboy\VisualBoyAdvance.exe args "[romfilename]" --fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\Gameboy\Roms romext .gb

Gamecube / Game Cube / Nintendo Gamecube

executable C:\attract\EMU\Gamecube\Dolphin.exe args -e "[romfilename]" --config "Dolphin.Display.Fullscreen=True" rompath C:\attract\EMU\Gamecube\ROMS romext .iso;.gcm

GBA / GameBoyAdvanced / Gameboy Advanced / Nintendo Game Boy Advanced

executable C:\attract\EMU\GBA\VisualBoyAdvance.exe args "[romfilename]" --Fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\GBA\Roms romext .gba;.bin

Jaguar / ATARI Jaguar

executable C:\attract\EMU\Jaguar\virtualjaguar.exe args -d -g -b -f "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\Jaguar\ROMS romext .jag;.j64

LCD Handheld

executable C:\attract\EMU\LCD Handheld\mame.exe args [name] -skip_gameinfo rompath C:\attract\EMU\LCD Handheld\roms romext .zip;.7z;<DIR#


executable C:\attract\EMU\mame\mame.exe args [name] -skip_gameinfo rompath C:\attract\EMU\mame\roms romext .zip;.7z;<DIR#

Megadrive / SEGA Mega Drive / Sega Genesis / GEN / MD

executable C:\attract\EMU\megadrive\Fusion.exe args "[romfilename]" -gen -auto -fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\megadrive\ROMS romext .sms;.sg;.sc;.mv;.gg;.cue;.bin;.zip

MSU1 via bsnes / MSU-1 / Media Streaming Unit 1 with BSNES

use BSNES v1.15 from here. set DirectInput in BSNES settings before start bsnes.exe # Settings # Input # Drivers # Input : Driver : Windows

create a autoit-script and set it in AM (for example : START.au3): Code: [Select]

; set DirectInput in BSNES settings before: ; start bsnes.exe # Settings # Input # Drivers # Input : Driver : Windows

-#include <Misc.au3#

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PATHS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $EXECUTABLE = "C:\attract\EMU\MSU1\bsnes.exe" $ROMPATH = "C:\attract\EMU\MSU1\ROMS" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PATHS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STARTING BSNES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; run ('"' & $EXECUTABLE & '"' & " --fullscreen " & '"' & $ROMPATH & $CmdLine[1] & "" & $CmdLine[1] & ".sfc") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STARTING BSNES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Remove Mouse Cursor from FOCUS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MouseMove(2000, 308, 0) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Remove Mouse Cursor from FOCUS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; wait for ESC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; While 1 If _IsPressed ("1B") Then ProcessClose("bsnes.exe") Exit EndIf WEnd ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; wait for ESC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

executable C:\attract\EMU\MSU1\START.exe args "[name]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\MSU1\ROMS romext <DIR#

NES / Nintendo Entertainment System

executable C:\attract\EMU\NES\Mesen.exe args "[romfilename]" /fullscreen /DoNotSaveSettings rompath C:\attract\EMU\NES\ROMS romext .nes


executable cmd args /c cd C:\attract\EMU\OpenBOR[name] & start OpenBOR.exe & start C:\attract\EMU\OpenBOR\wait_for_ESC.exe rompath C:\attract\EMU\OpenBOR romext <DIR# system Arcade info_source nb_mode_wait 3 exit_hotkey Escape

NOTE: ESC-Key of AM doesn't work. So you need an external program like an autoit-script. Create wait_for_ESC.au3 and compile this sourcecode to .exe: Code: [Select]

-#include <Misc.au3#

While 1 If _IsPressed ("1B") Then ProcessClose("OpenBOR.exe") ;MsgBox(0, '', "Button pushed") Exit EndIf WEnd

-Copy it to C:\attract\EMU\OpenBOR

-Rename openbor-folders to correct game-names ( C:\attract\EMU\OpenBOR\Night Slasher X )

scumm-vm / ScummVM

executable C:\attract\EMU\ScummVM\scummvm.exe args --config="C:\attract\EMU\ScummVM\Myscummvm.ini" -f [name] rompath C:\attract\EMU\ScummVM\ROMS romext <DIR#

Sega 32x

executable C:\attract\EMU\Sega 32x\Fusion.exe args "[romfilename]" -32x -auto -fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\Sega 32x\ROMS romext .32x

Sega Dreamcast with demul

create a autoit-script and set it in AM (for example : START.au3) to start games in fullscreen: Code: [Select]

#include <Misc.au3#

ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\demul.exe", ' -run=dc -image="' & $CmdLine[1] & '"') sleep(2000) Send("!{ENTER}")

While 1 If _IsPressed ("1B") Then ProcessClose("demul.exe") ;MsgBox(0, '', "Button pushed") Exit EndIf WEnd

executable C:\attract\EMU\Sega Dreamcast\START.exe args "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\Sega Dreamcast\ROMS romext .cdi

Sega Saturn

executable C:\attract\EMU\Sega Saturn\EmuHawk.exe args "[romfilename]" --fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\Sega Saturn\ROMS romext .cue

SNES / Super Nintendo Entertainment System / Snes9x

executable C:\attract\EMU\SNES\snes9x-x64.exe args "[romfilename]" -fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\SNES\ROMS romext .smc

Sony PS2 / Sony Playstation2 / Sony Playstation 2

executable C:\attract\EMU\Sony PS2\pcsx2.exe args "[romfilename]" --fullscreen --nogui rompath C:\attract\EMU\Sony PS2\ROMS romext .iso;.bin;.mdf;.img

Sony PS1 / Sony PSX / Sony Playstation 1 / Sony Playstation1

executable C:\attract\EMU\Sony PSX\ePSXe.exe args -fullscreen -nogui -loadbin "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\Sony PSX\ROMS romext .cue;.iso


executable C:\attract\EMU\Steam\Steam.exe args -applaunch [name] rompath C:\attract\EMU\Steam\SteamApps romext .acf

Visual Pinball

executable C:\attract\EMU\Visual Pinball\VPinballX.exe args /play "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\Visual Pinball\Tables romext .vpt;.vpx

VLC-Movies / Videos via VLC

executable C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe args "[romfilename]" --fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\media\MOVIES romext .avi;.mpg;.mpeg;.mov;.mkv;.mp4

VLC-mp3 / Music via VLC

executable C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe args "[romfilename]" --fullscreen rompath C:\attract\media\MUSIC romext .mp3;.wav;.m3u;.ogg;.snd;.wma

Wii / Nintendo Wii

executable C:\attract\EMU\Wii\Dolphin.exe args -e "[romfilename]" --config "Dolphin.Display.Fullscreen=True" rompath C:\attract\EMU\Wii\ROMS romext .iso;.wbfs

windows_games / Windows Games

executable cmd args /c "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\windows_games/roms romext .lnk;.bat

create a 'main-folder' for all games/roms; create to this folder shortcuts/link-files (.lnk) of your exe-files

WinKawaks for special "Winkawaks-Roms" CPS1 / CPS2 / NeoGeo / CPS-1 / CPS-2 / Neo Geo

executable "WinKawaks.exe" args [name] -fullscreen workdir C:\attract\EMU\WinKawaks rompath C:\attract\EMU\WinKawaks\roms romext .zip

executable C:\attract\EMU\WinKawaks\mame.exe args [name] -skip_gameinfo rompath C:\attract\EMU\WinKawaks\roms romext .zip;.7z;<DIR#

ZSNES / SNES / Super Nintendo Entertainment System

executable C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\zsnesw.exe args -m "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\ROMS romext .smc

ZX Spectrum / Sinclair ZX Spectrum

executable C:\attract\EMU\ZX Spectrum\fuse.exe args --full-screen "[romfilename]" --disk-try-merge always rompath C:\attract\EMU\ZX Spectrum\ROMS romext .dsk;.tap

-Start game with game number (not very handy) or -create batchfile with correct parameters and rename to correct game title C:\attract\EMU\zinc\ZiNc.exe 8 --roms-directory=C:\attract\EMU\zinc\roms --use-renderer-cfg-file=C:\attract\EMU\zinc\renderer.cfg --renderer=C:\attract\EMU\zinc\renderer.znc -rename it to "Street Fighter EX 2.bat" and move all to a single-folder (e.g.: C:\attract\EMU\zinc\links )

In AM use this settings for config-file: executable cmd args /c "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\zinc\links romext .bat


Generated by Attract-Mode v2.1.0

executable E:\Daphne\daphne.exe args [name] vldp -framefile [rompath]/[name].txt -min_seek_delay 1000 -seek_frames_per_ms 20 -sound_buffer 2048 -fullscreen -noserversend rompath E:/daphne/framefile/ romext .txt


Generated by Attract-Mode v2.0.0

executable C:\AM\emu\demule\demul.exe args -run=dc -image=[romfilename] rompath C:\AM\systems\demul\roms romext .cdi;.zip


Because the zinc emulator does not use a "standard" format to run games. it's hard to post a configuration. Zinc uses numbers to load the games not the file name as most emulators do.

work this way however:

Make nul files. That is create a empty txt file and rename it 1.nul 2.nul..ect.. So you will set up everything up in your zinc configuration file the same but for the extension have it find all the nul files...NOT the zip files. Then for the args use [NAME] NOT '[romlilename]"

name Zinc Executable C:games\zinc\zinc.exe args [name] extension .nul


open your KODI folder (in my case : C:\attract\EMU\KODI) # create shortcut of Kodi.exe # rename it to Start KODI

start AM # press TAB # Emulators # Add Emulator # KODI Code: [Select]

executable cmd args /c "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\Kodi romext .lnk

Generate Collection/Rom List

now you have a system called KODI with one rom file there : Start KODI this rom file is simply a shortcut to start the Kodi.exe

Instead creating an emulator system each tool, create a folder called TOOLS # create shortcut for all your .exe, .bat and so on # put the shortcuts (.lnk files) to this folder # create in AM an emulator called TOOLS # now you have an overview/collection of all your tools

Nebula 2.25b

executable c:\emus\nebula\nebula.exe args [name] rompath c:\emus\roms_neogeo
romext .zip


executable F:\HyperPC\Emulators\MFME 51\MFME.exe args [rompath][name][name].gam" rompath H:\HyperPC\Roms\Fruit Machines romext <DIR#


executable D:\Emuladores\blueMSXv282full\bluemsx.exe args /fullscreen /rom1 "[romfilename]" workdir D:\Emuladores\blueMSXv282full
rompath D:\Emuladores\blueMSXv282full\Games romext .zip;.7z

Sam Coupe- Sim Coupe

executable D:\Emuladores\SAMCopue\SimCoupe.exe args -disk1 "[rompath][name]".zip -autoboot yes -fullscreen 1 workdir D:\Emuladores\SAMCopue rompath D:\Emuladores\SAMCopue\SamCmerge romext .zip

Atari ST-# Hatari (you need to create a .cfg file for each game)

executable D:\Emuladores\hatari-2.1.0_windows64\hatari.exe args -c "[rompath][name]".cfg workdir D:\Emuladores\hatari-2.1.0_windows64
rompath D:\Emuladores\hatari-2.1.0_windows64\ROMS romext .cfg

AMIGA CD32-# FS UAE (you need to create a .FS-UAE file for each game)

executable D:\Emuladores\Amiga\Launcher.exe args ./Configurations/"[name]".FS-UAE workdir D:\Emuladores\Amiga
rompath D:\Emuladores\Amiga\Configurations romext .fs-uae

Commodore Amiga "1200"-# FS UAE

executable D:\Emuladores\Amiga\Launcher.exe args --config:amiga-model=A1200 "[rompath][name]".zip workdir D:\Emuladores\Amiga
rompath D:\Emuladores\Amiga\Floppies
romext .zip

PC-# Windows/DOS-BOX (you need to create a .bat file for each game and for Dos-Box you also need a create a .conf file for each game)

executable cmd args /c "[romfilename]" workdir D:\Emuladores\DOSBox rompath D:\Emuladores\DOSBox romext .bat

(.BAT for DOS-BOX) @echo off cd "directorygame" call ..\dosbox.exe -conf "game.conf" -noconsole

Apple II/II+,Atari Lynx,Neo Geo Pocket (Color),WonderSwan,GameBoy (Color),GameBoy Advance,Nintendo Entertainment System,Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom,Virtual Boy,PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD),SuperGrafx,PC-FX,Sega Game ,ear,Sega Genesis/Megadrive,Sega Master System,Sega Saturn (experimental, x86_64 only),Sony PlayStation-# Mednafen


executable D:\Emuladores\mednafen-0.9.48-win64\mednafen.exe args "[romfilename]" rompath D:\MAME 0.193\software\System romext .zip

Dreamcast, Naomi, Naomi 2, Atomis Wave, Hikaru, Cave CV1000, Gaelco-# Demul

executable D:\Emuladores\demul07_111117\demul.exe args -run=system -rom=[name] workdir D:\Emuladores\demul07_111117
rompath D:\System\Roms romext .zip;.7z;<DIR#

Spectrum ZX-# Fuse

executable D:\Emuladores\Speculator 8.0\fuse.exe args "[romfilename]" rompath D:\MAME 0.193\software\SpectrumZX romext .zip

Amstrad CPC-# WinAPE

executable D:\Emuladores\WinAPE20B2\winape.exe args "[rompath][name]".zip:"[name]".dsk /a workdir D:\MAME 0.193\software\Amstrad CPC
rompath D:\MAME 0.193\software\Amstrad CPC
romext .zip


executable emulators\Dreamcast\redream.exe args "....[romfilename]" rompath collections\Dreamcast\roms romext .chd

Megadrive/Genesis example:

executable emulators\Arcade\mame64.exe args genesis -cart "....[romfilename]" -view "[name]" rompath collections\Megadrive\roms romext .7z

Visual pinball 9

Executable VPinball995.exe Command Arguments -minimized -play "[romfilename]"

Visual pinball 8

Executable VPinball8.exe Command Arguments /play -"[romfilename]" Exit Hotkey Esc


executable C:_Attract-Mode\emulators\NEO GEO\winkwaks\WinKawaks.exe args [name] -fullscreen rompath C:_Attract-Mode\emulators\NEO GEO\winkwaks\roms\neo geo romext .zip;.7z;.rar;<DIR# system NEO GEO

Yabause - Sega Saturn Emulator

executable C:\emulator\yabause.exe args -i "[romfilename]" --autostart -f rompath C:\roms romext .iso;.bin;.mdf;.mdf

amstrad cpc

executable d:\sosimple\Portaible\MAME\MAME209\MAMEUI64v209nonag\mame64.exe args cpc6128 -flop1 "D:\sosimple\Portaible\MAME\AMSTRAD\dsk[name].dsk" -ui_active -autoboot_command "run"[name]\n" -autoboot_delay 2 -cfg_directory "D:\sosimple\Portaible\MAME\AMSTRAD\cfg[name]" rompath D:\sosimple\Portaible\MAME\AMSTRAD\dsk romext .dsk;.7z;.zip;<DIR#


executable C:\GAMES\Steam\Steam.exe args -applaunch [name] rompath C:\GAMES\Steam\steamapps romext .acf


executable C:\attract\EMU\mame64\mame64.exe args [name] -skip_gameinfo rompath C:\attract\EMU\mame64\roms romext .zip;.7z;<DIR

3DO / 3DO Interactive Multiplayer / Panasonic 3DO

executable C:\attract\EMU\3DO\4DO.exe args --StartFullScreen -StartLoadFile "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\3DO\ROMS romext .iso

3DS / Nintendo 3DS

executable C:\attract\EMU\3DS\citra-qt.exe args "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\3DS\ROMS romext .3ds;.3dsx

Atari 2600

executable C:\attract\EMU\Atari 2600\EmuHawk.exe args "[romfilename]" --fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\Atari 2600\ROMS romext .a26

Atari 5200

executable "kat5200.exe" args "[romfilename]" workdir C:\attract\EMU\Atari 5200 rompath C:\attract\EMU\Atari 5200\ROMS romext .a52

CPS1 / Capcom Play System 1 / CPS-1

executable "nebula.exe" args [name] workdir C:\attract\EMU\CPS1 rompath C:\attract\EMU\CPS1\roms romext .zip

CPS2 / Capcom Play System 2 / CPS-2

executable "nebula.exe" args [name] workdir C:\attract\EMU\CPS2 rompath C:\attract\EMU\CPS2\roms romext .zip

Game Gear / SEGA GameGear / GG

executable C:\attract\EMU\GameGear\Fusion.exe args "[romfilename]" -gg -auto -fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\GameGear\ROMS romext .sms;.sg;.sc;.mv;.gg;.cue;.bin;.zip system Sega Game Gear

Master System / SEGA MasterSystem / SMS

executable C:\attract\EMU\Sega Master System\Fusion.exe args "[romfilename]" -sms -auto -fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\Sega Master System\ROMS romext .sms;.sg;.sc;.mv;.gg;.cue;.bin;.zip system Sega Master System


executable C:\attract\EMU\Sega Mega CD\Fusion.exe args "[romfilename]" -scd -fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\Sega Mega CD\ROMS romext .cue

NOTE : BIOS Files are necessary : us_scd1_9210.bin jp_mcd1_9112.bin eu_mcd1_9210.bin

NDS via DeSmuME / Nintendo DS with DeSmuME

Note : Using DeSmuME, it opens a nag screen after loading a romfile. use this autoit script (START.au3) to remove nag screen

executable C:\attract\EMU\NDS\START.exe args "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\NDS\ROMS romext .nds

Code: [Select]

-#include <Misc.au3#

;get/overgive ROM from CMD ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\DeSmuME_0.9.11_x64.exe", ' ' & $CmdLine[1] & '"')

; Message : BUG WinWaitActive("DeSmuME 0.9.11 x64", "due to a bug") WinWait("DeSmuME 0.9.11 x64", "due to a bug") ControlClick("DeSmuME 0.9.11 x64", "due to a bug", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]")

; Alt + Enter for Fullscreen sleep(100)

WinWaitActive("DeSmuME 0.9.11 x64", "") WinWait("DeSmuME 0.9.11 x64", "") Send("!{Enter}")

; wait for ESC and EXIT emulator While 1 If _IsPressed ("1B") Then ProcessClose("DeSmuME_0.9.11_x64.exe") ;MsgBox(0, '', "Button pushed") Exit EndIf WEnd

Neo Geo / NeoGeo MVS / SNK Multi Video System

executable C:\attract\EMU\NeoGeo\mame.exe args [name] -skip_gameinfo rompath C:\attract\EMU\NeoGeo\roms romext .zip;.7z;<DIR#

NES FDS / Nintendo Entertainment System - Famicom Disk System

executable C:\attract\EMU\NES Famicom Disk System\Mesen.exe args "[romfilename]" /fullscreen /DoNotSaveSettings rompath C:\attract\EMU\NES Famicom Disk System\ROMS romext .fds

PC Engine / TurboGrafx16 / NEC Turbografx 16 / Turbografix 16

executable C:\attract\EMU\PC Engine - Turbografx16\EmuHawk.exe args "[romfilename]" --fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\PC Engine - Turbografx16\ROMS romext .pce

SuFami Turbo via ZSNES / Nintendo Super Famicom Turbo with ZSNES

executable C:\attract\EMU\SuFami Turbo\zsnesw.exe args -m "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\SuFami Turbo\ROMS romext .st

NOTE : you need stbios.bin (filesize : 256 kb) or downoad Sufami BIOS.smc (same size; rename the file to stbios.bin). Set path to this file in ZSNES. start Zsnes # Config # Paths # Sufami Turbo : Path_to_file\stbios.bin

NOTE : with ZSNES and Snex9X, you only could import one cartridge. So you can't share data between two games/cartridges.

SuFami Turbo via BSNES / Nintendo Super Famicom Turbo with BSNES

NOTE : with BSNES, you can use Sufami Turbo crossplay / share data between two games/cartridges. use version v1.15

NOTE : use this autoit script (START.au3), to import two games in AM:

executable C:\attract\EMU\SuFami Turbo\START.exe args "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\SuFami Turbo\ROMS romext .st

Code: [Select]

-#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3# -#include <Misc.au3#

$EXECUTABLE = "C:\attract\EMU\SuFami Turbo\bsnes.exe" $ROMPATH = "C:\attract\EMU\SuFami Turbo\ROMS" $BIOSPATH = "C:\attract\EMU\SuFami Turbo\BIOS\bios.rom"

; read FIRST GAME and set .whatever behind Local $hSearch = FileFindFirstFile($ROMPATH & "*.whatever") Local $sFileName = "", $iResult = 0

While 1 $sFileName = FileFindNextFile($hSearch)

If @error Then ; if no .whatever file exists, then create FIRST GAME with .whatever FileWrite($CmdLine[1]&".whatever",$CmdLine[1]&".whatever") Exit ExitLoop EndIf

If $iResult <# $IDOK Then ExitLoop WEnd FileClose($hSearch)

; if FIRST GAME with .whatever exists, then start BSNES with FIRST GAME and SECOND GAME ; bsnes.exe + path to bios.rom + read txt from FIRST GAME (cut .whatever) + get SECOND GAME from cmdline run('"' & $EXECUTABLE & '"' & " --fullscreen -st " & '"'& $BIOSPATH & '"' & " " & '"' & StringTrimRight($ROMPATH & $sFileName,9) & '"' & " " & '"' & $CmdLine[1] & '"')

; move Mouse from center MouseMove(2000, 308, 0) FileDelete($ROMPATH & $sFileName)

; wait for ESC, then exit BSNES While 1 If _IsPressed ("1B") Then ProcessClose("bsnes.exe") Exit EndIf WEnd

Super Gameboy 1 via BSNES / Nintendo Super Game Boy 1 with BSNES

NOTE : with BSNES, you can load Gameboy Games with Super Gameboy 1 Romfile. use version v1.15

NOTE : use this autoit script (START.au3), to import GameBoy games in AM:

executable C:\attract\EMU\Super Gameboy 1\START.exe args "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\Super Gameboy 1\ROMS romext .gb

Code: [Select]

; set DirectInput in BSNES settings before: ; start bsnes.exe # Settings # Input # Drivers # Input : Driver : Windows

-#include <Misc.au3#

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PATHS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $EXECUTABLE = "C:\attract\EMU\Super Gameboy 1\bsnes.exe" $BIOSPATH = "C:\attract\EMU\Super Gameboy 1\BIOS\sgb1.rom" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PATHS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STARTING BSNES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; run ('"' & $EXECUTABLE & '"' & " --fullscreen " & '"' & $BIOSPATH & '"' & ' "' & $CmdLine[1] & '"') ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STARTING BSNES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Remove Mouse Cursor from FOCUS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MouseMove(2000, 308, 0) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Remove Mouse Cursor from FOCUS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; wait for ESC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; While 1 If _IsPressed ("1B") Then ProcessClose("bsnes.exe") Exit EndIf WEnd ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; wait for ESC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Super Gameboy 2 via BSNES / Nintendo Super Game Boy 2 with BSNES

NOTE : with BSNES, you can load Gameboy Games with Super Gameboy 2 Romfile. use version v1.15

NOTE : use this autoit script (START.au3), to import GameBoy games in AM:

executable C:\attract\EMU\Super Gameboy 2\START.exe args "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\Super Gameboy 2\ROMS romext .gb

Code: [Select]

; set DirectInput in BSNES settings before: ; start bsnes.exe # Settings # Input # Drivers # Input : Driver : Windows

#include <Misc.au3#

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PATHS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $EXECUTABLE = "C:\attract\EMU\Super Gameboy 2\bsnes.exe" $BIOSPATH = "C:\attract\EMU\Super Gameboy 2\BIOS\sgb2.rom" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PATHS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STARTING BSNES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; run ('"' & $EXECUTABLE & '"' & " --fullscreen " & '"' & $BIOSPATH & '"' & ' "' & $CmdLine[1] & '"') ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STARTING BSNES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Remove Mouse Cursor from FOCUS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MouseMove(2000, 308, 0) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Remove Mouse Cursor from FOCUS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; wait for ESC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; While 1 If _IsPressed ("1B") Then ProcessClose("bsnes.exe") Exit EndIf WEnd ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; wait for ESC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Wonderswan / Bandai Wonder Swan

executable C:\attract\EMU\Wonderswan\EmuHawk.exe args "[romfilename]" --fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\Wonderswan\ROMS romext .ws

Wonderswan Color / Bandai Wonder Swan Color

executable C:\attract\EMU\Wonderswan Color\EmuHawk.exe args "[romfilename]" --fullscreen rompath C:\attract\EMU\Wonderswan Color\ROMS romext .wsc

#winkawaks executable "WinKawaks.exe" args [name] -fullscreen workdir D:\ARCADE\EMU\neogeo\WinKawaks rompath D:\ARCADE\EMU\neogeo\roms romext .zip

Daphne / Laserdisc / LD

keep always the same folder and file names (here : lair and badlands)

-extract games to rom folder: C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\roms\lair =# C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\roms\lair\dl_f2_u1.bin and so on

C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\roms\badlands =# C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\roms\badlands\badlands.a13 and so on

-extract media files (video and sound) to a folder: C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\mpeg2\lair =# C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\mpeg2\lair\lair.m2v and so on

C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\mpeg2\badlands =# C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\mpeg2\badlands\badlands-pc.m2v and so on

-create a textfile each game, that contains the path and filename to media files: C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\framefile\lair.txt it contains: C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\mpeg2\lair
151 lair.m2v

C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\framefile\badlands.txt it contains: C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\mpeg2\badlands
151 badlands-pc.m2v

-create .bat files each game: C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\BAT\Dragons Lair.bat it contains: C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\Daphne.exe lair vldp -fullscreen -x 640 -y 480 -nohwaccel -framefile C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\framefile\lair.txt

C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\BAT\Badlands.bat it contains: C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\daphne.exe badlands vldp -framefile C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\framefile\badlands.txt -fullscreen

executable CMD args /c "[romfilename]" rompath C:\attract\EMU\Daphne\BAT romext .bat

launch Naomi/Naomi 2 and AtomisWave decrypted roms via Attractmode :

configure Demul in fullscreen, rompath and other settings, and I have used Naomi.cfg (as example) in emulators folder :

Code: [Select]

executable cmd args /c "[romfilename]" rompath D:\Arcade\EMU\Naomi romext .bat system Arcade exit_hotkey Escape

artwork flyer D:\Arcade\artwork\Naomi\flyer artwork marquee D:\Arcade\artwork\Naomi\marquee artwork video D:\Arcade\artwork\Naomi\video artwork wheel D:\Arcade\artwork\Naomi\wheel

make a .bat for each decrypted rom in D:\Arcade\EMU\Naomi (decrypted rom Ken Ju .bat as example) : Code: [Select]

@echo off cd "D:\Arcade\EMU\Naomi\Demul" start "" "demul.exe" -run=naomi -customrom="D:\Arcade\EMU\Naomi\Demul\roms\Kenju.bin"

launch any batch bat cmd over unc network

executable cmd args /k ""[rompath]....\emustarters\startemulation.cmd" ..\RetroArch\retroarch.exe ..\RetroArch\cores\mesen-s_libretro.dll "[rompath][name][romext]" "%USERPROFILE%.RetroArch\config\snes.cfg""