Vim plugin for preview.
- Markdown
- support mermaid
- reStructuredText(required
- textile
There is nothing essential in the case of textile and Markdown.
is required in the case of reStructuredText.
It will become available
command when you install the docutils.
% pip install docutils
% --version (Docutils 0.12 [release], Python 2.7.5, on darwin)
No need for extra libraries or plug-ins.
It can, however, be integrated with open-browser.vim. For detailed usages, please see below.
- Define
in .vimrc- This command is used in terminal for opening your browser.
- For example, uses Safari on Mac
let g:previm_open_cmd = 'open -a Safari'
:help g:previm_open_cmd
for more details- You can skip this setting if you're using open-browser.
- Start editing the file of Markdown.(
)- NOTE: In the case of
becomes amodula2
. If so, please describe in.vimrc
this setting
augroup PrevimSettings autocmd! autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.{md,mdwn,mkd,mkdn,mark*} set filetype=markdown augroup END
- NOTE: In the case of
- Run
to open browser to preview - Back to Vim to edit your file
- Update the file, and the content for previewing will be updated automatically
Support mermaid
```mermaid graph TD; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D; C-->E; ```