- Sexy types
- Application specific:
- Contracts and validation properties:
- Better error messages:
- Sexy data structures
- Dependent typing
- Compiler writing and DSLs
- SQL to C in 500 lines of code
- Hygienic resugaring of compositional desugaring
- Pilsner: a compositionally verified compiler for a higher-order imperative language
- Generating performance portable code using rewrite rules: from high-level functional expressions to high-performance OpenCL code
- Program synthesis: opportunities for the next decade
- A fast compiler for NetKAT
- Program verification
- Challenging subjects:
- Complexity and termination analysis
- Fast cloud communication:
- Testing parallel programs:
- API annotations
- GHCjs
- Speeding up parallel datatypes with hardware transactions
- More plugins and hooks...
- Stack to be included in Haskell Platform
- Idris people show how to make prettier printer
- Towards more dependent types
- Typechecker plugins:
- GUIs with reactive values
- Haskell language family: Elm, Idris, Agda, ...