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File metadata and controls

333 lines (244 loc) · 10.6 KB

Belewitte [1]

This repository is made up of 5 (mostly) independent components:

Graph Tools
A set of executables for the inspection/manipulation of the custom graph format used.
Kernel Runner
Executable for finding, loading, and executing GPU kernel libraries on input graphs. [PELGA2015] [ARXIV2017] [IAAA2018]
Benchmark Analysis Tools
Tool for managing and manipulating experimental setups, tracking experimental results, performing result analysis, and generating models. [ARXIV2017] [IAAA2018]
Evolutionary Graph Generation
Tool for generating graphs using evolutionary computing. [PELGA2016]
Graph Plotting
Tool for plotting the connectivity matrix of a graph.


The Makefile is set up to gracefully build as much of the codebase as possible, depending on the found/available prerequisites. The component sections below document the prerequisites of each component. The full list of prerequisites is:

GNU make
or compatible make implementation
A C++17 supporting compiler
e.g., g++ >=7.x or clang++ >=5.x
The include files and libraries are expected to be under the path specified by the CUDA_PATH environment variable.
The OpenCL libraries are expected to be in the directory specified by the OPENCL_LIB environment variable.
SLURM Workload Manager

Optional, can be replaced with custom run commands.

Python 3.6 or 3.7
The python 3.6/3.7 executable is expected to be in the user's PATH
GHC Haskell compiler 8.10.7, 9.2.7, 9.4.5, or 9.6.1
cabal-install 3.6+

Intel Threading Building Blocks

The file has several variables that can be used to explicitly specify the path to the relevant compilers/compiler versions if they are not on the users path.

Instructions for installing the above on the DAS 5 can be found below.

Graph Tools

The formats used by [SNAP] and [KONECT] to store graph datasets is rather inefficient to load from disk and convert to an in memory representation. To avoid this we use a custom file format that's faster to load and convert, these tools are useful for converting, inspecting, and modifying graphs stored in this format.


Normalises graphs stored in SNAP and KONECT's file formats to our file format and from our format to SNAP's edge lists and the MatrixMarket file format.

Also provides commands to convert vertex ids from the original graph to the id in the new format and vice versa.

Reports vertex and edge counts of graphs and prints all the incoming and outgoing edges for each vertex.
Computes the degree of each vertex and prints a report listing the number of vertices that have a given degree.
Computes and reports various graph statistics, such as the min/lower quantile/median/mean/upper quantile/max/standard deviation of the input graph(s).
Reorders the vertices in a graph based on their degree to get best and worst case grouping of vertices per warp. Used to investigate how the in memory ordering of vertices impacts performance.

Graph Tools Prerequisites

  • gmake
  • C++ compiler

Kernel Runner

Command line tool that can load the various GPU graph algorithm implementations for benchmarking. Takes care of finding and loading libraries containing the GPU kernels, loading graphs into the correct in memory representation, generating timings, and logging graph metadata.

Can also be used to read experiments from stdin to do batch runs of experiments. Mostly intended to be used by the Benchmark Analysis Tools to drive experiments.

Kernel Runner Prerequisites

  • gmake
  • C++17 compiler
  • CUDA 10
  • OpenCL

Benchmark Analysis Tools

Provides 3 tools for managing GPU experiments:


Used to register/define experimental setups to execute. Including:

  • Registering platforms
  • Registering algorithms
  • Registering implementations
  • Registering input graphs/datasets
  • Importing results from external tools/experiments

Also takes care of running the specified experiments, this requires that the Kernel Runner has been compiled successfully and that SLURM's srun is on the user's path.

Optionally, the use of SLURM can be replaced with other tools. To do this, a run-command should be configured using Ingest. Runs are invoked as follows:

<run-command> <platform> -- kernel-runner <runner args...>

Here, the run-command is either a built-in srun invocation, or the command configured by the user using Ingest. The platform is either the flags specified for the platform (if any) and otherwise the name specified during the registration with Ingest.


Used to train and evaluate models using stored experimental results. Including:

  • Training new models
  • Querying metadata, parameter importance and mispredictions
  • Validating model accuracy against training and validation datasets
  • Evaluating model performance against the entire dataset
  • Comparing performance results of different implementations
  • Exporting models to runnable C++ code

Requires python 2.7 and virtualenv for training new models.


Used to generate plots of various experiments. Including:

  • Plotting implementation performance for all levels of a graph
  • Plotting implementation performance for multiple graphs
  • Plotting implementation performance compared to optimal/external runtimes

Requires python 2.7 and virtualenv for all plot commands.

Benchmark Analysis Tools Prerequisites

  • gmake
  • GHC 8.10.7
  • cabal-install 3.6

Optional prerequisities:

  • python 3.6/3.7

Evolutionary Graph Generation

A tool that generates graph using evolutionary computing. Consists of host program that compares graph fitness compared to evaluation criteria and distributes new generation tasks to workers running on compute nodes in the cluster.

Not recently maintained/used, so using/running it may take some work.

Evolutionary Graph Generation Prerequisites

  • gmake
  • GHC 8.10.7
  • cabal-install 3.6
  • Intel TBB

Graph Plotting

A tool that plots the connectivity matrix of a graph by plotting a dot at coordinate (x, y) iff there is an edge from vertex x to vertex y.

Graph Plotting Prerequisites

  • GHC 8.10.7
  • cabal-install 3.6

DAS 5 Instructions

SLURM, OpenCL, and CUDA 10 can all be loaded via modulefiles, using:

module load cuda10.0/toolkit/10.0.130
module load opencl-nvidia/10.0
module load slurm
module load python/3.6.0

The remaining bits can be installed from binary distributions, the install location isn't very relevant, as long as they're on your PATH or the variables in are edited to point to the proper install location.

For simplicity's sake the commands below assume the environment variable INSTALL_PATH has been set to the prefix where these tools should be installed, although they can just as easily be installed into different locations.

clang++ 8

tar xvf clang+llvm-8.0.0-x86_64-linux-sles11.3.tar.xz -C $INSTALL_PATH --strip-components=1
rm clang+llvm-8.0.0-x86_64-linux-sles11.3.tar.xz

GHC 8.10.7

tar xvf ghc-8.10.7-x86_64-centos7-linux.tar.xz
rm ghc-8.10.7-x86_64-centos7-linux.tar.xz
cd ghc-8.10.7
./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_PATH
make install
hash -r
cd ..
rm -r ghc-8.10.7

cabal-install 3.6

tar xvf cabal-install-
mkdir -p $INSTALL_PATH/bin/
mv cabal $INSTALL_PATH/bin/
rm cabal.sig cabal-install-

[1]Mythological being associated with precognition/prediction and graves [2]
[2]This is funny if you know Dutch...
Title:“Quantifying the Performance Impact of Graph Structure on Neighbour Iteration Strategies for PageRank”
Authors:Merijn Verstraaten, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, and Cees de Laat
Workshop:1:superscript:st Workshop on Performance Engineering for Large Scale Graph Analytics
Proceedings:European Conference on Parallel Processing
Publisher:Springer, Cham
Title:“Synthetic Graph Generation for Systematic Exploration of Graph Structural Properties”
Authors:Merijn Verstraaten, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, and Cees de Laat
Workshop:2:superscript:nd Workshop on Performance Engineering for Large Scale Graph Analytics
Proceedings:European Conference on Parallel Processing
Publisher:Springer, Cham
[ARXIV2017](1, 2)
Title:“Using Graph Properties to Speed-up GPU-based Graph Traversal: A Model-driven Approach”
Authors:Merijn Verstraaten, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, and Cees de Laat
[IAAA2018](1, 2)
Title:“Mix-and-Match: A Model-driven Runtime Optimisation Strategy for BFS on GPUs”
Authors:Merijn Verstraaten, Ana Lucia Varbanescu, and Cees de Laat
Workshop:8:superscript:th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms
Proceedings:2018 IEEE/ACM 8th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms