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RaspiSMS-pyclient: Python client for RaspiSMS API

Small client for RaspiSMS server. It simply propose a trivial interface to send SMS from a python script or from command line.


Forked from :

Addon :

  • -d (date) parameter added. We can now program SMS sending at a precise date and time (memento)

Licence : GNU LGPL (see LICENCE.txt)


$ pip install git+

Python module usage

from raspisms import RaspiSMS
rsms = RaspiSMS("http://URL_TO/RaspiSMS", email="[email protected]", password="PASSWORD" [, date="YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm"])
rsms.send("PHONENUMBER", "SMS text !")

Command-line tool

A command line tool raspisms-send is provided, you can use it this way:

$ raspisms-send -u http://URL_TO/RaspiSMS -e [email protected] -p ADMIN_PASSWORD  PHONENUMBER "SMS text" [-d YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm]

The date is optional. If you don't put anything, the curent date and time will be chosen. For example, if you want to send an sms on July the 27th 2015 at 9:50 P.M. (21:46), you'll add -d 2015-07-27_21:46 at the end of the command.

See also -h for some help.


See #TODO in, don't hesitate to send a push request !