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Natural programming & Human Subjects Experiments

Joshua Sunshine edited this page Jun 29, 2017 · 8 revisions

Lectures on HCI Topics

I teach a course called “Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction for Technology Executives” which is an introduction for non-majors. All of the lectures are video recorded, so the lectures and slides and readings are all available. It would be a nice introduction to HCI. Here is the overall schedule for last fall, which includes links to the videos of the lectures and the slides: (

Particularly relevant to what y’all are doing are lectures 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 13 (especially 2 and 6) but the others might be of interest as well. Each lecture is about 80 minutes.

The readings listed with those chapters are the most relevant, especially chapters 3 and 12-16 of the UX Textbook (“Hartson-Pyla text”). I have all the other readings as well, if you want to borrow a different book.

Brad's Overview of HCI Methods for S/W Engineering

Brad A. Myers, Andrew J. Ko, Thomas D. LaToza, and YoungSeok Yoon. "Programmers Are Users Too: Human-Centered Methods for Improving Programming Tools," IEEE Computer, Special issue on UI Design, 49, issue 7, July, 2016, pp. 44-52.

General guidance on conducting behavioral research in software engineering

Andrew J. Ko, Thomas D. Latoza, and Margaret M. Burnett. "A practical guide to controlled experiments of software engineering tools with human participants." Empirical Software Engineering 20.1 (2015)

Steve Easterbrook, Janice Singer, Margaret-Anne Storey, and Daniela Damian. "Selecting empirical methods for software engineering research." Guide to advanced empirical software engineering (2008): 285-311.

Natural Programming

Brad A. Myers, John F. Pane and Andy Ko, "Natural Programming Languages and Environments". Communications of the ACM. (special issue on End-User Development). Sept, 2004, vol. 47, no. 9. pp. 47-52.

Brian Ellis, Jeffrey Stylos, and Brad Myers. "The Factory Pattern in API Design: A Usability Evaluation". International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'2007). May 20-26, 2007. Minneapolis, MN. pp. 302-312.

Jeffrey Stylos, Brad A. Myers. "The Implications of Method Placement on API Learnability," Sixteenth ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2008). Atlanta, GA, November 9-14, 2008. 105-112.