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Hardening Dapr app demo

In addition to support for Kubernetes namespace isolation and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) authorization, Dapr also provides additional, more granular, controls to harden applications deployment in Kubernetes. Some security related features, like in-transit encryption for all sidecar-to-sidecar communication using mutual TLS, are enabled by default. Others, like middleware to apply Open Policy Agent (OPA) policies on incoming requests, require opt-in. This demo will overview:

  • Cross-namespace service invocation with logical domain groups trust relationship management
  • Secure microservice communication using mTLS and SPIFFE identity verification
  • Per operation verb access control settings (e.g. deny all except POST from app2 on /op1)
  • Per application component scoping (i.e. which app should be able to access a given component)
  • Pub/Sub topic scoping (i.e. which app should be able to publish or subscriber to a given topic)
  • Application-level secret access control (i.e. which secrets the app should be able to access)
  • Token authentication on cluster ingress for both HTTP and gRPC API

You can replicate this demo on any Kubernetes cluster configured with Dapr. To demo the cross-namespace service invocation with external API gateway you will need "dapr'ized' cluster ingress (ingress with Dapr sidecar). You can setup fully configured Dapr cluster with all these dependencies using included Dapr cluster setup.


In Kubernetes, namespaces provide a way to divide cluster resources between multiple users or applications. To isolate all the microservices in this demo, first, create a namespace on your cluster.

For purposes of this demo, the namespace will be called hardened but you can choose your own name.

kubectl apply -f deployment/namespace

Also, to illustrate Dapr component scoping (e.g. PubSub and State), this demo will use in-cluster Redis deployment (see Redis setup). To showcase the declarative access control for applications over secrets this demo will use redis-secret defined in the hardened namespace.

kubectl create secret generic redis-secret \
    --from-literal=password="${REDIS_PASS}" \
    -n hardened

If this is Redis on your cluster you can look it up using export REDIS_PASS=$(kubectl get secret -n redis redis -o jsonpath="{.data.redis-password}" | base64 --decode) and define the REDIS_PASS environment variable with that secret.

Finally, create one more demo secret to illustrate later how Dapr controls application's access to secrets.

kubectl create secret generic demo-secret --from-literal=demo="demo" -n hardened 


With the namespace configured and the Redis password created, it's time to deploy:

  • app1.yaml, app2.yaml, and app2.yaml are the Kubernetes deployments with their Dapr configuration.
  • pubsub.yaml and state.yaml are the configuration files for PubSub and State components using Redis
  • role.yaml defines the Role and RoleBinding required for Dapr application access the Kubernetes secrets in the hardened namespace.

This demo uses prebuilt application images. You can review the code for these 3 applications in the src directory.

Now, apply the demo resources to the cluster.

kubectl apply -f deployment/hardened -n hardened

The response from the above command should confirm that all the resources were configured.

deployment.apps/app1 configured configured
deployment.apps/app2 configured configured
deployment.apps/app3 configured configured configured configured


To ensure the rest of the demo goes smoothly, check that everything was deployed correctly.

kubectl get pods -n hardened

If everything went well, the response should include app1, app2, and app3 pods with the status Running and the ready state of 2/2 indicating that the Dapr sidecar has been injected and components successfully loaded.

NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
app1-6df587fb45-k46sz   2/2     Running   0          40s
app2-685fd94f69-5vkwl   2/2     Running   0          40s
app3-6d57778cbd-mxn2k   2/2     Running   0          40s


The Dapr API exposed on the cluster ingress is protected with token authentication. Start by exporting that token from the cluster secret to allow for API invocation in this demo.

export API_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secret dapr-api-token -n nginx -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode)

Service Invocation

The app identity and its access control within Dapr as controlled using policies which are defined in the app configuration. To "attach" configuration, the app deployment template has to be annotated with the name of the configuration:

annotations: "app1-config"

In this demo, to allow only the Dapr'ized NGNX ingress to invoke the /ping method on app1.yaml, the default action is set to deny and an explicit policy created for nginx-ingress in the default namespace which also, first denies access to all methods on that app, and only then allows access on the /ping method (aka operation) when the HTTP verb is POST.

  defaultAction: deny
  trustDomain: "hardened"
  - appId: nginx-ingress
    namespace: "default"
    defaultAction: deny 
    - name: /ping
      httpVerb: ["POST"] 
      action: allow

To demo this now, invoke the ping method on app1 in the hardened namespace using the Dapr API exposed on the NGNX ingress.

The Dapr cluster setup includes custom domain and TLS certificate support. This demo users domain and a wildcard certificates for al (*) subdomains.

curl -i -d '{ "message": "hello" }' \
     -H "Content-type: application/json" \
     -H "dapr-api-token: ${API_TOKEN}" \

Dapr should respond with HTTP status code 200 as well as parent trace ID for this invocation (traceparent) in the header, and a JSON payload with the number of API invocations and nano epoch timestamp.

The count of API invocations is persisted in the Dapr sate store configured in State component

HTTP/2 200
date: Sun, 25 Oct 2020 12:05:56 GMT
content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
content-length: 39
traceparent: 00-ecbbc473826b3e328ea00f5ac0ce222b-0824d3896092d8ce-01
strict-transport-security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains

{ "on": 1603627556200126373, "count": 8 }

To demo the active access policy, try also to invoke the counter method on app2 in the hardened namespace.

curl -i -d '{ "on": 1603627556200126373, "count": 2 }' \
     -H "Content-type: application/json" \
     -H "dapr-api-token: ${API_TOKEN}" \

That invocation will result in an error. The response will include PermissionDenied message:

  "errorCode": "ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE",
  "message": "rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = access control policy has denied access to appid: app2 operation: ping verb: POST"

The access control defined above applies also to in-cluster invocation (app2.yaml). Where the additional trustDomain setting on app2 configuration is used to only allow access to invoke the /counter method when the calling app is app1:

  - appId: app1
    defaultAction: deny 
    trustDomain: "hardened"
    namespace: "hardened"
    - name: /counter
      httpVerb: ["POST"] 
      action: allow

To demo this, forward local port to any other Dapr sidecar besides app1 in that cluster.

kubectl port-forward deployment/app2 3500 -n hardened

And then try to invoke the /ping method on the app1. That too will result in PermissionDenied message.

curl -i -d '{ "message": "hello" }' \
     -H "Content-type: application/json" \

In this configuration, all invocations that are not explicitly permitted in Dapr access policy will be denied!


Just like in case of invocation, access to components in Dapr is also driven by configuration. The state store component in this demo is scoped to only be accessible by app2:

- app2

Dapr automatically isolates state between applications by contextualizing to the app that created it, rendering it inaccessible by any other application regardless of policies.

Topic Publishing and Subscription

The topic access of the PubSub component is further defined by the publishingScopes and subscriptionScopes lists. In this case app2 can only publish, and the app3 can only subscribe to the messages topic:

- name: publishingScopes
  value: "app2=messages"
- name: subscriptionScopes
  value: "app3=messages"

To demo this, while still forwarding local port to the app2 pod, try publish to any other topic besides messages.

curl -i -d '{ "message": "test" }' \
     -H "Content-type: application/json" \

The above publish will result in error:

  "message": "topic test is not allowed for app id app2"

You can also try to subscribe to the messages topic or even forward port to app3 and try to publish to the valid topic there, and still receive the same error, because that application is only allowed to subscribe to the messages topic, not publish to it.


Application access to secrets within Dapr is also driven by configuration. In this demo, the app2 for example, has its secrets configuration defined as follow: deny this application's access to all secrets except redis-secret:

    - storeName: kubernetes
      defaultAccess: deny
      allowedSecrets: ["redis-secret"]

To demo this, while still forwarding local port to the app2 pod, and access the redis-secret.

curl -i "http://localhost:3500/v1.0/secrets/kubernetes/redis-secret?metadata.namespace=hardened"

Now, try access the other secret we created in the hardened namespace during setup: demo-secret.

curl -i "http://localhost:3500/v1.0/secrets/kubernetes/demo-secret?metadata.namespace=hardened"

The above query will result in 403 Forbidden as the demo-secret secret is not listed in the allowedSecrets list and the defaultAccess is set to deny.

  "errorCode": "ERR_PERMISSION_DENIED", 
  "message": "Access denied by policy to get demo-secret from kubernetes"


Start by generating some requests:

for i in {1..100}; do \
  sleep 1; \
  curl -i -d '{ "message": "hello" }' \
     -H "Content-type: application/json" \
     -H "dapr-api-token: ${API_TOKEN}" \

Then forward the Zipkin port locally:

kubectl port-forward svc/zipkin 9411 -n dapr-monitoring

And navigate to the Zipkin UI to review traces



This demo illustrated just a few of the options that Dapr provides to harden application deployments. For more security-related information (including network, threat model, and latest security audit) see the Security section in Dapr documentation.


To view logs from either the app container (app) or Dapr (daprd) use the label selector with the app ID (e.g. app1, app2, or app3):

kubectl logs -l app=app1 -c daprd -n hardened

Because this demo set Dapr logs to be output as JSON you can use jq or similar to query the logs

kubectl logs -l app=app1 -c daprd -n hardened --tail 300 | jq ".msg"

Resulting in:

"starting Dapr Runtime -- version 0.11.3 -- commit a1a8e11"
"log level set to: debug"
"metrics server started on :9090/"
"kubernetes mode configured"
"app id: app1"


If you update components you may have to restart the deployments.

kubectl rollout restart deployment app1 app2 app3 -n hardened
kubectl rollout status deployment app1 -n hardened
kubectl rollout status deployment app2 -n hardened
kubectl rollout status deployment app3 -n hardened


By deleting the hardened Kubernetes will cascade delete all resources created in that namespace.

kubectl delete ns hardened


This is my personal project and it does not represent my employer. While I do my best to ensure that everything works, I take no responsibility for issues caused by this code.


This software is released under the MIT