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63 lines (54 loc) · 2.28 KB

File metadata and controls

63 lines (54 loc) · 2.28 KB


A PHP class to control the Belleds Q Station and networked light bulbs.

Currently this works only to control bulb(s) given their serial numbers. When the Q API properly supports querying the bulbs and their states from the Q Station, this will be added to Qphp.

When '$bulbs' is specified in a method, it can be passed as either a serial number string representing a single bulb or an array of serial number strings to control multiple bulbs at once.


  • set_on($bulbs, $bright=255) - Turn $bulbs on to the 'white' state (as a normal light bulb). Brightness can be optionally specified.
  • set_off($bulbs) - Turn $bulbs off.
  • set_color($bulbs, $red=255, $green=255, $blue=255, $bright=255) - Set the color of $bulbs. Any unspecified color or brightness will be set to full.
  • list_bulbs() - get an array of bulbs connected to the Q station
  • set_bulb_title($bulb, $title) - set the title of $bulb to $title
  • music_sync($bulb) - set $bulb to sync with music (NB: Currently there does not appear to be a way to unset this once set! This is a limitation of the published Belleds API.)
  • delete($bulb) - delete $bulb from the Q station (NB: Currently there does not appear to be a way to add a bulb, so be cautious! This is also a limitation of the published Belleds API.)


    include 'QAPI.php';
    // Create a new Q object and specify its IP address:
    $station = new Q('');
    // Turn on a bulb:
    // Set two bulbs to solid red (NB: no need to separately turn them on):
    $station->set_color(array('MD1AC44200000001', 'MD1AC44200000002'), 255, 0, 0);
    // List bulbs:
    // Returns:
    // Array
	// (
	// 	[0] => Array
	// 		(
	// 			[sn] => MD1AC4420000xxxx
	// 			[title] => lightX
	// 			[iswitch] => 0
	// 			[music_sync] => 1
	// 		)
	// 	[1] => Array
	// 		(
	// 			[sn] => MD1AC4420000xxxx
	// 			[title] => Light Name
	// 			[iswitch] => 0
	// 			[music_sync] => 1
	// 		)
	// 	[2] => Array
	// 		(
	// 			[sn] => MD1AC4420000xxxx
	// 			[title] => Another bulb name
	// 			[iswitch] => 0
	// 			[music_sync] => 0
	// 		)
	// )
