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Unified CodeIgniter Model Wrapper


AUTHOR: Maxim Titovich


More basic solution, without my custom db request functions can be found here

Installation guide

Put Model_wrapper.php to models directory, put Model_generator.php to controllers directory, all within your CodeIgniter Project.

Setup basic stuff, database connection. (Now works only with mysql/postgresql/mssql!)

Put MY_Model.php to core folder at your codeigniter application

Open http://yourprojectweb/index.php/model_generator or http://yourprojectweb/model_generator if you use .htaccess to get rid of index.php prefix

Models are generated based on your database structure, it includes foreign keys.

After model are generated, remove model_generator.php from controllers dir.

!Note, that you can regenerate models after changing database, but you should back up modified models, as they will be overwritten.


How to use

Modifying models

If you want to reference ci model, you should use $this->CI instead of $this, or it will not work.

Basic functions

UCMW has this basic functions:


public function countAll($filter = null)

Where $filter param is array of filters, like: array('field_name', 'value'). Value can also be an array of values, like: array('field_name', array('value1', 'value2')).

You can pass a SQL string WHERE clause also, if 'field_name' will be not string, but integer, like so: array(0 => 'id = 5').

$filter is used to generate WHERE clause in request.

Note, that all parameters are optional!

Function returns integer value, containing quantity of items, found with passed $filter.


$this->item_model->countAll(array('name' => 'Maxim'));


public function getAll($filter = null, $order = null, $limit = null, $offset = null, $customFields = null)

Where $filter param is array of filters, like: array('field_name', 'value'). Value can also be an array of values, like: array('field_name', array('value1', 'value2')).

You can pass a SQL string WHERE clause also, if 'field_name' will be not string, but integer, like so: array(0 => 'id = 5').

$filter is used to generate WHERE clause in request.

$order if array of order values. Usage: array('field_name' => 'desc') or array('field_name' => 'asc')

$limit is an integer value for limiting returning row quantity. Example: pass 100 to $limit parameter, to get 100 rows

$offset is an integer value for setting offset. Example, pass 100 to $offset parameter, to get rows starting from 101

customFields is an array of SQL strings, attached requests. Example: array("(SELECT another_table.item_id, WHERE = another_table.item_id)", "(SELECT another_table.item_id, WHERE = another_table.item_id)")

Note, that all parameters are optional!

Function returns array of objects


array('name' => 'Maxim'),
array('id' => 'desc'),
"(SELECT name FROM joinable_table WHERE selected_table.joinable_table_id ="


public function getByField($field = null, $value = null)

$field is a field name(string parameter)

$value is a field required value(string parameter)

This function returns object with '$field' of $value


$this->item_model->getByField('name', 'Maxim');


`public function getByPk($id = 0, $pk = 'id')

$id is an integer parameter.

This function returns object with 'id' of $id. If you're table pk name differs from 'id', you can pass it as a string.




public function save($data, $array)

$data is simple array of data you want to save. Example: array('name' => 'Maxim', 'surname' => 'Titovich')

$array is an optional array parameter, if you pass it, it will be used as a filter, to update data for a specific record. If you will not pass this parameter, function will insert new row.

If you have your model object loaded you can save data for it, like this:

$me = $this->person_model->getById(1);
$me = $this->person_model->save(array('name' => 'Maxim'), array('id' => $me->id));

This function returns object with saved values.

Example to insert:

$this->item_model->save(array('name' => 'Maxim', 'surname' => 'Titovich'));

OR to update:

$this->item_model->save(array('name' => 'Maxim', 'surname' => 'Titovich'), array('id' => 5));


public function remove($filter = null)

Where $filter param is array of filters, like: array('field_name', 'value'). Value can also be an array of values, like: array('field_name', array('value1', 'value2')).

You can pass a SQL string WHERE clause also, if 'field_name' will be not string, but integer, like so: array(0 => 'id = 5').

$filter is used to generate WHERE clause in request.

Note, that all parameters are optional!

Function deletes all rows, that are found with $filter.


$this->item_model->remove(array('name' => 'Maxim'));

getSessionOrder and setSessionOrder

public function getSessionOrder()

public function setSessionOrder($data)

This functions help you easilly save and get order for current session and class. Or you can store anything there, but it is intended to be used to store and return array('id' => 'desc') like values for current user session.


$this->item_model->setSessionOrder(array('name' => 'desc'));

getSessionFilter and setSessionFilter

public function getSessionFilter()

public function setSessionFilter($data)

This functions help you easilly save and get filter for current session and class. Or you can store anything there, but it is intended to be used to store and return array('name' => 'Maxim', 'surname' => 'Titovich') like values for current user session.


$this->item_model->setSessionFilter(array('name' => 'Maxim', 'surname' => 'Titovich'));

Foreign keys and model relation navigation

If you have foreign keys. Model_generator will generate functions like load_{referenced_table_name}(), you can call them within models, to navigate through relations, like so:

$item = $this->item_model->getById(5);

BUT, you shouldn't use them that way. UCMW overloads class variables for you, so you just call {referenced_table_name} instead of a function. This is used to store value, to escape multiple database request.

$item = $this->item_model->getById(5);

Contact me

Maxim Titovich