- 2ff045c1: fix: do not warn if a form or a field was resolved closes #4399
- 73219b40: feat: expose all internal types
- 4947e88f: feat: expose BaseInputBinds and BaseComponentBinds interfaces #4409
- ecbb690d: feat: query fields meta state
- 5e23dcb9: fix: add support for parsing range inputs
- 2d8143f9: feat: added composition setter functions
- c02337f3: fix: correct the setErrors type to allow for string[]
- a9a473b4: feat(perf): improve performance setFieldError and setFieldValue closes #4382
- 9290f5a9: fix: clone values inserted into field arrays closes #4372
- 93f8001a: fix: do not warn if the validation is for removed paths closes #4368
- 40ce7a91: feat: expose normalizeRules closes #4348
- e9b215a7: fix: resetForm should cast typed schema values closes #4347
- 4e11ff95: fix: validate form values on setValues by default closes #4359
- e354a13a: fix: Normalize error paths to use brackets for indices closes #4211
- 68080d28: feat: use silent validation when field is initialized closes #4312
- 6a1dc9bd: fix: component blur event and respect model update config closes #4346
- 2f9ca91c: fix(types): remove deep readonly type for now
- 32537e14: fix: less strict object checks for undefined and missing keys closes #4341
- c3698f07: fix: respect model modifiers when emitting the value closes #4333
- 1660048e: fix: define binds not respecting config events
- fc416918: fix: handle NaN when parsing number inputs closes #4328
- 435e7857: fix: reset present values after all path mutation
- 273cca74: fix: reset field should not validate closes #4323
- 7a548f42: chore: require vue 3.3 and refactor types
- 7ce9d671: feat(breaking): disable v-model support by default closes #4283
- bfd6b00a: "feat: allow custom models for defineComponentBinds"
- d4fafc95: "feat: allow handleBlur to run validations"
- 05d957ec: feat: mark form values as readonly closes #4282
- 77345c42: fix: reset form should merge values closes #4320
- f1dc1359: fix: use event value if no checked value for checkbox/radio closes #4308
- 3e4a7c13: feat(dx): make
accept the model propName - 2cf0eec9: feat: allow multiple messages in a validator fn closes #4322 #4318
- ed208918: fix: trigger validation with setFieldValue by default closes #4314
- 6a3f9f15: fix: parse native number fields closes #4313
- b138282a: fix(types): export SetFieldValueOptions interface closes #4290
- 6e074f77: fix: handleBlur should respect blur validate config closes #4285
- 7356c102: fix: setFieldError should set meta.valid closes #4274
- f4ea2c05: fix: exclude undefined and null from initial values closes #4139
- 09d5596b: fix: run validation on value change closes #4251
- 9bfbfaaf: feat: added isValidating to useForm
- 48b45d91: fix: hoist nested errors path to the deepest direct parent closes #4063
- 31090e0d: avoid double unset path with field array remove
- 9046308b: fixed validations running for unmounted fields
- fe322a07: batch unsets and sort paths unset order for safer unsets closes #4115
- 681bbab4: Added type-fest to core package dependencies
- 41b5d39b: Implemented path types into various form API functions
- 95409080: Added component and input binds helpers
- 7554d4a6: fix field array triggering validation when an item is removed
- 298577b7: setValues does not delete unspecified fields values
- 6e0b0557: Introduced official nuxt module package
- 9048a238: fixed zod union issues not showing up as errors closes #4204
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
4.8.4 (2023-03-24)
- make initial values partial closes #4195 (eeccd0c)
- properly unref the schema before checking for default values closes #4196 (8e3663d)
- allow name ref to be a lazy function (8fb543a)
4.8.3 (2023-03-15)
Note: Version bump only for package vee-validate
4.8.2 (2023-03-14)
4.8.1 (2023-03-12)
- expose errorBag to slot props (371744e)
4.8.0 (2023-03-12)
- finally handicap yup schema resolution (303b1fb)
- initial sync with v-model if enabled closes #4163 (1040643)
- properly aggregrate nested errors for yup (7f90bbc)
- remove console.log from devtools integration (3c2d51c)
- remove yup schema type and rely on assertions (5cbb913)
- render zod multiple errors in nested objects closes #4078 (f74fb69)
- run silent validation after array mutations closes #4096 (044b4b4)
- type inference fix (ac0383f)
- watch and re-init array fields if form data changed closes #4153 (6e784cc)
- Better Yup and Zod typing with output types and input inference (#4064) (3820a5b)
- export type
(#4159) (69c0d12)
4.7.4 (2023-02-07)
- #4117: add resetField on Form/useForm (#4120) (87c4278), closes #4117
- expose state getters on the form instance via template refs (#4121) (7f1c39c)
4.7.3 (2022-11-13)
4.7.2 (2022-11-02)
4.7.1 (2022-10-23)
- clean up single group value after unmount closes #3963 (#3972) (8ccfd2b)
- correctly mutate deep field array item and trigger validation (#3974) (267736f)
- mark slot prop field value as any closes #3969 (#3973) (70ddc5b)
4.7.0 (2022-10-09)
- allow passing form control to useField closes #3204 (#3923) (4c59d63)
- expose controlled values on useForm (#3924) (2517319)
4.6.10 (2022-09-30)
- use ssr safe file check (56663aa)
4.6.9 (2022-09-19)
4.6.8 (2022-09-19)
- ensure validation if we skip checkbox value setting #3927 (#3930) (82d05db)
- extend is equal with file comparison logic #3911 (#3932) (c7c806c)
- handle nested value change validation #3926 (#3929) (771e7f2)
4.6.7 (2022-08-27)
- allow generics for generic function type (91e97aa)
- handle validation races for async validations (#3908) (8c82079)
4.6.6 (2022-08-16)
4.6.5 (2022-08-11)
4.6.4 (2022-08-07)
- make sure to deep watch created models by useFieldModel (fbe273c)
4.6.3 (2022-08-07)
4.6.2 (2022-07-17)
4.6.1 (2022-07-12)
4.6.0 (2022-07-11)
- added existing undefined path fallback closes #3801 (fd0500c)
- avoid inserting value binding for file type inputs closes #3760 (3c76bb2)
- avoid validating when field instance exists (3759df2)
- compare form meta.dirty based on original values than staged initials closes #3782 (f3ffd3c)
- expose ValidationOptions type closes #3825 (9854865)
- exposed component APIs to their TS defs with refs closes #3292 (ae59d0f)
- fast equal before deciding value was changed closes #3808 (3d582ec)
- use multiple batch queues for both validation modes closes #3783 (6156603)
- 4.6: Allow mutating field array iterable's value property (#3618) (#3759) (c3c40e5)
- add move to FieldArray (a52f133)
- added unsetValueOnUnmount config (#3815) (e6e1c1d)
- added useFieldModel to useForm API (26c828e)
- allow keep values config to be reactive (5009bd8)
- better normalization for native input file events (2751552)
- Remove yup type dependency (#3704) (e772f9a)
- Sync useField with component v-model (#3806) (0ef7582)
4.5.11 (2022-04-10)
4.5.10 (2022-03-08)
Note: Version bump only for package vee-validate
4.5.9 (2022-02-22)
- mark fields validated via form validate as validated (ad9fa9d)
4.5.8 (2022-01-23)
- clear old error path error when changing field name closes #3664 (f736e62)
- field array swap not working when falsy values are present at paths (40afbd9)
4.5.7 (2021-12-07)
4.5.6 (2021-11-17)
- corrected the typing for the resetField function closes #3568 (4e9460e)
- new devtools typings (f288ca5)
- use watchEffect to compute form meta closes #3580 (e8729dc)
4.5.5 (2021-11-01)
4.5.4 (2021-10-20)
Note: Version bump only for package vee-validate
4.5.3 (2021-10-17)
4.5.2 (2021-09-30)
4.5.1 (2021-09-29)
Note: Version bump only for package vee-validate
4.5.0 (2021-09-26)
Note: Version bump only for package vee-validate
4.4.11 (2021-09-11)
4.4.10 (2021-08-31)
- added silent validation run after reset closes #3463 (a61f7ab)
- handle absent model value closes #3468 (2c4a7ff)
- types: remove arguments of PrivateFieldContext.handleReset (2e45d1f)
- ensure option bound value type is preserved closes #3440 (b144615)
4.4.9 (2021-08-05)
- ensure to clone user passed values in setters closes #3428 (a720c24)
- prioritize the current value if another field of same name is mounted closes #3429 (cf036ec)
4.4.8 (2021-07-31)
Note: Version bump only for package vee-validate
4.4.7 (2021-07-20)
- add standalone prop for fields (#3379) (3689437)
- expose FieldContext type closes #3398 (a6e4c0a)
- expose form and field injection keys (6034e66)
4.4.6 (2021-07-08)
- clean error message for singular fields after unmount (#3385) (4e81cce)
- quit unsetting path if its already unset (cfe45ba)
- expose setters in composition API (d79747d)
4.4.5 (2021-06-13)
4.4.4 (2021-06-05)
- field with pre-register schema errors should be validated on register closes #3342 (61c7359)
- make sure to create the container path if it exists while null or undefined (79d3779)
- make sure to create the container path if it exists while null or undefined (79d3779)
- expose setters in composition API (61f942f)
4.4.3 (2021-06-02)
4.4.2 (2021-05-28)
4.4.1 (2021-05-24)
- forgot adding errors in useValidationForm (d032d3b)
- re-introduce the errors prop back on the form validation result closes #3317 (b439a73)
4.4.0 (2021-05-23)
4.4.0-alpha.2 (2021-05-14)
- avoid clearing all errors before validating schema (51c2e78)
4.4.0-alpha.1 (2021-05-14)
- minifier issue when handling await (f206cac)
4.4.0-alpha.0 (2021-05-14)
4.3.6 (2021-05-08)
4.3.5 (2021-05-01)
4.3.4 (2021-04-27)
4.3.3 (2021-04-22)
4.3.2 (2021-04-21)
4.3.1 (2021-04-18)
- give error message component a name (b7dcebf)
- minor perf enhancement by lazy evaulation of slot props (a306b1b)
4.3.0 (2021-04-07)
- added support for reactive schemas (#3238) (295d656)
- added support for setting multiple field errors closes #3117 (db0a6a0)
- support v-model.number (#3252) (8f491da)
4.2.4 (2021-03-26)
- validation triggered on value change (10549b7)
4.2.3 (2021-03-22)
4.2.2 (2021-03-03)
- ensure having a truthy fallback for fields missing in schema (7cd6941)
- handle pending validation runs during field unmounting (ef5a7cc)
4.2.1 (2021-02-26)
- added initial check against the field errors (4288fb6)
4.2.0 (2021-02-24)
Note: Version bump only for package vee-validate
4.1.20 (2021-02-24)
- avoid setting checkbox values before registeration closes #3183 (ab5f821)
- change errors source to form closes #3177 (7c13c92)
- use the issues array for zod error aggregation closes #3184 (01b89e4)
4.1.19 (2021-02-16)
- use relative imports for shared type (6790545)
- improve typing for field yup schema (c59f1f0)
4.1.18 (2021-02-10)
4.1.17 (2021-02-08)
- add a handler for regex object params closes #3073 (7a5e2eb)
- added emits and onSubmit custom prop (#3115) (8f2c110)
- array radio fields not switching value correctly closes #3141 (3d4efef)
- avoid returning undefined for form errors when form does not exist (8cce17a)
- avoid validating dependencies via watcheffect closes #3156 (a7b91f6)
- cast radio buttons value correctly closes #3064 (3e0f9a4)
- clear out initial values for unregistered fields closes #3060 (56206de)
- correctly set the initial value from the v-model closes #3107 (4bed9a8)
- export submission types #3112 (3f35167)
- fill the target rule params for message generators closes #3077 (f5e1bd3)
- handle formless checkboxes value toggling closes #3105 (504f30b)
- handle reactive field names and value swaps (cf8051d)
- missing export for useErrors helpers (28537cc)
- pass down listeners to the input node closes #3048 (2526a63)
- prevent default reset behavior with handleReset (a66df13)
- prevent resetForm from toggling checkbox value #3084 (38778f9)
- react to validation events changes (078e61b)
- reset meta correctly with resetField (012658c)
- resolve component before rendering closes #3014 (f8f481d)
- resolve path values with global rules closes #3157 (beaf316)
- set field initial value on the fid lookup closes #3128 (650d5cf)
- support dynamic labels closes #3053 (31b2238)
- typing issue from #3134 (29e5cff)
- use the custom injection fn for initial field values (38cd32b)
- add submit count state (#3070) (a7fe71e)
- added context awareness to composition helpers for fields (b59fe88)
- added context information to validation functions (7e6675d)
- added test cases and fallbacks for unresolved cases (71bda03)
- added the useResetForm helper (4c57715)
- added unchecked-value prop to the field component (af910c3)
- added useErrors and useField error helpers (4cda2fe)
- added useIsDirty helpers (6b7e4ab)
- added useIsSubmitting helper (7a58fd8)
- added useIsTouched helpers (fdb2d5a)
- added useIsValid helpers (26fbb29)
- added useSubmitCount helper (c4a6dea)
- added useSubmitForm hook (#3101) (d042882)
- added useValidateField and useValidateForm helpers (62355a8)
- added validate field function to form and useForm (#3133) (926bed1)
- added validate method on the form ref instance closes #3030 (ed0faff)
- added validation trigger config per component closes #3066 (f0e30a2)
- added value change support for native multi select (#3146) (0601586)
- added values helpers (e0f16d6)
- added warnings for non existent fields and allow reactive paths (4182d2f)
- avoid watching rules when passed as functions (539f753)
- dont render any tags when no message exists closes #3118 (92eba41)
- enhance ts typing for form functions (8f7d8e8)
- enhance useField types (dcb8049)
- enrich form validation results (0c84c80)
- export some internal types closes #3065 (b88dffd)
- field.reset() should reset the field to its initial value (a11f1b7)
- implement similar reset API for fields (38c3923)
- new reset API (6983738)
- rename reset methods to be more consistent (3a0dc4d)
- update docs (0f5ac98)
- use internal yup types (#3123) (7554bfc)
- use resolveDynamicComponent instead (f1b5f89)
- cache field props in a computed property (d266878)
- cache form slot props in a computed property (49fa2c1)
4.1.16 (2021-02-07)
Note: Version bump only for package vee-validate
4.1.15 (2021-02-07)
4.1.14 (2021-02-06)
4.1.13 (2021-02-01)
4.1.12 (2021-01-26)
- array radio fields not switching value correctly closes #3141 (3d4efef)
- clear out initial values for unregistered fields closes #3060 (56206de)
- typing issue from #3134 (29e5cff)
4.1.11 (2021-01-19)
4.1.10 (2021-01-17)
4.1.9 (2021-01-13)
4.1.8 (2021-01-12)
4.1.7 (2021-01-12)
4.1.6 (2021-01-11)
4.1.5 (2021-01-05)
4.1.4 (2021-01-04)
4.1.3 (2021-01-02)
- enhance useField types (dcb8049)
4.1.2 (2020-12-26)
4.1.1 (2020-12-18)
- missing export for useErrors helpers (28537cc)
4.1.0 (2020-12-18)
- avoid returning undefined for form errors when form does not exist (8cce17a)
- added context awareness to composition helpers for fields (b59fe88)
- added test cases and fallbacks for unresolved cases (71bda03)
- added the useResetForm helper (4c57715)
- added useErrors and useField error helpers (4cda2fe)
- added useIsDirty helpers (6b7e4ab)
- added useIsSubmitting helper (7a58fd8)
- added useIsTouched helpers (fdb2d5a)
- added useIsValid helpers (26fbb29)
- added useSubmitCount helper (c4a6dea)
- added useValidateField and useValidateForm helpers (62355a8)
- added values helpers (e0f16d6)
- added warnings for non existent fields and allow reactive paths (4182d2f)
- enhance ts typing for form functions (8f7d8e8)
- enrich form validation results (0c84c80)
- export some internal types closes #3065 (b88dffd)
4.0.7 (2020-12-18)
- react to validation events changes (078e61b)
4.0.6 (2020-12-15)
- prevent default reset behavior with handleReset (a66df13)
- prevent resetForm from toggling checkbox value #3084 (38778f9)
- added unchecked-value prop to the field component (af910c3)
- cache field props in a computed property (d266878)
- cache form slot props in a computed property (49fa2c1)
4.0.5 (2020-12-12)
4.0.4 (2020-12-09)
- add a handler for regex object params closes #3073 (7a5e2eb)
- fill the target rule params for message generators closes #3077 (f5e1bd3)
4.0.3 (2020-12-05)
- cast radio buttons value correctly closes #3064 (3e0f9a4)
- reset meta correctly with resetField (012658c)
- use the custom injection fn for initial field values (38cd32b)
4.0.2 (2020-11-27)
4.0.1 (2020-11-25)
4.0.0 (2020-11-16)
4.0.0-beta.19 (2020-11-07)
- field.reset() should reset the field to its initial value (a11f1b7)
- implement similar reset API for fields (38c3923)
- new reset API (6983738)
- rename reset methods to be more consistent (3a0dc4d)
- use resolveDynamicComponent instead (f1b5f89)
4.0.0-beta.18 (2020-11-05)
- handle reactive field names and value swaps (cf8051d)
- avoid watching rules when passed as functions (539f753)
4.0.0-beta.17 (2020-11-04)
- added context information to validation functions (7e6675d)
4.0.0-beta.16 (2020-10-29)
4.0.0-beta.15 (2020-10-28)
4.0.0-beta.14 (2020-10-26)
4.0.0-beta.13 (2020-10-23)
4.0.0-beta.12 (2020-10-21)
- upgrade to Vue 3.0.2 and fix broken cases (ede7214)
4.0.0-beta.11 (2020-10-18)
4.0.0-beta.10 (2020-10-15)
- properly initialize initial values closes #2978 (c0ba699)
- typos in test descriptions (#2970) (a0132df)
4.0.0-beta.9 (2020-10-14)
4.0.0-beta.8 (2020-10-12)
- added handleInput and handleBlur to field scoped slot props (69d5833)
- expose reset() on the form controller object (3229ee7)
- new meta tags API (#2958) (7494bfc)
- remove aria attributes and leave it to userland (365d825)
- remove valid fields from errors mapping (1eee524)
4.0.0-beta.7 (2020-10-10)
- avoid accessing properties in form directly to avoid warninings (c5627af)
- update the handleSubmit signature (#2954) (d17517d)
4.0.0-beta.6 (2020-10-10)
4.0.0-beta.5 (2020-10-08)
4.0.0-beta.4 (2020-10-08)
- prevent recursive re-render model update (#2943) (9fa319f)
- set falsy initial values (4b29e72)
- use validateField instead of onChange handler for blur events (636077a)
4.0.0-beta.3 (2020-10-06)
4.0.0-beta.2 (2020-10-05)
4.0.0-beta.1 (2020-10-02)
- avoid binding the value to file inputs (02a2745)
4.0.0-beta.0 (2020-10-01)
- make sure to unwrap initial value (0298a92)
4.0.0-alpha.14 (2020-09-20)
4.0.0-alpha.13 (2020-09-16)
4.0.0-alpha.12 (2020-09-15)
- cast single checkboxes values to booleans closes #2889 (7a08184)
- invoke generateMessage handler for local functions closes #2893 (e9fe773)
4.0.0-alpha.11 (2020-09-02)
Note: Version bump only for package vee-validate
4.0.0-alpha.10 (2020-08-29)
4.0.0-alpha.9 (2020-08-28)
4.0.0-alpha.8 (2020-08-13)
- detect initial values from v-model (e566302)
- handle unmount issue when removed value is falsy for checkboxes (b6393f4)
- initial array values for checkboxes not populated correctly in form (fb99edc)
- umounting group of checkbox issues (8c77af5)
- added basic v-model support (c93d125)
- merge ctx.attrs to any rendered root node (5c9979c)
- sync the model value with inner value (57d7923)
4.0.0-alpha.7 (2020-08-04)
- avoid removing array value for a non-group field closes #2847 (69f2092)
- bails affects yup non-object validators (a50645b)
- initial values on HTML inputs (c4f4eb9)
- deprecate the skipOptional config (e62f5ea)
4.0.0-alpha.6 (2020-07-27)
- render input tags by default for the field component (858c47b)
4.0.0-alpha.5 (2020-07-24)
- unregister fields once they are unmounted (0d601cb)
- v4: add checkbox and radio HTML input support (#2835) (ab3d499)
- render input by default for the field component (81d055d)
4.0.0-alpha.4 (2020-07-23)
Note: Version bump only for package vee-validate
4.0.0-alpha.3 (2020-07-21)
- automatic injection of the form controller (c039831)
- remove debounce feature and make it userland (b7263ce)
4.0.0-alpha.2 (2020-07-19)
- always render a from by default (402603a)
- added check for cross-fields extraction on unsupported schema (0ff1bad)
- added errorMessage prop to the field type (f1553d0)
- added single error message prop to the provider slot props (bc97d0c)
- added unwrap util function (121bffc)
- adjust the useField options to be less strict (7ea8263)
- check if a form is present before accessing its schema (3656181)
- debouncing not working correctly and move it to hoc only (86280a1)
- ensure we unwrap the field id if it was reactive (7f91e93)
- initial validation not respecting the config opts (2443d44)
- localization default fallback not being interpolated correctly (165e89c)
- no clue why this isn't building (0d3e7fd)
- only add novalidate attr if the rendered element is form (3638cea)
- param mapping causing target names to resolve incorrectly (fb77dc6)
- set pending back to false earlier in the cycle (a4237a2)
- temporary fix for the unamed import issue with vue-beta 4 (62d27e9)
- unwrap flags before sending them to the observer slot (19f7886)
- use the proper model event name (5704db8)
- watch target fields once they change (a4184b0)
- adapt the changes from the v3 master branch (2301c5a)
- add name resolution from v3 (ba77fdd)
- add native submit alternative to handleSubmit (bc00888)
- added 'as' prop to the validation provider (5c8ae9c)
- added alert role to the error message (714abfe)
- added aria and a11y improvements (ca74f16)
- added built-in support for yup validation schema (e436b75)
- added ErrorMessage component (9570412)
- added support for custom components (c661c7e)
- added useField and useForm hooks (c1e9007)
- allow the as prop to be a component definition (29790d4)
- allow the observer to render forms and handle submit events (9e0d59b)
- allow validation schema to accept other expressions (ddeeaea)
- change default field value to undefiend (00c8754)
- deprecate names option on validate API (fe90820)
- deprecate the 'required' flag (283caa0)
- enable interaction modes and localization APIs (8486aaf)
- expose errorMessage prop on useField and Provider (04eecaa)
- expose the form values and pass them to the handleSubmit (de51155)
- hook up the provider with new observer implementation (4d18a65)
- implement bails for useField and ValidationProvider (486babd)
- implement initial values (8239130)
- implement validation debounce (e294409)
- implemented disabled prop (88bf28e)
- make rules watchable (90530cd)
- make the as prop take priority to determine what to render (d5a033f)
- new field binding object (a58a84b)
- new handleSubmit signature (63cbeaf)
- only export the provider for now (0bf3efe)
- remove vid from fields (1b9bded)
- support immediate validation (42cd6ed)
- support inline rules as functions (3c74681)
- support yup validation schemas on field-level (0802512)
- updated vnode utils to handle Vue 3 VNode API (29a4fe8)
- use defineComponent to type Provider and Observer definitions (80980cf)
- validate yup form schemas using object validation (bf216dd)
- validation schema support (523824a)
- working draft for the vprovider with composition api (b830054)