- 2.3.2+36 - dependencies updated, auto focus of search field when launching (now on all platforms), Impeller rendering engine on Mac, fixed clipped article at the bottom when in wide view
- 2.3.1+35 - fixed Android light buttons on light BG for Android, smaller article bottom buttons for mobile
- 2.3.1+34 - updated dependencies (Flutter 3.24.3 + Android SDK 35) + refactored code to accomodate, fixed text selection/popup color
- 2.3.0+33 - Android 'PROCESS_TEXT' opens app in popup window
- 2.3.0+32 - Android 'PROCESS_TEXT' integration (select text in any app and look it up in dikt), dictionary import/skipping same name dictionaries, minor UI updates, Flutter 3.16.0, Android SDK 34
- 2.2.1+31 - Flutter 3.13.1/, Android SDK 33
- 2.2.1+30 - Flutter 3.10.0/Dart 3 update, removing deprecated APIs
- 2.2.1+29 - showing error message should app launch fail (instead of empty window)
- 2.2.0+28 - fixed tap again toast shown when not needed
- 2.2.0+27 - tap back on Android closing article, no bubbling of tap (closing article) when article is being scrolled, dictionary popup fixed on Android
- 2.2.0+24
- Flutter 3.7 update
- New navigation with responsive UI (no past approach with reseting nav stack when changing between 2 and 1 pane modes)
- Resizable panes in 2 pane view
- Updates to articles displaying (caching, new empty structure) aimed at fewer blinks
- Revamped wide UI
- 2.1.0+23 - let's see if it helps with cleared text after load
- 2.1.0+22 - lookup text input, turned off autocorrect, let's see if it helps with cleared text after load (didn't help)
- 2.1.0+21 - fixed resuming and keyboard pop-up (broken resume with open article)
- 2.1.0+20 - larger click area for clear search bar button
- 2.1.0+19 - fixed jumping search bar on Android when first letter is typed in, hopefully fixed focus issues with disappearing text when starting typing while dictionaries' loading is in-progress, Android SDK 33, fixed few warning after 3.3.8 upgrade
- 2.1.0+18 - history, do not move up the word already in history when clicking it
- 2.1.0+17 - selecting text in article shows lookup option in popup
- 2.1.0+16 - showing soft keyboard when started and when minimizing/resuming
- 2.1.0+15 - search bar visible right away, gradients in lookup/search box and article/dictionary name
- 2.1.0+14 - multi-file dictionaries (one dictionary containing multiple IKV files)
- 2.0.0+12 - updated to Flutter 3.0 and Android SDK 32
- 2.0.0+11 - spinner in dictionaries while doing file loading
- 2.0.0+10 - replaced OpenSans with another font containing necessary glyphs
- 2.0.0+9 - displaying all articles after they are laid out, waiting for on-screen keyboard to be collapsed
- 2.0.0+8 - experimental, HTML parsing on isolates
- 2.0.0+7 - large article view, junk during opening fix
- 2.0.0+6 - added bottom selector of dictionary in article view, different fonts in article, playing with theme colors
- 2.0.0+5 - built with Flutter 2.8.0 stable, UI touches (bottom bar larger, mouse pointers, back icon), scrolling to given article via dictionary drop down
- 2.0.0+4 - built with Master channel 2.6.0-12.0.pre.759 (fixing 'isolate group by default' perf, degradation) fixing load time (1.5s vs 3-4s) and freezes when resuming the app. Number of isolates set to #,cores - 2
- 2.0.0+1-3 - converted to null safety the code base and forked plugins, update of major versions in pubspec, src file names changed, turned of Semantics for HTML viewer plugin and fixed scrolling lag in article view, refactored lookup screen layout, different color scheme