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This Terraform child module provides infrastructure automation for projects in Spacelift.


This spacelift-automation child module is designed to streamline the deployment and management of all Spacelift infrastructure, including creating a Spacelift Stack to manage itself.

Check out our quick introduction to this child module here: [External] terraform-spacelift-automation quick intro - Watch Video

It automates the creation of "child" stacks and all the required accompanying Spacelift resources. For each enabled root module it creates:

  1. Spacelift Stack You can think about a stack as a combination of source code, state file and configuration in the form of environment variables and mounted files.
  2. Spacelift Stack Destructor Required to destroy the resources of a Stack before deleting it. Destroying this resource will delete the resources in the stack. If this resource needs to be deleted and the resources in the stacks are to be preserved, ensure that the deactivated attribute is set to true.
  3. Spacelift AWS Integration Attachment Associates a specific AWS IAM role with a stack to allow it to assume that role. The IAM role typically has permissions to manage specific AWS resources, and Spacelift assumes this role to run the operations required by the stack.
  4. Spacelift Initialization Hook Prepares your environment before executing infrastructure code. This custom script copies corresponding Terraform tfvars files into a working directory before any Spacelift run or task as a file. This ensures your tfvars are automatically loaded into the OpenTofu/Terraform execution environment.


Spacelift Automation logic is opinionated and heavily relies on certain repository structures. This module is configured to track all the files in the given root module directory and create Spacelift Stacks based on the provided configuration.

We support the following root module directory structures, which are controlled by the var.root_modules_structure variable:

MultiInstance (the default)

This is the default structure that we expect and recommend. This is intended for root modules that manage multiple state files (instances) through workspaces or Dynamic Backend configurations.

Structure requirements:

  • Stack configs are placed in <root_modules_path>/<root_module>/stacks directory for each workspace / instance of that stack. e.g. root-modules/k8s-cluster/stacks/dev.yaml and root-modules/k8s-cluster/stacks/stage.yaml
  • Terraform variables are placed in <root_modules_path>/<root_module>/tfvars directory for each workspace / instance of that stack. e.g. root-modules/k8s-cluster/tfvars/dev.tfvars and root-modules/k8s-cluster/tfvars/stage.tfvars
  • Stack config files and tfvars files must be equal to OpenTofu/Terraform workspace, e.g. stacks/dev.yaml and tfvars/dev.tfvars for a workspace named dev.
  • Common configs are placed in <root_modules_path>/<root_module>/stacks/common.yaml file (or var.common_config_file value). This is useful when you know that some values should be shared across all the stacks created for a root module. For example, all stacks that manage Spacelift Policies must use the administrative: true setting or all stacks must share the same labels.

We have an example of this structure in the examples/complete, which looks like the following:

├── root-modules
│   ├── spacelift-aws-role
│   │   ├── stacks
│   │   │   └── dev.yaml
│   │   │   └── stage.yaml
│   │   │   └── common.yaml
│   │   ├── tfvars
│   │   │   └── dev.tfvars
│   │   │   └── stage.tfvars
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── k8s-cluster
│   │   ├── stacks
│   │   │   └── dev.yaml
│   │   │   └── prod.yaml
│   │   │   └── common.yaml
│   │   ├── tfvars
│   │   │   └── dev.tfvars
│   │   │   └── prod.tfvars
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──

The spacelift-automation/ file looks something like this:

github_enterprise = {
  namespace = "masterpointio"
repository = "terraform-spacelift-automation"

# Stacks configurations
root_modules_path        = "root-modules"
all_root_modules_enabled = true

aws_integration_id = "ZDPP8SKNVG0G27T4"

The configuration above creates the following stacks:

  • spacelift-aws-role-dev
  • spacelift-aws-role-stage
  • k8s-cluster-dev
  • k8s-cluster-prod

These stacks have the following configuration:

  • Stacks track changes in GitHub repo, branch main (the default), and directrory root-modules.
  • Common configuration is defined in root-modules/spacelift-aws-role/stacks/common.yaml and applied to both Stacks. However, if there is an override in a Stack config (e.g. root-modules/spacelift-aws-role/stacks/dev.yaml), it takes precedence over common configs.
  • Corresponding Terraform variables are generated by an Initialization Hook and placed in the root of each Stack's working directory during each run or task. For example, the content of the file root-modules/spacelift-aws-role/tfvars/dev.tfvars will be copied to working directory of the Stack spacelift-aws-role-dev as file allowing the OpenTofu/Terraform inputs to be automatically loaded.
    • If you would like to disable this functionality, you can set tfvars.enabled in the Stack's YAML file to false.


This is a special case where each root module directory only manages one state file (instance). Each time you want to create a new instance of a root module, you need to create a new directory with the same code and change your inputs. We do not recommend this structure as it is less flexible and easily leads to anti-patterns, but it is supported.

Structure requirements:

  • Stack configs are placed in <root_modules_path>/<root_module>/stack.yaml directory. e.g. root-modules/rds-cluster/stack.yaml
  • Tfvars values are not supported in this structure. In this structure, we suggest you just add your tfvars as ***.auto.tfvars or hardcode your values directly in root module code.

Here is an example of this structure that we have in the examples/single-instance directory:

├── root-modules
│   ├── spacelift-automation
│   │   ├── stack.yaml
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── rds-cluster-dev
│   │   ├── stack.yaml
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── rds-cluster-prod
│   │   ├── stack.yaml
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── random-pet
│   │   ├── stack.yaml
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──

The configuration above creates the following Spacelift Stacks:

  • spacelift-automation
  • rds-cluster-dev
  • rds-cluster-prod
  • random-pet

These stacks will be configured using the settings in the stack.yaml file.


Can I create a Spacelift Stack for Spacelift Automation? (Recommended)

Spacelift Automation can manage itself as a Stack as well, and we recommend this so you can fully automate your Stack management upon merging to your given branch. Follow these steps to achieve that:

  1. Create a new vanilla OpenTofu/Terraform root module in <root_modules_path>/spacelift-automation that consumes this child module and supplies the necessary configuration for your unique setup. e.g.

    # root-modules/spacelift-automation/
    module "spacelift-automation" {
      source  = "masterpointio/automation/spacelift"
      version = "x.x.x" # Always pin a version, use the latest version from the release page.
      # GitHub configuration
      github_enterprise = {
        namespace = "masterpointio"
      repository = "your-infrastructure-repo"
      # Stacks configurations
      root_modules_path        = "../../root-modules"
      all_root_modules_enabled = true
      aws_integration_id = "ZDPP8SKNVG0G27T4"
  2. Optionally, create a Terraform workspace that will be used for your Automation configuration, e.g.:

    tofu workspace new main

    Remember that Stack config and tfvars file name must be equal to the workspace e.g. main.yaml and main.tfvars. If you choose not to create a new workspace, this can be default.yaml and default.tfvars.

  3. Apply the spacelift-automation root module.

  4. Move the Automation configs to the <root-modules>/spacelift-automation/stacks directory and push the changes to the tracked repo and branch.

  5. After pushed to your repo's tracked branch, Spacelift Automation will track the addition of new root modules and create Stacks for them.

Check out an example configuration in the examples/complete.

What goes in a Stack config file? e.g. stacks/dev.yaml, stacks/common.yaml, stack.yaml, and similar

Most settings that you would set on the Spacelift Stack resource are supported. Additionally, you can include certain automation settings that will override this module's defaults like automation_settings.default_tf_workspace_enabled, automation_settings.tfvars_enabled, space_name, and similar.

Below is a brief example. You can also see the full schema in our JSON Schema file.

kind: StackConfigV1
  administrative: true
  autodeploy: true
  autoretry: true
  description: "Production EKS cluster configuration"
    - "prod"

  terraform_version: "1.9.0"
  terraform_workflow_tool: "OPEN_TOFU"

  # Security and protection
  protect_from_deletion: true
  enable_local_preview: false

  # Hooks and scripts
    - "echo hello-world"
    - "./scripts/"

  default_tf_workspace_enabled: true
  tfvars_enabled: false

Why are variable values provided separately in tfvars/ and not in the yaml file?

This is to support easy local and outside-spacelift operations. Keeping variable values in a tfvars file per workspace allows you to simply pass that file to the relevant CLI command locally via the -var-file option so that you don't need to provide values individually. e.g. tofu plan -var-file=tfvars/dev.tfvars


Name Version
terraform >= 1.9
jsonschema >= 0.2.1
spacelift >= 1.14


Name Version
jsonschema 0.2.1
spacelift 1.19.1


Name Source Version
deep cloudposse/config/yaml//modules/deepmerge 1.0.2


Name Type
spacelift_aws_integration_attachment.default resource
spacelift_drift_detection.default resource
spacelift_stack.default resource
spacelift_stack_destructor.default resource
jsonschema_validator.runtime_overrides data source
spacelift_spaces.all data source


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_project_globs Project globs is an optional list of paths to track stack changes of outside of the project root. Push policies are another alternative to track changes in additional paths. set(string) [] no
administrative Flag to mark the stack as administrative bool false no
after_apply List of after-apply scripts list(string) [] no
after_destroy List of after-destroy scripts list(string) [] no
after_init List of after-init scripts list(string) [] no
after_perform List of after-perform scripts list(string) [] no
after_plan List of after-plan scripts list(string) [] no
after_run List of after-run (aka finally hook) scripts list(string) [] no
all_root_modules_enabled When set to true, all subdirectories in root_modules_path will be treated as root modules. bool false no
autodeploy Flag to enable/disable automatic deployment of the stack bool true no
autoretry Flag to enable/disable automatic retry of the stack bool false no
aws_integration_attachment_read Indicates whether this attachment is used for read operations. bool true no
aws_integration_attachment_write Indicates whether this attachment is used for write operations. bool true no
aws_integration_enabled Indicates whether the AWS integration is enabled. bool false no
aws_integration_id ID of the AWS integration to attach. string null no
before_apply List of before-apply scripts list(string) [] no
before_destroy List of before-destroy scripts list(string) [] no
before_init List of before-init scripts list(string) [] no
before_perform List of before-perform scripts list(string) [] no
before_plan List of before-plan scripts list(string) [] no
branch Specify which branch to use within the infrastructure repository. string "main" no
common_config_file Name of the common configuration file for the stack across a root module. string "common.yaml" no
default_tf_workspace_enabled Enables the use of default Terraform workspace instead of managing multiple workspaces within a root module.

NOTE: We encourage the use of Terraform workspaces to manage multiple environments.
However, you will want to disable this behavior if you're utilizing different backends for each instance
of your root modules (we call this "Dynamic Backends").
bool false no
description A description for the created Stacks. This is a template string that will be rendered with the final config object for the stack.
See the for full internals of that object and the documentation on templatestring for usage.
string "Root Module: ${root_module}\nProject Root: ${project_root}\nWorkspace: ${terraform_workspace}\nManaged by spacelift-automation Terraform root module." no
destructor_enabled Flag to enable/disable the destructor for the Stack. bool false no
drift_detection_enabled Flag to enable/disable Drift Detection configuration for a Stack. bool false no
drift_detection_ignore_state Controls whether drift detection should be performed on a stack
in any final state instead of just 'Finished'.
bool false no
drift_detection_reconcile Flag to enable/disable automatic reconciliation of drifts. bool false no
drift_detection_schedule The schedule for drift detection. list(string)
"0 4 * * *"
drift_detection_timezone The timezone for drift detection. string "UTC" no
enable_local_preview Indicates whether local preview runs can be triggered on this Stack. bool false no
enable_well_known_secret_masking Indicates whether well-known secret masking is enabled. bool true no
enabled_root_modules List of root modules where to look for stack config files.
Ignored when all_root_modules_enabled is true.
Example: ["spacelift-automation", "k8s-cluster"]
list(string) [] no
github_action_deploy Indicates whether GitHub users can deploy from the Checks API. bool true no
github_enterprise The GitHub VCS settings
namespace = string
id = optional(string)
null no
labels List of labels to apply to the stacks. list(string) [] no
manage_state Determines if Spacelift should manage state for this stack. bool false no
protect_from_deletion Protect this stack from accidental deletion. If set, attempts to delete this stack will fail. bool false no
repository The name of your infrastructure repo string n/a yes
root_module_structure The root module structure of the Stacks that you're reading in. See README for full details.

MultiInstance - You're using Workspaces or Dynamic Backend configuration to create multiple instances of the same root module code.
SingleInstance - You're using copies of a root module and your directory structure to create multiple instances of the same Terraform code.
string "MultiInstance" no
root_modules_path The path, relative to the root of the repository, where the root module can be found. string "root-modules" no
runner_image URL of the Docker image used to process Runs. Defaults to null which is Spacelift's standard (Alpine) runner image. string null no
runtime_overrides Runtime overrides that are merged into the stack config.
This allows for per-root-module overrides of the stack resources at runtime
so you have more flexibility beyond the variable defaults and the static stack config files.
Keys are the root module names and values match the StackConfig schema.
See stack-config.schema.json for full details on the schema and
tests/fixtures/multi-instance/root-module-a/stacks/default-example.yaml for a complete example.
any {} no
space_id Place the created stacks in the specified space_id. Mutually exclusive with space_name. string null no
space_name Place the created stacks in the specified space_name. Mutually exclusive with space_id. string null no
terraform_smart_sanitization Indicates whether runs on this will use terraform's sensitive value system to sanitize
the outputs of Terraform state and plans in spacelift instead of sanitizing all fields.
bool false no
terraform_version Terraform version to use. string "1.7.2" no
terraform_workflow_tool Defines the tool that will be used to execute the workflow.
string "OPEN_TOFU" no
worker_pool_id ID of the worker pool to use.
NOTE: worker_pool_id is required when using a self-hosted instance of Spacelift.
string null no


Name Description
spacelift_stacks A map of Spacelift stacks with selected attributes.
To reduce the risk of accidentally exporting sensitive data, only a subset of attributes is exported.


Contributions are welcome and appreciated!

Found an issue or want to request a feature? Open an issue

Want to fix a bug you found or add some functionality? Fork, clone, commit, push, and PR and we'll check it out.

If you have any issues or are waiting a long time for a PR to get merged then feel free to ping us at [email protected].

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