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Publish branch to npm

Publish a pre-release version of an npm package to the registry
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GitHub action to publish a pre-release version of an npm package to the registry.



A token that GitHub automatically creates and stores in a GITHUB_TOKEN secret to use in your workflow.


An npm access token. See


Does everything publish would do except actually publishing to the registry. Reports the details of what would have been published, see npm publish docs. dry_run is optional and defaults to false.


The SHA-1 hash of the commit to publish; this is set automatically and does not need to be provided, unless workflow_dispatch trigger is used (see below).


This action can be triggered by pull_request and workflow_dispatch event triggers:


Add the following step to your workflow job (after repo checkout, node setup, etc):

- name: Publish branch package to npm
  uses: wistia/[email protected]
    github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    npm_token: ${{ secrets.NPM_AUTH_TOKEN }}

github_token and npm_token are required inputs and this action cannot work without them.

When the action completes, you should see a comment like this in new Pull Requests:

pull request comment

If new commits are pushed to to a pre-existing branch, the comment will update itself with the new version instructions.


This action can also be triggered manually.

        description: 'SHA-1 hash of the commit to publish'
        required: true
- name: Publish branch package to npm
  uses: wistia/publish-branch-to-npm@mew/debugging
    github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    npm_token: ${{ secrets.NPM_AUTH_TOKEN }}
    commit_hash: ${{ github.event.inputs.commit_hash }}

Now if you visit the Actions tab in GitHub, and click on your workflow, there should now be a Run workflow button:

workflow dispatch trigger

As opposed to the pull_request event trigger which can derrive commit_hash, here it must be provided. The commit used does not need to be merged to the default branch (ie. main) but it does need to be present in a branch accessible to GitHub.

When the action completes, you should see an annotation that looks like this:

workflow dispatch annotation


Releasing new versions to GitHub Marketplace

It's easiest to just use npm to manage the versioning:

  1. npm version [major, minor, patch]* (note: this will update the version field in package.json, create a tag with the new version number, run a build & commit those changes)
  2. git push origin head --tags
  3. visit the release page, click Draft new release and fill out form

Read more about publishing actions in GitHub Marketplace.

Publish branch to npm is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Publish a pre-release version of an npm package to the registry

Publish branch to npm is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.