Api Rest with Nest + Hexagonal Architecture + DDD & CQRS.
Configuration for development.
Copy .env.example to .env and configure it.
Execute docker compose:
docker compose up
- Run migrations:
docker compose run app npm run mikroorm migration:up
- Create user with google (check oauth2 section). It's to get a token from google and it allow you to use the endpoint /api/v1/auth/login to log in to the application.
After running docker compose up, the application will be available at http://localhost:4000
To generate migrations run the next command:
docker compose run app npm run mikroorm migration:create
To execute migrations run the next command:
docker compose run app npm run mikroorm migration:up
To obtain a test token, go to Google OAuth Playground (https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground) and select 'Use your own OAuth credentials'. Then, use the Google OAuth2 API v2.
To consume async domain events you need to run the next command:
make run-consume-domain-events
Follow the readme in .k8s/README.md