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c4563d3 · Nov 8, 2021


325 lines (156 loc) · 8.33 KB

File metadata and controls

325 lines (156 loc) · 8.33 KB

Windows Command Line

dir --list files directories in current directory

mkdir rst, test --make two directories at current folder, called rst & test

cls --clear screen

System Info

where python --show file path of a program

tree --show tree structure of current directory and within

systeminfo --show every details about your computer

shutdown -f -t 636 --time shutdown. -f refers to force shutdown; -t refers to time in seconds

Output as Text

systeminfo >c:\systeminfo.txt --output cmd output to text file. Needs admin access

Run as Executable

Create a .cmd file, save commands in the file and double click it.


Zip File With Password

zip -er ./ cd to directory and use the code. enter pw.

for loops

for i in $( ls ); do echo $i; done

Show / Hide hidden folders/files

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

killall Finder

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO

killall Finder

Get Password

security find-generic-password -ga "WiFi_Name" --show wifi password

Some Commands

ifconfig | less --show ip address, less make it output line by line. Press "q" to quit.

sudo su --change to root user

echo $PATH --prints out path variables

ls -a --list all directories & files (including hidden ones)

ls -1 --change to vertical view (number 1)

ls -l --list date of modification & read/write, etc. (letter L)

cd --go back one directory before

cd .. --go up one level

cd ~ --go back to login base directory

cd \ --go back to system root directory

cd ~desktop --go to desktop directory

cd /java1.8* --* is a wild card

open . --open current directory in Finder

ls --list files and directories

brew list --list of packages installed using homebrew

clear --clear screen

mkdir -p folder1/folder2/folder3 --make nested directories

sudo rm -r directoryname --delete directory and descending files, but WITH a prompt

sudo rm -rf directoryname --delete directory and descending files, but WITHOUT a prompt. rf = recursive, force.

rmdir projectfolder --delete folder if empty

apt list --installed --check installed software in Ubuntu

unzip --unzip file

sudo mv target/ ~/ --cut and paste file from current directory to ~/

sudo cp target/ ~/ --copy and paste file from current directory to ~/

sudo rm target/ --delete file

history | grep "iodbctest" --search history of a particular command

tail -f filename --live updates from a particular file, eg. error logs


chmod 777 dirOrfile -- 777: no restriction for all `(rwxrwxrwx)

chmod -R 777 dirOrfile -- grant 777 permissions to all files/folders in directory

TMUX (Terminal Multiplexer)

tmux --quick start for a tmux session

tmux new -s session_name --start a commandline session direct in the os, will not be subjected to timeout if any.

Ctrl + B (release then select) " --split horizontally

Ctrl + B (release then select) % --split vertically

Ctrl + B (release then select) arrow-key --switch to another window

Ctrl + B (release then select) CTRL + arrow-key --adjust window size

Ctrl + B (release then select) [ --scroll up and down within a window with arrow keys

Ctrl + D --close window / alternatively, type exit

tmux a-t session_name --go back to same session



Command+D --Split current window vertically

Command+Shift+D --Split current window horizontally

Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right/Up/Down --Move between window (panes)

Ctrl+D Close window (pane). Could also type exit

Command+Alt+2/3/4 Switch to iTerm window number 2 (or 3, 4, etc)

Command+T New window in new tab

Command+Left/Right Move between tabs


Ctrl+alt+t --open Terminator

Ctrl + shift + o --split horizontal

Ctrl + shift + e --split vertical

Cron Job in Mac

Key thing is to store the cronjob statement into a file called crontab at the root. Add MAILTO="" to the top so that email will not be sent to the terminal.

* * * * *  command to execute
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └─── day of week (0 - 6) (0 to 6 are Sunday to Saturday, or use names; 7 is Sunday, the same as 0)
│ │ │ └──────── month (1 - 12)
│ │ └───────────── day of month (1 - 31)
│ └────────────────── hour (0 - 23)
└─────────────────────── min (0 - 59)

0 10-16 * * 1-5 /path/to/script/ --every hour from 10am to 4pm, Mon to Fri

*/5 * * * * /path/to/script/ --every 5 minutes

crontab -l --list of cronjobs

env EDITOR=nano crontab -e --edit cronjobs in nano

*/10 * * * * /Users/xx/anaconda3/bin/python /path/to/script/ --run python script

Live editor:


ipconfig getifaddr en0 -- get wifi ip address

sudo systemsetup -getremotelogin -- checks if ssh remote login is on/off

sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin on -- enable ssh

ssh [email protected] -- from another computer, enter ssh followed by username@ip_address

TextEdit editor

open -a TextEdit .bash_profile

Manipulating Files

cat test.txt --prints out entire file contents

less test.txt --prints out a small portion of file contents. arrow up-down to scroll. Q to quit.

head test.txt --prints first 5 lines of the file

touch test.txt --create new file

> filename.txt --create new file

mv test.txt test1.txt --rename file from test to test1

echo "hello there" >> test.txt --append text to file. create file if not exist.

echo "hello there" > test.txt --replace text to file's contents. create file if not exist.

NANO text editor

nano .bash_profile --open bash profile; in Mac

nano ~/.profile --open bash profile; in Ubuntu

ctrl + o --save / press enter after this command

ctrl + x --exit

ctrl + D --close python, pyspark session

alt + / --scroll to end of file (Win)

CTRL + e --go to end of line (Mac)

F6 or Ctrl+W --search

Shift + Insert --paste from clipboard

Alt + U --undo

CTRL + Spacebar --move cursor to next word

UBUNTU installation

sudo apt-get update --update latest package versions

sudo apt-get install package_name --install package

sudo apt-get remove package_name --uninstall package, keep config files

sudo apt-get purge package_name --uninstall package, remove config files

sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove package_name --uninstall package, remove config files and it's dependencies

apt list --installed --list installed packages

apt list --installed tableau"*" --list install package, using a wild card

apt list --installed | less --list installed packages, line by line. press q to exit

sudo dpkg -i installer_name --install .deb installers (-i = install)

dpkg -l --list installed packages

dpkg -l | grep installer_name --list specific package


pwd --show full directory path (print working directory)

locate filename --locate all file names containing the word, includes full path

which bash --shows path where command/exe is installed in

sudo find / -name "*iodbc*" --find packages


nano ~\.bashrc --create & open bashrc file

alias npp='notepad++' --assign an alias in the file

source ~\.bashrc --reload file


hdfs dfs -- show all commands

hdfs dfs -ls --list directory contents in hdfs

hdfs dfs -put foldername foldername --copy folder and all contents from edge and paste in hdfs datanode


new-item newfile.txt --create new file. Note to type in file when prompted "type" after pressing enter.
