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75 lines (65 loc) · 2.25 KB

File metadata and controls

75 lines (65 loc) · 2.25 KB


Barbiche supports:

  • text and HTML insertion
  • conditions (if and optional else)
  • aliases
  • loops
  • flexible subtemplate imports
  • attribute setting
  • class setting

Barbiche has a complete test suite that can be run in your browser.


We ask Barbiche to merge some data into an HTML template:

<template id="test">
	<div bb-alias="items[1].name: 'name'" bb-class="customClass">
		<ul bb-attr="my_replace(attrValue): 'attr-name'">
			<template bb-repeat="items: 'item'">
				<li bb-if="" bb-class="[item.species || 'unknown', (_item_ == 0): 'first']">
					{{}} (index: {{_item_}})
		<span>{{item.join(', ').toUpperCase()}}</span>
var barbiche = Barbiche();
var frag = barbiche('test').merge({
	customClass: "my-class",
	"items": [
		{species: "hen", name: "Elsa", show: true},
		{species: "cat", name: "Jacynthe", show: false},
		{species: null, name: "Zaza", show: true}
	item: ["hen", "cat", "dog", "spider"],
	some_html: "<div><p>This is...</p><p>...some HTML.</p></div>",
	my_replace: function(str) {return str.replace(/o/g, "O");},
	attrValue: "lunchroom"

The returned document fragment can then be inserted anywhere you want. It contains:

<div class="my-class">
	<ul attr-name="lunchrOOm">
		<li class="hen first">Elsa (index: 0)</li>
		<li class="unknown">Zaza (index: 2)</li>
	<span>HEN, CAT, DOG, SPIDER</span>
	<div><p>This is...</p><p>...some HTML.</p></div>

Browser support

Barbiche requires support of <template> element and basic support of element.classList API. Here is the support table:

Native (v2 & v3) Polyfilled (v2) Polyfilled (v3)
Chrome ≥26 ≥15 ≥26
Firefox ≥22 ≥22 ≥22
IE/Edge No support ≥9 ≥11
Opera ≥15 ≥11.6 ≥15
Safari ≥9 ≥6.2 ≥6.2

Polyfills, once minified and gzipped, weight an additionnal 2KB.