using memory vs calldata reduces contract code size significantly
using memory vs calldata reduces contract code size significantly
further contract size reduction
further contract size reduction
further gas optimizations
further gas optimizations
further size optimizations
further size optimizations
reduce code size further
reduce code size further
convert more require to if/revert
convert more require to if/revert
rename ERC7211155 to ERC721MM
rename ERC7211155 to ERC721MM
use revert errors rather than strings
use revert errors rather than strings
add erc1155 minting to ERC7211155CreatorImplementation
add erc1155 minting to ERC7211155CreatorImplementation
add CreatorCore implementation of ERC7211155
add CreatorCore implementation of ERC7211155
initial token implementation for erc721/1155 combo contract
initial token implementation for erc721/1155 combo contract
compute create2 salt based on all input params
compute create2 salt based on all input params
update deployment proxy to support adding admins on deploy
update deployment proxy to support adding admins on deploy
add ability to deploy and register extensions in one transaction
add ability to deploy and register extensions in one transaction
emit event for contract creation
emit event for contract creation
add deployment proxy script
add deployment proxy script
chore: format contracts using forge formatter
chore: format contracts using forge formatter