All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
6.0.5 (2023-11-27)
- typescript returned type, use specific axios version (c6329ea)
6.0.4 (2023-07-24)
- content-length header for GET requests (be51c9d)
6.0.3 (2023-07-12)
- deps-dev: bump webpack from 5.72.1 to 5.76.0 (9b66c92)
- deps: bump jose in /examples/firebase/functions (4854e8d)
- deps: bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 (366f3c8)
- deps: bump jsonwebtoken and firebase-admin (6d58037)
- deps: bump loader-utils from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 (d72014e)
6.0.2 (2023-01-31)
- named export missing parameter (2f7b040)
- update Readme (9a3471d)
- add new built files (882349a)
6.0.1 (2023-01-09)
- types: Fix TypeScript imports (02fe5e9)
- Update TypeScript examples in Readme (9c202d0)
- Update TypeScript declaration for SendEmail Body type (42f49d1)
6.0.0 (2022-12-27)
- Update Readme (29bb64f)
- Update TypeScript namings in the code and tests (904735d)
5.1.1 (2022-07-27)
- Add application example with using Firebase Functions and Mailjet lib (690ff1e)
- Add mention about Firebase application example to README (0154a0a)
5.1.0 (2022-07-22)
- Add full TypeScript cover for Mailjet types (784c4cd)
- Change global and TypeScript rules (fa4fb60)
- Update TypeScript documentation part; Add example of using Mailjet types (15f2d11)
- Change webpack dependency terser package 5.0.0 - 5.14.1 (959018a)
5.0.1 (2022-06-30)
- Add standard-version updater for README (e615ff7)
- Add VersionBump script (f2ed676)
- Move standard-version config from package.json to .versionrc.js (122e4a5)
5.0.0 (2022-06-24)
- PreparePackage script (57730b8)
- Replace superagent http client with axios (54c06d0)
- Update "request" method signature in the class Request (bbed64a)
- Update integration tests (39d4cb5)
- Update unit and integration tests after change Request.request method (5362aa5)
- Update unit tests for Client and Request (87c456e)
- Update "sendmail" example (0393327)
- Update auto-generated TypeScript docs (758d080)
- Update auto-generated TypeScript docs after change Request.request method (d0ee581)
- Update example for browser (024484b)
- Update example for NodeJS (34a449a)
- Update example for ReactJS (bc120ba)
- Update examples after change Request.request method (578a59c)
- Update README (6eb525d)
- Update README after change Request.request method (35df465)
- Move PreparePackage script to scripts folder (41b07f1)
- Update library bundle (5d40aa7)
- Update library bundle after change Request.request method (34e85e0)
4.0.1 (2022-06-14)
- Typo in readme (80a2902)
4.0.0 (2022-06-10)
- Add commitlint (8ef0b9e)
- Add husky (a707dee)
- Add init and link scripts to package scripts (52a149d)
- Add standard-version to auto-generate changelog file (487e580)
- Add public methods for accessing private properties in Client (1410adc)
- Add TypeScript class access modificators in Request (f7c8974)
- Update Unit and Integration test after updated Client (b9783f2)
- Update auto-generated TypeScript docs (612145f)
- Update main README; Update README for browser-side examples (f39112f)
- Update README (41aae6a)
- Update README for node example (efa90ff)
- Update README for react example (c98e61c)
- Update dist with applied changes from Client and changed TS types (eb4dfdf)