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Releases: makamys/CoreTweaks

CoreTweaks 0.3

30 Dec 08:17
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  • Refactored config file to be more organized. Old config files are automatically migrated to the new format.
    • Each feature now has its own category, and each category has an option named _enabled that toggles that feature.
    • Every feature can be enabled, disabled or force-enabled
    • Features incompatible with other mods are automatically disabled (in case of FoamFix, the incompatible feature on FoamFix's side gets forcibly disabled.) The mod should now work out of the box with other mods.
    • Added toggles for each major category (bugfix, optimization and tweak), allowing you to disable all features in them at once.
  • Merged in backport5160 (and converted it to mixins.)
  • Added option to change the 30 second time limit of sprinting
  • Fixed getPendingChunkUpdates not working as intended (dropping some block updates when chunks are unloaded, sometimes performing poorly and wasting some RAM.)
  • Added limit to the size of the transformer and jar discoverer cache. When it's reached, old entries get purged.
  • Removed half-baked clientChunkMap option
  • Removed diagnostic features. These have been moved to a separate mod, DTools.

CoreTweaks 0.2.6_3

29 Oct 18:28
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  • Made full class transformer cache also verify input
  • Renamed cache files to use .cache file extension and be more consistent

CoreTweaks 0.2.6_2

27 Oct 18:31
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  • Improved error checking of transformer and jar discoverer cache

CoreTweaks 0.2.6_1

22 Aug 17:31
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  • Fixed LightFixStare causing lag spikes when moving the camera while looking at the sky

CoreTweaks 0.2.6

22 Aug 08:06
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  • Added tweak to set TCP_NODELAY to true, improving latency when playing multiplayer. This does the same thing as TcpNoDelayMod, only on the server side as well.
  • Added continue button to the main menu that loads the last played world (disabled by default)
  • Fixed LightFixStare crashing servers, again.

Debug utilities:

  • Added JVM flag to automatically load a world upon startup
  • Added JVM flag to launch game minimized (only on Windows)
  • Added JVM flag to launch game on a certain virtual desktop (only on Linux)
  • Added /coretweaks waiaa command that shows the coordinates of the block the crosshair is above, as well as the chunk it is in.
  • Improved in-game documentation of /coretweaks command
  • Improved frame profiler
    • It now also records updateRenderers start time, chunk update count, and currently open GUI
    • Cleaned up the analyzer script, and added new features:
      • --graph-chunk-update-time: Shows a histogram of chunk update time
      • --graph-fps: Shows a histogram of FPS (restricted to when no chunk updates are happening and no GUI is open)
      • --graph-render-sections: Shows a line graph of frametime over time, similarly to OptiFine's lagometer
      • --summarize-fps: Prints FPS statistics
    • Added option to start the game with the frame profiler enabled
  • Improved method profiler
    • It is now started and stopped with a command
    • It now always uses the same name for the output file

CoreTweaks 0.2.5

07 Jul 15:43
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  • Added wireframe render debug feature
  • Properly fixed FoamFix incompatibility. The previous fix made CoreTweaks's jarDiscovererCache tweak fail to get applied sometimes.
  • Config is now reloaded when the world is restarted. This can be used to change some options without having to restart the game, but it only works if the option was enabled when the game was started. This will be expanded upon in the future.

CoreTweaks 0.2.4

03 Jul 19:04
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  • Fixed incompatibility with FoamFix's jarDiscovererMemoryLeakFix
  • Slightly tweaked render tick time printer's output

CoreTweaks 0.2.3

27 Jun 16:53
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  • Improved some things about the crash handler
    • Fixed infinite loop if a crash happens in the crash handler GUI
    • Improved handling of exceptions that occur during restoring state
    • Added a few more ways of restoring state
  • Fixed LightFixStare crashing servers
  • Added rudimentary frame time printer
  • Added option to disable fog
  • Added option to uncap the max lengths of the world creation GUI's text fields
  • Fixed log4j not being used for some prints

CoreTweaks 0.2.2

16 Mar 15:13
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  • Fixed rare crash when lightFixStare is enabled.
  • Added fix for Forge crashing when certain invalid URLs are posted in chat (fixForgeChatLinkCrash). It's disabled by default as I realized Hodgepodge already does this.

CoreTweaks 0.2.1

25 Dec 17:59
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  • Reimplemented some mixins to Forge classes using ASM. Fixes crash with Bugtorch and Hodgepodge.
  • Made method profiler less broken. The erroneously named frameProfilerMethods config option has been renamed to profilerMethods.
  • Tweaked transformers to fail less violently