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Releases: machulav/ec2-github-runner


29 Aug 21:11
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This release introduces:

  • Use pre-installed GitHub runner on the AMI (#38)
  • Update the runner version to the latest one (#67)

A big thank you to @jpalomaki for the contribution 🙏


29 Jun 23:16
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This release contains fixes for the following bugs: #46, #32, #47.

This time a big thank you goes to @davinchia for discovering and fixing the #46! 🙏


22 Apr 17:49
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This release introduces ARM64 support for the runner (#37).
Now you can use ARM-based EC2 instances to run your jobs.

A big thank you to @theopolis for the contribution and @mikemhenry for testing! 🙏


24 Feb 16:47
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This release introduces the following things: #25, #24, #28, #26, #30, #31, #33, and some other small fixes.

A big thank you to @hajapy for the implementation of the new features and the bug fixes! 🙏


15 Jan 17:04
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This release improves the following things:

  • Allow the users to be more flexible in the choice of Linux distribution and tools during the AMI preparation;
  • Reduce the EC2 runner creation time as all the necessary tools will be already installed on the AMI;
  • Improve documentation.

NOTE: As we already have active users and the new version is not backward compatible with the previous versions, the new major version is introduced.

In order to migrate to this version, please install docker and git and then enable the docker service.
See more details in the documentation: How to start → 3. Prepare EC2 image


07 Jan 19:54
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This release introduces the following things:

  • Run GitHub runner script using the root user. Instead of creating a new user for that purpose, which causes many issues with permissions.
  • Install and start docker to be able to run Docker container actions.
  • Install git to run actions that require additional git manipulations.

NOTE: To reduce the scope of changes and testing, I limited supported Linux distribution to only Amazon Linux 2.
In the future, I'm going to add support for the other distributive if required. As we don't have the active user's yet, we don't introduce a major version.


30 Dec 12:57
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This release introduces the following things:

  • The action for EC2 runner termination is more stable now.

Initial release

21 Dec 13:28
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