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Public habit tracker

Telegram bot for habit tracking with collaboration features.

Development stage: not released yet.

How to run the bot

Via Docker

Credentials for Telegram API, Postgresql and Redis are stored in the .env file. There is an almost ready file called .env.example for running the bot, which contains all necessary variables, except for the BOT_TOKEN. Just copy the sample file:

cp .env.example .env

Then you need to change host addresses from to pht-redis and pht-db respectively and fill in the BOT_TOKEN value with your bot token, that can be obtained from BotFather.

To run the bot with Postgresql and Redis, run:

sudo docker-compose up

Locally (useful for development)


You also need Postgresql and Redis to run the bot. You can create Docker containers with them with these commands:

docker run -p 5432:5432 --name pht-db -e POSTGRES_DB=pht-db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d postgres
docker run -d --name pht-redis -p 6379:6379 redis # Note: no persistence here

After creating containers, you can always start them like this (e.g. after rebooting):

docker start pht-redis pht-db

Credentials for Telegram API, Postgresql and Redis are stored in the .env file. There is an almost ready file called .env.example to run the bot, which contains all necessary variables, except for the BOT_TOKEN. Just copy the sample file:

cp .env.example .env

Then fill in the BOT_TOKEN value with your bot token, that can be obtained from BotFather. If you've created Postgresql and Redis containers with instructions above, then other variables are already set correct.

To run the bot with poetry virtual environment, run:

poetry env use 3.10
poetry install
poetry run python

You also can use the standard Python's venv module instead of poetry's virtual environment:

sudo apt install python3.10 python3.10-venv
python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
poetry install

Development notes

If you want to contribute to this project, feel free to send pull requests. This project uses black, "The Uncompromising Code Formatter". Please, format your code with it before submitting a PR. You can easily set up a file watcher in your IDE to format the code with black every time you save a file.

A useful command for recreating the database:

# this command will DROP ALL DATA from the db
docker exec -it pht-db /bin/bash -c "dropdb -f -U postgres pht-db; createdb -U postgres pht-db"