Name | Code | Description |
t_event_name | subtype t_event_name is varchar2(30); |
t_executable_type | subtype t_executable_type is varchar2(30); |
t_test_result | subtype t_test_result is binary_integer range 0 .. 3; |
t_rollback_type | subtype t_rollback_type is binary_integer range 0 .. 1; |
t_version | type t_version is record( |
t_clob_tab | type t_clob_tab is table of clob; |
Name | Code | Description |
gc_version | gc_version constant varchar2(50) := 'v3.1.2.1964-develop'; |
utPLSQL - Version 3
Copyright 2016 - 2017 utPLSQL Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"):
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
function surround_with(a_value varchar2, a_quote_char varchar2) return varchar2
Procedure: validate_rollback_type
Validates passed value against supported rollback types
procedure validate_rollback_type(a_rollback_type number)
Converts test results into strings
function test_result_to_char(a_test_result integer) return varchar2
Name | Description |
a_test_result |
numeric representation of test result |
return | a string representation of a test_result. |
Generates a unique name for a savepoint
Uses sys_guid, as timestamp gives only miliseconds on Windows and is not unique
Issue: #506 for details on the implementation approach
function gen_savepoint_name return varchar2
Splits a given string into table of string by delimiter.
The delimiter gets removed.
If null passed as any of the parameters, empty table is returned.
If no occurence of a_delimiter found in a_text then text is returned as a single row of the table.
If no text between delimiters found then an empty row is returned, example:
string_to_table( 'a,,b', ',' ) gives table ut_varchar2_list( 'a', null, 'b' );
function string_to_table(a_string varchar2, a_delimiter varchar2:= chr(10), a_skip_leading_delimiter varchar2 := 'N') return ut_varchar2_list
Name | Description |
a_string |
the text to be split. |
a_delimiter |
the delimiter character or string |
a_skip_leading_delimiter |
determines if the leading delimiter should be ignored, used by clob_to_table |
return | table of varchar2 values |
Splits a given string into table of string by delimiter.
Default value of a_max_amount is 8191 because of code can contains multibyte character.
The delimiter gets removed.
If null passed as any of the parameters, empty table is returned.
If split text is longer than a_max_amount it gets split into pieces of a_max_amount.
If no text between delimiters found then an empty row is returned, example:
string_to_table( 'a,,b', ',' ) gives table ut_varchar2_list( 'a', null, 'b' );
function clob_to_table(a_clob clob, a_max_amount integer := 8191, a_delimiter varchar2:= chr(10)) return ut_varchar2_list
Name | Description |
a_clob |
the text to be split. |
a_delimiter |
the delimiter character or string (default chr(10) ) |
a_max_amount |
the maximum length of returned string (default 8191) |
return | table of varchar2 values |
Returns time difference in seconds (with miliseconds) between given timestamps
function time_diff(a_start_time timestamp with time zone, a_end_time timestamp with time zone) return number
Returns a text indented with spaces except the first line.
function indent_lines(a_text varchar2, a_indent_size integer := 4, a_include_first_line boolean := false) return varchar2
Returns a list of object that are part of utPLSQL framework
function get_utplsql_objects_list return ut_object_names
Append a item to the end of ut_varchar2_list
procedure append_to_list(a_list in out nocopy ut_varchar2_list, a_item varchar2)
Set session's action and module using dbms_application_info
procedure set_action(a_text in varchar2)
Set session's client info using dbms_application_info
procedure set_client_info(a_text in varchar2)
Converts version string into version record
function to_version(a_version_no varchar2) return t_version
Name | Description |
a_version_no |
string representation of version in format vX.X.X.X where X is a positive integer |
return | t_version record with up to four positive numbers containing version |
throws 20214 if passed version string is not matching version pattern
Saves data from dbms_output buffer into a global temporary table (cache)
used to store dbms_output buffer captured before the run
procedure save_dbms_output_to_cache
Reads data from global temporary table (cache) abd puts it back into dbms_output
used to recover dbms_output buffer data after a run is complete
procedure read_cache_to_dbms_output
Function is used to reference to utPLSQL owned objects in dynamic sql statements executed from packages with invoker rights
function ut_owner return varchar2
Name | Description |
return | the name of the utPSQL schema owner |
Used in dynamic sql select statements to maintain balance between
number of hard-parses and optimiser accurancy for cardinality of collections
function scale_cardinality(a_cardinality natural) return natural
Name | Description |
return | 3, for inputs of: 1-9; 33 for input of 10 - 99; 333 for (100 - 999) |
Returns number as string. The value is represented as decimal according to XML standard:
function to_xml_number_format(a_value number) return varchar2
It takes a collection of type ut_varchar2_list and it trims the characters passed as arguments for every element
function trim_list_elements(a_list IN ut_varchar2_list, a_regexp_to_trim in varchar2 default '[:space:]') return ut_varchar2_list
It takes a collection of type ut_varchar2_list and it only returns the elements which meets the regular expression
function filter_list(a_list IN ut_varchar2_list, a_regexp_filter in varchar2) return ut_varchar2_list
Replaces multi-line comments in given source-code with empty lines
function replace_multiline_comments(a_source clob) return clob